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Phase II
4 D Technology Corporation
SBIR Phase II: High-Resolution Shop Floor Video-Rate Surface Metrology System
3280 E Hemisphere Loop, Ste 146
Tucson, AZ 85706-5024
NSF Award
1556049 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
03/01/2016 – 09/30/2019
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will develop and produce a robust, hand-held, video-rate three-dimensional surface metrology system with vertical and lateral resolution of several micrometers, in order to bridge a critical existing metrology gap for precision-machined surfaces. Many modern manufactured parts, such as turbine blades, drive shafts, orthopedics, and various additive manufactured components require in-situ metrology with high resolution for accurate characterization during manufacturing and/or maintenance operations. Current high-resolution surface measurement systems are slow, vibration-sensitive and laboratory-based and thus are impractical for everyday use by manufacturing technicians. Meanwhile, shop-floor inspection is often only visual, and thus qualitative rather than quantitative, leading both to rejections of acceptable components as well as potential acceptance of failing ones. The absence of high-precision, in-situ metrology has hindered manufacturers from applying real-time data analysis and closed-loop process controls that can improve yields and reduce manufacturing costs. This research program will yield a hand-held, easy-to-use, robust, and quantitative shop-floor measurement system, allowing manufacturers to improve lifetimes, performance, and yield as they rapidly assess the features under test and feed the results back to improve process control.
During Phase I, a breadboard system was designed and implemented using a polarization-based fringe projection method and micropolarizer phase-mask technology to achieve vibration insensitive measurement in a compact package. This Phase II program leverages that research to design a video-rate, compact, robust and portable system for handheld surface measurements in shop-floor environments. This will first involve improvements to measurement resolution with an improved optical design and new self-calibrating measurement modes; new optical elements will lower noise artifacts caused by imperfections in the earlier design and to reduce system size. Once performance of the new design is verified, an ergonomic, compact, robust, wireless housing for the instrument must be created to enable shop-floor use; the system must handle drops of over one meter onto concrete, have useful battery life for extended field operations, be light enough to not fatigue users and have intuitive controls and feedback. A final, critically important development effort will create automated software routines for measurement, analysis, and system diagnostics to enable adoption by unskilled personnel in manufacturing environments. Lastly, extensive applications testing in the field will allow optimization of the system to handle a wide range of potential use cases and environments. -
SBIR Phase II: Innovative High Throughput Automated System for Individualized Poultry Vaccination and Recognition and Removal of Unhealthy Chicks
2804 Glen Burnie Dr
Raleigh, NC 27607-3009
NSF Award
1758659 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
02/01/2018 – 06/30/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project has the potential to help enhance disease resistance in poultry and increase yields due to the delivery of only healthy, fully vaccinated chicks to farms. These healthier chicks will reduce the need for antibiotics in poultry, aiding to combat antimicrobial resistance. This technology has immediate applications in other food animal industries and fisheries, and allows for data capture on numbers of animals and types of treatments given. Broader applications would include any image capture and analysis that relies on analytics to identify target areas for delivery of substances to live animals or humans.
This SBIR Phase II project will allow for the advancement and commercialization of imaging technologies for the use of screening and targeting live animals. This proposal brings innovation in the care of food animals allowing for producers to move away from flock health and focus on the care of individual animals. This will be a dramatic change for the poultry industry, but is necessary in the face of antibiotic removal to be able to improve the current vaccination efficiencies and screen chicks for health status. Individualized care is currently not possible due to the high throughput needed to keep pace with large scale commercial hatchery operation. The technical challenges this proposal will overcome include 1) the safe and effective handling of chicks in an automated system that can process 100,000 chicks per hour, 2) the development of imaging systems for health checks and target recognition, 3) the delivery of the appropriate dose of vaccine with the correct amount of agents (virus, bacteria, parasite, and other agents) while not damaging the agents during delivery, and 4) development of a system that is rugged and robust enough to survive in a hatchery environment. -
SBIR Phase II: High-yield Fermentation of Sugars to Levulinic Acid
3421 Thorndyke Ave W
Seattle, WA 98119-0000
NSF Award
1256625 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/15/2013 – 09/30/2016
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This Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project focuses on the development of a high-yield fermentation route for the production of levulinic acid (LA). LA is one of the best-suited C5 building blocks for bio-refinery production due to higher value, broad applications, and likely quick adoption by the chemical industry. During Phase I, this project has designed and experimentally validated the concept of a novel fermentation pathway for the production of LA. The focus of this Phase II work will be to transition from this technical proof-of-concept to the development of a lab-scale fermentation process. The limiting enzymatic steps in the designed pathway will first be optimized to reach levels of activity consistent with the flux/yield required for economical production. Variants of the designed pathway incorporating the original and optimized enzymes will subsequently be cloned into suitable fermentation organism(s). Using computational and experimental metabolic engineering tools, knock-out and knock-down mutations will be performed to further optimize flux/yield in the pathway while optimizing for host cell growth. This work represents the first commercial application of enzyme design to rationally engineer novel metabolic pathway that do not have any natural counterpart, bringing us closer to the dream of designer cell factories.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is the advancement of a U.S. green chemistry industry and to allow America to take the lead in the commercial production of a new renewable chemical building block. The lack of a high-yield alternative to costly thermo-chemical processes has been preventing widespread adoption of levulinic acid (LA). Because LA can be converted, chemically or biochemically, to synthetic rubber (through isoprene and butenes), bio-fuels (such as kerosene and HMF), polymers (for instance, nylons) and polymer additives (for changing polymer characteristics), the addressable market is in excess of $20B annually. When considered as the end product, LA trades at a considerable higher price than ethanol, the current product of most commercial bio-refineries, and thus can help diversify their product offering and considerably increase their margins. -
SBIR Phase II: A computational and experimental platform for the automated design of organisms used in the production of biochemicals
3421 Thorndyke Ave W
Seattle, WA 98119-0000
NSF Award
1456372 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
03/01/2015 – 09/30/2020
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is to develop a platform to rapidly design synthetic organisms to produce biochemicals, which will replace environmentally harmful, ecologically inefficient industrial chemical processes. The technology developed in this proposal will provide a competitive edge in the rapid engineering of synthetic organisms to produce biochemicals by fermentation that are currently produced from oil (reducing our CO2 emissions) or extracted from natural species (reducing our taxing load on existing ecosystems). This technology also has the potential to be used for the manufacture of drugs, and to engineer novel organisms to improve crop production and therefore help address the mounting challenges of providing food to a growing world population without tapping too much in Earth's resources. Commercially, the chemicals that will be enabled by application of the technology developed during the Phase I program open up billion dollar markets that are currently inaccessible to the chemical industry.
This SBIR Phase II project proposes to develop a platform that combines computational enzyme design with systems biology to create a fully integrated system for the design and testing of novel cell factories for the production of bulk and fine chemicals. During the Phase I project, the company, in collaboration with the University of Washington, has successfully developed a high-performance software code to rapidly design novel metabolic pathways to produce any target chemical from central metabolism. In Phase II, the company will further advance the concept by (1) developing a high-performance pathway prioritization module to estimate each designed pathway yield and impact on organism metabolism in the context of whole-genome models and (2) use the software platform to design libraries of pathways for the production of a variety of specialty chemical targets that are commercially valuable and not known to be produced by fermentation at scale. Then, (3) using an experimental screening setup, the DNA for all the proposed pathways will be assembled screened at high-throughput for detectable production of the target chemicals. -
SBIR Phase II: Spatially Modulated Light For Trapping And Addressing Of Alkaline-Earth Neutral Atom Qubits
Oakland, CA 94605-5736
NSF Award
1951188 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/01/2020 – 03/31/2022
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The broader impact of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will result from the development of a scalable, universal quantum computing platform. The range of applications are broad and will expand in parallel with the development of new quantum algorithms, with initial applications including molecular simulations for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, currently limited by the approximations necessary to make calculations tractable for classical computers. In order to perform these simulations at a scale useful for commercial applications, quantum computing must be significantly scaled. The proposed system will develop a new method to trap and control individual atoms for scaling of quantum computers.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will develop technology for parallel, high-fidelity single- and multi-qubit gates in neutral atom quantum computers. The technology will enable neutral atoms as a platform for scalable quantum computing technology with fault-tolerant capabilities. The proposed project includes: 1) development of systems to control atomic qubits in parallel; 2) a methodology to enact high-fidelity gates; and 3) development of necessary infrastructure for a cloud-accessed quantum computer. With a previously unrealized degree of coherent control to atomic systems, the proposed system will serve as an entirely novel tool to study many-body physics, enabling new quantum simulations of new phases of matter or high-energy physics.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
ActivSignal, LLC
SBIR Phase II: Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer using Multiplex Protein Profiling
142 Marsh St.
Belmont, MA 02478-2133
NSF Award
2026113 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2020 – 02/28/2023
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is to improve clinical outcomes and quality-of-life for pancreatic cancer patients. Only 10% of pancreatic cancer survive five years after diagnosis because most cases are detected at later stages when clinical interventions are relatively ineffective. Earlier detection improves interventions, prevents unnecessary procedures arising from uncertain diagnosis, and leads to health system cost savings. Roughly 5 million individuals in the US are at higher risk, but there is no screening test available today for earlier stages, a surveillance market estimated at $3 B. This project will develop a diagnostic test for surveillance of people at high risk for developing pancreatic cancer, with methods potentially applicable to other types of cancer and other diseases.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will advance a technology using a small blood sample to detect the functional state of multiple biological signaling pathways known to participate in cancer inception and progression. This technology can analyze these low abundance proteins at a low cost suitable for a widely adopted surveillance test. A purpose-built bioinformatic system analyses and compares the bio-signature identified by the assay across many individuals. This Phase II project will optimize the panel of protein targets in the assay to detect high-performing differential bio-signatures for early stages of the disease, and it will enhance the machine-learning-based matching methodology.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Aerosol Devices Inc.
SBIR Phase II: New devices Bioaerosol Sampler for Accurate, Time-Resolved Characterization of Viable Microbes and their Genomes
430 N. College Ave, Ste 430
Fort Collins, CO 80524-2675
NSF Award
1853240 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2019 – 06/30/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project is to provide general commercial access to a new generation of affordable, high-efficiency aerosol samplers that will primarily be used in the Industrial Hygiene and Indoor Air Quality market. The collection technology in these new instruments is unique in that it captures, concentrates and preserves airborne microbes in the same physical state they exist as they are suspended in the air we breathe- a tremendous breakthrough for forensic aerosol analysis. This work optimizes a novel collection method that chronologically resolves air samples into a portable compact platform, which ensures purity, minimizes handling and is safe for mail. The sample output is delivered in small, sterile medical grade disposable plastics that are compatible with a broad range of users' analytical needs whether it be the military, health care, atmospheric researchers or indoor air quality sector. This instrumentation is portable, and requires no filters or chemical additions; it rapidly condenses airborne microbes out of ambient air by manipulating humidity, offering a reliable way to assess microbiological air pollution-indoors or out.
This SBIR Phase II project proposes to optimize the design of condensation growth-based bioaerosol samplers for commercial validation, rapid manufacture and high-quality reproduction. The accurate assessment of airborne biological agents remains a tremendous scientific and practical challenge. The intellectual merit of this work lies in finally overcoming the technical barriers posed by conventional air sampling equipment, which require extensive sampling time and significantly compromises the very information military, medical and building science professionals need: what is the identity, distribution and abundance of airborne microbes. This team will use the latest forensic genetic sequencing technology to isolate the detection limits of this new collection equipment for common airborne pathogens and allergens. The objective is to validate these new filterless aerosol recovery instruments in controlled laboratory experiments, with a broad range of common pathogenic bioaerosols. The team will demonstrate how the sample preservation benefits of this technology, can be realized for commercial benefit in monitoring high-density indoor environments, including health care settings and public schools. Operating this new equipment in occupied indoor spaces, we anticipate collecting bioaerosol in excess of forensic detection limits in less than 30 minutes, while maintaining exceptional sample fidelity.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Alligant Scientific, LLC
SBIR Phase II: Plug-and-play intelligent charging hardware and software that increases safety, performance and life of lithium ion and lithium metal batteries
640 Plaza Dr Ste 120
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129-2399
NSF Award
1951242 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/15/2020 – 03/31/2022
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project is to enable greater electric vehicle use; furthermore, the technology’s potential to double battery life will reduce the environmental impact of disposed batteries. This project accelerates electric car adoption by enabling use of 100% of battery operating ranges and maximize usable energy capacity, increasing ongoing driving ranges by 50-100x. This project is a key enabler for expected growth in the global lithium-ion battery market (expected to grow to $68 B by 2022) and the annual hybrid and electric car market (forecast to exceed 10 million vehicles annually by 2025).
This SBIR Phase II project proposes to optimize the technology for battery fast charge and capacity retention targets. Battery performance advancements are most often limited by chemistry and materials improvements to electrodes, electrolytes, or cell structure limiting the trade space (i.e., requiring power vs. energy tradeoffs). The proposed charging technology and associated software will selectively optimize cell design for various performance metrics by controlling electrode surface phenomena, such as lithium plating and dendrite formation, that otherwise cause permanent capacity loss during normal use and accelerate internal physical processes limiting charge rate. Technical tasks include: 1) Demonstration of performance improvements to commercial Li-Ion and fabricated Li-metal battery cells; 2) Adaptation of the process from small cells and modules to electric vehicle battery packs; 3) Development of refined sensing and feedback-based control algorithms using Predictive Learning (PL) and Machine Learning (ML) systems; 4) Verification and validation for Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) and System on a Chip (SoC) formats.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Altaeros Energies, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Ultra-light,modular wind turbine
28 Dane St.
Somerville, MA 02143-0000
NSF Award
1430989 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
10/01/2014 – 02/28/2018
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will develop an ultra-light, modular wind turbine for use in buoyant airborne wind energy systems. Reduced turbine weight has a cascading effect on total airborne system mass, allowing a significantly smaller, lower cost buoyant structure to be used to access high altitude winds. At heights up to 2,000 feet winds are strong and consistent, allowing for the production of low-cost, reliable power at a broad array of sites. High altitude winds have over five times the energy potential of ground winds accessed by tower-mounted turbines, opening the potential for a major new renewable energy resource to be harnessed. In addition, the containerized deployment of airborne wind turbines has the potential to expand wind development to sites that are not feasible today, including sites that are remote or have weak ground-level winds. Overall, the technology holds the potential to significantly lower energy costs and improve reliability for remote industrial, community, and military customers and represents a major step forward in unlocking the abundant high-altitude wind resource to help in the global pursuit of greater adoption of renewable energy sources.
This SBIR Phase II project will focus on reducing the total weight of the wind turbine system. Turbine weight is one of the most critical cost drivers of buoyant airborne wind energy systems. For each kilogram removed from the turbine, an additional kilogram can be removed from the inflatable shell and tethers, resulting in a significantly smaller and lower cost system. The lightest commercially available small- to medium-sized wind turbine weighs 31.1 kilograms per kilowatt of capacity, which is too heavy for an economically-viable airborne turbine. By incorporating a compact, modular architecture, a lightweight permanent magnet direct-drive (PMDD) generator and high-strength composite materials, the proposed Phase II research effort aims to double the power density of traditional medium size turbines, making the proposed system suitable for use in an airborne application, while maintaining a high level of reliability and cost performance. -
Antheia, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: A complete bioprocess for medicinal plant opioids
1505 OBrien Dr. Ste B1
Menlo Park, CA 94025-5222
NSF Award
1758423 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
03/01/2018 – 01/31/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is to develop a manufacturing platform for opioid medicines. Opioids enable physicians to provide compassionate care to patients suffering from acute or chronic disease and trauma. The need for opioid analgesics is even more salient for surgeons anticipating the post-operative recovery of their patients and planning for end-of-life care. However, opioids are highly addictive medicines, a property that has been exploited for commercial gain by certain players in the pharmaceutical industry. The impact of this project will be to deliver a technology that transforms the existing supply chain for opioids by removing the need to grow opium poppy as a drug crop. Instead of sourcing poppy materials from poppy-growing countries, this new technology will allow for complete production of opioids in a secure industrial facility located in the United States where federal agencies can provide oversight and regulation. Additionally, investment in this technology will enable the development of many more existing and experimental medicines derived from plants, including greatly improved opioids with improved efficacy and safety, and cardiovascular and chemotherapeutic therapies that will extend and enhance human lives.
This SBIR Phase II project will develop a bioprocess for opioid active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). To date, the only commercially-competitive method for manufacturing opioids and related alkaloids is to extract these molecules from plants. However, Baker's yeast was recently engineered to biosynthesize opioids, which is a technological advance that could enable opioid production by fermentation. However, many technical hurdles remain in developing a reliable and cost-effective, commercially-viable production system based on existing strains. The objective of this Phase II project is to provide a complete demonstration and pilot-scale operation of an API bioprocess that is ready for industrial scale up. The research employs four approaches: 1) Further development of the engineered yeast strains, 2) scale up of fermentation from laboratory scale to pilot scale, 3) optimization of downstream recovery and purification, and 4) evaluation of the resulting products to establish their validity as drop-in-replacements for existing opioid APIs. The outcome will be a process validated at pilot scale and ready for technology transfer to a secure industrial facility that will make and sell into the opioids API market. This research will replace opium poppies with a modern bioprocess that resembles established, standardized pharmaceutical industry methods for antibiotic and biologic APIs.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Antora Energy, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Research and development of production-scale high-efficiency Thermal Photovoltaic (TPV) cells to enable ultra-low cost energy storage.
Fremont, CA 94555-1159
NSF Award
1951284 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
06/01/2020 – 11/30/2023
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is to generate inexpensive, reliable electricity through solar cells. As renewables such as wind and solar provide a new low-cost means of generating power domestically, energy storage systems capable of transforming these intermittent sources into dispatchable ones are increasingly commercially attractive. However, conventional energy storage technologies, such as advanced batteries, cannot provide the needed resiliency of on the length scale of days. Ultra-low-cost storage technologies, such as those based on thermal energy storage in earth-abundant materials, have the potential to address this large commercial opportunity. The proposed project will advance the development of a new type of heat engine to convert heat into electricity.
The proposed project aims to move this thermophotovoltaic (TPV) heat engine from the lab to the market. The goal of this project is to develop large-scale and high-yield manufacturing of these cells with industrial equipment and large-area substrates. The proposed project will explore the cost-performance trade space toward the goal of high-volume production of PV material.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Arable Labs, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Advanced Bioeconomic Forecasting Enabled by Next-Generation Crop Monitoring
40 N Tulane St
Princeton, NJ 08542-0000
NSF Award
1660146 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/01/2017 – 01/31/2020
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will be to empower farmers to capture a greater share of revenue from the marketing of their crops. Agriculture is a significant engine to the U.S. economy, and farming itself is vital to creating economically vibrant rural areas. Farmers are often at a disadvantage when it comes to capturing good prices from their crops because there are significant information asymmetries in the marketing supply chain. We have developed a combination of hardware and analytics that greatly improves crop forecasts at dramatically more accessible prices, which allows farmers and their trusted buyers to make more informed marketing decisions. Whereas improved agronomy could raise yields by 5-10%, improved marketing could raise revenue >25%, especially for high value crops. In addition to the narrow application of sensing hardware and analytics for forecasting, the data collected by our platform can also be used by growers to make decisions that improve operational performance of complex agribusinesses and improve the agronomy of the farm. These tools make it easier to compare performance of crops to improve yields and reduce resource costs. Together this technology continues to raise productivity and profitability per farmer.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project integrates a completely novel plant and weather sensing platform with analytics that synthesizes data into actionable forms that can drive agribusiness decisions. We have bundled a suite of capabilities into a single hardware unit that includes sensing, communications, GPS, mounting, and solar power, which dramatically reduces the cost and increases the simplicity of collecting agricultural data. These data are uniquely designed to monitor crop performance and its sensitivity to weather and management. Data synthesis is a critical pain point in transforming raw numbers into insights for growers to act upon. By creating an integrated hardware platform, the data is poised to provide useful advice that allow a farmer to act on emerging situations, anticipate upcoming events, and even predict the future. Our research objective here will be to generate probabilistic forecasts that use the unique data from our hardware to estimate key crop growth parameters and project forward for an operational yield forecast. This coupling between highly informative quantitative in-field data and sophisticated parameter estimation and forecast techniques could dramatically improve marketing decisions and help farmers capture better prices for their products. -
Artaic LLC
SBIR Phase II: High-Throughput Agile Robotic Manufacturing System for Tile Mosaics
21 Drydock Avenue
Boston, MA 02210-2397
NSF Award
1230364 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
10/01/2012 – 03/31/2018
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will demonstrate a prototype of a
high-throughput, agile, low-cost manufacturing system for tile mosaics. Mosaics have been a source of
visual splendor for millennia, but they have always required arduous and painstaking hand assembly.
Our Phase I proved the feasibility of a programmable, high-throughput robotic tile-assembly system to
enhance the production of mosaic tilings. Phase II R&D will build upon Phase I success to further speed
up, automate and scale the system, develop an effective agile manufacturing management system, and
analyze the economic viability of robotic mosaic assembly for Phase III. We will accomplish this by
enhancing the mechanical processes and reducing operator time - in addition to developing a productionflow
information system. After Phase II system optimization, we will evaluate the commercial potential
of the Artaic technology. The anticipated technical result will be providing a 5x faster manufacturing
process with a 75% reduction in the price per square foot of customizable mosaic tilings produced. The
intellectual merits of this SBIR project involve Artaic?s disruptive robotic technology, which transforms
mosaic installation from its current, time-consuming manual labor processes to a rapid, robotically
directed customizable process.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project expands the utilization of artisanal mosaic work
while increasing the competitive advantage of U.S. manufacturing processes through increased
automation and customization. Successful development of this technology will enable a breakthrough
pricing structure that is 75% lower than the competition (based on manual and rudimentary automated
processes), leading to broad market affordability and widespread commercial adoption. Our robotic
system has the potential to revolutionize the $76B global tile industry, while creating numerous
domestic job opportunities. Artaic expects that the 5x increase in manufacturing speed realized during
Phase I will be maintained in Phase II during manufacturing scale-up without loss of placement
accuracy. The increased understanding of robotic agile manufacturing-enabled mass customization
processes will expand the scientific understanding of related robotic processes that utilize highthroughput
flexible assemblies, such as for medical or pharmaceutical technologies, or for consumer
products. In addition, classical mosaic techniques will become more accessible as an art form to all
students, while undergraduate students will increase their understanding of STEM concepts through
engineering courses utilizing this technology. Artists and designers will find the realization of their
design work much more practical and affordable as a business enterprise. -
Artaic LLC
SBIR Phase II: Computer-Aided Mosaic Design and Construction
21 Drydock Avenue
Boston, MA 02210-2397
NSF Award
1152564 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
03/01/2012 – 11/30/2017
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will develop a computer-aided mosaic
design and robotic assembly system for automation of a centuries-old manual process. Despite their
prominence in art and architecture, mosaics are arduous to design and assemble. Labor-intensive
methods have stubbornly resisted automation, adding considerable cost and delay to projects. Artaic's
Phase I research proved feasibility of computer-aided design software to create renderings and digital
blueprints of artisanal mosaics by introducing a streamlined, procedural workflow for tile layout that
closely mimicked the workflow of mosaic artists, and did so over 10x faster than manual methods. The
goal of the Phase II research is to demonstrate the speed, effectiveness, utility, and artistic quality of this mosaic design and robotic assembly system. The key Phase II objectives are to: (1) demonstrate a
prototype artisanal mosaic design system and; (2) demonstrate a robotic mosaic production system, that
will be: (3) validated for accuracy, speed, and quality through user assessment, and; (4) evaluated for
economic and commercial potential. Anticipated technical results will enable a revolutionary
advancement from manual to automated processes in mosaic design and production, comparable to the
displacement of film by digital camera technology.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project lies in art, design, construction, and
architecture. Software and robotic automation will lower the cost of mosaics and increase its traditional
societal impact of adorning public, commercial, and residential spaces. Artists, designers, and builders
will have a significantly faster method to produce artisanal mosaics without the high cost and
time associated with manual design and production. The efficiencies made possible by this proposed
computer-aided mosaic design and manufacturing system will enable Artaic to expand into the global
multi-billion dollar tile market and develop a domestic workforce to compete against global
manufacturers of handcrafted mosaic artwork. Additionally, the computational demands of the rendering
algorithms developed during Phase II will give impetus to further development of advanced GPUs and
CPUs -- with companies such as Intel, Nvidia, and AMD providing solutions for increasingly more
advanced rendering algorithms. Perhaps the most significant societal benefit from the development of
this technology is its potential to make artisanal mosaic design and production accessible and affordable
to the general public, and because this research enables any Photoshop artist to become a mosaic artist, it
also hold significant promise as an educational tool in our nation's schools. -
Astrapi Corporation
SBIR Phase II: Spiral Polynomial Division Multiplexing
100 Crescent Court
Dallas, TX 75201-2112
NSF Award
1738453 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2017 – 02/28/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is that it addresses the bandwidth crisis, the problem of transmitting an exponentially growing amount of data through a fixed amount of increasingly congested spectrum. The bandwidth crisis limits economic growth by constraining communication, and also poses very serious challenges for national defense and disaster response. Making better use of limited spectrum is therefore of high societal and commercial importance. This project will study a new approach, called spiral modulation, for achieving much more spectrally efficient communication than previously thought possible and thereby directly addressing the bandwidth crisis. Commercially, this could facilitate much more rapid data transfer, enhancing existing business applications and enabling new ones. Spiral modulation is applicable to any form of electromagnetic communication, whether wireless or wire-based. It could lead to commercialization across a wide range of communication sectors including but not limited to wireless, mobile internet, unmanned vehicles, automotive, aviation, and Internet of Things. It is a dual use technology with both civilian and defense applications. Ultimately, spiral modulation could become the core technology for the worldwide telecommunications industry.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project applies new mathematics to the problem of encoding information into waveforms for telecommunication. In current digital communication, information is transmitted using symbol waveforms constructed from sinusoids which have constant amplitude over each symbol period. This approach is known to produce a sharp upper bound on the highest spectral efficiency that can be achieved. By instead constructing symbol waveforms from sinusoidal waveforms with continuously-varying amplitude, spiral modulation bypasses the theoretical limitation on spectral efficiency. Building on prior Phase I research, this project will build an end-to-end hardware prototype to establish the implementation path and performance characteristics of spiral modulation. The research will progress in stages from waveform design and spectral efficiency measurement experiments, through end-to-end radio design in software, the hardware prototype development and documentation of best practices. It is anticipated that this research will show significant spectral efficiency advantages over existing signal modulation techniques. Other possible advantages for spiral modulation may also appear, such as greater tolerance for interference and phase distortion. -
Axalume Inc.
SBIR Phase II: High-performance, tunable silicon laser arrays designed for mass production
16132 Cayenne Creek Rd.
San Diego, CA 92127-3708
NSF Award
1927082 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2019 – 08/31/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is demonstrate new lasers for advanced communication and sensing applications. The proposed work includes the design, simulation, and testing of new lasers to meet rapidly-growing high-speed data center optical communication and emerging automotive laser range-finding requirements.
The proposed project activities will include the design, simulation, and experimental verification of hybrid, external-cavity silicon-based optical sources to meet rapidly-growing high-speed datacenter optical communication and emerging automotive laser range-finding requirements. The project will demonstrate that a flexible electronic-photonic integration process can be created to enable dense integration of silicon-photonic and silicon-electronic circuits, independent of specific foundry or fabrication production limitations. This process can be used to develop arrays of high-performance, low-noise, and widely-tunable lasers for advanced optical communication and sensing applications. The proposed project will address existing laser mode-control issues and reduce back-reflection issues. The result will be silicon-photonic lasers suitable for commercial production that will demonstrate industry-leading semiconductor laser capabilities including low-noise, narrow-linewidth, and wide tunability in single and multi-laser chipsets.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Azimuth1, LLC
SBIR Phase II: Envimetric - Soil and water contamination predictive modeling tools
501 Church St NE
Vienna, VA 22180-4711
NSF Award
1831137 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2018 – 02/28/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Phase II project is a significant reduction in the cost and time to remove hazardous contaminants from the soils and groundwater impacting communities.
Properties observed from thousands of contaminated sites serve as inputs to a computerized mathematical model of the site, forecasting the most likely shape and depth of a contaminant plume. This machine learning model gives remediation planners access to a fast delineation of volume to be remediated as well as the uncertainty of the modeled estimate. This saves time and money searching for these contaminants that are deep underground and in groundwater. This Phase II project will expand on the Phase I prototype, creating an operational product capable of reaching the needs of environmental engineers and scientists around the globe, providing the stimulus to cut remediation time and cost in half.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Azitra Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Re-engineered skin bacteria as a novel topical drug delivery system
400 Farmington Ave
Farmington, CT 06032-1913
NSF Award
1853071 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/01/2019 – 03/31/2021
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This SBIR Phase II project aims to develop a novel engineered microbiome as a potential therapeutic for a rare skin disease called Netherton syndrome. Netherton syndrome (NS) is a rare, severe skin disease with high mortality and few treatment options. This proposal aims to develop a new therapeutic for this disease, a microbe-based protein delivery system of LEKTI, the missing protein responsible for NS symptoms. At the end of this project, a candidate live biotherapeutic product candidate (LETKI-secreting strain of S. epidermidis) will be nominated and the Company will have sufficient data with which to proceed into formal preclinical studies and subsequent human testing. This proposed product will have the potential to address thousands of patients in the U.S., and the broader proof-of-principle of this microbe-based technology offers significant potential to treat millions of patients living with skin conditions. This offers significant advances in innovation in addition to broad commercial potential.
This project aims to develop a novel therapeutic candidate composed of an engineered strain of S. epidermidis that secretes LEKTI protein to the skin for the treatment of Netherton syndrome (NS). NS is a rare but severe autosomal recessive disease that affects the skin, hair, and immune system. NS is caused by mutations in in the SPINK5 gene encoding the serine protease inhibitor lymphoepithelial Kazal-type related inhibitor (LEKTI), which contains 15 serine protease inhibitory domains. The goal of this Phase II project is to demonstrate a proof-of-concept therapeutic for NS: an engineered commensal microbe that delivers discrete domains of LETKI to the skin. The proposed Phase II research plan will establish critical criteria for nominating a potential live biotherapeutic product (LBP) candidate composed LEKTI-secreting S. epidermidis. This research will perform key activities in preclinical development of an LBP: identify an optimal sequence of LEKTI; develop analytical methods for detecting LEKTI secreted from an engineered strain of S. epidermidis; and develop analytical methods for measuring biodistribution and adsorption of LEKTI secreted by S. epidermidis in a human in vitro model.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
SBIR Phase II: Novel Platform for Visualizing Big Data in Virtual Reality
4505 Glencoe Ave
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292-6372
NSF Award
2025890 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2020 – 08/31/2022
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The broader impact of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will be a fundamental advancement in the way people see, understand, and work with geospatial data. The proposed research will commercialize immersive analytics technology across the telecom, Internet of Things (IoT), and transportation industries, all of which use outdated 2D mapping tools. This technology can also improve visualization of data regarding environmental changes, health crises, and other changing situations.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project fuses augmented reality and virtual reality with artificial intelligence to address data visualization pain points in the telecom sector. Like the buildings they inhabit, wireless signals exist in three dimensions and are difficult to represent through traditional 2D charts and graphs. The objective of this research is to develop a an immersive analytics platform where users literally step inside their geodata and manipulate it in real time.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Bay Labs, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Guided Positioning System for Ultrasound
1479 Folsom Street
San Francisco, CA 94103-3734
NSF Award
1556103 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/15/2016 – 03/31/2020
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will be in the field of healthcare. The United States spends approximately $9,000 per person per year on healthcare. Ultrasound medical imaging is a medical imaging technology that could lower costs by providing an alternative to higher-cost imaging techniques. The technology created during this Phase II project is expected to increase the quality, value, and accessibility of medical ultrasound, which would in turn reduce medical imaging costs in the US healthcare system. Furthermore, the company's technology is expected to bring ultrasound to more clinical settings and improve system-wide efficiencies in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. The technology also has commercial potential in the international market, with $5.8B spent annually on medical ultrasound devices worldwide. Finally, by improving the utility of ultrasound, the technology will lead to improved patient care and may ultimately save lives.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will develop deep learning technology for ultrasound imaging in medicine. Ultrasound imaging has numerous benefits including real-time image acquisition, non-invasive scanning, low-cost devices, and no known side-effects (it is non-ionizing). However, variability in quality has encumbered its adoption and utility. As a result, more expensive imaging is typically utilized, often exposing patients to ionizing radiation. Our objective is to develop, improve, and test machine learning techniques, based on deep learning, to improve ultrasound acquisition and interpretation. We expect this project will create novel technologies that make ultrasound easier to use and improve the quality of ultrasound examinations. The end result will improve the quality, value, and accessibility of medical ultrasound examinations, will result in cost savings to the healthcare system, will produce improvements in patient care, and will support a sustainable business opportunity. -
BioHybrid Solutions LLC
SBIR Phase II: High-Throughput Combinatorial Polymer Bioconjugates Synthesis and Application in Biocatalysis
320 William Pitt Way
Pittsburgh, PA 15238-1329
NSF Award
1927021 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
08/15/2019 – 07/31/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project includes advancement of the field of white biotechnology, which utilizes enzymes to create valuable industrial products. As biological molecules, enzymes are more difficult to manipulate than conventional chemicals and often need more extensive development before they can be adapted to industrial or pharmaceutical manufacturing. This SBIR project will demonstrate how enzymes' performance can be improved using stabilization with special synthetic materials known as polymers. Enzymes are characterized by precise, unique structure and function, which is in turn essential for their role in catalysis of complex chemical reactions. Synthetic polymers, on the other hand, despite being less precisely structured, can be rationally designed to withstand or respond to chemical, thermal or biological conditions. The synergistic fusion of enzymes and synthetic polymers results in an advanced enzyme with improved chemical properties, leading to new manufacturing processes for valuable products such as chemicals, biofuels, and pharmaceuticals; these processes should require less energy, utilize fewer hazardous reagents, and generate less waste.
This SBIR Phase II project proposes to develop a combinatorial synthesis device that can feed high-throughput screening of enzyme-polymer conjugates with desired properties (for instance, temperature, pH- or organic solvent stability). To date, only low-throughput synthesis and characterization methods have been applied to the preparation of enzyme-polymer conjugates, limiting development to only few types of polymer modification per protein and depending on stochastic guesswork to select the variants tested. Thus, in order to fully benefit from the diverse set of polymers currently available on the market, it is important to develop methods to scale the identification of optimally performing enzyme-polymer conjugates. This will be achieved through combination of high-throughput synthesis of enzyme-polymer conjugates and high-throughput screening of attained properties. The target application of the proposed research is focused on pharmaceutical biocatalysis. Application of a high-throughput method will not only result in faster research and development cycles, but also will accelerate our development of fundamental knowledge of identifying protein properties that can be achieved through polymer modification, thereby establishing this method for industrial applications.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Bioinfoexperts, LLC
SBIR Phase II: An Interactive Graphical Application for Next-Generation Surveillance of Hospital-Acquired Infections using Whole Genome Sequencing and Advanced Analytics
PO BOX 693
Thibodaux, LA 70301-4904
NSF Award
1830867 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2018 – 08/31/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will be a user-friendly and scalable infection control surveillance software platform using advanced biotech and data analytics for monitoring hospital-acquired infection. There is a significant clinical problem in hospitals, where 1 in 25 people who check in will develop a hospital acquired infection. Currently, hospital infection control practitioners (ICPs) have few analytical tools to identify the source of these infections, which can be deadly and cost the health care industry an estimate of $45 billion year. The innovation under development harnesses advanced epidemiological approaches in an easy-to-use application that will enable ICPs to use bacterial genetics as a means to monitor infectious spread within their system so that their sources can be eliminated.
The intellectual merit of this SBIR Phase II proposal is to develop an infection control surveillance software system using whole-genome sequencing of pathogens and advanced data analytics. The innovation addresses the critical lack of accessible genetic analysis applications designed for local infection control surveillance. Hospitals are observing ever increasing rates of antibiotic resistant infections. These are expensive, endanger patients, and are becoming harder to trace as medical care becomes more complex and spread over multiple facilities. Unfortunately, ICPs have few new tools, other than best hygiene practices, to reduce their mounting infection rates. Decades of research has revealed that epidemiological surveillance using genetic analysis provides a robust level of pathogen traceability; however, this knowledge has not been transferred into hospitals where it is critically needed, due to a lack of technical infrastructure and analytical accessibility. In this Phase II project, the goal is to complete the development of a software application that will enable ICPs to easily and accurately process bacterial genetic data in their own offices and generate rich, meaningful and easy to interpret reports concerning bacterial spread in their networks. ICPs will be warned when infection sources relate to each other, suggesting that a deeper investigation is needed. The result is that infection sources, which are currently missed, will be proactively identified and targeted.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Bioo Scientific Corporation
SBIR Phase II: Biomolecular Detection of microRNA
7050 Burleson Road
Austin, TX 78744-1057
NSF Award
1230440 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/01/2012 – 08/31/2014
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This Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project examines high throughput methods to quantify intacellular microRNA (miRNA) concentrations in cells that have shown to be associated with normal physiological processes, as well as diseases, including cancer. Currently there are no rapid, quantitative methods available to measure miRNA expression in living cells or tumor tissue. All current in vitro approaches require extensive preparation involving extraction, reverse transcription of miRNA into cDNA and amplification. These methods are not only time consuming, but require that the low abundance miRNA be several fold greater than background to give a meaningful result. To meet the demand for a diagnostic/prognostic tool, development of a biomolecular detection device is proposed based on a single electron transistor to bind and measure the concentration of miRNAs. This will provide a researcher or clinician an accurate profile to make proper clinical assessments. Bringing this device to market will provide scientists with direct information on intracellular miRNA levels, enhancing predictions of miRNAs that are essential for tumor maintenance or metastasis, and creating new diagnostic and therapeutic opportunities.
The broader impact of this project will be to enhance current diagnostic and prognostic tools for early detection of disease. Today, early cancer detection and treatment offers the best outcome for patients. This has driven the search for effective diagnostics. The identification of a universal tumor specific epitope or marker has remained elusive. While many types of serological and serum markers have included enzymes, proteins, hormones, mucin, and blood group substances, at this time there are no effective diagnostic tests for cancer that are highly specific, sensitive, economical and rapid. This deficiency means that many cases of malignancy go undetected long past the time of effective treatment. The goal of this research is to bring a device to market for the research market and a device that can examine miRNA profiles from patient samples immediately in a hospital or clinical setting. The current size of the in vitro diagnostic market was over $40 billion in 2008. Unique diagnostic kits developed from this technology will likely fulfill an unmet market opportunity with the potential to exceed $100 million in the first 3 - 5 years. -
Bioo Scientific Corporation
SBIR Phase II: Improved in Vivo Delivery of SiRNA
7050 Burleson Road
Austin, TX 78744-1057
NSF Award
0923854 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
08/01/2009 – 06/30/2013
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This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5).
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will develop technologies that optimize the use of RNA interference (RNAi) in animals. RNAi is an invaluable tool for characterizing gene function and is a promising candidate for gene therapy. The use of RNAi in tissue culture is well developed but is of limited use in experimental animals. RNAi agents must enter cells to exert their effects but this has proven to be challenging in animals. The current lack of such technologies is holding back the majority of important RNAi animal experiments. To open this bottleneck, kits and reagents will be developed based on Bioo Scientific?s Targeted Transport Technology (T3). Easy-to-use RNAi delivery products will be manufactured, validated and commercialized for use in animal experiments.
The broader impacts of this research are twofold. First, researchers will gain ready access to products that greatly simplify the use of RNAi in animals, thereby, stimulating a burst of validation experiments in animals to try to replicate prior results derived from tissue culture experiments. Animals are more complex than their tissue culture counterparts and it is uncertain that results can be duplicated in an animal. Second, T3 has the potential to be used for the therapeutic delivery of RNAi agents. In sum, this project will propel the validation of tissue culture results via T3 enabled animal experimentation, leading to a better understanding of cellular pathways, the identification of novel drug targets, and the potential to deliver RNAi agents as drugs. -
Bioo Scientific Corporation
SBIR Phase II: High-throughput Small RNA Sequencing
7050 Burleson Road
Austin, TX 78744-1057
NSF Award
1431020 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
11/15/2014 – 04/30/2017
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is the development of a technology to accurately measure small RNA expression. This is an enabling life science research tool. Small RNAs are ubiquitous gene regulators found in the body. Products of the same microRNA gene that vary in length by one or two nucleotides may be involved in a host of diseases, including cancer. The value for developing a method to measure the true profile of microRNAs in a sample would be immense for the research community studying transcriptional regulation, and would open the doors to those interested in drug development and diagnostics. The goal of this proposal is to develop a library preparation kit for non-biased small RNA libraries for Next Generation sequencing. These kits will increase the quality and rate at which global microRNA profiles may be determined for research and clinical applications.
This SBIR Phase II project proposes to develop next generation sequencing technology for small RNA more quantitative and less biased. High throughput sequencing has transformed the landscape of genomic research with its ability to produce gigabases of data in a single run. This has enabled researchers to perform genome wide and high depth sequencing studies that would normally not be possible. Despite this capacity, amplification artifacts introduced during polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays increase the chance of duplicate reads and uneven distribution of read coverage. Accurate profiling using deep sequencing also has been undermined by biases with over- or under-represented microRNAs. The presence of these biases significantly limits the incredible sensitivity and accuracy made possible by next generation sequencing. The goal of this proposal is to develop novel bias-reducing technology for making small RNA libraries. The proposed kits and protocols will increase the rate at which global microRNA profiles can be determined, and between-sample and within-sample differences (as well as newly discovered small RNAs) can be subsequently validated. This product will result in a major shift in the way small RNA sequencing is performed, and will pave the way for the discovery of new small RNAs. -
Bioxytech Retina, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Non-Invasive Retinal Oximetry for Detecting Diabetic Retinopathy prior to Structural Damage
408 Anita Ave
Belmont, CA 94002-2011
NSF Award
1853245 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
03/01/2019 – 02/28/2021
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This SBIR Phase II project demonstrates and clinically validates a novel, non-invasive imaging technology to detect diabetic retinopathy before structural damage occurs. Diabetic retinopathy is among the leading causes of vision loss in the world. This devastating complication of both type I and II diabetes results in structural damage to the sensitive vasculature of the retina. Once structural damage is inflicted, it is difficult, if not impossible, to ameliorate it. Small changes in the retinal vasculature's oxygen saturation have been shown to be a reliable indicator of diabetic retinopathy before structural damage occurs. Since there is no clinical non-invasive technology capable of detecting these small functional changes, a major need exists for new retinal oximetry technologies. Diabetic retinopathy affects 200 million people worldwide. The American Diabetes Association reports that the cost of diabetes in the US in 2012 was $245 billion, including $69 billion in reduced productivity and $176 billion in medical costs. Since 40% of diabetics are anticipated to develop diabetic retinopathy, the estimated economic cost of diabetic retinopathy is $98 billion annually. By mitigating the occurrence of diabetic retinopathy, this technology will help reduce the cost of diabetic retinopathy treatment, its overall economic burden, and help save the vision of millions of people around the world.
The primary technical innovation behind the proposed technology is its use of a novel physics-based model to overcome the challenges of high-resolution retinal imaging. These challenges include the multi-layered structure of the retina, absorbance dynamics, and the need to produce an image in one snapshot to reduce motion artifacts. Compared with existing methods based on structural imaging, the successful outcome of this project will become a commercial technology-of-choice for ophthalmologists around the world, enabling cost-effective detection of early stage diabetic retinopathy or pre-retinopathy. The development of the technology proceeds through iterative optimization between laboratory and real-use environments to generate robust, validated data. Specifically, in Phase II, the research objectives of the project are pursued in two parallel tracks: 1) refinement of the core imaging system, and 2) validation using model and human subjects in a clinical environment. The outcome of this project will be an easy-to-use, reliable diagnostic imaging and monitoring technology with proven clinical utility in detecting the onset of diabetic retinopathy based on functional properties, before structural damage has occurred in the patient.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
BirdBrain Technologies
STTR Phase II: A Low Cost Robotics kit for Elementary Education
544 Miltenberger St
Pittsburgh, PA 15219-5971
NSF Award
1831177 – STTR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
08/15/2018 – 07/31/2021
NSF Program Director
Lindsay Portnoy
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This STTR Phase II project supports standards-based math education in elementary school classrooms with a hands-on technology intervention. Research has shown that many elementary teachers suffer from low confidence and limited subject content knowledge in math and struggle to develop instruction designed to meet or exceed common core math learning goals. Teachers and researchers alike seek new approaches to engage students and improve teacher effectiveness to improve learning outcomes. The primary goal of this project is the development of a flexible, user-friendly, hands-on robotics kit with associated curriculum and support for teachers, that will engage students in learning math content, align with core curriculum, and measurably increase student achievement. The commercialization of this research-based classroom kit will enable school districts to adopt active learning into their math pedagogy. Ultimately, this promotes the NSF mission to increase national prosperity through science innovation by improving math preparation for students across the United States and preparing them to participate in careers that drive the advancement of science and technology.
The core contribution of this work is composed of a flexible hardware kit to enable active learning within the core elementary curriculum as well as more traditional maker activities, and a suite of apps that allow students to use this kit to learn specific math content while also providing options to learn computational thinking through general purpose programming apps. To accomplish this, the team employs a proven design process in which hardware, software, and curriculum are simultaneously designed to align to learner goals, evaluated in classroom studies, and iteratively refined. The kit will combine the ease of use and simplicity of a regular snap-together style electronics kit with the flexibility of a programmable microcontroller. The apps developed for this project will build on a new math-based paradigm for robot programming. These math-oriented apps will remove the barrier of programming skills for elementary teachers and students alike when using the electronics kit for math instruction. Simultaneously, programming apps will enable open-ended explorations of making and computational thinking. Another contribution of this project will be the testing and analysis of the hardware system and complementary math curricula. Formative evaluation will enable exploration and understanding of novel mechanisms for learning math, and evaluation of the program's efficacy will enable characterization of the impact on student outcomes in math achievement and attitudes towards math.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Blue River Technology Inc
SBIR Phase II: Use of Machine Learning Techniques for Robust Crop and Weed Detection in Agricultural Fields
575 N Pastoria Ave
Sunnyvale, CA 94085-2916
NSF Award
1256596 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/15/2013 – 02/28/2018
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project seeks to further develop a novel computer vision based plant identification system for commercialization in agricultural weed control. This system will provide a cost competitive alternative to chemical herbicides, a global $20B market. Existing computer vision based approaches can segment a 'splotch' of green vegetation from a brown background but are unable to provide the selectivity and precision necessary for mechanized, automated weeding. This project's objective is to create software algorithms that match the capability of the human eye and brain to quickly and reliably classify plants into crops and weeds in real-time. The project team will build a computer vision algorithm based on a hierarchical classifier. This classifier will utilize a field customized support vector machine (SVM) that uses point-of-interest rather than shape-based methods, a novel approach to visual object identification. The result of this research will be the creation of an algorithm integrated into an automated weeding system.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is significant, as the development of an alternative to chemical intensive agricultural weed control will impact technological understanding, create commercial opportunity, and positively impact society. Technologically, the project will advance the fields of computer vision and machine learning through development of a real-time, automated plant identification system based on point-of-interest and SVMs. Commercially, the system will offer conventional farmers an effective and chemical-free method to eliminate weeds, and it will offer organic farmers the first truly precise organic weed control method. The addressable market for weed control in food production is estimated to be $4B in the U.S. The system's ability to eliminate the use of chemical herbicides has a profound societal effect. U.S. farmers apply over 250M pounds of herbicide annually on corn and soybeans alone, with many unintended and detrimental side effects. Chemical concentrations in rivers, lakes and groundwater are rising, and the prevalence of herbicide resistant weeds is growing exponentially. An alternative to these chemicals limits society's exposure while protecting environmental integrity. -
Bluefin Lab, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Semi-Automated Sports Video Search
21 Cutter Ave
Somerville, MA 02144-0000
NSF Award
Award amount to date
Start / end date
08/15/2009 – 07/31/2012
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This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5).
The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project objective is to commercialize a novel technology for indexing video. The company's approach automatically integrates information from speech, text, and video through algorithms that generate rich semantic indexes for video. The Phase I results show that this approach can be incorporated into a system that indexes video with high accuracy and at a fraction of the cost of currently used methods. Further, during the Phase I research, the company has identified a large and growing consumer market (sports video) in which the technology can be applied. The technical objectives of the Phase II proposal focus on working with such partners to roll out initial Bluefin-powered applications, such as content-based search and video-enriched fantasy sports. Such applications are currently not feasible because of the low accuracy of automated indexing methods and the high cost of manual approaches to indexing video.
Millions of hours of new video content are coming online every month, feeding an exploding demand and reshaping the nature of the Internet. Just as text-oriented search engines were necessary to empower users to find what they needed during the first phase of the text-centric Internet, a new generation of technology will be necessary to organize and effectively find content in the fast-approaching video-dominated era of the Internet. Bluefin Lab is pioneering a new approach to video organization and search by commercializing cross-modal algorithms developed in Academe. While this differentiated technology can be leveraged in several target markets, the company's initial focus is on sports media where it will power a unique experience for video search, video-enhanced fantasy sports, and other video-centric applications. -
Boston Materials, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Leveraging Z-axis Milled Fiber to Enhance the Performance, Economics and Sustainability of Carbon Fiber for High-Volume Applications
23 Crosby Drive
Bedford, MA 01730-1423
NSF Award
1951183 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/01/2020 – 09/30/2022
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is the development of a high-performance, economic, and sustainable carbon fiber material and associated processing technology for consumer electronics, aircraft interiors, and mass market automobiles. In current processes, roughly 30% of carbon fiber is typically scrapped during manufacturing. By 2024, an estimated 50,000 metric tons of virgin carbon fiber will be scrapped and disposed in landfills. The proposed technology will extract value from scrapped fiber and prevent disposal, offering up to 25% cost reduction compared with carbon fiber products commercially available today. This technology creates higher usage and new opportunities for this advanced material.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will support the development of a high-performance composite that utilizes low-cost and sustainable milled carbon fiber. An industrial roll-to-roll production process will be used to compound virgin carbon fiber with milled fiber. These reclaimed fibers are oriented in the Z-axis using a proprietary technology adapted from an industrial process originally developed to make thermoset products. The proposed project will develop a market-ready thermoplastic product with dense Z-axis reinforcement while retaining key in-plane properties. This new thermoplastic product will be targeted towards translation to high-volume consumer electronics, aircraft interiors, and automotive applications.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Branch Technology LLC
SBIR Phase II: Additive Manufacturing in Construction
100 Cherokee Blvd
Chattanooga, TN 37405-3878
NSF Award
1632267 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2016 – 08/31/2021
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This Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project is in support of Branch Technology's novel Additive Manufacturing (AM) process that combines 3D printing technology and conventional construction materials to enable a new way to create buildings. The construction market in the US is approximately 8% of GDP. Any portion of the market that could be enhanced would have a large impact in the US economy. To that end, Branch is creating a process similar to building found in the natural world. In the formation of natural systems, material is the most expensive commodity; a structure is derived by the efficient use of material, but shape is free to be created in almost any form. Branch can approach this efficiency with additive manufacturing, where form is created and material is deposited only when needed and little waste is created. At the core of Branch's method of AM-based construction are three key developments: a three-dimensional freeform structure (the cellular matrix or lattice) which serves as a scaffold for other materials, a robotically- controlled extrusion mechanism by which the cellular matrix is produced, and the algorithms necessary to control the robot for successful production. The proof of concept for this process and more have already been demonstrated by Branch in Phase I of this grant.
The technical objectives for Phase II focus on improving the procedures and technology already created. The focus areas for this phase are algorithm development, hardware improvements, the application of finishing materials, code compliance testing, and material science experiments. Algorithm development consists of refining and creating the software necessary to extrude the printed matrix and support a client base. Hardware improvements are necessary to improve the speed and efficiency of the process to create a commercially viable workflow. This research will necessitate the purchase of extra hardware for experimentation. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) testing for load bearing capacity is necessary to enter the market and provide code compliant construction. Experimentation in the application of finished materials to the 3D printed lattice such as spray foam and concrete are vital to the realization of complete buildings. -
SBIR Phase II: Finalized Design, Performance and Safety Testing of SmartOto, A Handheld Device for Detection of Otitis Media
Irvine, CA 92612-1147
NSF Award
2025870 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2020 – 08/31/2022
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is to improve diagnosis of pediatric otitis media (ear infection). Otitis media is the leading cause of unnecessary antibiotic use in children and the second most common pediatric physician appointment. It is estimated that more than 90% of children will suffer at least one case of otitis media before age 5. Despite its prevalence, there may be less than 60% diagnostic accuracy in primary care where the vast majority of cases are seen. Current clinical diagnostics have proven inadequate to address over-prescription of antibiotics and unnecessary specialist and surgical referrals. Otitis media is typically diagnosed using an otoscope to view the tympanic membrane (eardrum) and assess visual signs of an infection. Otoscope designs have changed little since the 1800’s. This SBIR Phase II project advances a novel device that integrates clinical standard otoscopy with a novel technique to non-invasively assess ear health using light in real time and with 98% accuracy. This new otoscope has the potential to create a new standard of care in diagnosis and management of otitis media, and stands to save billions in direct healthcare costs through more accurate diagnosis.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will advance translation of a device providing clinicians with an objective, real-time indicator of ear health during standard otoscopy. At the push of a button, the LED driven measurement will provide an instantaneous, accurate indication of the presence or absence of middle ear effusion (MEE) – the most sensitive and specific indicator of acute otitis media per established clinical guidelines. This project will meet the desired technical specifications of sufficiently sensitive visualization capabilities and reducing measurement time from 1.4 seconds to less than 300 milliseconds. This project will also: 1) Optimize manufacturability and assembly; 2) Develop a standard automated calibration system; and 3) Conduct standard electronic, photobiologic, and biocompatibility testing for safety and regulatory purposes.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
SBIR Phase II: A Novel Heat Dissipation Product for Chip Testing and Internet of Things
311 Ferst Drive NW
Atlanta, GA 30332-0001
NSF Award
1660259 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/01/2017 – 03/31/2020
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project comes from addressing the thermal challenges brought about by the significant increase in transistor density that semiconductors have experienced over the past few decades. This trend has enabled many advancements ranging from high performance servers to Internet of Things devices. Still, with every advance in chip technology, the difficulty of chip cooling continues to increase. Three major thermal interface material (TIM) market segments exist: polymer composites, metallic materials and phase-change materials. Commercial carbon nanotubes (CNTs) will create a fourth market segment that will supplant existing TIMs, initially in the chip testing market and eventually extending into servers, high performance computing and Internet of Things devices. CNT researchers and small businesses have made little progress towards a commercial TIM product. Among other factors, this failure is driven by poor positioning in the crowded low-cost TIM space, which is currently dominated by thermal greases and pads. Progress towards a viable solution lies in the strategic alignment of product features with industry pain points. This Phase II SBIR aims to develop a means to scale the ability to produce CNT based TIMs as well as to further improve their performance.
The technical objectives of this SBIR Phase II project are to: 1) scale up of the CNT TIM manufacturing process to achieve a production capacity of 200,000 sq. in of product annually and to 2) enhance the conductivity of the CNT array by a factor of 3x or more to facilitate entry into the TIM1 and TIM2 market. This project will ultimately develop processes that will translate into achieving production scale CNT based thermal interface materials for the first time in the world. Scale up will be achieved through a combination of physical vapor deposition and chemical vapor deposition processes developed on tools designed specifically for CNT production. In Phase I of this research effort, two commercial products aimed at the semiconductor chip testing market were developed and validated through collaboration with leading chip manufacturers. In addition to the chip testing market segment, in Phase II products will be developed for entry into the TIM1 and Internet of Things markets. -
SBIR Phase II: The Smart Study Recommendations Engine
Silver Spring, MD 20904-7818
NSF Award
1951222 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
10/01/2020 – 09/30/2022
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project may improve student achievement. Within U.S. higher education institutions, $47 billion per year is spent on academic support for roughly 22 million students. When a child struggles after a lecture ends, help has historically been delivered by tutors and homework hotlines; Those avenues can be inadequate in closing learning gaps for students after they exit the classroom. The Smart Study Recommendations Engine is expected to further democratize homework assistance and help with studies outside the classroom. As a peer to peer platform, the technology may shrink the cost of personalized homework and out of classroom assistance, enabling students to proceed at their own time and pace. This platform seeks to especially impact students from economically- or socially-challenged backgrounds. The goal of the project is to help make academic success more attainable, common, and inclusive for all students everywhere. The technology is initially being deployed in U.S. colleges and universities, with the goal of achieving a global impact.
This Small Business Innovation Phase II project harvests data from internet study resources, analyzes the resources to surface predictive insights, and automatically delivers wide-ranging, peer-reviewed, personalized study materials to help students close learning gaps, without requiring the students to perform complex internet searches. The project will also provide students with the ability to connect with capable peers who can provide additional support by listening to their issues and providing deeper subject clarity. The company is using machine learning as the underlying technology to enable the Smart Study Recommendations Engine.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Chirp Microsystems
SBIR Phase II: Ultrasonic 3D Rangefinding for Mobile Gesture Recognition
1452 Portland Ave.
Albany, CA 94706-1453
NSF Award
1456376 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/01/2015 – 09/30/2018
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project proposes the development of an ultralow-power ultrasonic three-dimensional (3D) rangefinder system for mobile gesture recognition. The proposed 3D rangefinder uses an array of tiny piezoelectric ultrasound transducers which are built on a silicon wafer using microfabrication techniques. Custom electronics are used to control the transducers and the system emits sound into the air and receives echoes from objects in front of the transducer array. The proposed ultrasonic 3D rangefinder has the potential to be small and low-power enough to be left on continuously, giving devices such as smartphones, tablets, and wearable electronic devices a way to sense physical objects in the surrounding environment. Based on the smartphone market alone, the potential market size for this device is over one billion units per year. Mobile contextual awareness will enable 3D interaction with smartphones and tablets, facilitating rich user interfaces for applications such as gaming and hands-free control in automobiles. Looking beyond the smartphone and tablet market, the proposed rangefinder will feature size and power advantages that will permit integration into centimeter-sized devices which are too small to support a touchscreen.
During Phase II, the major technical goals of this project are to transfer the ultrasound transducer manufacturing from a university laboratory to a commercial production facility, to develop a custom integrated circuit for signal processing, and to develop engineering prototypes. In Phase I, micromachined ultrasound transducers having a novel structure designed to improve manufacturability were developed and a demonstration prototype was built using signal processing algorithms running on a personal computer. In Phase II, the ultrasound transducers will be manufactured in a commercial facility for the first time and signal processing algorithms will be realized on a custom mixed-signal integrated circuit. A prototype package for the transducer and integrated circuit chips will be developed and detailed acoustic testing of the packaged prototypes will be conducted. -
ClearFlame Engines, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Development of a Stoichiometric, Direct-Injected, Soot-Free Engine for Heavy-Duty Applications
6520 Double Eagle Drive #527
Woodridge, IL 60517-1582
NSF Award
1853114 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/01/2019 – 10/31/2021
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Diesel engines remain critical to global economies, but are under threat from increasingly-stringent emissions regulations. Many alternatives, like spark-ignition and electric vehicles, sacrifice some of the performance or range benefits of Diesel-style operation. This creates a market need for technologies that can maintain Diesel engine performance while remaining decoupled from the dirty emissions of Diesel fuel. This proposal centers on the development of the ?ClearFlame Combustion System? (CFCS): a novel combustion process that enables Diesel-style engines to combust low-carbon alternative fuels like ethanol and methanol without sacrificing the power possible with traditional Diesel combustion. Further, the sootless nature of alternative fuels such as methanol and ethanol obviates the need for a Diesel particulate filter, and enables stoichiometric air-fuel ratios to eliminate the need for selective catalytic reduction of NOx (smog). The engine technology has the potential to alter the dynamics of any market dominated by Diesel engines (including heavy-duty transportation, agriculture, rail, and power generation) and can be licensed to, or jointly developed with, OEMs for simple integration into their existing product lines. Phase I results have shown a 30% increase in engine torque at increased efficiency, while engine-out soot emissions are more than 100x lower than that of Diesel engines, falling under the 2010 EPA regulation limit without aftertreatment.
This Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project will continue development of the CFCS. The Phase I results showed that three critical CFCS subsystems?engine insulation, alcohol direct injection, and a combustion chamber optimized for stoichiometric combustion with exhaust gas load control?could be developed and integrated to achieve a previously unattainable combination of strong performance and low emissions. This Phase II effort will further advance these key components and demonstrate the benefits of the CFCS on a commercial engine platform, using CFD modeling and engine experiments to show the advantages of the CFCS compared to the Diesel baseline. The goal is to show how the CFCS enables a multi-cylinder heavy-duty engine to simultaneously improve power density by 30% at no loss of efficiency, while also achieving sootless stoichiometric exhaust conditions that are compatible with low-cost and highly-effective three-way catalysis (the same system that enables gasoline and natural gas engines to be much cleaner than Diesel). A Phase II prototype demonstration would realize a longtime industry goal of integrating three-way catalysis with a Diesel-style engine, allowing Diesel-style engines to achieve the emissions profile of the cleanest alternatives (like natural gas).
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Clerio Vision, Inc.
STTR Phase II: Refractive correction using non-invasive laser-induced refractive index change
312 Susquehanna Rd
Rochester, NY 14618-2940
NSF Award
1738506 – STTR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2017 – 08/31/2021
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This Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project enables the development of the next generation of contact lenses for vision correction based on a novel photomodification technique called "LIRIC (Laser Induced Refractive Index Change)." More than 2.3 billion people world-wide suffer from refractive error in their visual system, while over 500 million have inadequate access to refractive correction. Glasses are an option for refractive correction, however there can be practical limitations and even social stigma associated with wearing glasses, particularly among adolescents. Meanwhile vision correction with contact lenses is limited to lenses whose optical prescription is determined by their thickness profile. This has negative consequences for visual quality, on-eye stability and corneal health. The research represents a fundamental shift in how vision correction is applied because it alters the refractive index of an optical material, enabling previously unavailable visual correctors in thin, stable contact lenses. LIRIC uses a high repetition rate, femtosecond laser to micro-modify the local medium to produce custom refractive corrections in hydrogels, and in living cornea. LIRIC works by accumulating localized refractive index (RI) changes in an ocular material to create a refractive lateral gradient index lens.
Changing the refractive index using LIRIC instead of the surface shape can lead to several fundamental advances for vision correction, with profound implications for vision care: 1) contact lenses can be manufactured specifically for patient fit and stability with the refractive correction decoupled from the lens shape; 2) difficult and irregular refractive corrections (i.e. for irregular astigmatism, presbyopia, and higher order aberrations) could be written more easily and with better spatial resolution than with existing methods; 3) multifocal and diffractive optical designs can be utilized for presbyopic and macular degenerative corrections. Patients viewing through LIRIC lenses, created in Phase I, had visual performance (visual acuity and contrast sensitivity) on par with a control lens. The objective of the Phase II work is to demonstrate that LIRIC works in contact lenses at process speeds necessary for commercial manufacturing. The goal of this work is to demonstrate that a 6.5 mm optical zone can be successfully processed in <15 seconds. To effectively do so, the LIRIC process has to achieve more than 1 wave of phase change (at 555 nm wavelength) at laser scanning velocities in excess of 10 meter/second. -
ConsortiEX, Inc
SBIR Phase II: Development of a Track-and-Trace Medication Barcoded Label
1000 N Water St
Milwaukee, WI 53202-6669
NSF Award
1660080 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
03/01/2017 – 08/31/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is aimed at improving healthcare patient outcomes, potentially saving lives, and decreasing healthcare costs. The Drug Quality and Security Act of 2013 set stricter manufacturing standards on sterile injectable compounded medications that have closed many third party suppliers, thus creating shortages and higher prices. In response, the American Society of Hospital Pharmacists expects 40% of the US market, 2000 hospitals, by 2018 to receive insourced compounds. Hospitals that insource hope to decrease their costs and improve patient safety with higher quality product. Today, insourcing hospitals often have multiple information systems and use paper records cobbling together how a compound is made and to whom it has been administered. When an ingredient recall occurs, hospitals spend hundreds of man-hours identifying the problem source and affected patients. To prevent further patient risks speed is demanded. This SBIR Phase I project will provide hospitals the capability of an end-to-end quality management that will track every production process step and tracing medications to patients. Hospitals will be able to prevent patients from receiving recalled medications and identify quality production compromises thus improving patient outcomes and potentially saving lives.
The proposed project is a novel medication barcoded label encryption technology compatible with existing hospital scanners to provide track and trace capabilities of intravenous medication compounds. Key objectives include both patient specific and anticipatory workflows with labels, a Passive Auditing management system for compounding quality control, and an innovation to improve operating room environment medication barcode scanning compliance. Today, healthcare providers utilize multiple barcoded label technologies with minimal embedded medication data across disparate systems. Medication labels could be the link across these systems for ingredient traceability. However, existing solutions are inadequate to meet 2013 legislative traceability mandates. The project invention will encrypt serialization fields within the barcoded label connecting a specific medication to its production data, and eventually to the patient. Compounding process data, such as ingredients, environmental conditions, and production instructions, will be connected to individual medication labels and stored in the patient?s electronic record. When an ingredient is recalled or questionable process identified, an extraction algorithm will pull the encrypted data from the EHR and will be connected to production data. Success of this project will be label readability by existing hospital scanners and retrieval of the serialized data from the EHR -
CycloPure, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: High-Affinity Cyclodextrin Polymers for Point-of-Use Filtration Products
171 Saxony Road, #208
Encinitas, CA 92024-0000
NSF Award
1831206 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/01/2018 – 02/28/2023
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project is to provide a solution to the problem of drinking water contamination by developing an advanced adsorbent for point-of-use/home filtration applications. Micropollutants, pharmaceutical residues, pesticides, industrial chemicals and other organic compounds present in water resources at trace concentrations of one part per billion and less, are recognized as a major factor of contamination. Consumers around the world no longer trust the safety of their drinking water due to the presence of micropollutants and other contaminants. These compounds are pervasive and can present toxicity at trace concentrations. As a result, consumers have significantly increased the non-sustainable use of plastic bottled water, now a $260 billion market. Current point-of-use filtration products are primarily designed to improve taste and odor, and are generally ineffective in removing micropollutants. CycloPure's technology has been developed specifically to target and remove micropollutants from water. This project focuses on the further development of the company's cyclodextrin adsorbent to improve the effectiveness of point-of-use filters. This material can be used as a drop-in replacement without changes in filter design. CycloPure's materials will allow households to safely use readily available tap water.
This SBIR Phase II project proposes to identify strategies to develop a suitable form factor to incorporate CycloPure's high-affinity cyclodextrin adsorbent into point-of-use filters. The company's adsorbent is formed by reacting cyclodextrins, which are derived from corn starch, with readily available monomers in a single step process. During the Phase I period of this project, scalable reaction conditions were identified for production of the adsorbent in powder form. Flow-through applications, such as gravity filters, frequently require granular particles to achieve desired flow rates. Early activities will focus on the preparation of the adsorbent in granular form to demonstrate scalability and retention of removal performance similar to powder form. Thereafter, column studies will be performed in order to assess the removal performance of granular media under flow-through conditions at environmentally relevant micropollutant concentrations. Following identification of adsorption characteristics and appropriate flow conditions, a prototype point-of-use filter will be constructed and tested for the removal of micropollutants from tap water using advanced analytical techniques, including a combination of target and non-target screening approaches.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
DeepScale, Inc
SBIR Phase II: Energy-Efficient Perception for Autonomous Road Vehicles
1232 Royal Crest Dr
San Jose, CA 95131-2912
NSF Award
1758546 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/01/2018 – 10/31/2019
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will be to allow more consumers to make use of assisted and autonomous driving systems in automobiles. Fully Autonomous Vehicles (AV) will reduce traffic collisions and enable humans to spend less time driving and more time on productive activities. Commercially deploying AVs requires a number of key technologies including sensing, perceptual systems, motion planning, and actuation. Our discussions with leaders and decisionmakers at automotive companies have shown that the development of robust, accurate, and energy-efficient perception systems is a major technical obstacle to creating mass-producible autonomous road vehicles. Of particular interest to automakers is scaling down the computational requirements of perceptual systems while preserving high levels of accuracy and robustness.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will use deep learning to create perception systems that are (a) scalable across different computational platforms and (b) scalable across smaller or larger sensor sets. Specifically, the company will develop scalable systems from small compute platforms (used for Highly Automated Driving) to somewhat larger compute platforms (used for Fully Automated Driving). Further, the company will develop perceptual systems that scale from few sensors to many sensors. The goal is to "do more with less," advancing the pareto-optimal frontier of efficiency-accuracy and price-accuracy tradeoffs. The company has already engaged with automotive OEMs and suppliers to develop partnerships and to define metrics for success in this endeavor.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Diligent Droids, LLC
SBIR Phase II: Mobile Manipulation Hospital Service Robots
2418 Spring Ln PO Box 5017
Austin, TX 78703-4480
NSF Award
1738375 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2017 – 07/31/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project on hospital service robots is improving the quality of care in hospital systems that are under increased pressure to provide high-quality patient-centric care while functioning as profitable businesses. Hospitals face a shortage of qualified nurses and high rates of nurse turnover. Nurses play a critical role in communicating care plans, educating patients, and guarding against medical errors. The amount of time they spend in direct care activities is a key determinant of patient satisfaction, better patient outcomes, fewer errors, and shorter lengths of stay. In the face of nursing shortages across the U.S., it is increasingly important to have nurses performing at the 'top of their license'. Reducing the amount of time they spend on non-nursing tasks is crucial to this goal. Automation could address these challenges and labor shortage by allowing clinical staff to focus on providing skilled care. The proposed project aims to develop technology that is general-purpose enough to transfer to other markets, such as long term care facilities and, eventually, individual consumers. Robots that perform assistive tasks in homes could increase the feasibility of independent living for many older adults.
The proposed project will establish the technical and commercial feasibility of developing hospital service robots that act as assistants on acute care units, enabling nurses to spend more time at the bedside with patients. This project will make technical advances along three dimensions: the ability of the proposed robot to autonomously navigate within nursing units and across the hospital (navigation capabilities); to easily adapt its manipulation skills to specific tasks and to physical characteristics of a particular hospital/unit (adaptive learning of manipulation skills); and to work alongside humans in a socially acceptable manner, including appropriate navigation in crowded hallways, speech, and eye gaze behaviors that communicate the robot's intentions (socially intelligent interoperability). The team intends to collaborate closely with a single partner hospital to iteratively improve the reliability and robustness of the artificial intelligence software suite developed with NSF funding and to deploy production-quality versions of the three core competencies. The final 6 months will involve a long-term deployment, with the robot autonomously working on an acute care unit of the partner hospital. The impact of the robot on unit staff and workflows will be documented, with the ultimate goal of developing a service robot that hospital staff view as a competent member of the care team. -
Dimensional Energy Inc.
STTR Phase II: HI-LIGHT - Solar Thermal Chemical Reactor Technology for Converting CO2 to Hydrocarbons
107 Penny Ln
Ithaca, NY 14850-6273
NSF Award
1831166 – STTR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2018 – 02/28/2022
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this STTR Phase II project will result in significant economic activity through the utilization of waste carbon dioxide. The photo-catalytic reactors funded in the project will lead to novel methods to chemically store energy from the sun. Each year, human activity releases 38 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Dimensional Energy envisions a future in which we can utilize this carbon dioxide as a feedstock for industrial production of hydrocarbon fuels and chemical intermediaries by harnessing the power of the sun.
This STTR Phase II project proposes to develop HI-Light - a photo-thermo-catalytic reactor platform technology that enables the conversion of CO2 and water to synthesis gas at a rate significantly greater than the state of the art. The unique feature of the technology is that it uses embedded optical waveguides to evenly distribute light within the reactor, increasing the efficacy of the catalyst and ultimately the productivity of the system. In Phase I a fully functional integrated prototype reactor was constructed, demonstrating continuous operation, and showing productivity in terms of the grams of hydrocarbon produced per gram of catalyst per hour more than 10x greater than the state of the art. The approach solves the two major roadblocks in photo-conversion of CO2: (1) the semiconductor catalysts can only use photons with energies greater than their bandgap, which is a small fraction of those present in sunlight and (2) a large fraction of the catalyst material in these reactors is under-utilized due to sub-optimal light and reactant delivery. Our unique reactor uses a patented, multi-scale approach to enhance light and reagent transport directly to the reaction site and makes use of traditionally unused photons to provide heat and enhance reaction efficiency.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
SBIR Phase II: Transforming Complex Utility Transaction Management
Huntersville, NC 28078-6569
NSF Award
1951161 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
05/01/2020 – 04/30/2022
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is empowering the 68 million U.S. natural gas consumers and their transaction managers and partners to access transaction status in real time, enjoy continuous control of their transactions, settle transactions in time scales less than the industry’s current monthly accounting cycle, and enjoy heightened levels of security. The United States natural gas industry has operated in its present physical form for more than a century, and over the past four decades the industry has evolved through various policy and regulatory actions to open transaction participation to thousands of parties. In other industries, the past two decades have introduced digital capabilities that share transaction information and automate select functions, but these developments have not enjoyed infusion in natural gas transaction management processes. The proposed solution will serve as a platform for industry innovation by multiple parties, reducing transaction cost and increasing speed. This innovation will have applications in other industries characterized by complex, multi-party transactions.
This SBIR Phase II project proposes to advance blockchain innovations and related technologies to transform complex natural gas utility transaction management processes across production, transmission, distribution and consumption functions. The proposed solution will accelerate the development of third-generation smart contracting frameworks with user-friendly/interactive human-machine-interfaces (HMI) and predictive and interactive smart contracting functionalities based on artificial intelligence, and with advanced cybersecurity measures.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Ecovative Design LLC
SBIR Phase II: Using Mycelium as a Matrix For Binding Natural Fibers And Core Filler Materials in Sustainable Composites
70 Cohoes Avenue
Troy, NY 12183-1518
NSF Award
1152476 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/01/2012 – 03/31/2016
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project seeks to further quantify the mechanical performance of mycological bio-composites that address the automotive and structural core industries, while concurrently scaling and demonstrating material production. The engineered composites market continues to grow steadily because of the high strength-to-weight and stiffness-to-weight ratios of these systems, as compared to conventional engineering materials. Engineered woods are ubiquitous in the construction and furniture industries, but due to domestic indoor air quality regulations (Toxic Substances Control Act), these materials are being phased out or are forced to use expensive formaldehyde-free adhesives. Similarly, the automotive industry is under regulatory pressure in Europe to find alternatives to fire-retardant foams that cannot be recycled due to inorganic filling agents. The technical results from the Phase I effort have demonstrated bio-composite materials which can compete both economically, and on mechanical performance, with the aforementioned competitors, while meeting these legislative demands. A preliminary cost analysis based on the process economics of our existing production facilities projects retail costs 45% and 35% below the current state-of-the-art in the automotive and furniture industries, respectively. We will work with key industry partners to meet performance metrics and demonstrate quality pilot production.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project would be a customizable bio-composite for a broad range of markets, including automotive, transportation, architectural, furniture, sports, and recreation. These materials are truly sustainable, since both the laminates and cores used in the sandwich structure consist of renewable materials. They also require significantly less energy to make than other biocompatible composites, because the material is grown instead of synthesized, and the material is completely compostable at the end of life. The outcome of the proposed development and demonstration will ensure that the bio-composite properties meet the requirements for the target markets. Furthermore, over the course of this grant, and in cooperation with Rensselaer and Union College, we will demonstrate and scale the best manufacturing processes to a pilot stage capable of manufacturing high volumes of quality product. Since these materials leverage regional lignocellulosic byproducts from domestic agriculture and industry, a regional manufacturing model is presently being pursued to reduce transportation and feedstock costs. This will not only bring additional value to U.S. agricultural markets, but will spur rural economic development through domestic manufacturing. Finally, these advanced biological materials represent a new paradigm in manufacturing, offering safe, biodegradable alternatives to traditional petroleum-based alternatives. -
Ecovative Design LLC
SBIR Phase II: Method of Disinfecting Precursor Materials using Plant Essential Oils for a New Material Technology
70 Cohoes Avenue
Troy, NY 12183-1518
NSF Award
1058285 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
03/01/2011 – 02/28/2015
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project seeks to further develop, and demonstrate at scale, a biological disinfection process that has exhibited superior microbial inactivation to steam pasteurization at a lower cost. This process leverages dilute concentrations (0.5-0.875% by volume) of plant-derived phenols and aldehydes to inactivate lower level fungi and bacteria found on agricultural byproducts (seed husks and hulls). The application focus for this demonstration is a novel material technology that converts lignocellulosic waste into a high performance, low cost replacement for synthetics (plastics and foams) using a filamentous fungus. This biological disinfection process can reduce process energy consumption by 83% and system capital expense by upwards of 50%. This project will fully quantify the efficacy of this disinfection process at scale (production volumes) as well as analyze the integration of this technique into a mycological material production facility that is presently addressing the protective packaging industry. Batch and continuous systems will be explored, and a comprehensive economic model will be developed based on the results. The mycological materials that are produced under this demonstration will be compared with materials fabricated with the existing pasteurization system, and samples will be evaluated by customers to ensure product adoption.
High-embodied energy disinfection processes, autoclave sterilization or pasteurization, are ubiquitous within industries such as agriculture, food processing, and biotechnology. These methodologies are implemented to reduce or remove background bioburden (bacteria, yeast, mold) that can be detrimental to downstream processes due to contamination. Mycological materials production represents such a process since raw material contamination results in product loss and added labor. The plant essential oil (PEO) disinfection technique was proven under the Phase I research to offer a comparable process time to steam pasteurization and superior disinfection efficacy; thus this technology could serve as a drop-in replacement in some industrial applications. This process minimizes capital equipment and operations costs due a reduction in system complexity and energy consumption. In regards to the production of mycological products, this disinfection process bolsters the process robustness by extending contaminate inactivation periods which promotes rapid mycelium colonization or a reduction in incubation time. Therefore new market opportunities for mycological materials can be addressed while further supporting the business case for regional manufacturing using domestic agricultural waste as raw materials. Finally, the benefits obtained from this novel disinfection process permit an accelerated deployment and development of turnkey production systems to displace synthetic materials. -
Ekso Bionics, Inc.
STTR Phase II: In-Home Rehabilitation System for Post Stroke Patients
1414 Harbour Way South
Richmond, CA 94804-3628
NSF Award
0924037 – STTR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
08/01/2009 – 09/30/2013
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This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5).
This Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase II project proposes to create an in-home gait training device that allows a post-stroke patient to undergo rehabilitation with little or no assistance. Approximately 500,000 Americans survive a stroke each year. Miraculously, most stroke survivors can relearn skills, such as walking, that are lost when part of the brain is damaged. They can relearn walking most effectively if they are aided in making the correct motions by a machine or a physical therapist while attempting to walk. This training is expensive and requires the patient to make regular visits to a stroke center or qualified physical therapy center. Berkeley Bionics proposes to create a lightweight robotic exoskeleton which cradles a patient?s lower extremities and torso, and maneuvers their rehabilitating limbs for them.
The broader impacts of this research are immense. These devices could move most post-stroke rehabilitation out of the clinical setting thereby reducing labor costs dramatically. The gait training exoskeletons will be wearable, very unobtrusive, and allow patients to maneuver in the real world. Patients would therefore be able to wear such devices for most of the day, thus remaining mobile and gaining the therapeutic effects of physical therapy over the course of a day, rather than just a short session. Furthermore, creating such a device will also give clinicians an alternative to the wheelchair to assist patients who are unable to recover adequate mobility to function in their daily lives. This could potentially reduce unhealthy effects of wheelchair use for millions. -
Ekso Bionics, Inc.
STTR Phase II: Lower Extremity Exoskeleton Assist Device for Reducing the Risk of Back Injuries among Workers
1414 Harbour Way South
Richmond, CA 94804-3628
NSF Award
0956801 – STTR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
02/01/2010 – 07/31/2012
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This Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase II project proposes will study the technology barriers associated with creating exoskeleton assist devices for workers in distribution centers and automobile assembly plants. By using these devices, workers can dramatically reduce the load in the
vertebrae of the lower back when maneuvering parts and boxes. The assist device will take the majority of the load off of the user?s body. Such collaboration between humans and machines has the benefit of the intellectual advantage of humans coupled with the strength advantage of machines. The proposed project involves the University of California at Berkeley as research partner, General Motors Corporation, and the U.S. Postal Service. The end goal is a reduction in back injuries in the workplace which are considered by OSHA the nation?s number one workplace safety problem.
The broader impacts of this research are reduced worker?s compensation insurance costs, reduced disability payments, increased worker productivity, and the ability for workers to keep working into their older years. Furthermore, these new devices will open an entirely new market which will serve an important role in establishing the United States as the number one player in the emerging field of bionics. Additionally, establishing this market for exoskeletons will enable the development of other exoskeleton markets which include military exoskeletons for carrying backpack and body armor loads, rescue worker exoskeletons, stair climbing exoskeletons for urban firefighters, and wild-land firefighter exoskeletons. The potential impacts to worker safety and American quality of life are large and diverse. -
Ekso Bionics, Inc.
STTR Phase II: Integrated Powered Knee-Ankle Prosthetic System
1414 Harbour Way South
Richmond, CA 94804-3628
NSF Award
1026872 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2010 – 02/28/2015
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This Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase II project proposes the development of an integrated powered knee-ankle prosthesis. The objective of this proposal is to investigate the use of integrated powered knee and ankle joints in trans-femoral prostheses that use sensory information from the ground and the wearer. The hypothesis is that a prosthesis with actively powered knee and ankle joints will significantly enhance the mobility of trans-femoral amputees while walking on level grounds, as well as stairs and slopes. The inability to deliver power to prosthetic systems has significantly impaired their ability to restore many locomotive functions. This proposal will derive a set of guidelines on design and control of an integrated powered knee and ankle prosthetic system which will improve locomotion function such as walking up stairs, walking up slopes, running, jumping, and as hypothesized in this proposal, even level walking. The proposed work will result in new theoretical frameworks for control and sensory systems, and the design of such systems. Major intellectual contributions will include the design of power systems; development of the sensory system to obtain information from the ground and from the user; the development of a control framework for the interactive control of prostheses; and the development of adaptive and robust controllers for impedance modulation during locomotion.
This project intends to create principles that provide significantly greater functional capabilities for above-knee amputees. Specifically, our work will enable more natural, stable, and adaptable prostheses. These research elements in this proposal will also form a foundation for powered orthotic systems. Additional significant benefits of this work include fostering a broader awareness and increased sensitivity of young engineers and educational institutions to disability issues. Limb loss is also afflicting a growing number of military personnel serving in recent conflicts, as well as a far larger number of veterans from previous wars. The recent Middle East conflicts have resulted in a number of young amputees, many of whom still shoulder the responsibility of raising families and anticipate a working life ahead of them. The integrated knee-ankle prosthetic proposed here will have a direct impact on the mobility of the trans-femoral amputees and their quality of life, and most likely alleviate the long-term consequences related to musculoskeletal health. -
Elektrofi Inc
SBIR Phase II: Novel Formulation for the Delivery of High Concentration Protein Therapeutics
75 Kneeland St
Boston, MA 02111-1901
NSF Award
1831212 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/01/2018 – 08/31/2021
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This SBIR Phase II project aims to transform intravenous (IV) infusions of biologic medicines into simple subcutaneous (SC) injections. Biologics have improved the treatment of human disease. Unfortunately, their delivery is burdensome. The standard of administration of these biologics is often by IV infusion at low concentrations, which can take multiple hours to deliver, cause patient discomfort, and increase the risk of infection. Although SC injection is preferred, constraints on SC volume (1.5-2.0 mL) would necessitate concentrations much greater than 100 mg/mL, which are often unfeasible. Solutions at concentrations exceeding 100 mg/mL are highly viscous (honey-like), making them difficult to inject and leading to unstable products. This project's microparticle suspension technology can deliver high concentrations while fully preserving the protein structure, function, and efficacy. Transforming the delivery of biologics offers advantages to patients, healthcare providers, payers, and biopharmaceutical companies. Patients will experience less pain and discomfort, save time, have fewer infections, and have better access to biologics. Healthcare providers will be able to process more patients, decrease the chance of complications, and use fewer human resources. Payers will have decreased reimbursement costs. Biopharmaceutical companies will have patented product differentiation and the ability to develop otherwise intractable biologics.
This SBIR Phase II project aims to develop a soft atomization manufacturing platform for the production of microparticle suspensions capable of transforming intravenous (IV) infusions of biologics into simple subcutaneous (SC) injections. The standard of administration of biologics is intravenous infusion at low concentrations, which can take hours to deliver, cause patient discomfort, and increase the risk of infection. Although SC injection is preferred, constraints on SC volume (1.5-2.0 mL) necessitate concentrations greater than 100 mg/mL, which are often unfeasible. Solutions at concentrations exceeding 100 mg/mL are highly viscous (honey-like), making them difficult to inject and leading to unstable products. This project's gently processed microparticle suspensions can deliver high concentrations while preserving protein structure and bioactivity, an accomplishment not well-demonstrated with other microparticle technologies. This project aims to advance the readiness level of the innovation by performing process calibration of a bench-scale system, followed by developing and characterizing the resulting particles and suspensions produced on that system. With well-formulated suspensions, in vivo pharmacokinetic and efficacy studies will commence. The project will support the development of manufacturing capabilities towards a goal of transitioning to pilot-scale production. This project aims to offer advantages to patients, healthcare providers, payers, and biopharmaceutical companies.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Emergy LLC
SBIR Phase II: Sustainable alternative protein cultivation from fungal mycelium for human consumption
973 5th st
Boulder, CO 80302-7120
NSF Award
1926981 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
08/01/2019 – 07/31/2023
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The broader impact and commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project is a new source of human-grade protein that it can be produced at an estimated half the price of wholesale chicken and 2000 times higher protein yields per acre compared to soy with a fraction of the input requirements. The new protein addresses pain points in industry of potential allergens, amino acid composition, poor flavor and texture, and limited processability. If successfully commercialized, Emergy's potential impact is the ability to provide high quality protein to millions of people at 50% the price of animal protein, while saving the world greenhouse gas emissions, all with a significantly reduced land footprint.
This SBIR Phase II proposes to use the efficiencies of biological organisms to produce high quality, economical, and sustainable protein for human consumption. To achieve this goal, Emergy grows filamentous fungi biomass as a human-grade protein source. The fungal biomass has one of the highest protein contents of any raw source available on the market (60% by weight) and is one of the only complete proteins. Emergy has developed fermentation parameters and used directed evolution to produce a fungal process/strain that provides several inherent advantages over traditional protein production methods. Advantages of production include, low resource requirements, high yields, safe and toxin free, and low unit costs. While this process has been demonstrated at the benchtop level, the technical hurdles include scaling production to industrial systems while maintaining the proper texture and quality. Emergy Labs plans on executing these goals by optimizing growth conditions in scaled bioreactors, defining industrial operating parameters, designing and proving a scalable manufacturing process, and demonstrating commercially relevant scale.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
STTR Phase II: Scalable fabrication of stable perovskite solar panels using slot-die coating technique
Dallas, TX 75238-1650
NSF Award
1927020 – STTR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/15/2020 – 03/31/2022
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase II project is to advance the development of new low-cost and high-efficiency solar cells. This process uses abundant natural resources as the raw material, using a novel technology to make parts that can be printed on plastic foils to significantly reduce manufacturing and installation costs. This project will develop advanced manufacturing technology for the solar cell industry.
This STTR Phase II project proposes to develop a reliable, reproducible, and cost-effective upscaling of perovskite photovoltaic (PV) devices using an industry-proven slot-die coating technique, to ultimately produce flexible and rigid, highly efficient perovskite solar cells (PSC). The efficiency of perovskite solar cells has surged to over 22% in recent research and now rivals that of CdTe, and Si-based solar panels. Most research lab perovskite solar cell devices are fabricated via spin casting and have a device area of less 1 sq. cm. Despite the progress of perovskite solar cell technology, three fundamental issues need to be addressed for commercialization: device lifetime, controllable perovskite deposition, and improved manufacturing, especially in the area of scalability. This project's objectives are to: 1) produce a hybrid perovskite (HP) slot-die deposition solution for large solar panels sized 600-1200 mm and beyond, 2) build slot-die coating solution for perovskite-silicon tandem photovoltaic cells, and 3) conduct modeling and reliability studies to optimize the system.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
SBIR Phase II: Affordable point-of-use water disinfection through mass-produced nano-silver embedded paper filters
175 Varick St
New York, NY 10014-4604
NSF Award
1951210 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/15/2020 – 06/30/2022
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The broader impacts of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project focuses on the research and development of an antimicrobial nanoparticle filter paper for low-cost point-of-use water purification. The proposed project will develop an antimicrobial paper water purifier, packaged like a coffee filter, to be distributed through retail channels. This project will offer safe water to many communities throughout the world.
This SBIR Phase II project will advance the development of a process using large-scale paper machinery and similar reel-to-reel processes to manufacture low-cost nano-metal functionalized materials, such as nanosilver filter paper. Phase II objectives include: (i) optimize the process to reduce materials and other costs, increase flow rate, and maintain high-quality performance, (ii) demonstrate a more robust filter system by mitigation of water chemical and microbiology variability through improved formulation and formal determination of product shelf-life, (iii) demonstrate production at pilot and industrial speeds and output levels, while validating a non-destructive quality control program, and (iv) integrate third-party product safety certification tests.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
SBIR Phase II: Antibiotic-Dispensing Spacer for Improved Periprosthetic Joint Infection (PJI) Treatment
Longmont, CO 80503-9095
NSF Award
2025352 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2020 – 08/31/2022
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will help total knee replacement patients who have a joint infection. Periprosthetic Joint Infection (PJI) is a potentially life-threatening bacterial infection of a total joint replacement. Beyond immediate treatment, infections can develop years later from unrelated injuries, increasing PJI incidence as older patients opt for replacement joints. Roughly 15.6 million people in the US currently use a replacement joint, and without improved treatment, PJI will represent an estimated $2.2 billion annual US healthcare burden by 2023. The current standard of care treatment cannot generate sufficiently high antibiotic concentrations within the joint over enough time to eradicate bacterial biofilms on the implant and tissue, the known cause of persistent infection. This project will advance a proprietary implantable drug delivery system to easily generate and maintain an antibiotic concentration in the joint sufficient to eradicate biofilm and resolve an infection with less surgical trauma, easier patient recovery and lower healthcare cost than the current standard of care provides.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will advance translation of a novel implantable drug delivery system with an externally worn controller that communicates through skin to a simple implant comprising a pump and reservoir. When therapy is complete the pump can be left in place with no requirement to remove it, avoiding additional surgery common with current implantable pump technology. This project advances the development of the implant and controller to generate prototypes for thorough testing, including efficacy evaluation for biofilm eradication within a simulated environment.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Feasible, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Electrochemical Acoustic Tools for the Analysis of Batteries
1890 Arch St.
Berkeley, CA 94709-1307
NSF Award
1831080 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/01/2018 – 11/30/2022
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this project will be in helping batteries exceed the quality, performance, and safety demands of mass-market electric vehicles, renewable energy generation, and next-generation consumer electronic devices. The need for high-performance batteries is accelerating, and as batteries grow in energy density, size, and production volumes, so will the issues that persist with quality. Unless these issues are addressed, they will continue to have major implications for the performance, safety, and adoption of these important technologies. The challenge is that outside of R&D labs, the industry relies on essentially the same basic data as when batteries were first invented: voltage, current, and temperature. As a result, at commercial scales, only a small percentage of batteries are inspected in a meaningful way, with methods that only provide indirect information about physical condition. This Phase 2 project is focused on developing a new platform for production-level battery inspection that directly probes the physical condition of batteries with a high testing throughput. This could lead to better decisions in manufacturing environments and could decrease system costs, increase capacity and operational lifetime, and accelerate the scale-up of promising new materials.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase 2 project addresses the need for a physical mode of inspection in battery production environments that is capable of screening every cell with high fidelity. Currently, inspection in production-level environments are limited to electrical measurements and X-rays. Electrical methods provide only indirect and cell-averaged information about physical condition, and X-rays are not practically able to detect the distribution of electrolyte within batteries nor the formation of the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) layer (both of which strongly affect long-term reliability, performance, and safety of batteries). This Phase 2 project aims to develop a platform that utilizes sound-based methods to inspect batteries in production-environments. This will involve developing a scaled, automated hardware system as well as software and computational methods for processing and analyzing the acoustic signals. The Phase 2 project will also include various testing and validation efforts to assess the ability of acoustic analysis to both directly determine the performance quality and reliability of cells beyond beginning of life capacity and resistance, as well as to improve the performance of strings of cells and modules.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
SBIR Phase II: Synthetic biology platform for production of stabilized high-value proteins
Brookline, MA 02446-5711
NSF Award
2024671 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2020 – 04/30/2022
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The broader impact of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is to help patients living with diabetes. The disease accounts for 12% of deaths in the US and patients face major lifestyle changes. Most patients transition to insulin replacement therapy, which carries a complex dosing schedule that, if not followed closely, can leave patients in dangerous states of glucose dysregulation. More than 50 million diabetics currently use basal insulin analogs designed for longer activity than human insulin. The convenience and improved safety of these analogs has led to widespread adoption and a global market surpassing $10B. However, all current basal insulins require daily injections, a dosing burden that leads to poor treatment adherence, leaving patients vulnerable to dangerous fluctuations in blood glucose. The modified insulin described in this Phase II project is intended to provide the stability necessary to achieve once-weekly dosing. Relaxing the injection schedule should dramatically improve compliance and safety for patients; furthermore, the solution can be delivered at lower cost.
The project uses a scalable in vivo protein production platform to produce long-acting insulin analogs for the diabetes market. The project utilizes the platform’s unique capability to site-specifically install non-standard amino acids into proteins, and to produce the modified proteins at scale. By replacing key bond-forming amino acids in insulin with non-standard amino acids that form stronger bonds, the modified insulins can achieve the stability necessary to support once-weekly dosing. The research objectives are to: produce sufficient quantities of variants of this insulin analog to support an experimental program, demonstrate improved stability of the variants over wild-type insulin in cell-based assays, and demonstrate sufficiently prolongated pharmacodynamics of the insulin analogs in an animal study to support once-weekly dosing. Potential outcomes include the first insulin analog capable of filling a major clinical and commercial need for affordable, safe insulin analogs with relaxed dosing schedules. Further, the work provides technical validation of a novel protein production platform.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Ginkgo BioWorks
SBIR Phase II: Novel Proteolysis-based Tools for Metabolic Engineering
27 Drydock Ave Floor 8
Boston, MA 02210-2413
NSF Award
1256446 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/15/2013 – 08/31/2019
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project aims to engineer microbes for the cost-effective production of specialty chemicals. Currently, engineered microbial strains bear mutations that increase the production of chemicals of interest by inhibiting the cell's ability to produce off pathway chemicals. These "loss-of-function" mutations are critical as they effectively channel the cell's metabolic flux toward the product of interest. This both boosts the production efficiency and eases downstream purification by eliminating the accumulation of undesirable but chemically-similar contaminants. Unfortunately, these mutations may also decrease the fitness of the cells and, as a result, the growth media must be supplemented with costly nutrients. Technical research herein will assess the feasibility of applying novel regulated proteolysis technology to simultaneously direct maximal metabolic flux toward the target chemical of interest while avoiding the need to supplement the growth media. If successful, this technology would provide a great cost savings and enable fermentative production to be applied more broadly in the production of specialty chemicals.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is to provide a stable and cost-effective fermentative production route to a specialty chemical. Fermentative production of chemicals offers many advantages over traditional petrochemical or extraction-based production processes. Petrochemical production maintains the nation?s reliance on an unsustainable feedstock (oil) and also leads to national security issues as the US is largely dependent on foreign oil sources. Chemical production via extraction from plant materials also has ecological challenges. The process often uses toxic solvents, and may rely on unsustainable farming practices for many plants that are not traditional food crops. Engineered microbes fermented on sugar feedstock produced using high-efficiency agricultural practices offer a stable alternative for producing specialty chemicals, both in terms of supply and price. -
Glauconix Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Development of a High-Throughput Drug Screening System for Eye Diseases
251 Fuller Road
Albany, NY 12203-3640
NSF Award
1660131 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/01/2017 – 12/31/2022
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is the development of a drug screening system that will accelerate drug discovery for several eye diseases, including glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and macular edema. This technology will fulfill unmet needs of small and large biopharmaceutical companies engaged in drug discovery for various eye diseases by reducing development cost, expediting preclinical research, and increasing the chances of clinical success. From the socio-economic standpoint, this technology will result in the development of more effective ocular drugs that will decrease eye disease treatment cost. Furthermore, this model will facilitate more rapid development of technologies for the diagnosis of glaucoma and new surgical techniques in the management of this disease. Overall, this screening system will accelerate the development of medications for eye diseases, enhancing the quality of life for millions of people.
This SBIR Phase II project will address the lack of effective models for testing targeted glaucoma therapeutics and additional ocular diseases. Currently, none of the available glaucoma medications target the eye tissue responsible for this disease due to absence of clinically relevant testing platform that incorporates this particular eye tissue. Presently, animal or human cadaver eyes are used to study and test the effects of medications on such tissue, however, these preparations are cumbersome and expensive. The proposed work will be the first-of-its-kind to engineer physiologically-relevant 3D human eye tissues utilizing novel cell culture methods along with microfabrication techniques and a microfluidic system. These 3D tissues will facilitate the development of disease-relevant in vitro model systems for understanding not only glaucoma but also diabetic retinopathy and macular edema pathology. This tool will help increase the success rate of glaucoma and ocular vasculature-related medications at later stages of drug development pipeline. -
Glyscend INC
SBIR Phase II: Orally-dosed Intestinal Coating for the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Inspired from Bariatric Surgery
1812 Ashland Avenue
Baltimore, MD 02120-5150
NSF Award
1738372 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2017 – 06/30/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project addresses the healthcare needs of the 27 million Americans and 300 million patients globally suffering with type 2 diabetes (T2D). These patients are desperate for a safe treatment that reestablishes glycemic control to augment or replace current management strategies such as metformin and insulin, which only slow the progression of the disease. This proposal provides a unique approach to T2D based on an orally delivered intestinal coating that mimics the beneficial metabolic effects of bariatric surgery. The potential commercial impact of this novel treatment is highly significant as the total estimated cost of diabetes management in the US is upwards of $245 billion, and rising. Overall, an astounding 1 in 5 US health care dollars is used for the care of people with diabetes. Therefore, major insurers are very interested in the reimbursement of alternative approaches for treating T2D, thereby lessening the national cost burden.
The proposed project supports the further development of an entirely novel treatment for T2D based on new insights from bariatric surgery. The medical community has recently recognized that certain bariatric procedures involving duodenal exclusion confer profound and immediate benefits in glucose tolerance. Sleeve-type medical devices have provided clinical validation for this approach, but such devices are invasive and not currently approved due to safety issues. The investigators propose a non-invasive and safe orally-delivered intestinal coating which is expected to provide the same effect as surgery and implanted sleeves, but requires neither a specialist nor sedation. This proposal describes in-vitro and in-vivo experiments that build on positive results of the Phase I project, and drive the company towards human clinical trials. Specific Aim-1 is to optimize the active lead compound through evaluation of a limited number of rational structural variations. Specific Aim 2 is to demonstrate the dose-dependent efficacy and safety of lead formulations in a chronic diabetic animal model. Consultation with leading endocrinologists, gastroenterologists, and material scientists has guided the selection of the materials and methods of this proposal. Completion of the studies outlined in the NSF SBIR Phase II proposal will accelerate clinical translation, bringing this novel treatment closer to patients in need. -
GrokStyle Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Innovative visual search and similarity for decor, apparel, and style
450 Townsend St. Suite 207
San Francisco, CA 94107-1510
NSF Award
1738489 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2017 – 08/31/2019
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is to develop visual search for product recognition in the furniture and home décor vertical. Text-based searches have revolutionized the ability of people to complete tasks more quickly and efficiently as they are able to find the information they desire in an organized, compiled, and logical manner. Visual search provides the next level of disruption in search capabilities by allowing users to find information even more rapidly and accurately by using images. The deep learning-based software being developed will allow consumers to find products they are interested in, and co-purchase related products, quickly. Further, users will be more engaged through exposure to designer photographs of products (inspirational photography). By helping customers find exactly what they are looking for in a timely manner, user engagement and productivity will be increased. Further, related style-based recommendations will increase purchasing overall. Increased spending stimulates economic growth by increasing taxable revenue by retailers, and through increased sales taxes generated from the purchases.
This Small Business Innovative Research Phase II project seeks to develop a visual search engine that is poised to disrupt retail and ecommerce by switching the focus from text-based to visual search-based exploration. The platform initially targets interior décor and furniture where deep learning techniques are trained to recognize products across a wide range of conditions. In Phase II, the software deep learning architectures will be generalized to enable a broader range of products, and to allow customers more control over design decisions and choices. A client-facing REST API will allow retailers, designers, and media companies to programmatically access functionality of the platform, and build their own user interfaces and apps on top of the deep learning technology. Lastly, it is proposed to develop a white-label app that can be customized for individual retailers who want to distribute this visual search capability to their customers. Achieving these objectives will create state-of-the-art performance in visual search for applications in interior design, apparel search, real estate search, and product look-up. -
Grow Plastics LLC
SBIR Phase II: High performance biodegradable sandwich core structures
7734 15th Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98115-4336
NSF Award
1738543 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2017 – 08/31/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project will be the development and demonstration of a new manufacturing technology for lightweight bio-based plastics. Plastic produced from plant materials can have lower environmental impact than petroleum-based plastics, but price and performance issues have limited their adoption. In Phase I, Grow Plastics demonstrated the ability to produce lightweight, low cost, thermally stable 100% bio-based packaging products. In Phase II, Grow Plastics will continue the development of its products while also working to develop a full-scale manufacturing line. The goal of the technology is to replace billions of pounds of petroleum-based plastic with a lower density plastic requiring half as much material, which is made from plants.
This SBIR Phase II research project proposes to continue the development of a new manufacturing process for layered structures in biomaterials. Grow Plastics has demonstrated the ability to generate novel, high-performance layered cellular structures in biopolymers in a new manufacturing process using new machinery. The challenge in Phase II will be to continue the development in materials from Phase I while also scaling the technology to industrial scale. Materials science and manufacturing techniques will include polymer blending, solid state foaming, and thermal crystallization of polymer blends. Analysis techniques will include tensile testing, differential scanning calorimetry, thermo mechanical analysis, and evaluation of final product properties. -
SBIR Phase II: New Wearable for Body Focused Repetitive Behavior Detection
6465 Wayzata Boulevard
Saint Louis Park, MN 55426-1733
NSF Award
2026173 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2020 – 08/31/2022
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will help people who suffer from body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs). Over 4% of Americans suffer from skin picking, hair pulling, and nail biting, the majority of whom resort to covering up the problem with makeup, gloves, wigs, and even tattoos due to treatment cost barriers and lack of effective tools to facilitate behavior change. While behavior therapy, and in particular habit reversal training, has shown efficacy, this method is traditionally burdened by unreliable journaling, a lack of access to treatment, and difficulty for patients to perform in real-time because of a lack of awareness. While real-time awareness devices do exist, there is room for improvement in detection accuracy. This project will integrate a novel sensor system into a wearable device that can lead to state-of-the-art detection accuracy of BFRB-related behaviors. This wearable sensor solution is the first of its kind, using the novel sensor to extract meaningful biomechanical information.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will result in new behavior recognition algorithms, a new remote monitoring system, and new data generated from in-field experiments. The project will: 1) develop a new sensor calibration system and characterize signal artifacts that may influence detection accuracy; 2) develop new behavior detection algorithms using data captured in the lab; 3) conduct self-guided experiments in the field using the remote monitoring system proposed; and 4) refine recognition algorithms. Such sensitive measurements require ideal signal integrity, be sufficiently immune to signal artifacts, and tight electronics integration within wearable design constraints. This wearable system can profoundly impact the efficacy of habit reversal training during cognitive behavioral therapy, the leading method for reducing the negative effect of these behaviors.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
SBIR Phase II: LookingBus: Improving Public Transportation Services for the Blind
2416 Stone Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48105-2541
NSF Award
1926652 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
10/01/2019 – 09/30/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is to develop an industry-ready service to improve public transportation for riders with disabilities, specifically visual impairments. The LookingBus technology helps drivers accommodate the needs of certain riders, while limiting distractions from their primary roles of driving safely. Individuals with visual impairments depend heavily on public transit as an essential service for daily life, social activities, and employment. However, they often face challenges with (1) finding the correct bus stop, (2) determining which bus to board, and (3) departing the bus at the right stop. By developing an advanced notification service for alerting bus drivers, LookingBus will address the societal and market needs to mitigate these challenges. The product will promote independent, confident use of public transportation for riders with visual impairments, which may also promote a greater opportunity to pursue and maintain employment.
The proposed project will further develop and commercialize LookingBus, an industry-ready service to enhance public transportation experience for riders with disabilities, such as visual impairments. LookingBus provides an advanced notification system alerting drivers about riders at upcoming stops and their planned destinations. The proposed system will integrate a beacon at the bus stop with a display on the bus connected to an app on the user's mobile phone. This assures that riders with disabilities can safely utilize fixed-route public transportation.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
SBIR Phase II: Automated Pairing and Provisioning
2547 NE 16th Ave
Portland, OR 97212-4231
NSF Award
1655520 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/01/2017 – 09/30/2018
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will be focusing on automatic pairing and provisioning of Internet of Things (IoT) for the Multi-Family-Home (MFH) industry, to help them increase revenue potential by digitizing their apartments. It is estimated that the Smart Home Automation industry will reach $71B by 2018. If installation and setup of IoT devices could be automated and simplified then the MFH industry could roll out Smart Apartments quickly and in large scale. Being able to gather data and insights on buildings could lead to increased revenue from more efficient use of labor and materials and through better management of energy. It also gives them the opportunity to create new revenue streams from software and services targeted at the data output. The MFH industry can also get insights on their entire building portfolio versus a single building and more efficiently manage their entire portfolio. The MFH industry implementing Smart Home Automation technology has huge societal benefits by integrating with smart grids and utility demand response programs. The potential energy savings of 18M Smart Apartments could be hundred thousand gigawatt hours or $7.3B in savings.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project seeks to enable the deployment of a scalable and maintainable infrastructure through the use of mechanisms including automatic pairing, tiered authentication, and network isolation in low cost, resource-constrained Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The problem with existing IoT pairing methods is that they are targeted at Single-Family-Home deployments and the number of nodes that needs to be paired are relatively minimal. However, this is not a scalable model when trying to address the needs of the Multi-Family-Home (MFH) industry. In the multi-family dwelling, the sheer density of nodes creates new problems. The technical challenge that remains for this phase is to ensure that all the devices will easily pair and to differentiate the nodes so that they authenticate and provision to the right apartment in a dense, RF noisy environment. Developing a cost effective, scalable solution for this high-density scenario is a key component to fulfilling the value proposition of mass deployment in the Multi-Family-Home industry. The anticipated result of this project is to solve the issue of pairing large quantities of end nodes and authenticating them appropriately to the correct apartment. -
Imagen Energy, LLC
SBIR Phase II: Extremely Compact, High Efficiency, Integrated Converter and Energy Storage System
15230 W. Woodland Dr.
New Berlin, WI 53151-1915
NSF Award
1831221 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2018 – 02/28/2022
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is to enable vast deployment of energy storage to increase installation of renewable energy for reduced pollution and greenhouse gases, to improve energy security, and to improve energy efficiency and safety. The project will realize a dramatic reduction in cost and size of Energy Storage Systems (ESS) that will allow penetration of ESS into markets served by fossil fuels. One key market is grid ancillary services which includes Frequency Regulation (FR) that regulates grid frequency and stability. With the potential of this project, the FR market for battery based ESS is expected to grow from $100M/yr to over $4B/yr. This project has the societal benefits of replacing fossil fuel based ?peaker? plants that are commonly used to perform FR, with clean Li-ion battery based ESS. Furthermore, by providing lower cost FR capability for the grid, the project will enable grid penetration of more renewable energy, which requires additional FR capability.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will develop a highly compact integrated modular inverter/energy storage system to revolutionize deployment of energy storage system for grid, micro-grid, energy efficiency, and energy reliability support. The development effort proposed here includes an advanced energy storage system consisting of an extremely compact 150kW high frequency 3-level inverter, an integrated 100kWhr compact Li-ion battery system, proprietary battery management systems and internet communications capability. This will provide a highly integrated and scalable 150kW Energy Storage System with an integrated battery string inverter with 60% reduced system cost and 10X reduced size that will open new markets for energy storage and renewable energy. The project will develop key technology innovations which work together with advanced Li-ion batteries to form a revolutionary new product. These innovations include: high frequency 3-level inverter with innovative high frequency control and output filter to achieve >10X reduction in volume; a novel topology that integrates inverters into each cell string and eliminates many components resulting in 60% system cost reduction; a modular and scalable design that is fault tolerant and allows easy optimization for multiple system uses.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Inpria Corporation
SBIR Phase II: Directly Patternable Inorganic Hardmask for Nanolithography
2001 NW Monroe Ave
Corvallis, OR 97330-5510
NSF Award
Award amount to date
Start / end date
06/15/2010 – 05/31/2014
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project aims to develop a robust, high-speed inorganic resist platform to revolutionize the manufacture of semiconductor devices with feature sizes < 30 nm. At present, there is no demonstrated organic or inorganic resist that satisfies all of the requirements - high speed, low line-width roughness (LWR), sufficient etch resistance - for patterning devices at these feature sizes. A fundamentally new approach, relying on depositing extremely high-quality oxide films from aqueous solution and very efficient photon-induced network-forming reactions, is being pursued. The approach has enabled the production of extremely small feature sizes and linewidth roughness, enabling optimization within a uniquely high-performance triangle of sensitivity, linewidth roughness, and resolution. Resist deposition, resist formulations, exposure conditions, and processing parameters will be examined in detail to simultaneously address International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) roadmap requirements for 193i and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography. Anticipated results include 26-nm line/space (L/S) resolution at 3 nm LWR with 193-nm exposures and double patterning, and 22-nm L/S resolution at 1.2 nm LWR with EUV exposures. This resist platform will also lead to a high-resolution electron beam resist with unprecedented sensitivity.
The broader/commercial impact of this project is to develop high-performance resist materials to fill critical unmet needs for semiconductor manufacturing with features smaller than 30 nm. The material being developed addresses two of the ITRS "difficult challenges" for lithography: an EUV resist that meets 22-nm half-pitch requirements, and the containment of cost escalation of the extension of 193 nm patterning. The resulting product will serve a quickly growing market with a combined opportunity of $250 million in 2015. Success in the project will have a considerable impact on continued productivity gains in the ITRS roadmap, which supports the electronics industry. New levels of device performance will be enabled, providing broad societal impacts through the introduction of advanced electronics, while enhancing prospects for domestic employment in advanced materials and semiconductor manufacturing. The broader scientific and engineering research communities will benefit from new techniques to build and study novel devices at the extreme end of the nanoscale. Finally, solution processing with aqueous materials will reduce the use of toxic solvents and permit a smaller carbon footprint from reduced reliance on vacuum process equipment. -
Inpria Corporation
SBIR Phase II: Aqueous Precursors for High Performance Metal Oxide Thin Films
2001 NW Monroe Ave
Corvallis, OR 97330-5510
NSF Award
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/01/2012 – 12/31/2015
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project aims to develop spin-coatable liquid precursors for extremely high etch resistance pattern transfer layers (hardmasks) to enable novel devices in advanced integrated circuit manufacturing. The approach is to employ the fully inorganic metal oxide dielectric precursors demonstrated during the Phase I project to provide unparalleled etch selectivity for lithography spin-on hardmask layers. Such materials enable new architectures and deep etches required for future device generations which demand increasingly complex integration of materials to compensate for the limited etch selectivity of conventional organic patterning materials. The expected outcome is one or more inorganic spin-on hardmask materials ready for scale up to manufacturing.
The broader/commercial impact of this project will be the potential to provide materials to improve performance of integrated circuit devices manufactured at dimensions below 22 nm. This project addresses key challenges in the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors related to patterning requirements for future high performance electronic devices. The aqueous precursors are synthesized from environmentally benign raw materials, thereby reducing the environmental impact relative to conventional organic materials. The materials and low temperature processes developed in this project will also lay the foundation for broader applications in electronics, energy, and optical coatings. -
SBIR Phase II: Passive Radio for the Internet of Things
4000 Mason Road Ste 300
Seattle, WA 98195-0001
NSF Award
1758699 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
02/01/2018 – 07/31/2022
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is to develop low-power, low-cost and small
form factor wireless connectivity solutions, facilitating the deployment of inexpensive and long-lived
wireless sensors and devices for a diverse set of applications. For instance, it is infeasible to place
conventional sensors or wireless connectivity on low-cost or disposable items due to the high cost and
short battery life of wireless communication devices. With the successful completion of this project,
items ranging from consumer packaged goods to medical consumables and pill bottles could be
connected to the Internet. Brands and manufacturers could gain previously inaccessible market and
product insights based on the way products are used, while consumers could enjoy benefits ranging
from new services and features (such as automated product reordering) to better-designed products
which more closely fit their needs. By enabling new use cases for wireless connectivity, this technology
can prompt innovation across many industries.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project introduces a new long-range
backscatter-based communication technology based on Chirp Spread Spectrum, a wireless protocol
which can be detected at extremely low signal levels. The low-power wireless system prior to this
project is comprised of three elements: A passive backscatter-based radio, a first gateway device which
provides an illumination signal, and a second gateway device which receives the resulting
backscattered data and forwards data to the Internet. In this project, the passive backscatter-based
radio will be implemented in an integrated circuit form, realizing the low power and low cost possible
with this technology. The two gateway devices will be combined into one full-duplex radio device, to
address the needs of the majority of deployment scenarios. Techniques to localize the backscatter
radios within the field of the gateway device will be explored. Finally, security challenges will be
addressed and the system will undergo extensive evaluation and testing. -
Kytopen Corp
SBIR Phase II: An Automated Platform for Rapid Discovery in Cell Biology
501 Massachusetts Avenue 3rd FL
Cambridge, MA 02139-4018
NSF Award
1853194 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
03/01/2019 – 02/28/2022
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is to develop a fast, efficient, and scalable cell engineering technology that is easily automated through integration with liquid handling robots. Currently, there is a bottleneck in the process of cell engineering, especially in the engineering of cells for discovery of new therapeutics. The field of delivery of genetic or other material to cells has not kept pace with advancements in genetic modification and high-throughput screening technologies. The proposed platform will offer an alternative to the time-consuming and labor-intensive methods of transfection including lentiviral transduction and cuvette-based electroporation, which are difficult to automate. Applications of cell engineering technology range from fundamental research in cell physiology to the discovery of new targets for cellular therapies. The platform will allow scientists and clinicians to more rapidly and reliably engineer immune and other cells for discovery of new therapeutic targets and therapeutics.
The intellectual merit of this SBIR Phase II project will be to develop a scalable, automated, non-viral cell engineering platform with the potential to operate up to 10,000 times faster than conventional electroporation using high-throughput liquid handling. Using the core cell engineering technology developed in Phase I, the goal is to develop an automated protocol for gene transfection on a liquid handling robot compatible with 96 or 384 well plate technology. The first objective is to demonstrate the manufacturability of cell engineering devices for high-throughput cell engineering. Preliminary work in this area has shown that these devices can be injection molded, thus reducing cost while increasing the potential for production at scale. In the Phase II project, injection molded prototypes of the cell engineering devices will be developed to prove manufacturability and determine the cost to manufacture at scale (millions of parts per year). Second, there are several supplemental systems that must be integrated with a liquid handling apparatus to enable the proposed high-throughput cell engineering. Supplemental systems include a power source and power distribution manifold that interacts with each sample of the 96 or 384 well array. In this project, these systems will be integrated with the cell engineering devices and automated liquid handling robot. Third, the integrated system will be used to generate a large library of primary human T cell variants as proof-of-concept to demonstrate the potential for high-throughput cell engineering for therapeutic target discovery.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
SBIR Phase II: Novel Radar Using 3D Printed Luneburg Lens for Autonomous Transportation
4991 N. Fort Verde Trl.
Tucson, AZ 85750-5903
NSF Award
1758547 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/01/2018 – 09/30/2022
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this project will be that this research will address the resolution and detection range requirements of autonomous driving in complex environments such as urban scenarios. The next major revolution of transportation is undoubtedly autonomous driving, which will increase safety, mobility and productivity. Fully autonomous transportation may eliminate human error, the leading cause of traffic accidents, and could also lead to reduced traffic congestion, higher energy efficiency, and enhanced mobility for the aging and disabled population. The proposed advanced sensing system with intelligent algorithms is expected to help enable and advance the autonomous driving revolution. The proposed effort will also have great commercial impact. The global market size of autonomous sensors is expected to grow from $5.2 billion in 2018 to $11.9 billion in 2023, with the radar-based sensor segment representing $2.9 billion in 2023. In addition, the expected research outcome may lead to advancements in a number of important market sectors including wireless communications, sensing, mobile internet, assistive technology, and additive manufacturing.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase 2 project aims to realize a 3D-printed Luneburg lens-based high performance automotive radar for autonomous driving. Existing automotive radars do not have enough distance detection, field of view, and angular resolution for classifying and locating dense targets, which is critical for achieving fully autonomous driving. As a result, current autonomous driving tests utilize LiDAR ((Light Detection And Ranging) systems which are more expensive and less reliable than radar especially under adverse weather conditions such as rain, snow, fog, and smoke. Compared to conventional manufacturing techniques, this project utilizes 3D printing, which is convenient, fast, inexpensive and capable of implementing millimeter wave Luneburg lenses. Based on the Luneburg lens?s ability to form multiple beams with high gain and broad bandwidth, a novel automotive radar will be designed by mounting radar detectors around the lens. Moreover, with the wide bandwidth and natural beam forming capabilities of the Luneburg lens, an adaptive sensing approach is proposed to improve the scanning efficiency and avoid interference from nearby or intruder radar systems. With these proposed approaches, the objective is to achieve a high performance and high value millimeter-wave sensing system suitable for autonomous transportation applications.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Lapovations, LLC
SBIR Phase II: AbGrab Laparoscopic Lifting Device
2746 N Hidden Springs Drive
Fayetteville, AR 72703-9203
NSF Award
2025984 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2020 – 08/31/2022
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is a reduction in the negative effects of laparoscopies, procedures to enter the abdomen through a small incision. Over 15 million laparoscopies are performed worldwide each year, particularly gynecologists, who represent roughly half the surgeons performing these procedures in the U.S. The proposed procedure does not require surgeons to alter their surgical techniques and requires minimal training. It uses equipment already in the hospital. The benefits will include better surgical outcomes, decreased patient post-op pain, and increased surgeon and patient satisfaction. Furthermore, it can ultimately be used in other surgical interventions, such as pannus retention, wound management, and liposuction.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project addresses the need for a less invasive and more reliable method for lifting the abdominal wall during laparoscopic surgery. Current lifting techniques include manually grasping the abdominal wall and using invasive perforating towel clips. With manual grasp it can be difficult for the surgeon to maintain grip and proper elevation, especially with lean or obese patients. Alternatively, using perforating towel clips is invasive because the towel clips perforate the abdominal wall tissue to provide a handle by which to lift and elevate. The perforations can be a significant source of post-op discomfort and bruising for the patient. This project focuses on developing a medical device that uses suction to attach to and lift the abdominal wall more reliably than manual grasp and less invasively than perforating towel clips.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Leading Edge Crystal Technologies, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Development of a Continuous Doping and Feeding System for Controlling the Resistivity of Floating Silicon Method Silicon Wafers
98 Prospect Street
Somerville, MA 02143-4109
NSF Award
2024523 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
10/01/2020 – 09/30/2022
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The broader impact potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is improved global solar panel manufacturing. To date, conventional solar panel manufacturing technologies are still expensive, but the market, estimated at $40 B, offers significant potential. The proposed technology will simplify the manufacturing process at industrial scales. It will reduce all-in solar manufacturing costs by 25% and the overall capital intensity of solar manufacturing by almost 50%.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project enables a commercial pilot of a single crystal wafer manufacturing technology. This novel technology can produce drop-in silicon wafers for solar panels in one step at 50% lower cost than the incumbent seven-step wafer technology. The project will extend the current production capabilities from a few wafers per batch into continuous production consistent with industrial use. Tasks include developing the subsystems to continuously feed raw silicon feedstock into the machine and controlling material properties to critical specifications for long production runs.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Liberate Medical LLC
STTR Phase II: A Novel Abdominal Stimulator to Assist with Ventilator Weaning in Patients
6400 Westwind Way
Crestwood, KY 40014-6773
NSF Award
1632402 – STTR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2016 – 09/30/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase II project, in which a non-invasive respiratory muscle stimulation device and approach to weaning patients from mechanical ventilation will be developed, is a reduction in public health care expenditure and a reduction in morbidity for the half a million patients who have difficulty weaning from mechanical ventilation each year in the US. These patients suffer from an array of clinical complications (for example, pneumonia) and cost the US health care system $16 billion annually, a great deal of which is borne by Medicare and Medicaid. In addition, the current reimbursement landscape economically incentivizes hospitals to wean patients at the earliest possible time. The proposed innovation has the potential to positively benefit society by providing a solution to this serious healthcare problem. In addition, it promises to improve our scientific understanding of respiratory muscle physiology and mechanics in difficult to wean patients. It will also improve our technical understanding of non-invasive respiratory sensors and biofeedback algorithms for the purposes of electrical muscle stimulation. Finally, as demonstrated by the number and cost of difficult to wean patients, as well as current healthcare reimbursement policies, the proposed innovation has potential to results in a considerable commercial impact.
The proposed project will develop a non-invasive electrical stimulator that automatically applies stimulation to the respiratory muscles in synchrony with a patient?s voluntary breathing pattern. This approach is expected to address the imbalance between respiratory muscle strength and respiratory muscle load - a major factor responsible for weaning difficulty - by assisting ventilation during weaning sessions and strengthening the breathing muscles that have become weakened as a result of mechanical ventilation. In Phase 1 a functional prototype was developed; clinical feasibility of the approach was also demonstrated. The Phase II proposal focuses on refining the stimulation algorithm to maximize its clinical effectiveness and on developing a novel stimulation electrode system so that the device can be quickly applied to patients. In addition, methods will be developed to interface the technology with a mechanical ventilator to expand its clinical application. Finally, a complete works-like, looks-like prototype will be developed that is designed to international standards and is safe for clinical testing. The work completed in this Phase of the project will enable a controlled clinical trial of the proposed approach and ultimately allow the device to gain FDA regulatory clearance. -
Litterati, LLC
SBIR Phase II: Building a Global Community to Crowdsource-Clean the Planet
131 Turvey Ct.
Chapel Hill, NC 27514-5260
NSF Award
1853170 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/01/2019 – 12/31/2021
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This SBIR Phase II project focuses on litter - one of the world's most pervasive and toxic problems. To many, it's dirty, disgusting, and someone else's problem to solve. Unfortunately, we all suffer the consequences, as litter impacts our economy, degrades the environment, demoralizes community pride, kills wildlife, and poisons the food system. This project builds on the accomplishments of an SBIR Phase I project that developed a mobile technology empowering anyone to identify, map, and collect the world's litter, while simultaneously connecting to a broader community of associated brands, cities, schools.
The company has integrated image recognition and machine learning algorithms into its software to advance the crowdsourcing of litter data and cleanup activities. This advancement will allow for the identification of litter even if the item is in a deep state of decay and decomposition. This project also aims to continue building the Global Database of Litter, a technology platform that integrates the company's litter taxonomic classification with other data sets including location, time, retail locations, and the watershed. This data provides great potential to improve municipal infrastructure, resource allocation, brand packaging redesign, and individual responsibility that promotes positive behavioral change. Like the National Science Foundation, this project aims to promote the progress of science and advance our national health, prosperity, and welfare.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Living Ink Technologies, LLC
SBIR Phase II: Engineering novel pigmented cyanobacteria for the use in the ink, printing and colorant industries
12635 E. Montview Blvd suite 216
Aurora, CO 80045-0000
NSF Award
1758587 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
03/01/2018 – 02/28/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is developing a safe and sustainable ink for the global ink industry. Approximately nine billion pounds of ink is produced annually around the world. Currently, ink is predominantly made of petroleum or inorganic chemicals mined from the earth. For example, carbon black is commonly used in traditional ink, which is derived from petroleum, not biodegradable, and toxic for humans. To solve this problem, nature has produced a multitude of molecules capable of replacing pigments currently utilized in ink. While many organisms that produce these alternatives are slow growing and require energy sources like sugar, photosynthetic microbes, such as cyanobacteria, are capable of being engineered in an efficient manner to produce pigments in ink formulations that are safe, renewable, and 100% biodegradable. This ink will be used by businesses for printing packaging, marketing material, and other printed products. Developing and integrating these ink products will decrease significantly the overall detrimental impact of traditional inks on the environment, and more importantly, human health.
This SBIR Phase II project proposes to develop sustainable ink formulations using cyanobacteria as feedstock for producing optically black pigments for printing inks. This project will also engineer cyanobacteria cells capable of generating cellular pigments for a color spectrum of cyan, magenta, and yellow. These colored cyanobacteria will act as pigments that replace mined pigments found in traditional ink formulations, such as carbon black and cadmium. This project is developing a unique process in which extraction of pigments/dyes is not necessary, thus saving energy and reducing cost. Using cyanobacteria cells as pigments creates a renewable source of biomass for bio-products, as these organisms leverage sunlight, carbon dioxide, wastewater and land otherwise unsuitable for conventional agriculture to rapidly generate biomass. In addition to the development of colorful renewable cyanobacteria strains, this project will focus on manufacturing thousands of pounds of ink products for testing and consumer use as well as testing the applicability of these natural pigments to act as colorants in the food and textile industries.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Loci Controls, Inc
SBIR Phase II: Automatic Control of Landfill Gas Collection
99 South Main Street, Suite 310
Fall River, MA 02721-5349
NSF Award
1632439 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2016 – 08/31/2020
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project seeks to improve the commercial viability of technology that enables the real time measurement and control of landfill gas extraction systems. It has the potential to improve the economics of the Landfill Gas to Energy (LFG-E) market and reduce the environmental impact of landfills. With industry-wide implementation, annual revenues from existing LFG-E projects could be increased by over $450 million. The additional energy produced would power over 350,000 homes. Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas (GHG), and the EPA estimates that in 2011, emissions from landfills accounted for nearly 17.5% of generation from all manmade sources in the US. The associated reduction in GHG emissions from improved landfill gas collection would be equivalent to the emissions of over 3.6 billion gallons of gasoline or 76 million barrels of oil. Furthermore, because of the improved economics, this Phase II project could encourage the development of new LFG-E projects, further expanding the size and value of this market. According to EPA estimates, currently undeveloped sites could account for an additional 850 MW of power generation, enough to power over 508,000 homes.
The technical objectives of the project are 1) to reduce the cost of various system components, and 2) to address new product requirements related to third party safety and other certifications that are demanded by the market. The approach to cost reduction is to replace several commercially available off-the-shelf components (specifically, NDIR gas sensors and an electrically-actuated control valve) with custom designed alternatives that can meet product functional requirements at a 30% reduction in cost. In order to achieve the certifications that are demanded by the market it will be necessary to define the specific standards and protection concepts that are applicable, and then re-engineer hardware in accordance with these standards. This will involve a combination of component substitution and system re-design, depending on the specific protection concept(s) and hazardous location classification that are identified. The research will build upon the reliability and product functionality improvements that were a key outcome of the Phase I project, and successful completion of the research goals will enable more widespread adoption of real time control technology in the landfill gas industry. -
Lygos Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Large-scale, high-throughput optimization of gene expression in industrial yeast for improved small molecule production
1249 8th St.
Berkeley, CA 94710-1413
NSF Award
1456071 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
03/01/2015 – 10/31/2020
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is development of a microbial technology for the conversion of low-value sugars into high-value chemicals. Most industrial chemicals produced today are derived from petroleum and other nonrenewable raw materials. The long-term growth and sustainability of the chemical industry benefits from development of new routes to existing chemicals using renewable raw materials. Furthermore, due to higher infrastructure costs and stricter environmental requirements, many chemicals that were once produced in the United States are now produced abroad. This contributes to the U.S. trade deficit. This Phase II proposal aims to develop a fermentation technology where domestically grown agricultural materials (for example, corn and waste agricultural residues) are converted into high-value chemicals. The optimized fermentation process is estimated to be cost-competitive with the incumbent petrochemical route when scaled. If successful, this proposal will facilitate growth of a domestic bio-chemical manufacturing industry, targeting the $30 billion organic acids market.
This SBIR Phase II project proposes to develop large-scale, high-throughput techniques to optimize gene expression in industrial yeast. A significant problem within the field of industrial biotechnology is the ability to engineer and optimize the fermentation performance of non-academic or model microbes. Most molecular metabolic engineering tools are developed for use in two model prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbes, E. coli and S. cerevisiae, and are not suitable for use with industrially relevant microbes. Without these tools it is costly and slow to commercialize new fermentation technologies. The goal of this Phase II project is to develop and implement a set of molecular biology tools designed for acid-tolerant yeast, and working to apply them toward improving small molecule production. Specifically, the molecular biology tools are useful for tuning (up- or down-regulation) user-defined gene transcription and translation. Engineered microbes harboring the desired genetic modification(s) are assayed for improved small molecule production from sugar in small scale fermentations. Successful genetic modifications are those that result in more efficient small molecule product formation from sugar, and ideally decreased biomass formation from sugar, providing a lower production cost in a scaled, commercial process. -
SBIR Phase II: Manufacturable Implementation of Thin Glass for Next Generation Electronics Packaging
500 LEE RD STE 200
Rochester, NY 14606-4261
NSF Award
1951114 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/01/2020 – 03/31/2022
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is to develop a packaging platform for the next generation communications electronics, particularly for 5G applications for defense and commercial use. Enabling the processing of thin glass substrates for next-generation communications and packaging needs will mean faster communications with improved power efficiency. The wide range of applications and end markets include mobile devices and infrastructure, automotive radar, internet of things, and other uses.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project enables thin glass packaging solutions to be processed in existing semiconductor factories. As the need for data volume drives wireless technology towards frequency bands in the 30-100 GHz range, commonly used packaging substrates begin to fail. Glass is an attractive alternative due to its dimensional stability, smooth surfaces, low RF absorption up to 100 GHz, limited dielectric constant variation with temperature, and moisture insensitivity. Reduced thickness also decreases interconnect length (yielding low loss and low latency) and reduces overall product thickness. Thin glass can be difficult to handle in a free-standing state. In this project, thin glass using a novel handling solution will be fully metallized and patterned on both sides, creating test structures verifying through-glass via integrity, reliability, and robustness. Optimized metallization approaches will be explored, along with improvements to second-side processing, for commercially relevant wafer substrates.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Mallinda, LLC
SBIR Phase II: Development of Advanced Composite Materials for Athletic Equipment
1954 Cedaridge Cir.
Superior, CO 80027-4489
NSF Award
1632199 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
10/01/2016 – 12/31/2020
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is for the development of scaled processes for the industrial manufacture of end-user moldable advanced composite materials for use in protective athletic equipment. Currently, protective athletic equipment and accessories must be produced using industrial manufacturing techniques that have high tooling costs. As a result, manufacturers produce a small range of predetermined sizes and shapes, which do not provide a custom fit for end users. In the case of athletic gear, there is a growing market for hard-shell protective equipment which can be custom molded for a better fit. Polyimine polymers and advanced composites offer a compelling blend of strength and malleability in order to create more user-friendly lightweight and durable advanced composites that may be shaped by the end-user. In addition to creating greater user customization, both the virgin polyimine polymer, and advanced composites that incorporate polyimines, are intrinsically recyclable in a closed-loop, low-energy, solution-based system. The total U.S. composite materials market is $25 billion, representing 36% of the global composites sector. Polyimine polymers and advanced composite derivatives will reduce environmental waste and increase manufacturing efficiencies across a broad range of vertical markets in the composites sector including personal protective equipment, aerospace, automotive, and infrastructural materials.
The intellectual merit of this project derives from the development of the unique chemistry of polyimine polymers. Polymers can be broadly grouped into two categories, thermosets and thermoplastics. Thermosets are strong due to the chemical characteristics of the plastic. However, once cured, thermosets cannot be reshaped. As a result, thermosets are neither repairable, nor are they efficiently recyclable. In contrast, thermoplastics, which are weaker than thermosets, may be molded and remolded. However, remolding requires very high temperatures. Polyimine polymers represent a new class of moldable and remoldable thermoset materials. Importantly, these polymers combine high rigidity and tough mechanical properties with mild molding temperatures. This Phase II research project will include scaled processes for the industrial manufacture of end user moldable composite materials that are a maximum of one-quarter inch in thickness and meet industry standards for limb joint protective equipment. The Phase II effort will also include a variety of types of material and mechanical testing, both in-house and at certified laboratories, in addition to extensive efforts at proving out manufacturability, as well as pilot production. -
Manus Biosynthesis, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Development of a low-cost production platform through engineered bacteria for a novel natural acaricide.
1030 Massachusetts Ave
Cambridge, MA 02138-5390
NSF Award
1738463 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/01/2017 – 09/30/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project, if successful, will be the development of a microbial process for the economical and sustainable production of a highly potent natural acaricide, which is a pesticide that kills mites and ticks. Increasing wariness of synthetic insecticides combined with the need to prevent tick-borne illnesses creates a tremendous opportunity for natural acaricides. The project's terpene target has long been known as a highly effective and safe acaricide; however, its commercialization has been hampered by a high cost of production. The aim is to develop an alternative manufacturing process for biosynthetic production enabling the cost reductions required to effectively penetrate the $1.6 B acaricide market. Because the target is GRAS and because it has been used extensively as a food ingredient for decades, there is a compelling safety benefit combined with its potent efficacy, which may spur increased spraying in public areas and private residences. Overall, this project will provide a new sustainable, cost-effective production route, thereby enabling acaricide commercialization.
This SBIR Phase II project will lead to sustainable, scalable, and economical access to a highly potent natural acaricide. A commercial fermentation process will be developed by employing advanced metabolic engineering and protein engineering approaches for improving strain and enzyme performance. Achieving these production metrics will enable formulation and commercialization of various acaricidal products, including yard/area sprays, which will allow better control of tick populations and halt the spread of tick-borne diseases such as Lyme disease. In addition, this work will significantly advance the understanding of producing complex plant natural ingredients, thus providing economical and scalable commercial access to a wide array of compounds with significant potential benefit. -
Massachusetts Materials Technologies LLC
SBIR Phase II: Hardness Strength and Ductility Tester for Field Assessment of Structures
810 Memorial Drive
Cambridge, MA 02139-4662
NSF Award
1660214 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
03/01/2017 – 02/28/2021
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will support the technological refinement and concomitant commercialization of the first accurate and portable instrument that can perform in the field nondestructive test for hardness, strength and ductility of existing infrastructure. The material properties measured include yield strength, work hardening exponent and ultimate tensile strength of metals, specifically steel. The on-shore oil and gas pipeline transmission industry has pressing needs for non-destructive tests because of the aging infrastructure, national need for energy, and recent explosions and leaks that have cost lives and billions in remediation. Although transmission pipelines have low failure rate per mile of assets, pipeline operators are asked to proactively enhance pipeline integrity where they do not have all the necessary strength data. Therefore, there is an immediate need to verify strength during the 80,000 excavations done each year so that the life of these costly assets can be extended by identifying and remediating the few sections that are vulnerable within the extended network of 300,000 miles of pipelines. Pipe cut-outs and hydrostatic pressure tests are alternatives to nondestructive testing, but both damage the asset and require expensive and complex service interruption.
The overall technical objective of the Phase II work is to perform the necessary research and development to enable the development of engineering specifications, system integration, and validation of the instrument to successfully perform valuable nondestructive testing to provide precise and accurate material property data. The research and development program includes three milestones, each enabling the implementation of the research into design and manufacturing of beta test units. Milestone 1 is to enable full instrument functionality under adverse field environments such as vibration, moisture, and extreme temperatures. Milestone 2 is to perform the necessary work for designing ruggedized field units. Completion of this milestone will enhance the capability for initial field testing services. Milestone 3 is to develop the knowledge to fully and reliably integrate the system, validate the sub-systems, and package it for manufacturing. The overall goal is to enable the company to have the necessary knowledge and experience to enter the instrument market with a leasing program for use in pipeline inspections. -
Microgrid Labs Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Intelligent Planning and Control Software for EV Charging Infrastructure
903 Grogans Mill Drive
Cary, NC 27519-7175
NSF Award
1951197 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
05/01/2020 – 04/30/2022
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project is to develop a modeling, simulation and optimization software for fleet electrification projects. Electric vehicles (EVs) are expected to comprise 70% of all new buses and 15% of all commercial trucks by 2030. Electric vehicles are more expensive than diesel buses and need additional investments in charging infrastructure; furthermore, electrification is complex as several factors influence its design, cost and performance. The transition from diesel to electric buses could impose significant loads on the local electrical network, entailing significant upgrades to the electrical infrastructure at the facility and the utility grid. The proposed software will offer the electric vehicle industry a platform to analyze the battery, charging infrastructure, and energy infrastructure.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project addresses the problem of planning and operating electric vehicle fleets, especially medium and heavy-duty fleets. The technology uses stochastic optimization and discrete event simulation to optimize fleet sizes to minimize costs and meet operational requirements. The proposed work will create a model of the joint transportation and energy processes (i.e., the driving and charging processes). The proposed software will enable real-time optimization of system operations.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Mirada Technologies Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Micro-Fluidic LiDAR for Autonomous Vehicles
1485 Bayshore Blvd.
San Francisco, CA 94124-4008
NSF Award
1853156 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/15/2019 – 03/31/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is to hasten the deployment of autonomous transportation systems, which stand to reduce driving accidents and fatalities, enable new paradigms in urban design, reduce vehicle traffic, increase automobile efficiency, and improve air quality, benefiting the immediate health of drivers and non-drivers alike. A reduction in cost of transporting people and goods would increase the profitability of nearly all products and services, since nearly all activities require transportation in some form. Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are simpler implementations of semi-autonomous controls systems but are already saving lives by providing intelligent cruise control, lane departure warnings, steering assistance, and preemptive emergency braking. As ADAS improves through advanced sensor and scanning hardware and becomes more widely deployed, more accidents will be avoided, and lives saved. There are currently no LiDAR imaging sensors that can sense greater than 200 meters and are automotive qualified due to limitations on the scanning systems. The proposed innovation would be the first to enhance a scientific and technical understanding of the reliability issues limiting wide-scale sensor deployment and result in the first automotive qualified long-range LiDAR sensors.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will result in an automotive-grade laser scanning system that enables next generation LiDAR, a three- dimensional imaging sensor crucial for the widespread adoption of autonomous delivery robots, drones, advanced driver safety systems in vehicles, and autonomous vehicles. Survey-grade LiDAR is a mature technology, but efforts to make it road worthy have failed due to the harsher shock and vibration requirements and deployed systems fail within two years and display image distortion under high-shock conditions. The proposed innovation will result in the first automotive qualified long-range LiDAR sensor by developing fluid stabilized opto-mechanical scanners that utilize buoyant forces to counteract external accelerations. The novel scanner technology will be simulated, fabricated, and tested against ISO specifications for automotive qualification to demonstrate both accurate real time scanner stability and long-term reliable operation. It is expected that the results will be scanners able to pass ISO testing in a form compatible with high-volume, low-cost production methods. Through collaboration with customers, this work will result in a new class of vision systems that will bring a new level of efficiency and safety in transportation.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Misapplied Sciences, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Computational Pipeline and Architecture for Personalized Displays
16128 NE 87th St
Redmond, WA 98052-3505
NSF Award
1660095 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/01/2017 – 09/30/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is in improving the performance of the computational back-end of a display system that delivers personalized information in public spaces. Currently, the primary method for an individual to receive customized information in public spaces is through personal devices. The heavy use of personal devices in public often leads to heads-down, isolating, and even hazardous situations. The delivery of personalized information through infrastructure can significantly improve these issues. However, the bandwidth requirements in doing so have been prohibitively high using standard computational architectures. This project aims to improve the performance of such a system, allowing practical applications that will broadly enhance safety, accessibility, transportation, and other areas.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project focuses on creating a scalable computational pipeline and architecture that will allow a display system to direct personalized visual information in real-time to large numbers of people. Technically, this involves computing, transmitting, and displaying image data for large crowds in parallel. The architecture takes advantage of the inherent redundancies in this application to provide a cost-effective solution. The goal of the project is to create a computational back-end capable of driving, in real-time, a system equivalent to thousands of displays. -
Molecular Vista, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Resonance Force Microscopy for Nanoscale Manufacturing Process Monitoring
100 Great Oaks Blvd. #140
San Jose, CA 95119-1456
NSF Award
1353524 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/15/2014 – 05/31/2018
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project aims to develop a production prototype of an automated nanoscale manufacturing process monitoring tool based on the resonance force microscope (RFM). The tool will combine image force microscopy (IFM, a version of RFM that measures the linear part of the susceptibility) and scattering near-field optical microscopy (sSNOM) with atomic force microscope for use in the hard disk drive (HDD) and semiconductor industries. sSNOM measures the dipole-dipole interaction force while IFM measures the dipole-dipole force gradient, both with nanometer spatial resolution. These techniques allow direct imaging of resonances associated with electrons, phonons, and plasmons. The capability to image plasmon resonances is well suited to probe the near-field (NF) profile associated with a plasmonic structure called near-field transducer (NFT) utilized in heat-assisted magnetic recording (HAMR). With HAMR universally viewed as the next generation technology for HDD industry, the need for a monitoring tool for mass production of HAMR head is acute since there is currently no simple way to probe the NF profile of NFTs. The objectives of the proposed project are (1) to successfully prototype an automated NFT characterization tool and (2) to field test it with one or more HDD manufacturers.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project will be felt not only in the HDD industry but across many industries. While the monitoring of NFT production is the near-term niche application for the automated tool, the same tool will have longer-term value for in-line characterization of physical and chemical properties of nanoscale materials and structures in the manufacturing environment of diverse industries, including, for example, the measurement of stress in the channel layer and chemical characterization of defects in semiconductor industry and monitoring of protein-based pharmaceuticals. In R&D and academic settings, the RFM technique provides the capability to image individual biomolecules in situ, such as for the real-time monitoring of membrane protein dynamics on cells, which will provide unprecedented utility in biomedical and clinical research. A reliable label-free imaging tool with the capability to identify chemical bond information at the molecular level will potentially bring about revolutionary advances in many fields of basic and applied biological science, including drug discovery, proteomics, structural biology, and personalized medicine. The RFM technique will be simpler to implement as compared to other hybrid instruments involving high resolution microscopy, resulting in an affordable instrument for academic and research institutions. -
Muzology, LLC
SBIR Phase II: Mnemonic Optimization of Music and Songs
1109 17th Ave S
Nashville, TN 37212-2203
NSF Award
1927160 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
10/01/2019 – 09/30/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project further investigates music-based techniques that can result in effective and efficient learning and instruction. Music as a bedrock of culture can transcend entertainment and enhance learning. Music directly activates neural systems that support memory, attention, motivation, and emotion. Accordingly, music is a powerful medium that not only heightens learner engagement but also facilitates retention of information. While music has long been recognized for its mnemonic properties and is widely used as a memory aid in the context of early childhood learning (e.g., the ABC song), music-based educational products for the broader K-12 market are less pervasive. This project focuses on the optimization of musical structures to support effective and engaging mathematics instruction. The goal of this project is to offer music as a credible pedagogical tool. Specifically, this project offers music as a learning medium that can be used beyond rote memorization and instead teach mathematical skills, processes, and procedures in an engaging manner that makes math accessible to all learners. Mathematical fluency is a critical skill in a society that continues to become more technological; it also creates broader career opportunities for students and undergirds the U.S.'s national competitiveness.
The proposed research features two innovations: 1) optimization of learning-based musical forms based on distinct mathematical information types; and 2) creation of a non-linear, dynamic platform to deliver the content. Using computational musicology techniques as well as experimental studies, the first innovation involves creation of mathematically accurate music videos based on unique creative and structural parameters that are determined by the type of mathematical information being taught. The second innovation focuses on delivery of the music-based content and involves significant technical and creative investigation to produce a dynamic, non-linear mechanism for presenting the material in a manner that still feels continuous and compelling to the student. Together, both innovations underlie a synergistic learning solution designed for premium learner engagement and to support self-paced, adaptive learning. This project will result in high quality, digital math instruction that is accessible to all learners through use of effective, engaging, and relevant instructional methods. The desired outcomes are eliminating proficiency gaps in math education and achieving equity in students' educational success.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
SBIR Phase II: Virtual reality platform that accurately and rapidly assesses meaningful brain function outside the lab
San Francisco, CA 94129-1768
NSF Award
1950948 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
08/01/2020 – 07/31/2022
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is to provide new infomration on cognitive health. The support includes 60 M people who identify as athletes, 3 M annually suffering traumatic brain injuries, and the 40 M more looking to measure brain health. Current healthcare assessments are available at specialized facilities with trained professionals and detect only significant changes to cognition. In contrast, this project develops an affordable, reliable way to measure brain health and to monitor changes after treatment, training, and rehabilitation. This project leverages expertise in human performance, cognitive neuroscience, computer science and virtual reality simulation. Furthermore, it offers athletes a way to assess cognitive abilities such as focus, decision making and multitasking.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will focus on the technical aspects of training, measuring, analyzing and reporting how people perform athletic and cognitive tasks in unison. These domains of research and technical knowledge come together to form a unique cognition platform that accounts for both physical and cognitive behavior. The platform's measurement instruments reflect cutting-edge research on (1) human perception, specifically in fast-paced and dynamic environments; and (2) the interplay of perception and action in a virtual reality environment. The analytics engine captures and processes thousands of data points per minute describing object locations in simulated space; users' hands, body and head behavior; and cognitive performance.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
NGD Systems, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: SSD In-Situ Processing
7545 Irvine Center Drive
Irvine, CA 92618-2932
NSF Award
1660071 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
03/15/2017 – 02/29/2020
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will be to fundamentally change what a storage device can do, and give storage a third capability that is not addressed by existing storage technology - the ability to actually process user data. For the computation to take place, only the computational request and the resulting data need to transfer over the storage interface, reducing interface traffic and the required power. The advent of Big Data and the increasing use of Hyperscale Server technology have resulted in the creation of an additional storage tier that is different from traditional enterprise storage. This new tier requires significantly larger capacity yet lower cost, lower operating power, and yet must still exhibit enterprise level reliability. This combination of characteristics cannot be serviced by existing technologies, and execution with large data sets typical of Big Data results in inefficient solutions. The information being stored represents the large, unstructured data mined by today's companies for key information and trends that help dictate corporate direction, advertising, and monetization. Future applications include machine learning for video analytics, genome sequencing and enabling Fog Storage and Fog Computing, among others.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project explores the Big Data paradigm shift where processing capability is pushed as close to the data as possible. The In-Situ processing technology pushes this concept to the absolute limit, by putting the computational capability directly into the storage itself and eliminating the need to move data to main memory before processing. The technology innovation begins with a solid foundation of an enterprise SSD tailored for the needs of modern Data Centers. Key technology that will be added to support these capabilities include hardware-assisted quality of service control, low-cost 3D-TLC and QLC NAND Flash enablement through the use of advanced ECC, and a proprietary elastic Flash Translation Layer to support extremely large capacity drives. The final element added to this foundation will be the ability to perform computation directly on the data with the addition of specialized In-Situ processing aided by hardware accelerators. -
Nanofiber Solutions
STTR Phase II: High Throughput Aligned Nanofiber Multiwell Plates for Glioblastoma Research
1275 Kinnear Road
Columbus, OH 43212-1155
NSF Award
1152691 – STTR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
10/01/2012 – 08/31/2016
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This Small Business Technology Transfer Phase II project seeks to address the unmet need for high-throughput, cost effective tools to model the metastasis of brain cancer cells. The proposed Phase II work will achieve three key objectives necessary for broad adoption: 1) eliminating the use of adhesive during multiwell plate production, 2) implement FDA-approved sterilization procedures utilizing the Sterigenics gamma radiation facility, and 3) additional biological data providing both a head-to-head comparison of our products to those already on the market while also creating a market "pull" for the pharmaceutical application of this technology in clinical treatments of brain cancer. A supply of high-throughput cell culture migration assays will allow researchers to understand and treat cancer metastasis in ways never before possible. It is anticipated that a result of this project will be faster and more effective drug developments to treat brain cancer and other metastasizing cancers. Extension of this technology to other types of cancer and areas of tissue engineering is anticipated once production conditions are fully established.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is that it will provide improved, more accurate models of glioma migration having better predictive power and higher translational potential. Current surgical procedures for malignant brain tumors cannot remove all of the cells associated with the primary tumor and these cancer cells migrate into the surrounding tissue where they evade both detection and current chemotherapies, leading to secondary tumor formation and nearly 100% patient mortality. A multi-well plate in vitro migration assays will enable pharmaceutical research identifying key factors regulating glioma cell migration, potentially helping devise a broad range of effective therapies and drugs against these devastating tumors. If this initial form of high-throughput motility assay is successful, it will provide an innovative tool appropriate for researchers from a large variety of backgrounds beyond both glioma treatments and cancer. Additionally, strong commercial potential exists as the cell/tissue culture supplies market is expected to reach $4.97 billion globally by 2012; this market includes the proposed consumable research tool. -
Nanofiber Solutions
SBIR Phase II: Development of a Tissue Engineered Trachea
1275 Kinnear Road
Columbus, OH 43212-1155
NSF Award
1456341 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
05/01/2015 – 04/30/2017
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is focused on developing a customizable tissue engineered tracheal implant for tracheal transplantation and reconstruction surgery. Current surgical solutions for these patients are limited by problems with the availability of suitable cadaveric tissue, as well as with unsatisfactory long-term survival of the engrafted tissues due to issues with both revascularization and immune rejection. The combination of an inert biomaterial scaffold and autologous cells avoids any concerns with graft rejection, while allowing for the reliable production of tracheal grafts. Nanofiber Solutions expects this new device will enable as many as 6,500 life-saving procedures annually. A successful Phase 2 project will demonstrate long-term performance of the nanofiber tracheal implant and the mechanisms of action in a large animal model as well as a humanitarian device exemption (HDE) application with the FDA to initiate a clinical trial. This trachea implant product addresses a $600 million dollar opportunity. Other tissue engineered products based on this technology platform address billions of dollars more in market opportunity.
The proposed project is focused on developing a customizable tissue engineered tracheal implant for tracheal transplantation and reconstruction surgery. The trachea has challenging mechanical and biological requirements, and despite many attempts there currently is no fully functional artificial trachea. The fully synthetic tracheal scaffold is seeded with autologous stem cells harvested from the patient?s bone marrow. To prepare for an FDA submission and initial human clinical trials, we will accomplish three technical objectives in this Phase II work: 1) Optimize the use of a closed system, disposable seeding chamber to allow uniform cell seeding throughout the scaffold, 2) Develop a commercial manufacturing process for the production and placement of support ribs on the tracheal graft, and 3) Elucidate mechanisms of tracheal regeneration in vivo of intraoperatively seeded tracheal implants. -
Neural Analytics
SBIR Phase II: A Novel Non-Invasive Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Method
2440 S. Sepulveda Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90064-1744
NSF Award
1556110 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
03/01/2016 – 02/28/2018
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will be to improve the quality and decrease the high costs associated with treating patients who suffer severe traumatic brain injuries. This project aims to develop an accurate, affordable (<$100 per use) and non-invasive device to monitor a patient's intracranial pressure following head injury. Increased intracranial pressure can result in poor health outcomes including long-term disability or death, if left untreated. However, the only available method to monitor intracranial pressure is expensive (~$10,000 per patient) and requires neurosurgery. The lack of a method to accurately screen patients to determine who needs surgery results in misdiagnoses and incorrect treatment in about 46% of patients among an estimated 50,000 patients in the US alone, and hundreds of thousands more globally. Successful commercialization of product is expected to result in savings in the range $250 million ever year to the US healthcare system.
The proposed project will develop a medical device to accurately display a patient's intracranial pressure non-invasively and for use outside of the neurocritical care unit. The core technological approach of the proposed work is the analysis of blood flow velocity waveforms using advanced signal processing methods in a machine-learning framework. The machine-learning framework allows experience-based learning utilizing prior, established databases of waveforms that have been well-characterized. Three new machine-learning paradigms that utilize the shape features of the blood flow velocity waveforms will be utilized to progressively increase accuracy of intracranial pressure estimation. The first will establish a basic estimate using shape features of individual waveform pulses, considered independent of neighboring pulses. Subsequently, clinically established features of the waveform will be utilized to learn causal changes in the shape features resulting from changes in intracranial pressure. Finally, the shape features in successive pulses will be used as a sequence to machine-learn the intracranial pressure estimate. Together, these will enable increased accuracy in estimation. All of the methods proposed in this program are entirely novel. This approach allows for real time monitoring at an affordable price point that is within current reimbursement limits for ultrasonography procedures. -
Novan, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Scale-up Manufacturing of Nitric Oxide Nanotechnology for Healthcare Infections
4222 Emperor Blvd
Durham, NC 27703-8030
NSF Award
1127380 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
11/01/2011 – 12/31/2013
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project aims to develop the process and engineering controls necessary to scale up the manufacturing of a nitric-oxide-releasing active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). One of the applications is a wound-healing product for diabetic foot ulcers. This project will focus on 1) optimizing the process parameters required to scale production of a nitric-oxide-releasing API to reproducible 1 kg batches, and 2) implementing the analytical methodologies to meet the requirements of the Chemistry, Manufacturing and Control (CMC) sections of an Investigational New Drug (IND) application. The expected outcome is a manufacturing process capable of producing large batches of the API that are suitable for an IND submission of a wound-healing product for diabetic foot ulcers or other nitric-oxide-releasing drug.
The broader/commercial impacts of this project will be the potential to provide a new standard of care for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers. Currently, there are no products that address both wound healing and infection in diabetic foot ulcers. Infection is particularly problematic in diabetic foot ulcers due to the lack of normal skin barrier function, long duration of wound exposure to the external environment (months to years), poor blood circulation to the extremities that limits the migration of inflammatory cells to the site of infection, and the recent understanding of biofilm formation which protects bacteria from topically applied antimicrobials and systemically administered antibiotics. Nitric-oxide-releasing wound-healing therapeutics have the potential of addressing both infection and healing in diabetic foot ulcers. -
Novome Biotechnologies, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Establishing a Synthetic Niche to Reliably Colonize the Human Gut with Engineered Bacterial Therapeutics
15 Westmont Drive
Daly City, CA 94015-3046
NSF Award
1831185 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
08/15/2018 – 07/31/2022
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will be to advance the use of engineered cell-based therapeutics in the human gut through the development of technologies for the reliable and reversible colonization of the gut with therapeutic bacterial strains. Engineered cellular therapeutics are poised to become the next major driver of pharmaceutical innovation due to their potential for sophisticated behavior and modular design. The gut is an ideal entry point for deploying engineered therapeutic cells, as it serves as our body's natural interface with foreign genetic material. A key impediment to bacterial drug development for the gut is the lack of strategies for achieving predictable colonization across the wide range of gut environments that patients can harbor. Furthermore, tools for on-demand clearance of therapeutic strains to ensure safety do not currently exist. The proposed innovation will overcome these challenges and allow the potential of engineered bacterial cells as therapies to be fully realized.
This SBIR Phase II project will develop the technologies necessary to achieve predictable colonization of, and targeted clearance from, the human gut by engineered bacterial strains. Predictable colonization will be achieved through the use of a therapeutic strain that has been modified to consume a privileged prebiotic substrate that can be dosed alongside the strain to precisely control its abundance by giving it a competitive advantage. To ensure containment and enable targeted clearance, the therapeutic strain will be further modified such that it only can grow in environments where the prebiotic is present. This will allow for the generation of a robust synthetic niche within the gut that can be manipulated solely through the administration of this prebiotic control molecule. In addition, to enable the commercial deployment of these novel technologies, manufacturing protocols will be developed to ensure that a fully integrated therapeutic strain can be produced in sufficient quantities and stably formulated.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
OceanComm Incorporated
SBIR Phase II: Megabit-Per-Second Underwater Wireless Communications
Chicago, IL 60642-6308
NSF Award
1555928 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/15/2016 – 03/31/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is the introduction of high-speed
wireless modems usable subsea and significant cost reduction of deep-water operations ?
industry experts estimate savings of nearly 20% of deep-water operations through the
availability of subsea WiFi. Today, there is no broadband wireless communication available
underwater. In the deep ocean, remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) require a tether for
communication and a support ship for tether management; sensors and systems must either be
physically connected, or retrieved from the deep sea to exchange data. An ROV support ship
costs about $120k/day leading to over $7B spent on ROV support ships in 2013. The proposed
megabit-per-second technology would allow ROV manufacturers and operators to cut the
tether on many of their vehicles. Wireless ROVs can move unencumbered throughout coverage
area, piloted from anywhere (e.g. from Houston), without expensive surface vessels. The
proposed wireless modem technology connects ROVs and machinery to wired infrastructure,
enabling safe operation of heavy subsea machinery without the possibility of cables or tethers
getting tangled, causing damage or worse. This project will create 10 new jobs in the next three
years, with many more to be added as the production scales.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase 2 project proposes to develop a faster
and more reliable wireless communication system for the sub-sea industry. Current state of the
art communication links for the deep ocean are either tethered, requiring long, bulky, and
expensive cables to connect machinery and systems, or have extremely low data rates, enabling only
the most rudimentary of tasks. The proposed underwater wireless communication
system will provide WiFi-like data rates in the Mbps (megabits/sec) range ? 100 to 1,000 times
faster than existing underwater wireless communication technologies - and enable video
streaming and real-time control of subsea infrastructure, machinery, and mobile underwater
vehicles. Since radio signals do not propagate far underwater, the proposed technology uses
sound waves, as whales and dolphins do, for communication. The speed of sound is 200,000
times slower than the speed of radio propagation, and mobile acoustic transmitters and
receivers hence suffer from severe Doppler distortion. The proposed technology dynamically
measures, tracks, and compensates for this distortion, to enable wireless communication at
data rates never before possible underwater. -
Omnivis LLC
SBIR Phase II: Internal Control Design for a Portable Cholera Pathogen Detector
280 Utah Avenue
South San Francisco, CA 94080-6883
NSF Award
1951089 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/15/2020 – 03/31/2022
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is an inexpensive handheld smartphone device for rapid detection of pathogens, such as cholera, in environmental water sources. Current water-based pathogen detection methods involve a 3-5 day laboratory procedure. Our alternative is a portable smartphone-enabled platform working offline to detect the pathogen in under 30 minutes . When the smartphone has connectivity, geo-mapped and time-stamped detection results are sent to relevant stakeholders. This novel and proactive approach for detection can enable organizations to remediate water sources prior to community infection.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project addresses the need to develop a rapid and portable field-ready DNA amplification device for pathogen detection. The Phase II project integrates a polyethylene glycol linker as an internal amplification control for device verification and validation. This project proposes a new assay design integrating a polyethylene glycol linker to eliminate extra user steps, while maintaining assay sensitivity and specificity. The project's technical objectives include systems engineering of an internal amplification control into the hardware functionality of the device. This project will advance the development of a fully integrated sample-to-answer device for detection of waterborne pathogens.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
One Million Metrics Corp
SBIR Phase II: Predicting Musculoskeletal Injury Risk of Material Handling Workers with Novel Wearable Devices
450 West 33rd Street
New York, NY 10001-0000
NSF Award
1660093 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/01/2017 – 12/31/2019
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project has the objective of demonstrating that discrete, belt mounted internet-connected wearable devices used by industrial workers can detect high risk lifting activities, promote safe lifting practices and behavior change, and predict the risk of musculoskeletal injuries due to unsafe lifting. Each year over 600,000 workers suffer a musculoskeletal injury due to lifting related activities, which cost US companies over $15bn annually. Worker injuries affect employee morale, absenteeism, productivity loss and employee turnover, all of which are challenges to the efficient running of a company and are a unnecessary cause of human suffering. By developing a wearable device that can detect high risk lifting activity and provide immediate feedback to workers, safer lifting practices can be promoted and a reduction in the number of unsafe lifts registered, leading to a reduction in injuries.
The project includes three main technical objectives: i) the development of machine learning algorithms to detect lifting events from sensor data, and to measure risk related metrics associated to those lifting events. When a lift is considered high risk, real-time feedback will be provided to the worker; ii) the deployment of the device in an industrial setting at several customer sites for 12 months, with the number of high risk lifts performed by workers quantified over time to measure the ability of the system to drive behavior change in the workforce; and ii) the development of a model that can predict the likelihood of musculoskeletal injures based on the risk metrics measured. It is expected that the outcomes of the project demonstrate a significant reduction in the risk of suffering musculoskeletal injuries, paving the way for a clear return on investment value proposition for the industrial companies and their insurance carriers who are potential customers. -
Onu Technology, Inc.
STTR Phase II:Blockchain-Enabled Machine Learning on Confidential Data
7291 Coronado Dr.
San Jose, CA 95129-4582
NSF Award
2026404 – STTR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
08/01/2020 – 09/30/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase II project will enable collaboration with sensitive data. This will increase the ability of companies and institutions in sensitive domains, including biomedicine, to apply existing machine learning models and increase their ability to train new, more sophisticated models, thereby improving insights for enhanced care. This project will advance a blockchain technique to maintain the integrity of confidential data for shared development of machine learning techniques.
This STTR Phase II project proposes to advance knowledge in the area of coordinating decentralized machine learning with a distributed ledger in a manner that maintains data confidentiality and ensures verifiability. This project extends the utility of deep neural networks in domains requiring data privacy, such as partnerships or settings involving decentralized computation. The project focuses on both inference and joint model training. The technical approach will leverage techniques from fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) and secure multiparty computation (MPC). The work will advance an FHE cryptosystem, assess practical performance of candidate cryptosystems, and develop efficient cryptographic verification techniques mediated by the distributed ledger. In addition to creating critical knowledge in the preceding areas, other technical results will include accessible open-source tooling for neural network inference on encrypted data and a modular framework for practical deployment, including interfacing with data stores. The program of work will lead to technology that enables verifiable confidential inference and joint model training and will demonstrate these capabilities on real-world analyses in medicine with medical image and non-image data.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
SBIR Phase II: Fast Creation of Photorealistic 3D Models using Consumer Hardware
333 Kearny St.
San Francisco, CA 94108-0000
NSF Award
1830965 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/01/2018 – 08/31/2020
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will be substantial: a successful project would transform the construction industry, making it far more efficient by reducing legal conflicts, schedule slips and poor decision making. The proposed work will enable the fast and easy creation of 100% complete visual documentation of a physical space; this documentation can be generated many times throughout the course of construction. In so doing, the proposed project will allow professionals in the construction industry to track progress and communicate with their teams far more efficiently than ever before. A second outcome of the project will be the creation of vast, detailed, never before seen datasets of construction projects and real estate, allowing technical innovations in artificial intelligence and computer vision to impact one of the largest industries in the nation and the world. For example, systems could be trained to automatically spot safety concerns, augmenting the efforts of safety managers and keeping workers safer than ever before.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will develop a fast, easy to use and cheap method to create photorealistic immersive models using off the shelf consumer hardware. Technical hurdles include validating the quality and efficacy of models generated with consumer hardware and automatic creation of routes through the 3D space without human annotation. Technical milestones involve using various sensor streams as well as other prior data to build these routes. With these hurdles cleared, advanced work may include automated analytics between and among 3D models of the same site captured over time. Because of the system's ease of use, it will enable the collection of large, totally novel datasets. The goal of the research is to produce a prototype that a layperson can use to create an immersive model of a physical site in order to document it with no annotation effort. The plan to reach these goals includes iterative software development against the hurdles listed above, as well as continuous user feedback to guide and refine development.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Opus 12 Incorporated
SBIR Phase II: Onsite Production of Carbon Monoxide from Carbon Dioxide using Modified Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Electolyzers
2342 Shattuck Ave #820
Berkeley, CA 94704-1517
NSF Award
1738554 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2017 – 02/28/2022
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is in the development of new carbon dioxide utilization technology for the commercialization of onsite gas production. The impediment to electrochemical carbon dioxide utilization technology has been the lack of an electrolyzer design capable of high production rates and high energy efficiency. This project will yield a novel electrolyzer component to overcome these challenges and demonstrate that cost-effective carbon dioxide utilization is possible. This component can be integrated into existing electrolyzer designs, and will enable such hardware to convert carbon dioxide into specialty gases. The resulting solution will have higher safety and lower cost than conventional packaged gas. Long term, this technology could be scaled up to higher volume applications, and used as a means of converting industrial carbon dioxide emissions into useful chemicals and fuels, thereby transforming a waste product into a new revenue stream. This scalable technology could therefore be the basis for the creation of new economic value and advanced manufacturing jobs in the United States, while providing a profitable way for existing U.S. industries to reduce their emissions.
This Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project will build upon the promising feasibility results achieved in Phase I to increase the performance of a novel carbon dioxide electrochemical cell along key performance dimensions, in order to deliver a commercially-relevant, cost-competitive solution. A viable solution to derive specialty gases from a low-cost feedstock like carbon dioxide will need to have high performance on several dimensions: energy efficiency, high reaction rates, long lifetime, and low capital cost. It will also need to operate at a scale that is industrially relevant. In Phase II, the novel electrochemical component will be scaled up to commercial dimensions, and the performance of the component will be optimized to meet the performance requirements identified during customer interviews. The final component will form the basis for a commercial unit, capable of producing specialty gases from carbon dioxide at cost-competitive rates. It will lay the foundation for future scale-up to even larger membrane areas, which will enable industrial-scale applications of this carbon dioxide conversion technology. Carbon dioxide emissions could be converted into valuable products using this technology. -
SBIR Phase II: Rapid Blood Cleansing Device to Combat Infection
2450 Holcombe Blvd
Houston, TX 77021-2041
NSF Award
1831150 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
06/01/2018 – 10/31/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will be the development of a fluidic platform for selective bacterial and endotoxin removal from blood. This technology can potentially serve as a novel blood cleansing therapeutic for diseases such as sepsis. Sepsis is a life-threatening complication caused by infection. In the U.S., sepsis afflicts over 1.6 million annually and has an associated mortality rate ranging from 25-50%. Realization of this fluidic platform technology will address the broader societal needs of inhibiting sepsis progression and developing more specific and effective therapeutics for the treatment of human disease. Commercialization and implementation of the proposed innovation may reduce the hospital length of stay associated with sepsis, decrease sepsis morbidity and mortality rates, and potentially reduce the annual U.S. expenditure for sepsis. Scientific and technological understanding generated by this work has additional applications for other blood-borne diseases, such as HIV, leukemia, and Lyme disease. Ultimately, this technology will revolutionize life science research through inertial-based fluidic platform use, enabling new discoveries in cell/particle focusing phenomena and interactions that have profound implications for elucidating inertial focusing mechanisms and for the development of novel platform technologies.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project proposes a novel approach to address the problem of sepsis through the direct removal of pathogens and associated toxins from circulation. Sepsis is the leading cause of death of the critically ill in the United States, costing over $24 Billion in treatment annually. The primary treatment for sepsis is system antibiotic administration, which is failing due to the rise of drug resistance and new, emerging pathogens. The research objectives of this project will result in an easy to use, efficient, and cost-effective fluidic platform for separation and removal of bacteria and associated toxins from circulation. This will facilitate the broad use of inertial-based fluidic platforms as research tools and for clinical applications, such as sepsis. The proposed research will 1) optimize fluidic platform design for clinical application, economical use, and workflow efficiency, 2) demonstrate efficient fluidic platform-mediated bacteria and endotoxin capture, and 3) confirm the biological benefits of the fluidic platform technology using a validated animal model of sepsis. Successful completion of these studies will demonstrate the positive biological consequences of direct pathogen and toxin removal from circulation and establish the commercial viability of the fluidic platform technology.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
PQSecure Technologies, LLC
SBIR Phase II: Post-Quantum Cryptography in Resource-Constrained Devices
901 NW 35th Street
Boca Raton, FL 33431-6410
NSF Award
1853095 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/01/2019 – 02/28/2022
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is to deliver state of the art cryptography and cybersecurity solutions to Internet of Things (IoTs) and embedded device designers, enterprise hardware and software vendors, and government contractors against the attack of classical and quantum computers. It has been widely accepted that quantum computers will have the ability to solve complex problems, the same complex problems many security algorithms are based on, exponentially faster than current computers. Even though no quantum computer with serious computing power has yet been built, large scale quantum computers are expected to become a reality within the next decade. We believe it is necessary to plan for the future as it takes years to change cryptosystem deployments due to network effects. This project plans to implement quantum-safe security solutions that will require the integration of quantum-safe software and/or hardware cryptographic solutions on resource-constrained devices used in embedded systems. As the landscape of connected devices changes how the world interacts, the dependence on these systems increases, increasing the possibility of exploiting security vulnerabilities. This project will expand the knowledge of efficient implementations of quantum-safe security solutions, of which little is currently known.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will design, develop, and implement cryptographic algorithms that are suitable for small and resource-constrained devices employing hard and complex mathematical assumptions known to be classical- and quantum-safe. Long-term and lightweight security are two main parameters that need to be considered while deploying quantum-safe cryptographic algorithms in resource-constrained devices. Devices being manufactured today may still be around when quantum computers become available and thus need to be secure against them. We plan to employ a special class of quantum-safe algorithms based on maps on elliptic curves along with agile implementations of cryptographic coprocessors to achieve the required performance and security. Cryptosystems based on these maps are known to provide the smallest possible key sizes and their security level is determined by a single, simple parameter in comparison with other quantum-safe candidates. The hardware designs are taken through VLSI design flow to realize the integrated circuits that are evaluated for energy/power, area/performance, and security including side-channel analysis. The project will generate new insights and results about how to be safe and secure in the quantum era. This project will conclude with hardware and software implementations and test chip prototypes.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Persimmon Technologies Corporation
SBIR Phase II: SBIR Phase II Spray-Formed Soft Magnetic Material for Efficient Hybrid-Field Electric Machines
200 Harvard Mill Square
Wakefield, MA 01880-3239
NSF Award
1230458 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/01/2012 – 08/31/2015
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project aims to develop a novel soft magnetic material and fabrication process for magnetic circuits of electric machines, such as winding cores of electric motors. The technology utilizes a unique single-step near net-shape fabrication process based on metal spray deposition to produce an isotropic metal microstructure characterized by small domains with high permeability, high saturation and low coercivity with a controlled formation of insulation boundaries that limit electric conductivity between neighboring domains. The resulting material provides an excellent three-dimensional magnetic path while minimizing energy losses associated with eddy currents. It can replace anisotropic laminated winding cores, which currently constrain the design of conventional electric motors to geometries with two-dimensional magnetic paths. As a further objective of the project, a new hybrid-field motor topology, with three-dimensional magnetic paths enabled by the proposed material and fabrication process, is being developed.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is to enable production of electric motors with improved performance and efficiency while reducing cost and material scrap associated with manufacturing of motor winding cores. Electric motors are used extensively in a growing number of applications, including robotics, semiconductor and LED process equipment, industrial automation, electric vehicles, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, appliances, power tools, medical devices, and military and space exploration applications. These markets drive an increasing demand for electric motors with improved performance, higher efficiency, and lower cost. Considering the extensive use of electric motors globally, the disruptive change resulting from the proposed hybrid-field motor technology with spray-formed winding cores is expected to provide significant commercial, societal and environmental benefits, including improved manufacturing efficiency, waste reduction, and energy conservation. -
Pison Technology Inc
SBIR Phase II: A Patient-Centered Wearable System To Enable Data-Driven Decisions In Neuromuscular Disorders
179 South St
Boston, MA 02111-0000
NSF Award
1853199 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
08/15/2019 – 07/31/2023
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This Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project will provide a novel assistive technology to the neuromuscular market. Nationwide, more than 20,000 Americans suffer from ALS, a progressive neurodegenerative disease. While augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) tools exist to aid these patients to control computers and other devices, current solutions all have significant shortcomings for users with extremely limited movement or speaking ability. We have developed non-invasive neuromuscular sensing technology which detects small, intentional movements of muscles, and allows micro-movements to be transmitted wirelessly to devices such as computers. While developed for ALS patients, this technology can be repurposed for other markets (e.g. enterprise augmented-reality, consumer electronics, computer gaming) with minimal alterations. The interest of large technology companies in human-computer interaction (HCI) demonstrates demand for nonfatiguing, silent, hands-free input methods. The company plans for sales to the ALS market through channel partners, and for miniaturizing the technology and licensing circuit design and software for other markets, to achieve adoption by hundreds of millions of users. This pathway enables worldwide distribution to ALS users through partner companies.
The intellectual merit of this project results from an innovative approach to improve augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) usability for individuals, using a proprietary hardware/software neuromuscular human-computer interface (HCI) system. The device to-be-developed detects and transmits skin-surface electromyography/electroneurography (EMG/ENG) voltage signals. Phase II research objectives are to: 1) develop a software/firmware Machine Learning (ML) platform to enhance the existing device, to allow robust detection/classification of EMG/ENG signals (neuromuscular activation data) as computer commands, and 2) conduct user testing of a commercial AAC integration of the device, in a task-based (e.g. web-browsing) protocol for ALS patients. Testing in Objective 2 will validate accuracy of the ML models developed as part of Objective 1 (with data collected in human subjects). Objective 2 testing will include measurement of accuracy/error rates and performance-time, for participants with ALS interacting with AAC tools including integration of the device. It is anticipated that software/firmware developments and other enhancements in Phase II will improve accuracy and latency of the device, in comparison to models produced in Phase I, and show usability effect in real-world user testing as part of a full AAC solution to improve communication capabilities for ALS patients.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Precision Polyolefins, LLC
SBIR Phase II: Commercially Viable Ton-Scale Production of Stereoblock Polypropylene Thermoplastic Elastomers and XPURE? Oils
Suite 4506, Bldg 091
College Park, MD 20742-3371
NSF Award
1534778 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2015 – 08/31/2017
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project is to use the transformational "living coordinative chain transfer polymerization" (LCCTP) technology of Precision Polyolefins, LLC (PPL) to produce new classes of polyolefins from readily available, inexpensive, and renewable chemical feedstocks and that can be used in the manufacturing of consumer products with superior performance to the benefit of society. More specifically, the commercial production of structurally-well-defined (precise) polyolefins, including stereoblock polypropylene (sbPP) thermoplastic elastomers, as replacements for technologically inferior polyolefins in adhesive and additives markets will serve to capitalize on the increasingly advantaged position of inexpensive propylene in the North America. The development of new technologies, such as LCCTP, will help the U.S. to regain its position as a world-leader in the discovery and commercialization of new polyolefin-based materials, and thereby, contribute to the future health and growth of the U.S. economy.
The objectives of the proposed Phase II research project are to address the needs for new commercial polymers against a back-drop of ever increasing consumer demand, a sluggish industrial response, and a limited pool of chemical feedstocks possessing high price and supply volatility from which they can be manufactured. The current project will seek to develop commercially-viable processes based on a living coordinative chain transfer polymerization (LCCTP) technology to provide a broad range of structurally-well-defined polyolefins that possess with superior properties relative to existing products. By conducting an in-depth investigation of polymerization catalyst structure / property relationships, the project will seek to optimize catalyst activity and thermal stability. In concert with scale-up process development, this catalyst optimization will lead to reduced material and processing costs, and a product portfolio of competitively-priced polyolefins with superior performance characteristics. Validation of an optimized scale-up process will be achieved through the ton-scale production of stereoblock polypropylene (sbPP) thermoplastic elastomers, for adhesive and additive markets, and low molecular weight proprietary oils, for cosmetics, lubricants, and adhesives markets. The anticipated result is that commercially relevant (> 1 kiloton) volumes of sbPP thermoplastic elastomers and proprietary oils can be manufactured as technologically and commercially viable products. -
Protein Dynamic Solutions, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Novel, Accurate and Reproducible Platform for the Developability Assessment of Protein Therapeutics
11 Audubon Road
Wakefield, MA 01880-1256
NSF Award
1632420 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2016 – 02/28/2022
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will address ALL of the factors attributing to protein aggregation by determining the: size, identity, extent, mechanism of aggregation and stability, thus addressing Biopharma industry needs. This information is critical to the development of drug pipeline contributing to a $190 BN biologic's market where $87BN in first generation biologics face patent expiration before 2020. A successful technical approach for its implementation will provide essential information for decision making towards which candidates will enter the market, thus increasing the Biopharma valuation and ensuring supply of drugs to patients. In the end, improving the quality of life of patients with chronic diseases.
The proposed project will address the need for a multivariate high-throughput technology to address the risk of protein aggregation, that when adopted in R&D, will increase pipeline approvals, reduce late stage withdrawals and total costs of drug development. Average R&D development costs for the mere 1% of candidates reaching FDA approval have risen to $2.6 BN per product. Protein therapeutic development needs to be guided by a full understanding of protein stability and aggregation.
Research objectives are to: develop our innovative First-in-Class high throughput platform for screening protein therapeutics; develop original software capable of deciphering protein aggregation mechanism, size, identity and extent of aggregated protein and product stability; commercialize the innovative technology platform. Fully automated evaluation of protein candidates during early R&D phase will be conducted. Best-in-class image acquisition technology will be employed towards this end, using a label free chemical mapping technology, dedicated software using auto recognition algorithms, and correlations to decipher protein aggregation. We through the use of its breakthrough technology will determine: the aggregate free candidate under various stressor conditions, optimum formulation conditions for the protein therapeutic, the most stable candidate, and electronic data reporting that establishes accuracy, reproducibility, critical quality attributes of the protein product. -
Proton Energy Systems, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Hydrogen Bromine Electrolysis for Highly Efficient Hydrogen-Based Energy Storage and High Value Chemical Applications
10 Technology Drive
Wallingford, CT 06492-1955
NSF Award
1555871 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/01/2016 – 09/30/2018
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project includes applications ranging from peak load shifting, grid buffering for renewable energy input, frequency regulation, and chemical conversions. As the percentage of energy from renewables on the grid increases, energy storage will be essential to stabilize the supply and demand. Currently, 20-40% of wind energy is often stranded due to the inability to capture the energy in the peak generation periods. Germany, Europe, Japan, Korea, and other countries are funding significant efforts in energy storage projects. Energy storage is also a critical need for all of the United States armed services, including microgrids for forward operating bases. While batteries can demonstrate very good round trip efficiencies, they suffer from self-discharge, capacity fade, and high cost. Flow batteries separate the reactant and product storage from the electrode active area, enabling higher capacities through merely adding more storage. Many systems have not been practical in the past due to low energy density values, but fuel cell and electrolysis developments have provided pathways to higher energy density. Advances in these areas would find immediate commercial interest, and address key strategic areas related to energy security and grid stabilization and resiliency.
The objectives of this Phase II research project are: 1) flow field design for balanced fluid distribution in both operating modes and minimization of shunt currents; 2) selection of catalysts and membranes for reversibility, durability and efficiency requirements; 3) integration and testing of Proton components with the Sustainable Innovations embodiment hardware; 4) scale up to a full size stack and operation in both modes at SI; and 5) development of a performance model in collaboration with SI based on the final configuration. These objectives address present limitations in energy storage solutions. While traditional batteries can demonstrate very good round trip efficiencies, they suffer from self-discharge, capacity fade, and high cost. Flow batteries separate the reactant and product storage from the electrode active area, enabling higher capacities through merely adding more storage. Many systems have not been practical in the past due to low energy density values, but fuel cell and electrolysis developments have provided pathways to higher energy density. Advances in these areas would find immediate commercial interest, and address key strategic areas related to energy security and grid stabilization and resiliency. The anticipated result will be a highly efficient, durable flow battery system with high power density. -
Proton Energy Systems, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: High Efficiency Electrochemical Compressor Cell to Enable Cost Effective Small-Scale Hydrogen Fuel Production and Recycling
10 Technology Drive
Wallingford, CT 06492-1955
NSF Award
1230199 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
08/15/2012 – 07/31/2015
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This Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project addresses current limitations in hydrogen compression and enables reduction in hydrogen requirements for several applications through recycling of exhaust hydrogen containing water and other benign impurities. In Phase 1, feasibility of operating a proton exchange membrane (PEM)-based device as a high efficiency electrochemical compressor/purifier was demonstrated at up to 3 A/cm2. In Phase 2, refinement of the microporous plate will be performed for optimal water distribution, which will enable more uniform fluid distribution and high current densities. Poison-tolerant catalysts will also be developed to enable a broader range of applications. The objectives of this phase also include additional test stand modifications to enable a broader range of test conditions, demonstration of gas purity through analysis to determine the separation efficiency, and development of system schematics and product requirements. The anticipated result will be an improved hydrogen recycler which will enable substantial reduction in hydrogen production cost and new market opportunities.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project includes applications ranging from power plants to heat treating to backup power and fueling. For example, over 16,000 power plants worldwide use hydrogen as a cooling fluid in the turbine windings. Currently, increases in dew point cause significant decreases in cooling efficiency and increase windage losses by several percent, requiring purging of the hydrogen chamber and increased production to backfill. Thus, significant energy waste is generated. Current solutions for hydrogen compression are also noisy, bulky, and inefficient. In applications where hydrogen is being evaluated as an alternative fuel, high pressure storage is needed. Having a mechanical compressor that represents half of the size and material cost of a home fueling or backup power device is not commercially feasible. The device proposed has the opportunity to decrease the energy required to produce pure hydrogen by 75% over generating additional hydrogen from water, and to compress the hydrogen with as little as 200 mV of overpotential even at high current density. Advances in these areas would find immediate commercial interest, and address key strategic areas on the government agenda related to energy savings and green technology. -
Proton Energy Systems, Inc.
STTR Phase II: Development of High Temperature Membranes for Increased PEM Electrolysis Efficiency
10 Technology Drive
Wallingford, CT 06492-1955
NSF Award
1058328 – STTR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
02/15/2011 – 01/31/2013
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This Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase II project aims to develop improved membranes for water electrolysis cells, providing a potentially renewable, cost competitive hydrogen source for fueling and backup power applications. Currently, the membrane contributes substantial efficiency losses, and is also one of the highest cost materials in the cell stack. In Phase 1, feasibility of obtaining increased efficiency using new membrane chemistry was demonstrated. In Phase 2, Proton Energy will continue research to understand longer term degradation mechanisms and scale up to a relevant level to prove manufacturability. Proton?s academic partner, Penn State, will also build on Phase 1 work, using membrane reinforcement strategies to improve robustness. The proposed membranes represent significantly cheaper and more efficient materials for water electrolysis applications, enabling widespread access to hydrogen for a variety of energy uses.
The broader impacts of this research are new market opportunities in electrolysis and fuel cell applications as well as electro-dialysis and other ion exchange technologies. Creating a new class of mechanically robust proton exchange membranes would be a significant advance in the field and would find immediate commercial interest. The chemistry proposed has the opportunity to decrease the membrane cost by 75%, as well as increasing the efficiency of the cell stack. These combined effects result in substantial potential increases in Proton?s existing markets, which are primarily focused on industrial gas and laboratory applications. This project will also enable new applications markets such as vehicle fueling (including fuel cell fork trucks) and telecom backup power. -
Provivi Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Enzymatic Synthesis of Insect Pheromones
1701 Colorado Ave
Santa Monica, CA 90404-3436
NSF Award
1556064 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
02/15/2016 – 01/31/2018
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project is a breakthrough in insect control for the agricultural industry. Provivi, Inc. intends to develop biosynthesis technology for producing insect pheromones, with a dramatic reduction in the cost of goods sold compared to existing syntheses. This will enable the use of pheromones beyond niche markets such as fruits and nuts: the target market for Provivi?s pheromone products are large acreage row crops. By introducing pheromone-based control as an inexpensive alternative in these markets, we are meeting a growing demand as conventional insecticides are becoming increasingly incapable of protecting crops due to insect resistance, regulatory constraints, and detrimental effects on beneficial insects. The societal and environmental benefits of using pheromones are numerous: pheromones are considered the safest possible insecticides with respect to human food consumption as well as environmental impact. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has characterized them as low risk. Our pheromone products will benefit consumers by creating a safer food supply with lower chemical residues, growers by introducing an effective and novel pest control solution and the environment by reducing the chemical exposure to the ecosystem.
The objectives of this Phase II research project are to improve the selectivity and productivity of our prototype biocatalyst to target commercial performance, and to demonstrate pheromone synthesis from a cheap feedstock using this biocatalyst. PRovivi's proprietary biocatalyst utilizes a novel monooxygenase to catalyze a reaction not found in nature. The research product of this project will expand the scientific knowledge for this class of biocatalysts. Additionally, since this class of biocatalysts has not been optimized for commercial viability for the specific reaction of interest, this research program could provide impactful research learnings to achieve target commercial performance. These learnings include but are not limited to changes in the biocatalyst physiology, metabolic pathways and potential stress responses. This research could provide valuable knowledge for both commercial and academic biocatalysis research that utilize this class of biocatalysts. -
Provivi Inc.
STTR Phase II: Enzymatic Synthesis of Chiral Cyclopropanes for Pharmaceutical Drug Synthesis and Agricultural Crop Protection Applications
1701 Colorado Ave
Santa Monica, CA 90404-3436
NSF Award
1738308 – STTR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2017 – 08/31/2019
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project is to establish a broadly applicable, breakthrough biocatalytic technology to produce an important class of compounds called chiral cyclopropanes. Cyclopropanes are key intermediates that are used in the synthesis of drugs, crop protection agents, and high-value electronic chemicals. Products accessible using this technology have markets totaling more than $10 billion annually. If successful, the technology under development will create safer, cleaner, more sustainable routes to important chemical products that will lower cost by reducing the number of production steps, lowering the required capital investment, significantly decreasing waste. Replacing existing chemical routes with the more efficient and sustainable enzyme-catalyzed steps will also improve the purity of many advanced pharmaceutical intermediates used in the manufacture of drugs and crop protection chemicals.
This STTR Phase I project proposes to build on the results from Phase 1 in which a highly efficient biocatalytic process for the manufacture of the drug ticagrelor was developed using a novel, engineered enzyme. We will create an expanded set of cyclopropanation biocatalysts with the capability to act on a wider range of starting materials, thereby broadening the scope and utility of this new enzymatic reaction. We will complete the development and commercialization of the process for production of the key intermediate for ticagrelor and initiate work to develop novel biocatalysts to produce ley intermediates for anti-viral drugs. We will also develop and commercialize a set of enzymes that can be used by drug discovery chemists to establish efficient routes for next-generation drugs. -
QC Ware Corp.
SBIR Phase II: A Cloud-Based Development Framework and Tool Suite for Quantum Computing
550 Hamilton Ave
Palo Alto, CA 94301-2010
NSF Award
1758536 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/01/2018 – 09/30/2020
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will to enable inexpensive access to quantum computing (QC) and to take the complexity out of the programming and application hosting tasks, which currently pose a major barrier to entry for potential users. QC technology is expected to disrupt significant portions of the high-performance computing environment for optimization problems, which has previously been characterized by slow and incremental performance improvements. This project would yield a platform that both increases the efficiency and lowers the cost of analyzing complex optimization problems, which could spur fast-paced innovation in wide areas of the economy that tackle such issues.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project addresses the need for a cloud-based platform for using QC technology. Early-generation quantum computers have been introduced by multiple hardware vendors. Despite advances in performance of QC processors, little effort has been directed toward developing programming environments and applications that can provide simple and inexpensive access to QC capabilities and that can exploit the power that QC systems will have in the near future. This project will develop a suite of front-end and back-end tools that efficiently transform high-level computing problems into formulations for circuit-model QC systems, abstracting away the physical low-level details and domain knowledge currently necessary to build QC applications. The project will further develop a set of applications in optimization, search, and machine learning. The proposed research will explore the best software tools and platform methods for integrating emerging QC capabilities into enterprise and research workflows by streamlining and making affordable the decomposition and formulation of real-world problems into implementations that run on quantum processors.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
RE3D Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Increasing Maker Manufacturing through 3D Printing with Reclaimed Plastic & Direct Drive Pellet Extrusion
120 avenida juan ponce de leon
San Juan, PR 00907-0000
NSF Award
1853153 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/15/2019 – 03/31/2024
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Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) offers tremendous benefit for rapid prototyping, mass customization, and low cost fabrication. This creates an untapped opportunity to develop the technology further to support low volume industrial manufacturing for price sensitive and emerging markets. The ability to source locally available raw material and feed it directly as pellets or shavings into a printer rather than extruded filament is extremely advantageous for both manufacturer and end user in regards to reducing cost and increasing capabilities in prototyping. The benefits of this innovation is amplified when 3D printing large-scale industrial objects (defined as > 18 inches cubed). First, the production of large-scale products represent a larger investment of time and material costs (pellets are ~ 1/10th the cost of filament). A second reason for the importance of pellet extrusion is it addresses the need to print faster. Finally, a dependence on extruded thermoform plastics limits the available library for printing and the ability to mix materials to engineer new formulations. With domain expertise in large-scale 3D FFF printing, re:3D proposes to evolve a prototype pellet 3D printer developed under Phase I to be able to address all of these needs by coupling direct drive pellet extrusion technology with a grinder, dryer and feeding system optimized for reclaimed plastics.
re:3D intends to leverage Phase I research conducted on material requirements for polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polypropylene (PP), two of the most available reclaimed plastics worldwide, to further optimize the pellet printer to be able to accept reclaimed flake as well as non uniform pellets. This effort will include developing the ability to consistently dry the input materials and to easily clean and switch between materials. A novel mechanism for feeding larger volumes of pellets and/or flake into the platform will also be developed with the requisite controls. Once complete, the company will pilot the solution in Texas through IC2 as well as in Puerto Rico, an island territory with a complicated supply chain, in conjunction with waste streams/partners identified by the Puerto Rico Science & Research Trust. The new hardware integration solutions developed in Phase 2 will be incorporated into the Phase I prototype platform which leveraged Michigan Technological University's (MTU) prior work conducting validation and materials testing in Phase I, prior work modifying direct drive recyclebots for FFF 3D printers, and open source firmware and software research. To ensure excellence, prototypes will be extensively tested using MTU's facilities with reclaimed PP and PET in prints to be used for casting, mold production and load bearing applications. Once the prototype design for commercial scalability has been validated at MTU and field-tested, all progress will be openly documented and shared in an effort to scale the solution suite to multiple platforms as quickly as possible. The hardware will be sold commercially after completing the project as both an integrated 3D printing solution and also as independent hardware due to the potential to be applied beyond Cartesian 3D printing systems.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Ras Labs, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Human Like Robotic Grippers Using Electroactive Polymers
12 Channel St Ste 202
Boston, MA 02210-2399
NSF Award
1927023 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2019 – 08/31/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will be the development of a durable artificial material capable of life-like motion, contracting and expanding like human muscle when controlled by low voltage (12-volt batteries). This material also will replicate human grasp by sensing mechanical pressure across a dynamic range, from gentle touch to high impact. The initial application for this material will be to give tactile sensing to fingertips of robotic grippers. Existing actuators cannot provide streamlined expansion and contraction to manage a good grip while dynamically sensing grip pressure. As an extension to the robotic gripper, this material could provide a lightweight, intuitively easy-to-operate prosthetic hand. Other applications include creating pads for prosthetic sockets to maintain perfect fit; padded liners in football and workplace helmets to absorb forces and communicate impact frequency and severity; shoe inserts for athletic and therapeutic footwear absorbing force attenuation, measuring step frequency, and measuring foot positioning; adjustable lumbar support for seats; switchless consoles for the cockpit, armrests, and dashboards of automobiles; and many others.
This SBIR Phase II project will advance robotic grippers by adding a material with sensing capability, with implications for prosthetic hands and other applications. In robotic grippers and prosthetic hands, there is a trade-off between strength and dexterity; furthermore, the sensory perception has not yet been well developed. For grippers, initial gentle pressure has been absent from grip processes, inhibiting handling of delicate objects. The materials under development are shape-morphing and extremely sensitive as pressure sensors. The research objectives and methods/approaches of this project are to: 1) advance the actuation speed and durability of these materials through synthetic and architectural strategies; 2) characterize the speed and detectable pressures through oscilloscopic analysis and amplification circuitry; 3) tie the shape-morphing and sensing attributes together through controlled feedback loop(s) into off-the-shelf grippers, using robust user-friendly electronics; 4) determine durability through long-term cycle testing of contraction/expansion cycles and typically encountered grip pressures (millions of cycles for each test method); and 5) produce sophisticated robotic grippers with tactile-like touch and compare the strength and dexterity with those of the human hand. The goals and scope of this project are to optimize both the shape-morphing and sensing features of these materials and use biomimetic design, particularly around the pincer grip and anatomy of the first and second digits (thumb and index finger), with the anticipated result of replicating human grasp.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Refactored Materials, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Commercial Scale Production of Synthetic Spider Silk Fibers
San Francisco, CA 94110-6141
NSF Award
Award amount to date
Start / end date
03/01/2012 – 02/29/2016
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will continue the development and commercialization of spider silk fibers commenced in the Phase I effort. Spider silk is a unique material in nature that is currently inaccessible on a commercial scale. Spider silk and other protein polymers are broadly useful in fields ranging from specialty textiles, to medical devices and advanced composites. The critical limitation in producing artificial spider silk fibers has been the lack of availability of bulk silk material and the knowledge of how to appropriately process the polymer into a product of native quality. This project will continue prior work to deliver scalable quantities of material through microbial production of spider silk protein using a commercially viable cost structure. In addition, this project will examine the key parameters for processing silk polymer into fibers whose properties surpass those of native spider silk. The ability to produce prototype silk fibers from recombinant protein will enable the initial steps towards commercializing spider silk fiber-based products.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is important to the adoption of a job-creating bio-based economy in the United States. The ability to produce protein polymers has bedeviled biological researchers for decades. Many important structural proteins and enticing commercially-useful materials have remained effectively impossible to produce. The advent of cutting-edge techniques in synthetic biology, microfabrication, and materials processing now make the production of protein polymers and the processing of them into beneficial technologies a realistic goal. Potential applications of protein-based polymers include a full range of sophisticated materials that are furthermore "green" and sustainable. Spider silk polymers, due to their mechanical properties, can potentially be used to create the next generation of ballistic fibers in the production of armor for military, law enforcement, and private users. In addition, the ability to produce advanced polymers independent of petroleum sources is a key goal of the emerging bio-based economy. Lastly, many protein polymers (including silk) are biocompatible and biodegradable and thus can form the basis for new classes of medical materials used to replace or re-grow connective tissues with implants or devices. -
Rejoule Incorporated
SBIR Phase II: Real-time predictive battery pack diagnostics and algorithms
7690 Lampson Ave
Garden Grove, CA 92841-4105
NSF Award
2026198 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2020 – 08/31/2022
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is to support the sustainability of lithium-ion battery (LIB) technologies. LIB use is growing and has consequently led to the potential of increased battery waste. The Phase II project will develop novel diagnostic technologies that enable automakers and energy storage providers to quickly and accurately measure how their batteries perform and degrade in the field. It will further use machine learning to develop more accurate battery models and predictive health algorithms for field applications. These algorithms will have the capability to make health predictions even without historical information for the specific system, and the hardware will be portable for different applications. A more accurate assessment of battery degradation in real time can inform on-board algorithms, improve overall battery pack efficiency, and reduce costs.
This Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project addresses the challenge of measuring and predicting degradation of large-format batteries, blending new hardware with machine learning and electrochemistry. The project will conduct a comprehensive battery aging study to quantify leading and lagging indicators of battery degradation. Leading indicators include utilization, calendar aging, and environmental effects, and lagging indicators consist of AC impedance, DC internal resistance, and a battery’s specific charge/discharge patterns. Anticipated results include the ability to accurately predict the remaining useful life of a battery in under two minutes, even in the absence of historical data.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
RightHand Robotics, LLC
SBIR Phase II: Versatile Robot Hands for Warehouse Automation
21 Wendell St Apt 20
Cambridge, MA 02138-1850
NSF Award
1632460 – STTR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/01/2016 – 03/31/2019
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this project affects one of the fastest-growing sectors of the US economy. E-commerce sales in 2015 accounted for 7.4% of total U.S. retail and are expected to rapidly rise. The potential for the commercial impact of general each-picking systems is high, as current manual labor methods are pain points for distribution centers; human picking is unpleasant, expensive and inefficient due to high absenteeism, high turnover and human error. The success of the proposed technology will also contribute to American competitiveness in the robotics industry. Of the top 20 distribution system integrators, only three are currently based in the U.S. Robotics is going to be the key driver of progress in this area, where each-picking, our core product capability, is a key component of future automated distribution systems. Beyond warehousing logistics, applications that our technology can benefit include: broad applications of industrial automation and manufacturing; military applications (e.g., IED disposal, where robots can perform tasks that are dangerous for humans to perform); and assistive healthcare (e.g., where robots must be compliant enough to be safe around humans while interacting successfully with unknown environments).
This Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project will focus on the development of a state-of-the-art each-picking robotic system and its deployment, initially targeted at the order fulfillment industry. To date, robotic systems have enabled significant progress on transporting inventory on shelves or in totes. However, there has not yet been a deployed system that can perform the task of picking individual items from inventory bins and placing them in boxes for shipment. During Phase I of this project, RightHand Robotics developed a picking system far in advance of the research literature on robotic grasping, picking tens of thousands of items previously unseen objects, with error rates of less than 0.1%. During Phase II, the project will focus on advancing the state of the art in data-driven refinement of grasp planning using machine learning techniques, and will develop methods for box-packing that exploit the company?s advanced compliant grippers. These improvements will result in an average pick-and-place time of 6 seconds or less and an undetected placement failure rate of fewer one in ten thousand. -
Runtime Verification, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: RV-Embedded: Runtime Verification for Embedded Systems
102 E. Main Street
Urbana, IL 61801-2744
NSF Award
1660186 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
03/15/2017 – 05/31/2022
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is that the proposed runtime verification technology will lead to a more robust definition of and architecture for ensuring safety in automobiles, medical devices, and aerospace and defense systems. Through this, these forms of safety-critical infrastructure will be more resilient to attack and catastrophic failure resulting from both critical system failures and malicious attacks. As a result, the technology will help to address a slew of recent problems with software failures, security compromises, and other unintentional software behaviors that inevitably occur as systems become more complex, potentially saving lives and making millions of safety-critical embedded systems safer, easier to upgrade, and better tested.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will commercialize a first-of-its-kind complete solution for runtime verification and software analysis specifically tailored for embedded systems. From automobiles that connect to each other and drive autonomously, to control systems that run ever increasing networks that power our utilities, cities, and many other aspects of our daily lives, it is clear that embedded systems are here to stay in the most safety critical domains. A growing problem in embedded systems is how to ensure they behave correctly; a good case study for this is automobiles, in which several high profile hacks and recalls have called into question the security and integrity of vehicles. The proposed solution will fill this market niche with a suite of related analysis tools/modules, built on a common novel and formally rigorous runtime verification technology infrastructure, each module implementing unique instrumentation and analysis functionality. These tools/modules together provide what is needed to develop safe embedded systems. -
SQZ Biotechnologies Company
SBIR Phase II: Development of an Intracellular Delivery Platform for Accelerated Drug Discovery Using Genetically Engineered Human Immune Cells
333 Highland Ave. Apt 1A
Somerville, MA 02144-3142
NSF Award
1555789 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/15/2016 – 03/31/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will be the development of technology for the intracellular delivery of biomolecules directly into cells. This microfluidics-based platform has the potential to become an enabling technology for intracellular delivery, which may be used to accelerate drug discovery R&D by allowing reliable, efficient delivery of diverse material classes without having to engineer the material or the cell to natively uptake these molecules. Such capabilities could allow pharmaceutical companies to assess the efficacy of drug candidates faster than ever before, especially with integration into high-throughput robotic workflows that are already well-established and efficacious. The technology could dramatically reduce the time to market for new drugs by decoupling determination of a candidate's activity from the cell's affinity for the molecule. It also could facilitate a deeper understanding of biological processes and pathways. Initial studies with leading drug developers and academic laboratories towards this goal have been very encouraging, and, in the future, the platform could potentially enable robust engineering of cell function for cell-based therapies targeting a diversity of diseases including influenza, cancer, and even autoimmune disorders.
This SBIR Phase II project proposes the continued development of the intracellular delivery technology to address relevant applications in drug discovery R&D. New drug discovery is often hampered by the inability of membrane-impermeable drug candidates to enter the cell cytosol, necessitating exogenous materials for delivery such as strong electric fields or viral vectors. However, these materials tend to cause off-target effects or toxicity, presenting a need for a technology that can facilitate delivery without altering post-treatment cellular function. The goal of this project is to demonstrate a platform geared towards market adoption of microfluidic hardware as the standard method for transfection and intracellular delivery. During Phase II, the platform will be fully-characterized, validated, and verified in order to produce the consistent, repeatable results necessary to achieve market entry. In addition, research is planned to demonstrate the ability of the platform to support drug discovery R&D by developing the use of the CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing system for use with this intracellular delivery technology. -
STTR Phase II: An On-Demand, Computational and Microfluidic-Driven Cell-Free Protein Engineering Platform
953 Indiana St.
San Francisco, CA 94107-3007
NSF Award
1758591 – STTR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
03/01/2018 – 08/31/2022
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) will be to develop a platform to accelerate the engineering of biological products, including enzymes and pathways, for production of chemicals, additives, and therapeutics. Enzymes are used in household materials (detergents and cleaners) and in chemical processes (cheese production, and bioremediation of waste). Pathways can produce bioplastics from sugar by engineered gut bacteria, or artemisinin (an antimalarial) from sugar by yeast. These biological products are engineered in cells. Cellular engineering, however, requires extensive scientific expertise, financial and material resources, and time. This project will design an engineering platform that eliminates production in cells. The goal is to simplify engineering and decrease costs 20-100 fold, and decrease time 2-5 fold. This results in a faster time-to-market for novel biological products and additional information to inform the engineering process.
This STTR Phase II project proposes to utilize cell-free systems to speed up enzyme and pathway (metabolic) engineering. Cell-free systems can catalyze reactions without cellular complexity and without the need to maintain cellular growth. The goal of the project is to continue to develop a platform that can take as input user enzyme and pathway engineering questions and produce as output assay data. The primary focus is on developing computational methods for identification and optimization of enzymes and pathways for testing, molecular biological methods for assembling DNA, microfluidic methods for ultra-high-throughput analysis of cell-free expressions (10e7 samples), and analytical methods for detection. A secondary focus is the demonstration of this platform through cytochrome P450 engineering. Success with the primary focus demonstrates feasibility of replacing cellular engineering with faster and higher-throughput cell-free engineering processes. Success with the secondary focus produces directly-relevant enzymes for metabolic engineering pathways utilizing cytochrome P450s (e.g., natural products, bio-catalysis).
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Shark Wheel, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: The Reinvention Of The Wheel. For Agricultural Uses and Beyond.
22600 lambert st
Lake Forest, CA 92630-1619
NSF Award
1853182 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/01/2019 – 09/30/2021
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This SBIR Phase II project will explore the potential benefits of a sine wave shaped wheel compared to a traditional circular wheel for the central pivot irrigation industry. The central pivot irrigation industry is an essential segment of the agriculture industry and this project aims to deliver a superior wheel that solves the persistent issue of trench-digging that leads to equipment breakdown, down time, lost profits, and crop-loss. The broader significance of eliminating trench-digging would be significant savings for farmers, distributors and consumers. Agriculture is the largest industry in the world, and developing a wheel that eliminates an issue that plagues the industry is the central goal of this project. The development of a sine wave wheel also potentially impacts other fields as the technology can be used in over one-hundred different industries.
The technical innovation of this project is creating a wheel that is non-circular. The wheel will exhibit the blending of multiple shapes in one design including a sine wave, cube, circle and hexagon. It will be approximately 4.5 feet tall, and weighing approximately 400lbs for use in the farming industry. The concept is to create two wheels in tandem where the sine waves are out-of-phase from one another. The front wheel would create a left-right-left path into the soil, much like the path a snake would leave behind traversing soil. The rear wheel would move in an opposite right-left-right configuration leaving a double helix footprint in its wake. The opposing wheels would push the soil back toward center, eliminating the largest issue plaguing the industry: trench digging. The sine wave wheel technology has already been scientifically proven on a smaller scale in the skateboarding industry to reduce friction, increase longevity, increase off-road ability, and increase speed. Multiple wheel iterations will be manufactured and subsequently tested in this project using off-the-shelf hubs within the industry and rubber tires. The wheel will not be pneumatic and will never go flat.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
SimInsights Inc
SBIR Phase II: Virtual and Augmented Reality Enabled Personalized Manufacturing Training
25 Pacifica
Irvine, CA 92618-3356
NSF Award
1927046 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/01/2019 – 08/31/2021
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The broader impact of this Small Business Innovation Research SBIR Phase II project will be achieved through investigating approaches to leverage extended reality (XR) for immersive, interactive and intelligent training in manufacturing, healthcare and higher education, to accelerate learning, increase engagement, and foster more effective use of expensive equipment. In 2017, the global training market was estimated to be $388 B, while the US market was estimated to be $166 B. Training and design use cases frequently rank among the top 5 XR use cases in industry reports, and the enterprise VR training market alone is forecasted to grow at 140% year over year for the next five years to reach $6.3 B per year. XR technologies hold significant potential by providing users with a sense of presence and immersion heretofore not possible due to cost, safety, security, physical, geographical or other limitations. This project will pursue this growing market opportunity with content expected to bring together classrooms, labs, factories, hospitals and field service environments, broadly advancing learning and engagement in both schools and workplaces.
The intellectual merit of this SBIR Phase II project lies in the development of high- fidelity modular and reusable virtual object and assembly models, customized models for scenarios, tasks, instructions and user proficiency, application of natural language processing techniques to enable conversational interactions in immersive multiplayer environments and the use of computer vision techniques to support effective reuse of content across both virtual and augmented reality settings. Specialized modules will be developed for each of the above functionalities and then integrated to develop an innovative, easy-to-use product that will make it easy for non-programmers to author and publish XR content for training, design, service and other use cases, as well as collect data to evaluate the content and experiences. Pilot testing will be conducted with users in the higher education industry to rigorously evaluate and iteratively refine the technologies and the final product. By judiciously combining XR, virtual objects, and simulations with voice, vision and collaboration, this project aims to build an innovative product that may enable anyone to build engaging knowledge-rich content.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Simplyvital Health, Inc.
STTR Phase II: Increased Security for Blockchains Applied to Healthcare
7 Sherman Dr
Belmont, MA 02478-3130
NSF Award
2026461 – STTR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
02/01/2021 – 01/31/2023
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase II project is a significant increase to the security of healthcare safe public-private blockchain protocols. The use of blockchain technology drives efficiencies in direct alignment with improved patient experience and improved health, both at a reduced cost. The economic impact of bringing down the costs of providing healthcare has the potential to benefit millions of lives. One serious threat on Proof-of-Work (PoW) blockchains is the double-spend attack. With a successful double-spend attack, miners can reverse payments and obscure the audit trail of data access. The deployment of the proposed protocol will ensure the integrity of both these properties. More broadly, the proposed system can improve security for any PoW blockchain, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. The system can also greatly improve user experience by processing in a timely and standard manner via regularly created blocks.
This STTR Phase II project proposes to virtually remove the threat of double-spends for healthcare safe blockchains. Existing PoW blockchains are based on computational puzzles. Once a miner solves a puzzle, she adds a block to the chain and is rewarded with coins. In expectation, miners produce blocks proportional to their share of the computational resources. But mining is a random process and occasionally a miner with a small share of the resources can generate a majority of the blocks. In those cases, a minority miner can overwrite existing blocks, nullifying or double-spending earlier entries. The proposed system prevents double-spend attacks by requiring miners to aggregate multiple solutions to the PoW problem before submitting a block. This aggregation ensures that miners with the majority of the processing power have a high probability of submitting the majority of the blocks, reducing the risk of double-spends by orders of magnitude. The technical work includes: First, developing a new consensus mechanism for blockchains. The consensus mechanism is a highly sensitive, embedded piece of software and this adoption will be handled with careful engineering. Second, the project will decrease associated bandwidth use on the network, a primary cost. The project will seek to create a new solution for reducing network costs based on advanced filters. Third, the project will address and mitigate remaining security issues, such as proof withholding attacks and Denial of Service attacks. Finally, the work will empirically quantify the improvements to ensure high quality engineering and to inform translation strategy.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Sinter Print Inc
SBIR Phase II: Reactive Additive Manufacturing of Advanced Superalloys for Turbine Engines
405 Young Ct
Erie, CO 80516-2400
NSF Award
1758865 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
03/01/2018 – 02/28/2022
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This SBIR Phase II project will address the lack of high application temperature materials available for additive manufacturing. Additive manufacturing, often called 3D printing, provides increased design freedom and complex features such as part consolidation and conformal cooling channels. The performance and efficiency of gas turbines and other applications can be increased by combining design improvements enabled by additive manufacturing with a suitable high temperature material. Unfortunately, existing materials either do not have sufficient high temperature performance or are not compatible with high quality printing methods. This project will develop new nickel superalloy composite additive manufacturing materials for use with high temperature gas turbine components. Successful completion of this project will result in more efficient turbines to reduce energy costs, transportation costs, and carbon emissions. The manufacturing, power generation, and aerospace industries are expected to be impacted from this project. In addition, history has demonstrated that new materials and manufacturing technologies often lead to additional unexpected innovations. This project will help the country lead in the innovation of high performance materials technology to address the needs of the $86 billion gas turbine market and to grow advanced manufacturing jobs in the US.
This project will utilize innovative reactive additive manufacturing materials technology to develop 3D printable advanced high temperature superalloys. During additive fabrication, high melting temperature product phases will be synthesized in-situ within a superalloy matrix to significantly improve high temperature performance and improve printability. This innovative reactive additive manufacturing technology has been shown to be applicable to a wide range of materials systems including nickel superalloys in an NSF Phase I project. Metal matrix composites produced using this technology have demonstrated greatly increased strength, wear resistance, and high temperature performance relative to comparable traditional alloys. In addition, this technology has demonstrated the ability to eliminate micro and macro cracking problems with alloys that had previously been considered unprintable. This project aims to further develop one or more high temperature superalloys compatible with laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing for use in the hot sections of gas turbines. The scope of the project includes theoretical and experimental development and evaluation of novel material feedstocks, additive manufacturing processing conditions, and heat treatments. Evaluation of printed components will include measurement of density, hardness, standard and high temperature tensile properties, creep, and microstructure and phase analysis. Turbine components will be additively fabricated for pilot studies.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Solchroma Technologies Inc
SBIR Phase II: Vivid Pixel array for Reflective, Full-color Digital signage
32 Appleton St
Somerville, MA 02144-2131
NSF Award
1660204 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/01/2017 – 09/30/2022
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project evaluates the feasibility of constructing vivid, full-color, reflective display modules for large-area outdoor digital signage driven by dielectric elastomers suitable for pilot testing. Completion of Phase II objectives is expected to have the following impact: Commercially, the availability of new signage products will create significant economic impact through partial capture of the $14.2B domestic billboard and sign manufacturing market. Up to 10% of US zoning codes are estimated to prohibit LED-based (light emitting diode) signage while potentially permitting a reflective digital signage technology, expanding the domestic market up to $5.6B, with a 10x impact worldwide. Environmentally, greenhouse gas reduction is expected as an alternative to LED-based technology; up to 40x reduction in energy consumption is anticipated relative to LEDs. Additionally, billboard wrap waste will be reduced by replacing printed signage. Scientifically, the use of dielectric elastomers as a class of materials in products would be promoted through addressing technological and manufacturing hurdles currently limiting market translation. Societally, increased impact from timely public service announcements on digital billboards displayed during natural disasters, when catching fugitives from the FBI?s Most Wanted lists, and with Amber/Silver alerts are expected through large-area digital sign proliferation.
In phase II, electroactive polymer-based proof-of-concept display modules will be constructed and tested, ready for pilot testing with initial customers. The low-cost display design uses unique electro-hydraulic driving principles to enable exceptional refractive index matching within the optical stack for highly vivid and reflective full-color generation. In phase I, a functional proof-of-concept pixel array module was fabricated using scalable processes. To achieve pilot readiness, improvements in performance, resolution, and calibration to meet advertiser standards are needed, as well as environmental qualification for outdoor operation, development of industry-conscious software control, and qualification of supply chain inputs to enable further production at scale. Phase II research will address these technical challenges by introducing process refinements and quality control standards, conduct color calibration using existing techniques, perform industry-relevant environmental testing, work with vendors to source soft-tooled components, and develop module and multi-module control software. The result of phase II efforts will be a calibrated and rugged one square foot, full-color, 16mm pitch, reflective display module ready for scaling to pilot production following phase II. -
Sonavex, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Automatic Vascular Flow Reconstruction with Adaptive Three-Dimensional Doppler Ultrasound
2835 O'Donnell St
Baltimore, MD 21224-0000
NSF Award
1632424 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2016 – 07/31/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project includes the reduction in severe patient morbidity and elimination of hundreds of millions of dollars of expenditures by the U.S. healthcare system each year on revision surgeries and unnecessary procedures associated with late detection of post-surgical blood clots. Surgeons have the ability to prevent these catastrophic events, but only if the onset of the clot can be detected in a timely manner. Currently, of the patients who form clots after the targeted surgeries, half will suffer from a surgical failure due to the shortcomings of current modalities. This technology gives clinicians the ability to non-invasively track changes in blood flow within critical vessels to enable intervention prior to any compromise in health and prevent a majority of these catastrophic incidents. Beyond significant decreases in patient suffering and morbidity, such interventions will have an enormous positive economic impact on the health care system. This technology can also substantially improve clinical understanding of the clotting process and possibly enable non-invasive therapeutic treatments for these patients who otherwise would receive surgery.
The proposed project offers significant intellectual and scientific merit associated with new methods of ultrasound flow analysis. The objective of this work is to develop a system that is able to collect a 3D volume of ultrasound data and automatically extract the blood flow data in the region of interest by detecting an implantable component. This novel approach to measuring vascular flow will be the first to enable detection of localized post-operative clot formation rather than detecting clot-related issues via delayed and indirect methods that leave patients at risk for surgical failures. This technique can allow for intervention earlier than all other available methods, thus improving patient outcomes and reducing hospital costs. Furthermore, this method enables automatic detection of critical changes in blood flow, eliminating the risk of human error. Lastly, dissemination of the technology developed in this proposal represents an important milestone towards the creation of simpler, more automated ultrasound systems that can place this non-invasive, non-ionizing modality in the hands of non-expert clinicians for use in a broader spectrum of medical applications. -
Spheryx, Inc
SBIR Phase II: Total Holographic Characterization of Colloids Through Holographic Video Microscopy
330 E 38th St, Apt 48J
New York, NY 10016-2784
NSF Award
1631815 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2016 – 08/31/2020
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will enable a commercial implementation of holographic video microscopy, a fast, precise and flexible technology for measuring the properties of individual colloidal particles suspended in fluid media. This disruptive technology solves critical manufacturing problems across industries that work with colloidal dispersions. Demonstrated applications include: 1) monitoring the growth of nanoparticle agglomerates in precision slurries used to polish semiconductor wafers where scratches due to slurry agglomerates are responsible for waste valued at $1 billion annually; 2) tracking concentrations of dangerous contaminants in wastewater streams; and 3) measuring the concentration of protein aggregates in biopharmaceuticals, a safety concern noted by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in this $250 billion industry. Holographic video microscopy is unique among particle-characterization technologies in providing comprehensive information about the size, shape and composition of individual particles in real time and in situ. Having access to this wealth of data facilitates product development, creates new opportunities for process control and provides a new tool for quality assurance across a broad spectrum of industries enabling safer, less expensive products for consumers while providing cost savings to manufacturers.
The technical objectives of this project are: 1) to optimize the design of the underlying holographic microscopy system without compromising the quality of results; 2) to enable quantitative concentration determination including corrections for perturbations introduced by flow dynamics; 3) to expand the domain of operation to characterize non-spherical particles and 4) to apply machine-learning algorithms for automated robust operation. Using holographic video microscopy for commercial applications requires adaptation and innovation in the design of the prototype instrument that was used to demonstrate feasibility. Streamlining the optical train will require advanced modeling and the creation of new methods of correcting optical aberrations to enable ease of manufacture. Additional improvements in design will include advances in improving microfluidic flow control to generate accurate concentration determination, to adapt holographic analysis algorithms for characterizing the structure of aspheric particles, and to extend analytical capabilities for turbid fluids. Finally, innovative machine-learning using neural network algorithms demonstrated significant improvements for analytical robustness in Phase I and will be extended to a wider range of applications. The Phase II effort will enable holographic video microscopy of real-world samples with typical measurement times of a few minutes. -
Swarm Technologies, LLC
SBIR Phase II: An Innovative and Open Satellite-Based Internet of Things (IoT) Network
3236 Ashbourne Cir
San Ramon, CA 94583-9116
NSF Award
1758752 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
03/15/2018 – 02/28/2022
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The proposed project centers around further development on the world's smallest 2-way communications satellites and associated ground hardware. Key contributions of this project include system and networking optimization and validation of the technology through end to end demonstrations. The system optimization component will involve the development of system-level models that capture the complex interaction of all elements, including dynamics, constraints, and objectives. The network optimization component will focus on the development of algorithms that enable seamless communications scheduling as the network scales to several thousand devices on the ground.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project spans commercial, scientific and humanitarian applications by extending IoT (Internet of Things) connectivity to remote regions without cell coverage and where satellite data is prohibitively expensive for vital applications including agriculture, energy, shipping, and weather. The satellites and ground hardware being developed in this SBIR Phase II project have been driven towards miniaturization and power reduction to enable a broader range of customers to take advantage of the network by allowing easy integration into their devices and easy-to-install autonomous ground solutions. The unique launch economics afforded by the miniaturized satellites enable IoT (Internet of Things) sensing and data return at a cost 1/10th to 1/100th that of incumbent satellite data providers.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
SweetSense Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Predictive Algorithms for Water Point Failure
2536 N Gilpin St
Denver, CO 80205-0000
NSF Award
1738321 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/01/2017 – 10/31/2021
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will develop and apply machine learning statistical tools to Internet of Things (IoT) water delivery and water quality sensors. This will enable prediction and preemptive response to water point failures. The resilience of these environmental services is dependent upon credible and continuous indicators of reliability, leveraged by funding agencies to incentivize performance among service providers. In many locations, these service providers are utilities providing access to clean water, safe sanitation, and reliable energy. However, in some rural areas, there remains a significant gap between the intent of service providers and the impacts measured over time. Achieving the SBIR Phase II core objectives will help close the loop on effective and clean water delivery. IoT sensors and services will address one of the most critical public health gaps by enabling delivery of reliable and safe water.
IoT solutions for this environment may help address these information asymmetries and enable improved decisions and response. However, given the remote and power constrained environments and the high degree of variability between fixed infrastructure including age, materials, pipe diameters, power quality, rotating equipment vendors (pumps and generators), servicing, and functionality, any IOT solution would have to either be bespoke engineering, or compensate for these site-wise complexities through analytics. Instead, our SBIR II approach is to develop universal, solar powered cellular and satellite IOT hardware for each service type, and addresses site complexities through cloud-based sensor fusion and statistical learning. In this way, we significantly reduce hardware and logistical costs, and provide value to our customers through service delivery analytics. In Phase I, we demonstrated the application of simple sensors and sophisticated machine learning to identify off-nominal service delivery across a cohort of water pumps of various designs. We developed a universal electrical borehole sensor compatible with disparate fixed infrastructure, and we demonstrated solving the problem of heterogeneous customer hardware with a homogeneous sensor platform and adaptive machine learning backend. -
Sylvatex Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Development of Renewable Nanoparticle Platform for Green Energy Production and Storage Applications
927 Thompson Place
Sunnyvale, CA 94085-4518
NSF Award
1927077 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
08/15/2019 – 07/31/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project will be in lowering the overall cost of lithium-ion batteries. Material cost reduction drives greater adoption of technologies using batteries such as electric vehicles and storage systems while increasing the use of renewables. Cathode material is a battery's largest cost contributor, and with the market growing 10+% year-over-year, producers are having to spend millions of dollars in plant expansions to meet this increased demand. Technology solutions that allow cathode material producers to cost effectively expand current production capacity without investment or sacrificing quality or performance are immediately needed in this industry. Current industry processes require lengthy high-temperature production steps that consume large amounts of energy throughout the production process. This phase II project is focused on developing a "one-pot" manufacturing process that will address the current market priorities of lowering production costs, shortening manufacturing times, increasing production yield and using sustainable materials, allowing cathode producers to significantly increase profit margins while addressing demand for increased production. More broadly, lower battery costs will increase the adoption of technologies that utilize lithium-ion batteries and enable greater implementation of other renewable energy sources like wind and solar.
This SBIR Phase II project proposes to build upon the promising feasibility results achieved in Phase I to develop a breakthrough, sustainable, "one-pot" process for the manufacture of cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries. This manufacturing process will capitalize on the opportunity within the cathode production to address its needs for lowering production costs, increasing production capacity, and reducing energy consumption. The Phase II project will involve (i) the optimization of the manufacturing process, as measured by half-cell battery performance screening, (ii) demonstrate doubling throughput and providing cost savings of at least 20% over current production processes for NMC 622, (iii) demonstrate battery performance that is equivalent to, or better than, that of a commercial benchmark in full cell testing, and (iv) design and construction of a pilot reactor.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
SBIR Phase II: Touch and Feel a Virtual Object with Life-like Realism
225 Wyman Street
Waltham, MA 02451-1209
NSF Award
1632274 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/01/2016 – 02/29/2020
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is to create a suite of consumer hardware and software products that provide realistic tactile feedback to users who are touching objects in virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). As evidenced by the current proliferation of low-cost head-mounted displays and motion tracking systems, three-dimensional interaction technologies are revolutionizing how people interact with computers, media, and each other. Since they are currently limited to vision and audio, endowing consumer-level human-computer interfaces with high-fidelity tactile feedback will vastly increase user immersion, making games more fun, online interactions more effective, and tools more efficient. Consequently, this project has the potential to expand the commercial reach of the burgeoning VR/AR market, opening up myriad opportunities for companies particularly in the gaming, entertainment, and e-commerce sectors. The innovation of this project also promises to enhance scientific and technological understanding of haptic human-computer interaction by establishing a new paradigm that blends minimal wearable hardware with sophisticated software algorithms. Finally, commercializing novel interactive technology also has the potential to help inspire a diverse array of young people to pursue a career in the critical areas of science, technology, engineering, and math.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase 2 project aims to advance knowledge of low-cost technology that can provide realistic tactile feedback to a user touching objects in VR or AR: the project?s intellectual merits center on testing a new approach that combines minimal haptic hardware and sophisticated software algorithms. The research objective is to create a fully functional industrial prototype of a wearable fingertip thimble and custom software that embody the proposed approach. When the user's finger moves to touch a virtual object, a platform inside the thimble will initiate contact with the fingerpad and press with a force that varies with penetration distance, to render surface softness. A thermal actuator will convey the object?s thermal conductivity and temperature. When the finger slides along a virtual object, the user will feel its texture via carefully designed platform vibrations. Specific research tasks to be addressed include exploring haptic actuator options, building a library of haptic object properties (HOPs) that can be applied to virtual objects, and creating a communication protocol for exchanging haptic signals among devices. This project is expected to yield a fully functional industrial prototype and developer kits for the wearable fingertip thimble. -
SBIR Phase II: Physics-Informed Machine Learning Emulators to Model Physical Spatio-Temporal Processes for Climate and Weather Risk Forecasting
163 Arlington Avenue
Kensington, CA 94707-0000
NSF Award
1951266 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/15/2020 – 03/31/2022
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The broader impact of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is to provide commercially-deployable technology for highly-scalable, spatially-granular, and cost-effective risk predictions of climate-driven events, such as wildfire spread, from real-time to yearly time scales. As insured losses due to wildfires have increased over fivefold in the last decade, the associated risk makes it critical to improve the ability to predict physical and financial impacts at scale. Current predictive technologies used in major industries, like energy and insurance, are based on complex, hand-engineered, and computationally-intensive numerical physics models of climate and weather. In contrast, the proposed technology develops special AI emulator systems that learn the relevant physics and key drivers, including wind and surface hydrology, in wildfires. The proposed system can perform predictions much more efficiently due to a far simpler computational workflow and native AI hardware acceleration. In addition, AI emulators automate the assimilation of vastly higher amounts of remote-sensing and other observational data (e.g., radar measurements from weather satellites or land cover and vegetation data) over numerical models, allowing for increased accuracy, continuous improvement, and dynamic predictions reflecting changing on-the-ground conditions.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project addresses the pressing need in the energy and insurance industries to accurately and consistently assess wildfire risk over large geographical regions and at a localized level, on time scales ranging from daily to yearly. The proposed R&D will focus on developing and validating an AI emulator of wildfire spread. This entails 1) developing AI architectures for assimilating observational (remote-sensing) and numerical simulation data on drivers of wildfire at different temporal and spatial scales, including vegetation, soil hydrology, and atmospheric winds; 2) integrating data on historical wildfires and their spread to drive the learning process; 3) conducting extensive verification and validation studies; and 4) developing and deploying APIs and graphical interfaces for accessing AI emulator output on the cloud.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
SBIR Phase II: Filmmaking for Everyone: Computational Video Editing
2430 Kent St
Los Angeles, CA 90026-0000
NSF Award
1950115 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/01/2020 – 11/30/2020
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The broader impacts of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project enable improved user-generated video content. Video online platforms have radically changed how people communicate, learn, and inspire. Unfortunately, many potentially inspiring videos are lost or never shared due to an inability to edit them into compelling vignettes. Most tools for editing video are expensive, difficult to learn, and time-consuming. This project’s research enables consumers or nascent businesses to make polished, professional videos with a single phone click through the use of computational cinematography and techniques from deep learning and artificial intelligence (AI). The delivered software solution will produce high-quality edited footage within minutes, compared with a human editor requiring hours. This project combines the analysis of video using computer vision with editing algorithms to empower new creators to participate in this fast-growing medium.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will produce AI-powered software for automatically editing raw video footage into quality short films on a mobile phone platform. The proposed project will integrate advanced computational video manipulation, computer vision, and audio recognition. The prototype AI editor will select relevant content from source footage and synchronize it to music, using only the restricted computational resources of a typical mobile platform. The AI makes decisions based on the video content, the music content, and narrative editing styles learned from a large dataset of similar films. This project will deliver AI-based editing technology that trims and arranges input footage based on the spoken dialogue in the input videos.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Telineage, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: A Robust Caller-ID Alternative for Securing Telephony Based Transactions
Atlanta, GA 30308-3741
NSF Award
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/01/2013 – 03/31/2015
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The innovation in this project comes from the novel call audio analysis techniques that can be used to create a fingerprint of the source of a telephone call. Such fingerprints can reveal valuable information about the call source, including the type of the calling device (landline, Voice-over IP or mobile), its geographical location and the networks over which the call audio may have been transported prior to it reaching the called party. To detect potentially fraudulent calls in real-time with such fingerprints, this proposal plans to extend the identification of the geography of a call source and the creation of an active call analyzer that performs audio analysis in real-time. The focus of this Phase II project is on exploring design options for an active call analyzer; including accuracy, scalability and timeliness tradeoffs and its integration in call center infrastructures. The call analyzer will also be used to build a phone fraud intelligence service that proactively detects phone numbers used for committing fraud. Such a service, including mechanisms for sharing of intelligence with partners and customers, can help secure the telephony channel from a variety of attacks.
The broader impact and commercialization potential of this project can be seen readily from the observation that phone fraud is already a serious problem for multiple sectors, including banking, healthcare and even law enforcement. Also, because fraudulent calls are already responsible for considerable financial loss, customer agents in call centers are asking multiple knowledge-based questions to authenticate a caller. This leads to higher costs for call handling and also degrades customer experience. A successful active call analyzer solution that can automatically generate a risk score for caller authentication will have broad impact because the entire service sector relies on call centers for customer contact and it could reduce costs and improve customer experience. The project will also enable Pindrop to play a leadership role in organizing the broader community to launch a phone anti-fraud alliance similar to the anti-phishing working group. The thought leadership provided by such a group will be necessary to define the telephony security challenges and approaches for addressing them. Again, this will ensure broad impact of the project across several industries. -
Temblor, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Temblor--an innovative, mobile source of seismic risk understanding and solutions for the public and providers
119 Scenic Dr
Redwood City, CA 94062-3232
NSF Award
1853246 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/15/2019 – 03/31/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is to attempt to reduce the largest financial protection gap in the world: the impact of a great earthquake on a major population center. The public is woefully unprepared for such an event, banking on government assistance in lieu of personal resilience. Worldwide, there is $400 billion in uninsured global disaster risk. Even in California, there are 3-4 million uninsured seismically vulnerable homes and a million uninsured vulnerable businesses. People need to understand their vulnerability in terms of dollars and safety, they need to learn how they can protect themselves and their families, and most important, they need to be inspired to take action. This project's free mobile app and blog use public data and models to explain a home's seismic risk, and to show the benefits of buying a seismically safer home, retrofitting an older home, or buying earthquake insurance. Most important, the app and blog do so without scaring, soothing, or snowing the user.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is building a suite of global seismic hazard and risk models that enable the company to forecast the consequences of earthquakes to any building, anywhere on Earth. At every step in the process, the technology rids the models of bias, judgment, or expert opinion, relying instead on algorithmic, reproducible and testable constructs. The company provides insurance agents with sales tools, giving a home or building owner's earthquake score and financial losses in the largest likely earthquake. It provides insurance companies with the means to underwrite (price) insurance, to assess the average annual losses of their portfolios, or to assess portfolio losses at any likelihood of occurrence. For a catastrophe bond whose payment is triggered by a shaking intensity, the company provides the likelihood of attachment over any time period. For a reinsurance company, it provides the ability to compare losses at any or all locations. For a mortgage lender, it provides mortgage portfolio losses, and an estimate of mortgage defaults in the scenario earthquakes to which the lender is most vulnerable. For a multinational company with globally distributed facilities, the technology assesses and ranks their worldwide risk to enhance their resilience.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
The Echo Nest Corporation
SBIR Phase II: Automated Community and Sentiment Mining for Global Media Preference Understanding
48 Grove Street
Somerville, MA 02144-2500
NSF Award
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/01/2008 – 03/31/2012
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This SBIR Phase II project applies data mining and machine learning techniques to both natural language description and Internet link graphs to model communities in order to predict preference, taste and sentiment for different kinds of media (music, TV, online media, video games, books). Current contextual information mining approaches that scan the text on a page for advertisement or recommendation ignore valuable community connections inherent in most self-published Internet discussion. Sentiment and opinion extraction systems operating on full text create challenging language parsing problems are fraught with issues of scale and adaptability. The identification systems can automatically categorize anonymous Internet writers or website visitors into specific demographic communities based on their tastes in many kinds of media. The Phase II research project approaches opinion extraction with a bias-free learning model based on training from known online corpuses that can be adapted to different languages and learns in real time as more data becomes available for high accuracy.
Current personalization and marketing approaches either look at the "clickstream" of an anonymous user, leading to equally anonymous recommendations for popular movies and music -- or by scanning a surface-level overview of the text, leading to keyword advertisements with limited contextual understanding of entertainment content and community sentiment. The project plans to fully integrate people-focused community and sentiment analysis technologies into an autonomous, learning and scale-free "media knowledge service" for digital entertainment providers and marketers that can change the way digital content is marketed and sold. -
Thousand Eyes
SBIR Phase II: An Integrated Solution for Global Visibility and Security of Internet Services
301 Howard Street
San Francisco, CA 94105-6609
NSF Award
1058602 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
03/01/2011 – 02/28/2014
NSF Program Director
Peter Atherton
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase-II project will develop a software-as-a-service product that provides actionable network intelligence to online businesses, enabling them to quickly identify and troubleshoot problems that affect their end users. Studies have shown that a poor end-user experience results in a tangible loss of revenue. Yet, online businesses are dependent not only on their own infrastructure, but on the state of the rest of the Internet as well. From the end user perspective, problems with the network infrastructure, third-party content provider issues, or traffic redirection attacks can result in sites being unavailable or slow. Hence, outside-to-inside monitoring of online services is critical for any Internet business if they wish to remain competitive. Unfortunately, existing products often treat the Internet as a black box. They are unable to capture where things have gone wrong or what could be improved inside the network. In this Phase-II proposal, the company takes a bottom-up approach to capturing end-user experience by focusing on understanding and measuring the components of the Internet infrastructure (such as DNS) that are responsible for data delivery. If this effort is successful, businesses will be able to ensure that their service is globally available, proactively identify performance bottlenecks at the network level, and be alerted immediately when under a traffic redirection attack.
Businesses that operate on the Internet expect data from monitoring services to be actionable. While some products provide actionable information regarding problem components in web pages, The company offers actionable insight into the network infrastructure that drives content delivery to end users. The impact of this technology is two-fold. First, the technology enables customers to improve content delivery to their end users, which leads to increased revenues. Second, the technology can protect businesses from falling prey to traffic redirection attacks, protecting both themselves and their users from financial losses due to fraud. If successfully deployed, the proposed innovation will address an emerging and significant pain point for online merchants and service providers alike. -
Uniqarta, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Laser-Enabled Massively Parallel Die Transfer for microLED Displays
42 Trowbridge St
Cambridge, MA 02138-4115
NSF Award
1926881 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
10/01/2019 – 09/30/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is to enable a new display technology that, among other benefits, reduces the power consumption associated with public displays, TVs, mobile devices, wearables. MicroLED display technology has the potential to reduce display power consumption by 90% relative to today's displays, representing a large opportunity to impact the world's power consumption profile.
The proposed project will advance the Laser Enabled Advanced Placement (LEAP) technology to a level where microLED displays can be produced efficiently, reliably, and in volume. MicroLED displays are widely considered to be the next generation of display technology, but the lack of methods for placing the millions of required microLEDs per display is one of the major obstacles to their commercialization. LEAP solves this problem by rapidly scanning a laser beam diffracted into multiple beamlets across the source wafer to transfer microLED arrays in rapid succession, achieving placement rates orders of magnitude higher than current methods. The tasks in this project include the development and optimization of the entire LEAP process, including the development of critical-to-the-process materials, preparation of microLEDs for transfer, laser placement of microLEDs, and microLED interconnection on the device substrate. The goal is to demonstrate a placement rate in excess of 100 M units per hour with a placement precision of <10 microns (3-sigma) and a yield of >99.5%. The project will conclude with a demonstration of a microLED display assembled with the newly developed processes.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Uniqarta, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: IC Integration Technologies for Flexible Hybrid Electronics
42 Trowbridge St
Cambridge, MA 02138-4115
NSF Award
1632387 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/01/2016 – 02/28/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is to address one of the primary barriers to the emergence of flexible electronics -the inability to assembly and interconnect thinned integrated circuits (ICs) onto flexible substrates in a reliable, cost-effective, high volume manner. Flexible electronics has been the subject of many industry journals, trade shows, technical conferences and market research reports. All describe a new age of ubiquitous electronics with devices embedded in the structures and items around us. Flexible electronic devices, unlike today's devices that are rigid and boxy, can conform to natural, curved shapes that exist in the real world. However, flexible electronics have yet to have their predicted economic and social impact. A major reason is because the electronics industry has not yet found a reliable, low-cost method for assembling thin, flexible ICs onto flexible circuit boards. Today's 'pick-and-place' assembly technology cannot handle ICs thin enough to be flexible. Until a new method is developed and adopted, the potential of flexible electronics will likely not be realized.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will advance the integrated circuit (IC) aspects of a flexible hybrid electronics technology to a level at which these devices can be produced reliably and in volumes in a production-relevant environment. While most of the components of flexible hybrid electronics technology relating to printed electronics methods have been adequately researched and developed, little has been done on the integration of solid-state semiconductor devices onto highly flexible, organic substrates. Partial results have been reported in the literature, however, no attempt has been made to provide a comprehensive, wafer-to-end product approach suitable for commercial applications. This project will address this gap by focusing on all the steps for IC integration, including the preparation for assembly of ultra-thin, flexible semiconductor dies, their attachment onto a flexible circuit board using laser-enabled assembly technology, and their reliable electrical interconnection. The anticipated end results will be a complete flexible hybrid electronics integration technology developed to a level of pilot production readiness. -
SBIR Phase II: Determination of complex outcome measures using narrative clinical data to enable observational trials
325 SHARON PARK DR # 730
Menlo Park, CA 94025-6805
NSF Award
2024958 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2021 – 12/31/2022
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is to develop a software application that identifies clinical outcomes to support high validity real-world evidence (RWE). Approaches to ensure data accuracy and protocol validity are critical to maintain safety and efficacy in healthcare. This project will analyze electronic health data to generate clinically meaningful information for personalized treatment plans for patients with multiple conditions that can confound treatment. This technology will fulfill an unmet need to improve patient outcomes, improve healthcare delivery and chronic disease care management, and reduce healthcare costs for patients. This technology can also improve regulatory and reimbursement decision-making for therapeutic approaches.
This SBIR Phase II project will address the need for consideration of using additional health data to allow for individualized personalized therapeutic plans for patients with multiple co-morbidities. Subgroup analysis or individualized therapy plans for precision medicine are currently not available based upon the structure of randomized controlled trials for broad conditions like breast cancer or hypertension. This proposal seeks to identify clinical outcomes from unstructured Electronic Health Records (EHR). The proposed work is to develop analytics using natural language processing and inference to leverage the large amounts of health data from real-world evidence (RWE) and observational studies to augment data provided in randomized controlled trials (RCT). The analytic tools will allow a comparison of the effectiveness of various treatment protocols in defined cohorts of patients and develop a personalized treatment plan for an individual patient with multiple co-morbidities. The tasks include: 1) Leverage linguistic phrases extracted by natural language processing (NLP) to recognize outcome-related clinical findings to be maintained as clinical feature metadata; 2) Combine NLP and inference to accurately identify candidate clinical outcomes; and 3) Apply machine-learned and expert knowledge to accurately define complex outcome measures.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
SBIR Phase II: Determination of complex outcome measures using narrative clinical data to enable observational trials
325 SHARON PARK DR # 730
Menlo Park, CA 94025-6805
NSF Award
2024958 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2021 – 12/31/2022
NSF Program Director
Alastair Monk
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is to develop a software application that identifies clinical outcomes to support high validity real-world evidence (RWE). Approaches to ensure data accuracy and protocol validity are critical to maintain safety and efficacy in healthcare. This project will analyze electronic health data to generate clinically meaningful information for personalized treatment plans for patients with multiple conditions that can confound treatment. This technology will fulfill an unmet need to improve patient outcomes, improve healthcare delivery and chronic disease care management, and reduce healthcare costs for patients. This technology can also improve regulatory and reimbursement decision-making for therapeutic approaches.
This SBIR Phase II project will address the need for consideration of using additional health data to allow for individualized personalized therapeutic plans for patients with multiple co-morbidities. Subgroup analysis or individualized therapy plans for precision medicine are currently not available based upon the structure of randomized controlled trials for broad conditions like breast cancer or hypertension. This proposal seeks to identify clinical outcomes from unstructured Electronic Health Records (EHR). The proposed work is to develop analytics using natural language processing and inference to leverage the large amounts of health data from real-world evidence (RWE) and observational studies to augment data provided in randomized controlled trials (RCT). The analytic tools will allow a comparison of the effectiveness of various treatment protocols in defined cohorts of patients and develop a personalized treatment plan for an individual patient with multiple co-morbidities. The tasks include: 1) Leverage linguistic phrases extracted by natural language processing (NLP) to recognize outcome-related clinical findings to be maintained as clinical feature metadata; 2) Combine NLP and inference to accurately identify candidate clinical outcomes; and 3) Apply machine-learned and expert knowledge to accurately define complex outcome measures.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Via Separations, LLC
SBIR Phase II: Robust Nanofiltration to Enable Challenging Chemical and Pharmaceutical Separations
381A Huron Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138-6832
NSF Award
1831203 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2018 – 02/28/2022
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This SBIR Phase II project focuses on advancing the domestic manufacturing capabilities for high-value nanomaterials for new membrane materials. Previously, the company has developed a novel membrane material with considerable economic, environmental, and nutritional impact in industrial process applications. Commercially available nanofiltration (NF) membrane systems employ polymer membranes, which have inherent chemical and thermal intolerance and are therefore difficult to clean or cannot be used in all separation streams. Meanwhile, 12% of US energy consumption is dedicated to thermal separations, a number that can be cut by a factor of 10 with appropriate physical separation technologies. This technology has applications across food & beverage processing, pharmaceutical production, semiconductor manufacturing, and chemical/petrochemical refining.
Creating nanometer-scale features on large areas (tens of square meters) will enable technical opportunities for a multitude of products and applications. In this SBIR Phase II project, the company is conducting process development, pilot demonstration, and scale up efforts toward coating graphene oxide thin films for nanofiltration membrane separations applications. Today?s membrane processes are limited by the selectivity and durability of the nanofiltration membrane. Improved selectivity and operational conditions from the material platform enables improved downstream processes, and new product development. The technology is tolerant to elevated temperatures, extreme pH, organic and chlorinated solvents, and high levels of oxidizers. Transitioning from thermal separations to membrane separations saves 90% of the required energy. Meanwhile, payback time is < 3 months when improving clean-in-place (CIP) protocol for existing NF processes. This is a game changer for the separations industry. Key separations of interest include desalting, whey concentration, sugar fractionation, fatty acid separation, nutraceutical extraction, pharmaceutical purification and black liquor concentration.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
Visikol, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Digitization of Skeletal Evaluations for Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology (DART) Studies.
120 Albany St Ste 850
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-2126
NSF Award
1852639 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/15/2019 – 09/30/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will be the development of technology to improve the accuracy of skeletal evaluation within developmental and reproductive toxicology (DART) studies. The goal is to better ensure that potential therapeutics, cosmetics and agrochemicals do not cause teratogenic effects. Today, DART studies rely upon the subjective human-based manual evaluation of animal skeletons for defects, which has a low sensitivity for defects, significant inter and intra pathologist variability, and is laborious and costly. The technology under development is based on a novel imaging and automated analysis solution for this problem that will shift the paradigm of skeletal evaluation from a qualitative to quantitative approach. Through improving DART study accuracy, the objective is to better detect teratogenic effects of compounds, reduce the overall number of animals required for these studies, and reduce the cost to develop therapeutics by improving throughput and reducing study cost. The market opportunity for this technology is expected to be significant.
The intellectual merit of this SBIR Phase II project is to focus on the development and optimization of an optical CT imaging device and analysis software for use with mouse, rat and rabbit fetal samples for skeletal evaluation. The specimens will be processed such that they are optically transparent with bones that are stained red. A training library of normal and abnormal fetal samples will be generated, and from this library a machine learning-based approach will be developed to automatically identify samples that are non-normal in a statistically significant manner. To achieve this, several classification methodologies will be evaluated quantitatively for accuracy and the image acquisition parameters will be optimized for imaging quality. From this work, a 21 CFR part 11 compliant software application will be developed in accordance with the ICH analytical assay guidelines such that this software can undergo IQ/OQ/PQ, which will allow for the hardware and software system to be implemented by customers in their GLP facilities. The hardware and software product that will result from this project will be one of the first validated digital pathology platforms in the marketplace, and will ultimately allow for customers to significantly reduce their operating costs while improving accuracy.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
XPEED Turbine Technology LLC
33 Linberger Dr
Bridgewater, NJ 08807-2380
NSF Award
1660224 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
03/15/2017 – 02/29/2020
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is in enabling more efficient Annual Wind Energy Production (AEP) while reducing the cost of energy (COE). This will make wind energy more attractive economically, improve the energy security of the U.S, create jobs, and indirectly help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. A 2% AEP increase is generally considered attractive. Two turbines (5kW and 50kW) tested during Phase I have shown an increase in AEP between 2% to 8% while reducing the COE by 1% to 6%. About 150,000 turbines worldwide can be potentially be retrofitted with this technology.
This project will address challenges related to aerodynamic efficiency of wind turbines and the cost of wind energy. It is based on a deeper understanding of wind turbine aerodynamics from a more 3-dimensional point of view; most wind turbine designs are based on 2- dimensional theories. The key technical challenge in bringing this technology to market is to demonstrate the increase in AEP of utility scale turbines retrofitted with our deflector technology in realistic field conditions while reducing the COE. This will be addressed by performing testing at a few customer wind farms and NREL testing centers. The R&D plan consists of designing, manufacturing, and installing deflectors on a few utility size turbines (30-100 meters diameter rotors). The tests will include power performance comparison between baseline and retrofitted turbines according to international standards. -
Yesse Technologies, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: A Chemical Detection Platform to Decode Human Olfaction
430 E 29th Street
New York, NY 10016-8367
NSF Award
1853051 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
05/01/2019 – 10/31/2023
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is to ultimately develop a nose-on-a-chip to establish the first-ever digital database of smell. By interfacing the biology of the human nose with a read-out platform, it will be possible to decode the human sense of smell and open up new possibilities. Such a nose-on-a-chip and its associated smell database has multiple commercial applications in the fragrance and flavor industry including increasing the efficiency of developing aroma chemicals for food, personal hygiene or household use, and fine perfumes. Also, it may be possible to identify specific malodor receptors and developing compounds that block repulsive odors or modulate olfaction (boost smell capacity and/or suppress odor cravings). In addition, the smell database can be employed to develop algorithms that predict how new aroma chemicals will smell before making them. There is an additional opportunity for the nose-on-a-chip in the healthcare industry when applied to sniff out disease-associated odors, such as Parkinson's disease. Odor-based disease detection may revolutionize biomarker discovery and may have a significant impact on R&D spending in the pharmaceutical industry and ultimately decrease treatment cost for patients.
The intellectual merit of this SBIR Phase II project is to produce an odor-specific nose-on-a-chip assay containing a subset of odorant receptors that can report the presence of a specific odor (odor MS1) and its derivatives. This minimal viable platform is based on a well-validated need in the fragrance and flavor industry and needs to demonstrate sensitivity, specificity, selectivity and intensity (S3I) of odor activation. The goals are to identify a set of high-affinity odor MS1 receptors, generate engineered mice for each receptor through this validated platform technology and demonstrate S3I using an established ex vivo bio-assay. Engineered mice form the basis of the proposed commercial platform. They are the bioreactors producing the olfactory extracts that are used in the ex vivo bioassay and, ultimately, are integrated with a silicon chip. As such, optimized generation of mice is key to cost-efficient scaling of the proposed commercial chips and is a primary objective of the project. The plan is to develop a high-throughput method of generating any receptor in mice. Then, the goal is to develop an optimized gene-targeted line that will serve as a standardized template for future knock-ins of any odorant receptor gene, providing a streamlined, standardized and scalable method to ultimately establish the complete library.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
bioMASON Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Efficacy of scaled up optimized urease producing microorganisms for manufacturing biocement binders towards a viable masonry construction material
54 Fairway Road
Asheville, NC 28804-1642
NSF Award
1534787 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/01/2015 – 10/31/2020
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This Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project is focused on the continued development of biologically grown masonry units as a commercially-viable and sustainable alternative to traditional fired masonry materials. This product is grown in ambient temperatures utilizing a natural calcium carbonate cement formation induced by a urease-producing microorganism. The Phase II project will focus on material testing and further optimization and cost reduction of biocement products, with the intention of demonstrating pilot manufacturing and rapid commercialization via licensee manufacturers. Using biologic products and fermentation procedures developed in the Phase I effort, improvements will be made to scale up manufacturing and reduce cost in the manufacturing process. The commercial potential of this technology is critically dependent on achieving cost and performance parity, if not superiority, with traditional materials. Each year, 1.23 trillion fired bricks are produced globally for use in construction, resulting in over 800 million tons of carbon emissions. The societal impacts of this research would include a dramatic reduction in these emissions, as well as a corresponding reduction in industrial by-product waste. This project will enhance the technological understanding for commercial viability and test data including durability and physical performance.
Technical objectives for this effort include evaluation of the resulting biocement masonry products through rigorous American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) testing methods, reduction of raw material costs through continued optimization, creation of in-house production capability for the requisite biologic product, and the creation and testing of a manufacturing process suitable for transition to licensees. Main focus areas of the Phase II project include rigorous material testing for physical performance, weathering and durability, in-house production of robust raw material constituents, and commercial testing coupled with pilot manufacturing. Rigorous ASTM testing methods will be done at two accredited labs, and labor requirements will be reduced via the adoption of lean automation in the production process. Additionally, the utilization of existing material handing manufacturing equipment at licensee facilities, where possible, will be evaluated. Expected project results will include a comprehensive statistical analysis of multiple physical samples, as well as a corresponding failure analysis. Additional expected deliverables include the successful commission of in-house pilot scale manufacturing for biocement constituents as a simplified additive to be used by commercial partners and licensees. -
iSono Health, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Compact, Low-cost, Automated 3D Ultrasound System for Regular and Accessible Breast Imaging
177 Townsend St.
San Francisco, CA 94107-5910
NSF Award
1927052 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
10/01/2019 – 09/30/2021
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The broader/commercial impact of this SBIR Phase II project introduces a new paradigm in breast cancer screening with a cost-effective and accessible platform for personalized breast health monitoring, empowering women and their physicians with accurate and actionable data. In the US, over 300,000 women are diagnosed and 40,000 women die from breast cancer annually. Breast cancer has a 99% survival rate if detected early, but limitations in cost, sensitivity, and accessibility of current screening result in missing 1 in 3 cancers at early stages. Early detection is associated with lower costs of treatment that save billions of dollars in direct medical care and lost productivity annually, demonstrating a clear economic and societal benefit for better breast cancer screening platforms. The technology leverages the proven benefits of automated ultrasound and the newfound power of cloud-based artificial intelligence to expand the deployment of these systems, including lower-resource settings such as walk-in or rural clinics, pharmacies, and in the home for self-monitoring. The platform's portability, low cost, 2-minute scan time, automated analysis, and patient-centered design greatly increases the accessibility and adoption of breast cancer screening, resulting in better clinical outcomes and a reduced cost burden to the US healthcare system.
This SBIR Phase II project proposes to continue development of a novel platform that combines 3D automated ultrasound with artificial intelligence (AI) for personalized and accessible breast imaging. The proposed project will improve the performance of a compact scanner and wearable accessory combination to produce repeatable images independent of operator training; this can be accomplished in under 2 minutes without expensive capital equipment, ionizing radiation, or patient discomfort. The intuitive software will enable physicians to visualize whole breast volume and accurately localize and measure lesions. AI will identify abnormal masses and predict the probability of malignancy to help physicians with accurate and fast diagnosis. The Phase II R&D focuses on five objectives: (i) optimize system performance for high-quality whole breast imaging with a new beamforming technique for higher resolution, with higher frame rates and faster scan; (ii) finalize the wearable and scanner design to ensure reliable operation with water as the coupling medium; (iii) conduct usability verification and validation regarding safety and functional requirements for clinical use; (iv) conduct a small study to verify the scanner's ability in finding existing breast lesions; (v) develop a machine learning engine for real-time detection and characterization of lesions in images acquired with the ultrasound scanner.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
kelaHealth Inc
SBIR Phase II: An adaptive machine learning-based platform to improve surgical quality and patient outcomes
301 Howard St
San Francisco, CA 94105-0000
NSF Award
1926924 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/01/2019 – 02/28/2022
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will be to help usher in personalized and tailored surgical care within a shifting healthcare context toward value-based care. Hospitals and surgeons are seeking solutions that will enable them to target, as opposed to generalizing, improvements in surgical quality for enhanced patient outcomes and effective use of resources. By proactively identifying surgical risks and matching patients to interventions most appropriate for these risk strata, the proposed technology is designed to support hospitals in meeting their value-based care objectives. The larger vision is to apply this paradigm in all of medicine by leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for prediction, proactive intervention, and outcomes tracking in a closed feedback loop. Demonstrating this in a high-cost, high-risk specialty like surgery provides a path for expanding the technology into other medical specialties and serving a greater domestic and international market. Ultimately, the lessons learned from the wide-spread use of this technology will allow society to derive key kernels of knowledge in applied data science, preventative medicine, and technical scalability of hospital enterprise solutions. This project is an interdisciplinary representation of crucial activities needed to drive the tipping point of medical technology.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project builds upon the results of Phase I, which included predictive engine development, scalable data processing pipeline development, and hospital stakeholder engagement activities. Phase II efforts focus on further developing the technology to facilitate its commercial use and integration in clinical settings. Key objectives for the Phase II project are as follows: (1) development of an Application Programming Interface (API) to deliver tailored machine learning models to broad users across varying needs, (2) expansion of a clinical intervention library supported by clinical evidence across multiple surgical specialties, and (3) development of an outcomes dashboard to display postoperative patient outcomes from automated extraction of electronic health records. The result of this project will be a closed-loop clinical and technical infrastructure that is agile to the needs of a diverse range of surgical customers to enable quality improvement across an entire surgical ecosystem.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
nView medical Inc.
SBIR Phase II: 4D scanner for image guided interventions
1350 S Colonial Dr
Salt Lake City, UT 84108-2204
NSF Award
1456352 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
04/15/2015 – 09/30/2020
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is the significant improvement of
surgical accuracy, which will dramatically reduce surgical errors, improve outcomes and
reduce healthcare costs. In spine surgery alone, there are more than 500,000
procedures every year in the US utilizing implants such as screws. In 4% to 11% of
these surgeries, the implant placement is inaccurate. For the patient this translates into
longer recoveries - from days to weeks - and in many cases into a second revision
surgery. The patient is non-productive, unable to carry out their daily routines for weeks,
while the healthcare system has to absorb the costs of the longer recovery as well as
the revision surgeries. For both the healthcare and economic systems these are
avoidable costs. The medical imaging technology being developed in this project has
the potential to eliminate surgical inaccuracies across the $2.4B market of image
guidance, improving clinical applications that range from orthopedic surgery to minimally
invasive vascular interventions, to cancer diagnosis and treatments.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase 2 project will demonstrate a
novel imaging modality, which provides near-real-time 3D live imaging - 4D - during
surgery. This novel system will provide surgical imaging at a lower x-ray dose than
fluoroscopy (current standard), with a geometry that allows concurrent imaging with
surgery. This 4D technology has the potential to significantly reduce surgical
inaccuracies, improve outcomes and reduce costs. Phase 1 successfully demonstrated
the feasibility of the reconstruction algorithm used by the proposed imaging modality by
showing its potential of higher surgical accuracy in a single spinal screw insertion. This
Phase 2 project will I) prove the robustness of the reconstruction algorithm across a
variety of use-cases, II) demonstrate the clinical usability of the 4D scanner, and III)
confirm the clinical utility of the scanner. The clinical usability will be studied with an
ergonomic model in a surgical setting. The clinical utility will be proven by building a
system prototype and performing image quality and x-ray dose comparisons versus
fluoroscopy and 3D in a realistic surgical setting. Preliminary results show that these
objectives are achievable. This research is readying the technology for clinical research,
regulatory clearance and commercialization. -
nanoView Diagnostics Inc.
SBIR Phase II: High-Throughput and Scalable Nanoparticle Characterization for Life Sciences Applications
8 Saint Mary's St
Boston, MA 02215-2421
NSF Award
1831192 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
08/15/2018 – 06/30/2023
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is to develop an instrument platform that will facilitate development and translation of next generation diagnostics and therapeutics that are based on a class of nanovesicles called extracellular vesicles (EVs). EVs, which are nanoparticles shed by cells, are being investigated for early detection of diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, and neurodegenerative disorders, from biofluids without the need of invasive tissue biopsies. The lack of tools and techniques to perform high-throughput characterization of EVs is limiting translation. The platform under development will enable an understanding EVs produced by cells. The global market for nanoparticle analysis instrumentation in the life sciences is estimated at $5.9 Billion. The EV market, which is a subset of this market, is rapidly growing, with a predicted compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 47.3% over the next five years. Biological nanoparticles are playing an increasing role in life science applications and better, target-specific, faster tools are needed to characterize them in a high-throughput way.
This SBIR Phase II project will complete the development of an instrument platform to enable Extracellular Vesicle (EV) measurements and characterization. The platform will include a customer configurable consumable, eliminating the requirement for an expensive custom robotic arrayer step, removing barriers to end-user adoption and decentralizing discovery. Also, long-term shelf-life of the consumable will be established. In addition, improvements into the imaging platform will enable visualization of the smallest nanoparticles, relaxing the complexity and cost of the platform and providing a functional advantage over competitive offerings. The platform will automate much of the workflow, reducing operator hands-on time. The resulting platform will enable EV measurements with 5X-to-30X less sample volume, detect 100X-to-10,000X less concentrated targets, and increase throughput by using a workflow that bypasses purification requirements needed by other techniques. The completion of these objectives will result in a life science research tool for researchers and industry working on EV-based diagnostics and therapeutics.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
spotLESS Materials Inc.
SBIR Phase II: Anti-Fouling, Sludge- and Liquid-Repellent Slippery Surface Coatings for Common Plastics
State College, PA 16803-2847
NSF Award
2026140 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/01/2020 – 08/31/2022
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project is to develop coatings for plastics, with applications from sanitation to automotive displays. Few surface coatings on plastics can resist fouling of bacteria and mineral deposits while also achieving both liquid- and sludge-repellency. This project will develop a slippery surface coating that repels liquid, sludge, bacteria, and mineral deposits on common plastics.
This Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project will advance translation of liquid-entrenched smooth surface (LESS) coatings that can be directly applied to various plastics. Functionalizing plastics with mechanically durable surface coatings is challenging owing to the lack of reactive surface chemistry. LESS demonstrates excellent liquid- and sludge-repellency with over 95% reduction in bacteria accumulation and mineral deposits compared to untreated surfaces. This project will investigate the optimal formulation and coating parameters to enhance interfacial bonding strength of LESS onto plastics through combined molecular dynamic simulations and experimental characterizations. The newly developed LESS-on-plastics coatings will be systematically evaluated for their mechanical and UV durability, liquid- and sludge-repellency as well as the anti-bacterial and anti-scaling functions.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria. -
txteagle Inc
SBIR Phase II: Large-Scale Analysis System for Mobile Crowdsourcing
883 Boylston St 2nd Floor
Boston, MA 02116-2601
NSF Award
Award amount to date
Start / end date
08/01/2010 – 01/31/2014
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project seeks to create a new, innovative system to manage a highly-scalable, geographically-distributed labor force through wireless technology - what is refered to as " mobile crowdsourcing." The plunging cost of handsets and the introduction of prepaid call plans have allowed individuals throughout the world to have the ability to communicate and transact electronically. This project will create the infrastructure needed to provide wireless subscribers the ability to do work and earn money - leveraging today's mobile phone's ability to send, receive and display images, audio files and text. The system will: deconstruct a client's work into "micro-tasks;" preferentially route micro-tasks to individuals most likely able to complete them; statistically analyze completed work across individual responses to automatically reach a decision on when work is complete, and who has provided the most useful input; compensate workers in proportion to the value they have added; and, finally, reconstruct the completed task for the client, with a statistical assurance the work has been accomplished correctly.
The first application of this system will be for the business process outsourcing (BPO) industry. The company will integrate with several mobile carriers in Africa and South America to allow subscribers direct access to transactional BPO tasks including transcription, translation and text categorization. Communicating with workers directly through phones and emphasizing quality control on work, rather than worker will enable users to perform tasks when they want, where they want, and as they want. Automated compensation through existing mobile payment and airtime transfer systems will allow for much lower overhead costs. In addition to cost savings, however, clients who use this system to complete work will also have the benefits of: increased security (no one worker will be able to see an entire document or hear an entire audio recording), access to a scalable workforce (when "spikes" of work come through, labor can be seamlessly scaled up), and potential for very fast turnaround on work (micro-tasks can be done in parallel by many individuals, greatly reducing total time to complete a workload). Additional applications of the mobile crowdsourcing platform include data gathering related to local content and surveys, productivity tools for auditors, and mass reporting abilities following disaster-related events. -
unspun, Inc.
SBIR Phase II: An additive method for manufacturing customized textile products
2990 Capital Dr
Eugene, OR 97403-1842
NSF Award
1831088 – SBIR Phase II
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/15/2018 – 08/31/2021
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will demonstrate an additive manufacturing process to produce 3-D woven textile products at scale. Presently, the clothing manufacturing industry still relies on manual sewing machines that were invented over one-hundred and seventy years ago. This system limits the manufacturing process and textile capability; an abundance of steps leads to waste, inefficiencies, and segmented products. Further, due to the low cost of foreign labor, the US textile industry has effectively come to a halt: 97.3 percent of all clothing sold in the United States in 2015 was imported. This project seeks to develop a novel method for manufacturing woven textile products by employing additive manufacturing methodologies to automate the production process, while simultaneously enabling complete customization and on-demand production. This technology will enable premium and competitive textile manufacturing to return from overseas, creating high value-added jobs and a designer community in the United States while also generating tax revenue. In the same way that 3-D printing technology has revolutionized the hard goods manufacturing process, this project seeks to create an entire new industry of additively manufactured textile products, enabling significant opportunities for future innovation.
This project develops a novel technology to manufacture near-net-shape three dimensional woven textile products. To develop this technology, this project first proved feasibility through creating constituent textile panels of non-standard shapes with 3-D topography in Phase I, laying the foundation for continued development into fully three-dimensional, seamless, finished products produced in-situ through Phase II. By additively producing garments from a unique 3-D model complete customization to each individual consumer is possible on a large scale, though this has never before been accomplished. Further, through the on-demand production of clothing customized to individual consumers, the need for substantial inventory buildup is eliminated. In this way, additively manufactured textile products are both more desirable to consumers and more economical to producers. As such, the societal and environmental benefits of automated and on-demand textile manufacturing within the United States are significant, including eliminating massive amounts of waste from typical cut-and-sew manufacturing techniques, revamping a struggling American manufacturing industry, and minimizing the economical, environmental, and geopolitical implications of the United States? current dependence on a convoluted global supply chain.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
Phase I
2B Technologies, Inc
SBIR Phase I: Direct Measurements of Black and Brown Carbon Aerosols without Filter Collection
2100 Central Ave Suite 105
Boulder, CO 80301-2887
NSF Award
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2018 – 09/30/2018
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this project lies in the widespread nature of the problem of airborne Black (BC) and Brown (BrC) carbon particulates. These are formed from combustion processes such as motor vehicles and ships, forest fires and biomass burning, as well as indoor cooking in developing countries. BC and BrC are important components of atmospheric aerosols (small airborne solid and liquid particles) that affect air quality, visibility and climate. The World Health Organization estimates that nearly 7 million premature deaths globally in 2012 were linked to air pollution, and black carbon-containing aerosols are often singled out as a major contributor due to their strong linkages to adverse health effects. Accurate and robust monitoring of BC (and BrC) at a lower cost is necessary in urban and industrial areas throughout the United States and abroad to provide adequate temporal and spatial measurements that can be used to assess regional air quality models and estimate community exposure risks. This information will then make it possible for local and regional government agencies to develop mitigation strategies that protect the health of their communities.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project addresses the problem of accurate and inexpensive Black Carbon (BC) measurements by developing a long-path photometer to quantify airborne BC and BrC particulates. The most common commercially-available technique for BC and BrC requires collection of particulates on a filter. This filter introduces numerous artefacts requiring complicated corrections. Other existing techniques are quite expensive and require significant expertise to operate. The Black Carbon Photometer (BCP) to be developed here will not require pre-concentration on a filter, thus providing a direct, correction-free measurement. It will be operationally simple and require little maintenance, similar to photometers routinely used in monitoring networks for gas phase species such as ozone. The initial BCP will be low power, portable and is projected to cost less than currently available BC analyzers. Thus, it should provide researchers in air quality and public health, as well as those in monitoring agencies, a practical and economical alternative to existing technologies. -
4 D Technology Corporation
SBIR Phase I: High-Resolution Shop Floor Video-Rate Surface Metrology System
3280 E Hemisphere Loop, Ste 146
Tucson, AZ 85706-5024
NSF Award
1448214 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2015 – 06/30/2015
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This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will perform the critical research that ultimately leads to a robust, hand-held, video-rate surface metrology system to bridge a critical existing metrology gap for precision-machined surfaces. The broader impact of this project will be to improve yield, performance, safety, and lifetime of components in a wide range of critical U.S. industries including automotive, aerospace, and medical devices. For example, minor surface imperfections on edges or in other critical areas can have a dramatic effect on performance of components such as turbine blades, cutting tools, or other high-stress elements. In the turbine industry, during maintenance inspections, wear scars or corrosion pits that can lead to catastrophic failures must be quantified to ensure only necessary repairs and replacements are performed; current inspection technologies lead to high rejection rates of good parts since lack of good quantification necessitates conservatism in part rejection. This high-precision, portable, shop-floor gage will greatly enhance quantification of such features, leading to enhanced competitiveness across multiple critical U.S. manufacturing industries that employ a wide range of processing technologies. The total available market for such an instrument is estimated to be greater than $45 million annually in the initially identified application spaces.
The intellectual merit of this project is the demonstration of a novel instantaneous whole-field optical method for measuring rough surfaces with micron resolution and centimeter field of view. Instantaneous whole-field acquisition enables high-resolution measurements to be made in environments not possible with current technology. Benefits of this technology range from increased manufacturing capability in aerospace (for example, production of turbine blades with improved efficiency), to fields such as medical imaging where motion and vibration are intrinsic. The research objectives for this program are to develop and/or demonstrate feasibility of several key components: an efficient method of generating polarization-based fringe patterns to enable instantaneous measurement, a state-of-the-art light source, compact optics capable of high-efficiency illumination and large-area imaging, and robust data processing techniques. Extensive modeling and experimentation will be combined to ensure success of each of the technical objectives. Once key components are developed, a breadboard system will be built and comprehensively tested against a variety of critical metrology goals. At the end of this Phase I effort, the anticipated outcome will be a working breadboard capable of vibration-immune, three-dimensional surface metrology with micron-level lateral and vertical resolution, applicable to a wide range of precision machined surfaces. -
4 D Technology Corporation
SBIR Phase I: Dynamic Surface Profile Measurement System
3280 E Hemisphere Loop, Ste 146
Tucson, AZ 85706-5024
NSF Award
1014221 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2010 – 04/30/2011
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project addresses the metrology needs of next-generation manufacturing of precision components by developing a surface measuring microscope with extended vertical range/slope capability that can operate under extreme vibration conditions. The aims of this Phase I project are to develop a breadboard system capable of making high spatial resolution measurements without the need for vibration isolation, to develop and demonstrate an extended range measurement technique that will enable the measurement of any type of surface, and to evaluate the performance of this prototype in terms of repeatability, precision and accuracy. The Phase II goal is to develop a prototype instrument that will be mounted on computer-controlled machining equipment used in the manufacturing of precision components such as large optics and x-ray telescope mirrors. The proposed instrument will enable the manufacture of complex surfaces and provide a flexible research tool to study a wide variety of surface phenomenon.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project extends to industries such as micro electro-mechanical structures (MEMS), flat panel displays, bio-medical devices, data storage, solar, semiconductor, and automotive. Surface finish/roughness is critical to the performance of precision machined components in all these industries. For example, in the manufacture of large mirrors for astronomy and aspheric mirrors for x-ray optics, surface roughness is critical to the final imaging performance due to limitations caused by light scattering. In applications such as medical implants and precision automotive components, longevity is critically affected by surface finish owing to friction and wear. Additionally, the measurement of nanostructures is important in the fields of hard disk drive components, MEMS, flat-panel displays, and semiconductor chips to provide feedback to improve fabrication processes and tools. Instruments that directly measure surface roughness in-situ in the presence of vibration, and over a large area, are not readily available. The proposed instrument will allow rapid measurement over a large scale in manufacturing environments enabling quick optimization of the fabrication process, minimization of productions costs, and development of new surface fabrication processes. -
4 D Technology Corporation
SBIR Phase I: In Situ Three-dimensional Surface Roughness Gauge
3280 E Hemisphere Loop, Ste 146
Tucson, AZ 85706-5024
NSF Award
1746302 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2018 – 06/30/2018
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This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will demonstrate feasibility of the first metrology system capable of quantifying surface roughness in three dimensions in situ in production environments. Current shop floor systems are almost entirely two-dimensional stylus-based systems that are fragile, incapable of measuring complex geometries and have high cost of ownership. A shop-floor, 3D roughness system will enable greater sampling, faster process feedback and improved time-to-results which will enhance competitiveness across a wide range of U.S. industries including medical devices, aerospace, transportation, and defense. All precision machined components call out surface roughness or texture, yet achieving consistent results with existing contact gauges is difficult and time consuming. It is believed that a shop floor, non-contact roughness measurement device could gain significant market share, with sales upwards of $50M/year upon proving correlation with existing trusted laboratory techniques. Also, trusted, readily available roughness information on almost any machined surface will enable enhanced quality, lifetime, and aesthetics for precision manufacturers, improving competitiveness and reducing waste across a variety of industries.
The intellectual merit of this project is due to its leveraging of recent advances in a variety of fields including additive manufacturing, precision optics, microprocessing, image sensors and interferometric algorithms to achieve nm-scale vertical resolution in a vibration-immune device deployable in manufacturing environments. The closest similar product has vertical resolution more than 100X worse than is proposed here and the proposed performance goals present significant challenges to achieve both high resolution and hand-held capability. A successful Phase 1 will prove that significant synergies between advances in various fields can be combined to significantly advance performance over prior generation products. Also, if successful, manufacturers will have access to a far greater range of process control parameters on more types of surfaces and will be able to improve quality and yield significantly via faster and more accurate feedback into their production cycle. The output of this Phase 1 program will be a first article device that can be brought to customers for demonstration in a shop floor environment. The device will correlate with existing techniques while solving many key issues, such as alignment difficulty, scratching surfaces via a contact measurement, and lack of three-dimensional surface information. -
SBIR Phase I: Defining the Multimodal Signature of Stroke
3 Washington Ct
Towaco, NJ 07082-0000
NSF Award
1914078 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2019 – 07/31/2021
NSF Program Directors
Parvathi Chundi
Peter Atherton
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project falls within the scope of the grand challenges in health informatics. There are excellent protocols for the management and treatment of acute stroke, however, these protocols are only effective once patients have been admitted into the healthcare system. Health care providers, however, have limited interaction with their patients, and these interactions occur in the highly constrained environment of the clinical setting. Physicians have limited control over patient behavior and limited ability to recognize stroke symptoms outside the clinical setting. For patients with high stroke risk, there is currently no system available to monitor stroke symptoms and initiate a response in real-time. Thus, there is a need to monitor patients remotely, where the current systems for stroke response fail to provide coverage. The proposed solution will expand the provision of stroke symptom monitoring to the daily lives of patients. Tracking patients as they go through their daily lives will considerably enrich our knowledge of stroke and will allow extension to monitoring for other neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders and diseases.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project addresses the real-time detection of stroke. Ischemic stroke affects 700,000 Americans, costs approximately $33 billion annually, and is the fifth leading cause of death and a leading cause of disability in the US. IV tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) has been an FDA approved therapy since 1995, yet only 5-10% of eligible patients receive this therapy. Arrival time in the emergency room after initial stroke symptoms is directly associated with better outcomes after tPA and endovascular therapy, with a time window of 4.5 hours and 24 hours for these treatments, respectively. Despite massive public health campaigns, identifying symptoms of stroke and activating emergency response systems remains a major challenge. The goal of this project is to develop and test a wearable and computational solution to effectively alert ischemic stroke victims and initiate emergency response in a timely manner. The solution will consist of a wearable device with multiple modalities, which are fed to a smartphone and a cloud-based analysis system for real-time analysis and detection. Once deployed, the device is expected to dramatically improve stroke emergency response and increase the number of patients receiving IV tPA and other reperfusion therapies.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.ARZEDA Corp.
SBIR Phase I: Novel Cost-Effective Enzyme Immobilization Technology for Sustainable Industrial Applications
3421 Thorndyke Ave W
Seattle, WA 98119-0000
NSF Award
1047429 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2011 – 12/31/2011
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project focuses on the design of a robust and low-cost enzyme immobilization system to increase the cost-competitiveness of bio-catalytic processes. The lack of a universal, sound, and affordable enzyme immobilization technique has been a large barrier to widespread deployment of bio-catalysis for chemical production, which hold immense promise for reducing the chemical industry?s environmental footprint. This Phase I project will lift this barrier by developing a robust and low-cost enzyme immobilization system with broad application for many different bioprocesses using one of Arzeda Corp.?s proprietary enzymes as the basis of the binding strategy. Ultimately, this project will lead to an economically viable system for immobilization of any enzyme on a bio-catalysis column with increased catalytic efficiency and longevity.
The broader/commercial impacts of this research result from the fact that Arzeda has the only proven technology to design novel enzymes with catalytic machinery not existing in nature And is helping address many of the most pressing needs of the bio-refinery industry:
? Developing bio-catalytic routes to currently inaccessible renewable chemicals and
? Increasing profitability through extending enzyme lifetime and increasing enzyme lifetime.
As such, Arzeda sees the success of this project as a way to increase the adoption of bio-catalysis and thereby increase the market for its enzyme products. To achieve this, Arzeda will apply its core technology along with the proposed enzyme immobilization strategy to develop bioprocesses enabling high value, renewable chemicals from biomass.ARZEDA Corp.
SBIR Phase I: High-yield Fermentation of Sugars to Levulinic Acid
3421 Thorndyke Ave W
Seattle, WA 98119-0000
NSF Award
1114078 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2011 – 06/30/2012
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project focuses on the development of a high-yield fermentation route for the production of levulinic acid (LA). LA is one of the best-suited C5 building blocks for bio-refinery production due to higher value, broad applications, and likely quick adoption by the chemical industry. To date, no bioprocess for LA exists, and known chemical processes have not reached commercial stage due to high cost and lower yield. Arzeda, the world leader in computational enzyme engineering, has invented a new biochemical method to convert sugars to LA. The objective of this Phase I project is to demonstrate the feasibility of the concept by validating the proposed biochemical conversion in vitro. Arzeda will use its enzyme engineering platform to design the biocatalyst(s) needed, including computational modeling and design, gene assembly, and enzyme production.
The broader/commercial impacts of this research are the advancement of a U.S. ?green? chemistry industry, and strengthening, economically and environmentally, of a sustainable United States bio-refinery industry. The lack of a high-yield alternative to costly thermochemical processes has been preventing a widespread adoption of levulinic acid. Because LA can be converted, chemically or biochemically, to synthetic rubber (through isoprene and butenes), bio-fuels (such as kerosene and HMF), polymers (for instance, nylons) and polymer additives (for changing polymer characteristics), the addressable market is in excess of $20B annually. When considered as the end product, LA trades at a considerable higher price than ethanol, the current product of most commercial bio-refineries, and thus can help diversify their product offering and considerably increase their margins. Application of Arzeda?s proven technology of computational enzyme design to bring to the world a high-yield fermentation route for LA will considerably advanceARZEDA Corp.
STTR Phase I: Synthetic Biology 2.0: A platform for the automated design of cell factories incorporating synthetic enzymes
3421 Thorndyke Ave W
Seattle, WA 98119-0000
NSF Award
1321578 – STTR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2013 – 06/30/2014
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This Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I project brings together computational enzyme design with systems biology to create a fully integrated platform for novel pathway designs. The approach chosen will combine specific databases and a novel pathway synthesis tool. This computational tool will use the information present in the databases to automatically discover, or "design", novel pathways for fermenting natural renewable feedstock to virtually any chemical of human interest. In the Phase II Experimental Plan, the goal is to further advance the concept by developing a high-performance pathway prioritization module to estimate each designed pathway yield and impact on organism metabolism, and experimentally test the performance of the system. To our knowledge, the proposed research is the first attempt of combining computational enzyme design with computational pathway prospecting and modeling.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project, if successful, will be to engineer biosystems and cell factories for industrial applications, especially in the field of bio-based chemicals and biofuels. Most successes to date in the field of synthetic biology have involved recombining natural enzyme building blocks into novel pathways. However, recent developments in computational enzyme design make it possible to have designer enzymes to enhance nature's catalytic repertoire. Being able to have an automated, computer-aided design tool that leverages new capabilities to create novel metabolic pathways employing synthetic enzymes will bring us closer to truly synthetic biology.ARZEDA Corp.
SBIR Phase I: Computational Enzyme Design for the Production of Butadiene
3421 Thorndyke Ave W
Seattle, WA 98119-0000
NSF Award
0946132 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2010 – 12/31/2010
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This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project proposes engineering novel biocatalysts for the production of butadiene. High value, renewable chemicals have the potential to become economic drivers for integrated biorefineries. Currently, effectively exploiting biomass is limited by the low specificity of chemical processes and the low catalytic diversity of naturally occurring dehydratases. We will apply a unique and groundbreaking enzyme design technology harnessing computational power to rapidly screen and design novel dehydratases not existing in nature. An ideal dehydratase active site targeting the substrate will be generated and grafted into a large library of proteins. The library will be computationally optimized for high substrate affinity and specificity, with top enzyme models selected for experimental characterization and assayed for catalytic activity. The anticipated result of this SBIR Phase 1 research project is a novel enzyme that converts 2,3-butandiol into butadiene in the test tube. Ultimately, this project will lead to a fermentation process to convert cellulosic sugars directly into butadiene, a higher value, renewable chemical.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project will enable integrated biorefineries to more effectively use biomass, diversify revenue streams and potentially reduce hazardous waste. Our proposed approach, which uses the only proven technology for the design of novel catalytic machineries, will lead to new dehydratases for the production of commercially high value renewable chemicals. Directed evolution, the current state of the art, cannot address the enormous combinatorial complexity inherent in generating novel enzymes. Butadiene is an existing building block used in a wide variety of applications, resulting in a multibillion-dollar market ($5.56M in 2008). Bio-butadiene can be used directly as a renewable drop-in chemical in these existing applications and, therefore, offers an attractive and immediate opportunity to help built a stable and profitable biorefinery industry. Furthermore, the knowledge gained in this project will be leveraged to generate a panel of dehydratase enzymes for the production of other renewable chemicals, thereby opening up the opportunity to access new markets and develop new and innovative products. This technology will help address many of the pressing needs of the biorefinery industry: Develop new biofuels,increase profitability, and accelerate growth through efficient and effective conversion of biomass.ATOM COMPUTING INC.
SBIR Phase I: Spatially Modulated Light For Trapping And Addressing Of Alkaline-Earth Neutral Atom Qubits
Oakland, CA 94605-5736
NSF Award
1843926 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
02/01/2019 – 01/31/2020
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will result from the development of quantum computers that will impact many technologies by enabling, for example, molecular simulations for drug design and catalyst development for energy applications, quantum machine learning, and solving optimization problems such as scheduling. Scalable, universal quantum computing promises to be one of the most transformative technologies of the modern era. The range of applications are broad and will only expand with the development of new quantum algorithms, with one of the biggest opportunities being molecular simulations for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. For example, despite being a multi-billion dollar industry, computational drug discovery is limited by the approximations necessary to make calculations tractable for classical computers. In order to perform these simulations at a scale useful for commercial applications, qubit numbers must be increased several orders of magnitude beyond the state of the art. The proposed innovation of trapping and individual control of neutral atoms will, if successful, enable quantum computers to scale to the thousands of qubits needed for error-corrected, universal quantum computing.
This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will develop technology for scalable trapping and addressing of neutral atom qubits through dynamic, parallelized optical trapping and individual addressing of alkaline earth qubits. Neutral atoms are an emerging platform for quantum computing and the majority of work thus far has been directed towards alkali atoms (i.e., those with a single valence electron). Alkaline earth atoms have two valence electrons and correspondingly a richer energy level structure, which has demonstrated very long trapped coherence times.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.ActivSignal, LLC
STTR Phase I: ActivSignal Protein Profiling from Serum Exosomes for the Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer
142 Marsh St.
Belmont, MA 02478-2133
NSF Award
1843738 – STTR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
02/01/2019 – 11/30/2019
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This STTR Phase I project will develop a transformative platform for inexpensive screening for pancreatic cancer detection, based on profiling of cancer-related proteins from a small blood draw. Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest types of cancer, killing over 50,000 each year in the US, and with a five-year survival rate below 7%. However, currently there are no reliable diagnostic tests for pancreatic cancer, and the great majority of cases are detected at a late stage, with bleak mortality rates as a result. As cancer is driven fundamentally by a dysregulation of key protein networks, directly measuring the activity of key proteins provides a robust bio-signature for cancer detection. The project will develop a scientifically novel diagnostic technology based on broad protein profiling for the accurate and low cost detection of pancreatic cancer, and thereby shift the therapeutic field of battle to an earlier stage of the disease, where the current treatments can be more effectively harnessed to improve patient outcomes and save lives, avoid unnecessary and ineffective procedures, and generate health system cost savings across the US and elsewhere. Commercialization of this diagnostic platform is expected to drive creation of a substantial enterprise, and related employment and tax-revenues.
The major innovation of this project is the breakthrough technology for monitoring the state of dozens of cancer-related proteins in biological samples and its application for diagnosing pancreatic cancer from a minute sample of a patient?s blood. The innovative platform has superior levels of sensitivity and accuracy compared to existing technologies, and also offers substantially lower costs, which are critical advantages for the diagnostic application. A further innovation in this project is the development of the analytic engine and the bio-signature knowledge base, that will be used for analysis of the patient?s protein profile. In this project, the Company will focus on several key technical challenges to develop and validate a 1.0 version of its diagnostic platform for pancreatic cancer detection: i. identifying a robust, differentiated multi-target, bio-signature for pancreatic cancer; and ii. doing so with an accuracy and at a sufficiently early stage in the cancer emergence and progression to be medically useful. This project will extensively profile biobank samples from various stages of pancreatic cancer and normal patients to generate the differentiated bio-signatures, develop a diagnosis prediction engine to match the bio-signatures and inform diagnoses, and validate those results using additional samples. This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worth of support through evaluations using the Foundation?s intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.Aerosol Devices Inc.
STTR Phase I: New devices for the rapid and accurate characterization of airborne microbes
430 N. College Ave, Ste 430
Fort Collins, CO 80524-2675
NSF Award
1721940 – STTR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2017 – 10/31/2018
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The broader reaching impacts/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research project stems from the development and application of a new generation of cost-effective devices that can efficiently recover, preserve and quantify airborne microbes in near real time. An improved ability to characterize the microbiology of indoor aerosols has a multitude of important engineering and public health benefits for urban society. This includes a vastly improved ability to monitor bioaerosols in health care settings; in water-damaged buildings; in plane/rail/bus transportation centers; as well as other high-density public venues. Through this work, emerging aerosol technology will be optimized and deployed in portable instrumentation that reports what currently marketed aerosol monitoring equipment cannot provide: the identity, distribution and abundance of airborne microorganisms indoors. This approach provides an unprecedented path to compile large exposure databases, which enable the scientific and medical community to better understand the potential effects of indoor microbial air pollution. Compared to conventional aerosol sampling, these new filter-less devices require little human oversite, communicate aerosol data to cloud-based servers, and preserve bioaerosol samples with exceptional fidelity. These next generation instruments provide an innovative, unobtrusive and practical method for surveying the indoor air we breathe every day, in near real-time.
This STTR Phase I project integrates portable lasers for real-time microbe enumeration, with humidity controls that efficiently recover bacteria, fungi and pollen from indoor air. This advanced equipment assembly accurately counts, preserves and concentrates airborne microbes for stringent biochemical analysis that is relevant to public health. The opportunity for this new instrumentation leverages the fundamental technological advantages it has over conventional sampling equipment, which until now predominantly relies on filtering large quantities of indoor air. The mechanical stresses microbes must endure during conventional air filtration, seriously compromises the accuracy of airborne microbial analyses. The research objective of this work is to challenge this novel instrumentation array with known quantities of airborne microbes that commonly inhabit the indoor environment. Using widely accepted engineering and biochemistry methods, the overarching goal is to systematically validate the efficiency of this new equipment, both in the laboratory and in the field. We anticipate markedly better quantitative recovery of airborne microbial activity and genetic material (DNA) where directly compared to its filter-based counterparts. Thus, the commercial and societal value of this new instrumentation is realized through displacing outmoded aerosol collection methods with highly efficient filter-less air sampling devices, outfitted with modern optics and digital automation.Aerosol Devices Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Development of a Low-cost, Scalable Sampler for Airborne COVID-19 Virus Detection
430 N. College Ave, Ste 430
Fort Collins, CO 80524-2675
NSF Award
2027696 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
06/01/2020 – 05/31/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is the development of an accurate, robust tool for sampling airborne viruses, bacteria, fungi and other bioaerosols. Major deficiencies with existing sampling technologies limit their broad utility in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, and the proposed technology could substantially inform pandemic mitigation efforts. Customers for the proposed instrumentation include public health professionals, epidemiologists, medical researchers studying infectious and allergenic airborne diseases, homeland security and the military, industrial hygienists, aerobiologists studying the microbiome of the built and natural environment, and indoor air quality investigators. This technology will have applications beyond the current COVID-19 pandemic.
This SBIR Phase I project proposes to develop an urgently needed diagnostic tool for investigating whether SARS-CoV-2 , the virus that causes COVID-19, is present and transmitted as an aerosol, including as submicron particles. Existing air samplers are grossly inefficient in capturing particles smaller than 1 micrometer, and the sampling itself can damage the cellular walls and destroy genomic material. The technology proposed has a unique condensation growth tube (CGT) that collects and concentrates virtually all airborne particles from 5nm-10µm and instantly preserves the DNA/RNA, making it vastly more effective at sampling aerosolized viruses for genomic recovery. However, conventional CGT samplers are too large, expensive, and difficult to operate for widespread COVID-19 monitoring. This SBIR project will accelerate development of a simple, low-cost, scalable virus sampler for broad deployment by minimally-trained technicians. The project will fabricate several prototypes and demonstrate their efficacy both in the laboratory and in sampling airborne SARS-CoV-2 particles in key indoor locations such as medical facilities, nursing homes and/or public transportation.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.Alligant Scientific, LLC
SBIR Phase I: In Situ Mitigation of Dendrite Formation in Lithium Metal Batteries Using Software and Electronics
640 Plaza Dr Ste 120
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129-2399
NSF Award
1819314 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
06/15/2018 – 11/30/2018
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project is the creation of a control system that enables the next generation of high capacity lithium metal batteries to replace current lithium ion battery technology. The global lithium-ion battery market is expected to grow to $67.70 billion USD by end of 2022 from $31.17 billion USD in 2016. However, lithium ion batteries cannot store sufficient energy required by the applications contributing most to that growth (i.e., electric vehicles) as demonstrated by the slow adoption within the largest battery powered product markets today. Lithium metal batteries were conceived decades ago and are capable of storing three times the energy of lithium ion batteries. Yet inherent chemical instability renders them extremely dangerous to recharge, preventing their use. This project is the next phase of work to develop a system that monitors and maintains the stability of lithium metal batteries during charging, enabling safe and reliable use by consumers, businesses, and government. The complete solution will consist of licensable hardware and software which can be tailored to specific battery powered applications, integrating with battery cells or charging systems for consumer electronics, long range electric vehicles, medical devices, and grid storage systems.
This SBIR Phase I project funds the continued development of a new paradigm in battery healing: maintaining battery electrode health from the outside in. The system uses software and electronics that control surface issues on battery electrodes which otherwise cause permanent loss of capacity and life during normal use. As an important part of the overall solution being developed, the key technical hurdles addressed by this proposed SBIR project are focused on real-time electrode surface sensing and mapping capabilities and control strategies to suppress dendrites, as well as advanced characterization methods to monitor and share electrode health information with other components to ensure safety, reliability and durability of the overall energy storage system. The R&D plan will include development of live mapping of electrochemically active surfaces, control software to develop an algorithm and feedback system, and machine learning to improve sensing-mapping-control strategies. The most promising set of solutions will be demonstrated and validated in an operando visualization test cell that allows observation of the formation and suppression of dendrites on lithium metal electrodes.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.Altaeros Energies, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Low-cost, High Performance Fabrics for Inflatable Sructures
28 Dane St.
Somerville, MA 02143-0000
NSF Award
1248528 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2013 – 09/30/2013
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This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will develop a novel low-cost, high-performance fabric suitable for long service life helium inflatable structures, including aerostats and airships. Traditional fabrics for lighter-than-air (LTA) applications utilize woven polyester or vectran basecloths laminated with various materials that improve gas retention, environmental resistance and allow the material to be thermally bonded. This combination has excellent performance, providing a useful service life in excess of seven years, but comes at a high cost, which limits the commercial application of helium inflatable structures. The proposed low-cost, high performance fabric replaces the woven basecloth with a scrim of high-strength synthetic fibers, similar to those in high-end sailcloth. This type of material has not seen wide use in helium inflatable structures where seams are subject to long-term loading from internal pressure. The impact of scrim pattern and yarn alignment on seam stiffness and long-term holding strength is considered. This Phase I research will investigate the behavior of these materials, as well as one or more alternative woven fabrics, under long-term loading, UV exposure, and mechanical wear and tear, in order to evaluate their suitability for helium inflatables.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project will be a step toward the widespread commercialization of LTA inflatable structures in traditional and new application areas. Helium inflatable structures are traditionally used for transporting or elevating high value payloads, such as military surveillance equipment or advertising, where the relatively high cost of the fabric envelope is not a barrier to commercial feasibility. The advent of a low-cost, high performance helium inflatable fabric will make LTA structures economically viable for a number of industries that are cost-sensitive, including remote and emergency wireless communication; low-cost freight transport; and airborne wind energy production. The research will also enhance the understanding of the behavior of scrim-based fabrics under loading conditions, which may benefit a wide range of industries that could use these fabrics, including sailing, architectural fabrics and air inflatable structures.Antheia, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Engineering biocatalysts for biomanufacturing of medicinal opioids
1505 OBrien Dr. Ste B1
Menlo Park, CA 94025-5222
NSF Award
1621560 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2016 – 06/30/2017
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project is to enhance the supply of complex pharmaceutical molecules from nature. Over 60% of current drugs are natural products, or are derived from natural products, and of these approximately half are from plants. The therapeutic activity of a given plant molecule is encoded in its chemical structure, which is biosynthesized by a specialized metabolic pathway. Despite the efficiency of these biosyntheses, plants accumulate relatively small amounts of the potent metabolites in specialized cells and tissue types, thereby restricting the availability of essential medicines from plants. The opioids exemplify this limitation of plant therapeutics; the structural complexity of the opioids precludes chemical synthesis at commercial scale, and in the absence of this synthetic source the only viable alternative is to extract natural opiates from opium poppy. This project proposes to make the biosynthesis of medicinal opioids possible in a microbial host. This synthetic biology approach will move opioid production into fermentation facilities and free up the 100,000 hectares of arable land used each year for poppy crops. The disruptive technology resulting from this research will for the first time provide for a local, scalable, secure supply of medicinal opioids.
This SBIR Phase I project proposes to develop a microbial production system for medicinal opioids that will displace the existing supply from opium poppies. A complete opioid biosynthesis pathway was recently constructed in Baker's yeast, demonstrating that this technology holds enormous potential for supplying the $2B opioid active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) market. The key technical hurdle addressed in this SBIR project is to enhance the activity of rate-limiting enzymes that catalyze key steps in the construction of the five-ring opioid scaffold. The target class of plant enzymes is poorly expressed in heterologous hosts such as yeast and must be membrane localized. The proposed research takes three approaches to support these enzymes: 1) tuning expression to conserve the endomembrane environment and promote activity, 2) constructing N-terminal chimeric proteins with enhanced stability, and 3) identifying partner enzymes that support the catalytic function of these enzymes. The goal is to remove the bottleneck steps in existing production strains to allow for commercially-relevant titers of greater than 1 g/L. The outcome will be a new production system that offers active pharmaceutical ingredients at lower cost, with greater availability and variety of molecules, shorter lead times, and acute responsiveness to the medical demand for opioid therapeutics.Antheia, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Production of plant alkaloid therapeutics via fermentation of engineered yeast
1505 OBrien Dr. Ste B1
Menlo Park, CA 94025-5222
NSF Award
1621559 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2016 – 06/30/2017
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project is to provide a sustainable, secure, and low-cost supply of established and emerging plant-based medicines. The class of molecules targeted for microbial biosynthesis are the benzylisoquinoline alkaloids, a diverse group of plant therapeutics that includes the pain-relieving opioids and the anti-cancer noscapinoids. Approximately 100,000 hectares of opium poppy are grown annually to extract more than 800 tons of opiate active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). This process diverts land use from food crops and consumes horticultural supplies including water, pesticides, herbicides, and nitrogen- and phosphorus-fertilizers. The existing supply chain suffers further vulnerabilities due to crop susceptibility to climate and disease, restricted growing seasons, and the logistical and security concerns associated with transporting poppy materials across the globe. This project will develop technology to manufacture medicinal opioids and plant-based medicines by yeast fermentation. The technology will allow for year-round, market-responsive production of valuable APIs in secure, local bioreactor facilities. An independent technoeconomic model shows yeast-based production will lower the cost of opiates by 10-50 fold. Furthermore, this technology will provide for diversification into the biosynthesis of rare and novel molecules for drug discovery, with indications spanning cancer, infectious, and cardiovascular diseases.
This SBIR project proposes to develop baker's yeast as a scalable production system for medicinal opiates and related plant therapeutics. While much effort has been directed to establishing yeast strains that make high levels of other plant-specialized metabolites, such as terpenoids, platform strains for this diverse class of alkaloids do not exist. The key technical hurdle addressed by this project is to engineer strains capable of synthesizing high levels of the common branch point molecule, reticuline, from tyrosine. This project will use synthetic biology tools to improve existing prototype strains by 1) engineering alternative biosynthesis routes to increase pathway flux and bypass bottlenecks, 2) protecting a key unstable building block molecule from degradation by the host cell metabolism, and 3) implementing a spatial engineering approach to promote enzyme access to target substrates. The goal is to generate a platform yeast strain that will be used to target valuable molecules at commercially-relevant titers of greater than 1 g/L. The platform strain also will be used to access previously inaccessible natural benzylisoquinoline molecules, and an even greater number of non-natural derivatives. This technology will broadly transform the approach to provision, discover, and develop needed medicines and drug candidates.Antora Energy, Inc.
STTR Phase I: Advanced Thermophotovoltaic Generators for High-Value Remote Power
Fremont, CA 94555-1159
NSF Award
1820395 – STTR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
06/01/2018 – 12/31/2019
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The broader impact / commercial potential of this Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I project is to enable electrification of remote oil & gas processes to reduce methane emissions, improve on-site safety, and provide leak-detection and monitoring capabilities. This will be achieved by developing a robust, efficient, small-scale power generator capable of converting on-site fuel to electricity. Beyond the entry opportunity in the oil & gas sector, this technology has other applications in large markets such as residential and commercial power generation and heating, transportation, and military. For example, our proposed generators would allow consumers in moderate/cold climates to efficiently match their time-dependent heating and electrical demands using natural gas (accessible to 70 million households). For a typical household in those regions, we estimate a 45% reduction in primary energy use and CO2 emissions by deploying our generators. The energy reduction translates to an annual savings of about $650 per household. Widespread deployment of our technology would grow the domestic natural gas economy, strengthen the US technological lead in semiconductor manufacturing, and facilitate renewables by providing a dispatchable supply.?
The proposed project will investigate the fundamental heat-to-electric conversion process and address key issues around the stability and robustness of the technology, through a synergistic effort to develop generators capable of high performance and a manufacturing process to reduce cost. The project will focus on device optimization and durability, and process repeatability. This involves the fabrication and integration of multiple frequency-selective components including a thermal emitter, optical filter, photovoltaic cell, and back surface reflector. Each component, as well as the integrated system, will undergo rigorous thermal testing to prove both resistance to elevated temperatures and temperature swings. Additionally, novel manufacturing techniques will be developed to enable cost-competitive devices relative to conventional generators. If the technical objectives are met, this project will demonstrate record-breaking performance for thermophotovoltaics and accelerate the commercialization of thermophotovoltaic devices in many different markets.?
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.Arable Labs, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Advanced bioeconomic forecasting enabled by next-generation crop monitoring
40 N Tulane St
Princeton, NJ 08542-0000
NSF Award
1549035 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2016 – 12/31/2016
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will be to empower farmers to capture a greater share of revenue from the marketing of their crops. Agriculture is a significant engine to the U.S. economy, and farming itself is vital to creating economically vibrant rural areas. Farmers are often at a disadvantage when it comes to capturing good prices from their crops because there are significant information asymmetries in the marketing supply chain. This project develops a combination of hardware and analytics that greatly improves crop forecasts at dramatically more accessible prices, which allows farmers and their trusted buyers to make more informed marketing decisions. An addition to the narrow application of sensing hardware and analytics for forecasting, the data collected by the platform can also be used by growers to make decisions that improve operational performance of complex agribusinesses and improve the agronomy of the farm. These tools make it easier to compare performance of crops to improve yields and reduce resource costs. Together this technology continues to raise productivity and profitability per farmer.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project integrates a novel plant and weather sensing platform with analytics that synthesizes data into actionable forms that can drive agribusiness decisions. The project bundles a suite of capabilities into a single hardware unit that includes sensing, communications, GPS, mounting, and solar power, which dramatically reduces the cost and increases the simplicity of collecting agricultural data. These data are uniquely designed to monitor crop performance and its sensitivity to weather and management. Data synthesis is a critical pain point in transforming raw numbers into insights for growers to act upon. By creating an integrated hardware platform, the data is poised to provide useful advice that allow a farmer to act on emerging situations, anticipate upcoming events, and even predict the future. A research objective will be to generate probabilistic forecasts that use the unique data from our hardware to estimate key crop growth parameters and project forward for an operational yield forecast. This coupling between highly informative quantitative in-field data and sophisticated ensemble-based parameter estimation and forecast techniques could dramatically improve marketing decisions and help farmers capture better prices for their products.Artaic LLC
SBIR Phase I: High-Throughput Agile Robotic Manufacturing System for Tile Mosaics
21 Drydock Avenue
Boston, MA 02210-2397
NSF Award
1113606 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2011 – 06/30/2012
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will demonstrate a proof-of-concept
prototype of a high-throughput agile tile mosaic manufacturing system. Mosaics have proven to be a
great source of visual splendor for thousands of years. Despite its prominence in art and architecture,
mosaic is arduous to design and assemble by hand. The goal of this Phase I work is to prove the
feasibility of a programmable high-throughput multi-head robotic tile assembly system to enhance the
production agility of mosaic tilings. Research innovation in Phase I will merge the benefits of parallel
tile placement with robust high-capacity tile cartridges to radically decrease tile mosaic fabrication time
and associated tile mosaic assembly costs. The measurable objective of Phase I is a 5x increase in
production throughput over current state-of-the-art mosaic manufacturing technology, while enhancing
tile placement accuracy. The system will be capable of producing both template and ?mass customized?
mosaics. In Phase II, the prototype will be refined into a commercial grade system, integrated with an
Enterprise Resource Planning system, and placed into service in Artaic?s production environment.
Successful Phase I/II demonstration will significantly lower the time and cost for manufacturing mosaics
and potentially revolutionize the $76B global tile industry.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project goes beyond art, design, and architecture.
Robotic automation will lower the cost of mosaic and increase its societal impact in adorning public,
commercial, and residential spaces. The proposed research, if successful, will have a significant impact
on agile manufacturing. It will allow penetration into unforeseen markets by reducing the cost of highthroughput flexible assembly. The solution proposed by the research will be immediately applicable to
customers and partners, and potentially useful in parallel industries such as medical, pharmaceutical, food, consumer products, and others that will benefit from robotic agile manufacturing enabled mass customization. Agile mosaic manufacturing capability could revitalize the U.S. tile manufacturing industry and create job opportunities. The investigators estimate that a 5x production rate increase will enable a breakthrough price of $19.99, 75% lower than the competition, and for the first time achieve broad market affordability.Artaic LLC
SBIR Phase I: Computer-Aided Mosaic Design and Construction
21 Drydock Avenue
Boston, MA 02210-2397
NSF Award
1047077 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2011 – 12/31/2011
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project seeks to develop a comprehensive software toolkit for creating digital mosaic artwork. Mosaics have proven to be a great source of visual splendor for thousands of years. Despite their prominence in art and architecture, mosaics are arduous to design and assemble by hand. The goal of this Phase I project is to build and test software tools to automate production of digital mosaic artwork. After integration with robotic assembly in Phase II, the proposed automation will significantly lower the time and cost for designing and manufacturing mosaic artwork. In Phase I, Artaic proposes to combine two leading methodologies for digital tile layout - procedural and optimization-based algorithms - to closely mimic the workflow of mosaic artists. Artists will sketch curves to denote perceptually important edges along which the tiles should be oriented, while algorithms will determine tile placement in response to user-defined parameters, rendering styles, and composition rules
If successful, this work will have broad commercial potential in art, design, and architecture. Software and robotic automation will lower the cost of mosaics and increase its traditional societal impact of adorning public, commercial, and residential spaces. This will also have spillover benefits, including growing use of this artform in advertising, entertainment, and visual effects. The ultimate goal of Artaic is to leverage this software with custom robotics to create physical mosaics. This will enable Artaic to expand into a multi-billion dollar market and grow a domestic workforce. The fact that there is a software outlet for this work in addition to a proven commercial market for large-scale physical output adds to the case for the advancement of the proposed research.Astrapi Corporation
SBIR Phase I: Spiral Polynomial Division Multiplexing
100 Crescent Court
Dallas, TX 75201-2112
NSF Award
1621082 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2016 – 02/28/2017
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is to support rapidly growing wireless data usage with fixed available bandwidth through the provision of more robust synchronization. Modern high-speed communication is heavily dependent on precise synchronization between transmitters and receivers to enable efficient data throughput. This project pioneers an entirely novel technique based on ?Spiral Polynomial Division Multiplexing? (SPDM) to enable precise and efficient synchronization. It offers a new set of approaches for improving synchronization, with possible applications to any communication systems that face extreme spectral efficiency demands, or which are challenged by particularly difficult synchronization problems such as communication with high-speed vehicles such as trains. This project could lead to commercialization across a wide range of communication sectors including but not limited to wireless, mobile internet, unmanned vehicles, automotive, aviation, and Internet of Things. It has major potential applications in both civilian and defense applications. SPDM shows promise in providing more robust communications that are resistant to interference and jamming.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project addresses the problem of achieving very precise synchronization between a transmitter and receiver, while expending minimal power and bandwidth to do so. The research objective is to show that a new type of synchronization, based on SPDM, enables superior synchronization performance than is possible with previous methods. SPDM introduces a new way of combining, or multiplexing, signals based on orthogonality in the polynomial coefficient space. This results in a very large waveform design space, which can be bandlimited using polynomial convolution with a ?shaping polynomial?. Synchronization can be achieved within SPDM by checking for the time alignment which produces a ?reasonable result? when the shaping polynomial is deconvolved in the receiver, which can be a very sensitive test due to the special properties of SPDM polynomials. The research will involve systematically testing SPDM synchronization under a variety of conditions, examining performance data, and comparing against standard synchronization methods. It is anticipated that this research will show significant benefits for SPDM synchronization in at least some practically important situations, forming the basis for further research leading to deployment of SPDM-based systems.Axalume Inc.
SBIR Phase I: PIC: Hitless III-V/Si Widely Tunable Laser with Back Reflection Suppression
16132 Cayenne Creek Rd.
San Diego, CA 92127-3708
NSF Award
1746684 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2018 – 04/30/2019
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is to develop a universal design kit for silicon photonics that will include, for the first time, the ability to design and produce, in a fabless model, a cost-effective, silicon-controlled, tunable laser.
The proposed project goals will include the analysis, design, and fabrication of silicon photonic integrated circuits for back-reflection suppression. A key research objective will be to enable the design of a customized, silicon-controlled, tunable laser capable of insertion into a high-speed data communication link based on hybrid III-V/Si integration. A key development objective will be to enable the assembly and manufacture of the silicon photonic integrated circuits using industry-accepted back-end-of-line integration methods.Azimuth1, LLC
SBIR Phase I: Envimetric - Soil and water contamination predictive modeling tools
501 Church St NE
Vienna, VA 22180-4711
NSF Award
1721607 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2017 – 06/30/2018
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project is to help environmental engineers identify and delineate the bounds and concentrations of soil and groundwater contaminants with greater speed and accuracy. Over 30,000 contaminant spills have been identified in the United States alone, with thousands yet to be investigated and returned to safe levels. The resources and effort being applied to these sites is insufficient to ensure the safety of the affected communities across America. Focusing the remediation resources available, in the right place increases the rate at which federal and state regulators can close site investigations. As a result, environmental professionals will perform remediation earlier, making the site safe and productive again for local communities. The innovations developed in this project will enhance understanding of contaminant migration and develop a technical capability to use these findings to prepare more accurate conceptual site models during a contaminant investigation. Faster site models resulting in successful remediation directly translates into cost savings for environmental clean-ups, reduction in damage to the environment, as well as increased throughput and efficiency for the environmental engineering industry.
This SBIR Phase I project proposes to create unique summary models for the flow, extent, depth, and shape of contaminant plumes, with the goal of targeting resources to accelerate the remediation process for local communities. The project leverages algorithmically derived models of contaminant migration combined with public and private data from decades of environmental investigations across the country. Once the data are aggregated and analyzed, the project team will produce a collection of guideline statistics and software tools for use by engineers investigating future sites that are mathematically similar to those in the combined database. The project uses predictive algorithms to determine the likely extent of underground contaminations and applies statistical uncertainty measures to the conceptual site model. These mechanisms will enable environmental professionals to understand when and where additional data is required. In addition, by using a more accurate and sophisticated measure of uncertainty, the project?s models will provide definitive guidance to field engineers on where to collect new sample data and where they have sufficient certainty to remediate the site using excavation or other means. These innovations will lead to the goal of safer and cleaner communities in less time, with fewer costs, with reduced environmental damage.Azitra Inc.
STTR Phase I: Re-engineered skin bacteria as a novel topical drug delivery system
400 Farmington Ave
Farmington, CT 06032-1913
NSF Award
1648819 – STTR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/15/2017 – 04/30/2018
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This STTR Phase I project aims to establish the viability of a drug delivery platform that employs an engineered strain of Staphylococcus (S.) epidermidis, a common skin commensal bacterium, that can secrete therapeutic proteins of interest for the ultimate goal of treating skin disease. An ointment with an inoculum of such bacteria could be infrequently applied to skin, providing constant, low-cost, convenient delivery of therapeutic protein in situ. This study proposes proof-of-concept studies to demonstrate that an engineered strain of S. epidermidis can serve as a modular, biological drug delivery chassis that can be modified to treat a range of skin conditions, beginning with atopic dermatitis, Netherton Syndrome, and lamellar ichthyosis. These conditions represent significant commercial opportunities spanning both common and rare diseases, and provide validation for a generalized engineered platform of skin bacteria with broad potential applicability to different skin disorders of multifaceted origin, including genetic, inflammatory, and infectious disorders. Validation of the proposed targets provides the crucial data necessary to attract the talent and investment necessary to build an innovative, diversified skin care company.
This project is highly innovative because it proposes using commensal skin microbes to secrete and deliver therapeutic proteins or enzymes that are either missing or could be beneficial in treating certain skin diseases. Current treatment options for many skin diseases aim for symptomatic relief and fail to address underlying pathophysiological changes leading to skin disease. Approaches using direct topical supplementation of purified protein are limited by poor subcutaneous localization to sites of need, production and purification costs, and a requirement for constant application. The proposed Phase I research plan will establish for the first time that (1) commensal bacteria can serve as tunable and highly potent drug delivery systems in the skin; (2) skin commensal bacteria can be manipulated to express and export a therapeutic protein of interest; and (3) commensal bacteria engineered to expresses heterologous proteins can colonize skin stably. This project will be executed using both standard molecular biology tools such as cloning and spectrophotometric analysis as well as advanced methods in confocal imaging and synthetic biology. Together, these studies will establish a new paradigm in drug delivery mechanisms for the treatment of skin diseases, which can also be extended to delivery of broad array of agents to promote skin health.BADVR, INC.
SBIR Phase I: Novel Platform for Visualizing Big Data in Virtual Reality
4505 Glencoe Ave
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292-6372
NSF Award
1913536 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
06/01/2019 – 09/30/2020
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is the ability for both companies and municipalities to more quickly and easily find insights inside their large geospatial datasets. Existing 2D-based tools have struggled to keep up with the demands of modern datasets. Within the targeted industries, the result of this project will accelerate the deployment of next-generation 5G networks, help improve situational awareness during capacity and emergency planning, and allow for the real-time monitoring of large-scale infrastructures like utility grids. Additionally, local, state, and federal governments will gain a greater understanding of their data with minimal additional training or staffing costs, leading to more effective and impactful policy decisions.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project addresses three critical challenges faced when working with geospatial data: volume, variety, and accessibility. Geospatial information is often bulky and created faster than it can be processed. Further, GIS data comes in many different formats that aren't inherently compatible and is siloed so much that collaboration is difficult. The objective of this research is to enhance a non-technical person's ability to search for, find, and communicate insights. Specifically, this project fuses immersive display technologies with advanced visualization techniques to form a new type of data experience. Using virtual reality, a user will be able to load large, complex geospatial datasets and explore them naturally. The anticipated technical result will be a proof-of-concept application that allows someone to literally step inside their data, discover hidden meanings, and invite others to share the same experience and takeaways.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.BLUE CRANIUM, LLC
SBIR Phase I: Cognitive Communications Payload Module for CubeSat Applications
Rocky River, OH 44116-3424
NSF Award
2025828 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
08/01/2020 – 04/30/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is to advance communications and on-board processing capabilities for small satellites or CubeSats, which is important with growing civil and commercial demand for satellite communications services. The proposed payload module provides a number of cognitive communications functions focused on intelligent networking capabilities for CubeSat platforms and swarms. These functions enable robust, reliable global connectivity by allowing for customer CubeSats to efficiently and autonomously communicate within swarms and with other networks for applications including Earth observation, sensing, situational awareness, new space, and communications.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will develop and demonstrate a flexible, comprehensive cognitive communications payload module to enhance communications functions in networking for CubeSat platforms and swarms. This project will demonstrate the technical feasibility of the proposed innovation, apply advanced and emerging on-board processing and communications technologies, and develop and integrate hardware and software to develop a prototype payload module for CubeSat applications. The prototype will perform several cognitive functions allowing for intelligent networking for CubeSat platforms and swarms: intelligent routing, network self-healing, ad-hoc networking with other available networks, and data store and forward capabilities for sparse networks and network build-up phase. Autonomous operation will improve data transmission, data packaging and routing, latency mitigation, and user-initiated services for commercial, government, and academic CubeSat operators. This effort will focus on three key areas: 1) developing the cognitive engine architecture and software, 2) acquiring and integrating a software-defined radio and single-board computer, and 3) developing an appropriate API. The objective of this project is to prototype the cognitive communications payload module in preparation for testing, demonstration, flight qualification, and commercialization.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.Bay Labs, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Semantic Video Analysis for Video Summarization and Recommendation
1479 Folsom Street
San Francisco, CA 94103-3734
NSF Award
1416612 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2014 – 06/30/2015
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is considerable because a variety of complementary new technologies is ushering in a new era in which visual messages are becoming a first-class media type along-side text and speech. Today, both amateur and professional videographers still have to enter the virtual darkroom to sift through video, edit it, and produce engaging content. Video creation is waiting for its Polaroid moment, when a technological solution will transform the post-production time required to create engaging video. If successful, the technology developed in this project will greatly increase the utility of any video capture device and would have implications outside of Internet media in areas such as life recording and knowledge transfer. The countless video clips of important or memorable events that are today commonly archived and forgotten could instead be automatically summarized and made available in a usable and engaging format.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project aims to evaluate the technical viability of an automatic video summarization system based on neural networks and adapted to measurements of human psychology. As people collectively record more videos than they can possibly consume (the video deluge problem), a technology that automatically turns raw videos into relevant and engaging summaries becomes increasingly critical. The company's proposed platform would streamline video sharing, search, and viewing, all of which are staples of our online lives. Scientifically we are at a unique time in the capabilities of artificial visual systems, with some systems rivaling human performance in limited domains. Furthermore, the field of visual psychology has also seen recent progress in relating visual semantic information to cognitive phenomena, like memorability of images. Taken together, it may now be possible to automatically predict the cognitive relevance of visual information and produce effective video summarizations. This project combines deep neural networks for visual object recognition, recurrent networks for contextually embedded temporal information, and user measurement of interest, memorability, and uniqueness. The primary technical objective is to determine whether a system can automatically predict human-produced video summarizations.BioHybrid Solutions LLC
SBIR Phase I: Alcohol Resistant Enzymes through High-Throughput Combinatorial Protein-Polymer Conjugate Synthesis
320 William Pitt Way
Pittsburgh, PA 15238-1329
NSF Award
1746912 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2018 – 01/31/2019
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project includes advancement of the field of white biotechnology, which utilizes enzymes to create valuable industrial products. As biological molecules, enzymes are more difficult to work with than conventional chemicals and often need more extensive development before they can be adapted to industrial or pharmaceutical manufacturing. This SBIR project will demonstrate how enzymes performance can be improved using stabilization with synthetic polymers. Enzymes are characterized by precise, unique structure and function, which is in turn essential for their role in catalysis of complex chemical reactions. Synthetic polymers, on the other hand, despite being less precisely structured, can be rationally designed to withstand or respond to chemical, thermal or biological conditions. The synergistic fusion of enzymes and synthetic polymers results in advanced nano-armored enzyme with improved properties such as solvent and temperature resistance, and modulated activity. Creating such novel stabilized enzymes will result in more efficient commercial utilization of enzymatic catalysis which requires less energy, utilizes less hazardous reagents, and generates less waste while generating valuable products such as chemicals, biofuels, and pharmaceuticals.
This SBIR Phase I project proposes to develop a combinatorial synthesis device that can feed high-throughput screening of enzyme-polymer conjugates with desired properties (for instance, temperature, pH- or organic solvent stability). To date, only low-throughput synthesis and characterization methods have been applied to the preparation of enzyme-polymer conjugates, limiting development to only few types of polymer modification per protein and depending on stochastic guesswork to select the variants tested. Thus, in order to fully benefit from the diverse set of polymers currently available on the market one has to consider methods of scaling the identification of optimally performing enzyme-polymer conjugates. This will be achieved through combination of high-throughput synthesis of enzyme-polymer conjugates and high-throughput screening of gained properties. The initial target application of the proposed research is focused on the industrial biocatalysis. Application of a high-throughput method will not only result in faster research and development cycles, but also will accelerate our development of fundamental knowledge of what kind of protein properties can be gained through polymer modification, thereby establishing this method for industrial applications.Bioinfoexperts, LLC
SBIR Phase I: A Bioinformatics Software Application for Visualizing and Evaluating Evolutionary Networks of Next-Generation Sequences
PO BOX 693
Thibodaux, LA 70301-4904
NSF Award
1648053 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
12/01/2016 – 11/30/2017
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) project is to addresses challenges in understanding, analyzing, and visualizing data from large sets of unsorted, noisy data associated with massive next generation sequencing (NGS). These projects frequently are focused on pathogen transmission patterns, drug resistance, and general epidemiology and employ a process called "clustering"; however, current clustering tools are rudimentary, not intuitive, poorly documented and provide little help with data management and visualization. The goal is to develop software for Clustering and Associating Sequences in a Personalized Environment (CASPER). This software will bring much needed state-of-the-art software engineering and visualization technology to NGS sequence analysis that results in finding correlations in disparate data-types that are currently overlooked. Further, this software addresses commercial demands for integrated bioinformatics that speed discovery using contemporary and innovative technologies that enhance the end-user experience. This will increase the ability of researchers to combat major health challenges, perform biological research and develop effective interventions to prevent and treat illness.
This SBIR Phase I project proposes to develop a bioinformatics application designed for biological researchers to explore the evolutionary relationships in very large sequence data sets. These data are commonly associated with multiple annotations and there are time-consuming hurdles in acquiring a meaningful visual representation of their relationships, especially in combination with geospatial, demographic and/or temporal data. Further, while many bioinformatics applications/approaches focus on achieving a single analytical task, the proposed software focuses extensively on the end-user, so that efficient and accurate data processing are combined with rich and meaningful graphical outputs. In addition, it will provide a graphical database management system (GDBS) built around the researcher's data as it is imported, resulting in fewer errors. A database linked to analytical results allows for rapid result filtering as well as instantaneous updates as data sets expand over time. Integrated visualization tools allow researchers to produce varied network graphics that can show how results change over time. In Phase I, the goal is to focus on developing a framework to optimize the end-user experience (e.g., speed, intuitive design, useful formatting of results). The project brings together a powerful and unique group of scientists in the fields of software design, computer modeling, data visualization, bioinformatics, genetic analysis and epidemiology.Bioinfoexperts, LLC
SBIR Phase I: Genetic Data Processing for Viral Researchers and Diagnostics
PO BOX 693
Thibodaux, LA 70301-4904
NSF Award
0711827 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2007 – 12/31/2007
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This Small Business innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I research project aims to develop a web-based tool for the analysis of viral seqeunces.
Availability of a sequence analysis tool that would help investigators manipulate viral sequences and detect contaminants would be of value to researchers as well as to diagnostic laboratories.Bioinfoexperts, LLC
SBIR Phase I: RAPID Integrated and automated genomics platform for hospitals responding to COVID-19
PO BOX 693
Thibodaux, LA 70301-4904
NSF Award
2027424 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
05/01/2020 – 03/31/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will be a user-friendly and scalable infection control surveillance software platform using advanced biotech and data analytics for monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic highlights the need for rapid testing, analysis, and tracking. The innovation provides access to next-generation sequence technologies to healthcare facilities, as well as a centralized system to integrate and share hospital-level data with microbial information to be shared on any geographic scale. The platform automates the analysis of bacterial and viral data, delivering simplified and clinically relevant results via interactive web interfaces. The proposed technology offers important data to clinicians and other experts.
The intellectual merit of this SBIR Phase I project is to generate the largest collection of SARS-CoV-2 whole genomes with matched respiratory microbiomes for clinicians to rapidly test medical hypotheses for diagnostic and prescriptive use. Our project has three major objectives: 1) incorporate an automated analytical pipeline to process whole genomes of infecting strains of SARS-CoV-2; 2) integrate viral genomes with patient microbiomes and clinical records, and; 3) deliver clear, easy-to-interpret results via an interactive web interface. The infection control cloud-based software platform solution enables “precision epidemiology” integrating pathogen genomics with clinical and patient demographics to improve patient outcomes and enhance the capability of the health system for infection control and surveillance.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.Bioo Scientific Corporation
SBIR Phase I: Amplification-Free Small RNA Sequencing
7050 Burleson Road
Austin, TX 78744-1057
NSF Award
1248728 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2013 – 12/31/2013
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project aims to make next generation sequencing technology for small RNA more quantitative and less biased. High throughput sequencing has transformed the landscape of genomic research with its ability to produce gigabases of data in a single run. This has enabled researchers to perform genome wide and high depth sequencing studies that would normally not be possible. Despite this capacity, amplification artifacts introduced during PCR increase the chance of duplicate reads and uneven distribution of read coverage. Accurate profiling using deep sequencing also has been undermined by biases with over or under-represented miRNAs. The presence of these biases significantly limits the incredible sensitivity and accuracy made possible by next generation sequencing. The goal of this proposal is to develop novel, bias-reducing technology for making amplification-free small RNA libraries. The company's kits and protocols will ramp-up considerably the rate at which global microRNA profiles can be determined, and that between-sample and within-sample differences (as well as newly discovered small RNAs) can be subsequently validated. This product will result in a major shift in the way small RNA sequencing is performed and pave the way for unbiased measurements in the clinic.
The broader impact of this project will be the accurate measure of small RNAs, and the clinical utility of such a profile. Products of the same microRNA gene that vary in length by one or two nucleotides are involved in a whole host of diseases, including cancer. The value for developing a method to measure the true profile of microRNAs in a sample would be immense for the research community studying transcriptional regulation, and would open the doors to clinicians interested in capitalizing on the diagnostic value of microRNA profiling. Companies whose sole model is to extract prognostic information from microRNA profiles would benefit from the wealth of date generated from accurate non-biased high throughout sequencing. The size of the next generation sequencing market is expected to pass $4 billion by 2014. Growth in the sequencing diagnostic market is just beginning. Unique diagnostic kits developed from this technology will fulfill an unmet market opportunity with the potential to exceed $15 million in the first 3 years.Bioo Scientific Corporation
SBIR Phase I: Biomolecular Detection of microRNA
7050 Burleson Road
Austin, TX 78744-1057
NSF Award
1047285 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2011 – 12/31/2011
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project proposes to examine high throughput methods to quantify intacellular microRNA (miRNA) concentrations in cells that have shown to be associated with normal physiological processes as well as diseases including cancer. Currently, there are no rapid, quantitative methods available to measure miRNA expression in living cells or tumor tissue. All current in vitro approaches require extensive preparation involving extraction, reverse transcription of miRNA into cDNA, and amplification. These methods are not only time consuming, but require that the low abundance miRNA be several fold greater than background to give a significant result. To meet the demand for a diagnostic/prognostic tool, we propose development of a biomolecular detection device based on a single electron transistor to bind and measure the concentration of miRNAs, giving a researcher or clinician an accurate profile to make proper clinical assessments. In addition, we propose development of fluorescent probes designed to bind to miRNAs intra-cellularly and fluoresce upon recognition. Developing these high-throughput methods to detect miRNA at the single cell level will give us direct information on intracellular miRNA levels, miRNAs that are essential for identifying tumor maintenance or metastasis, thus creating new diagnostic and therapeutic opportunities.
The broader/commercial impact of this project will be to enhance current diagnostic and prognostic tools for early detection of disease. Today, early cancer detection and treatment offers the best outcome for patients. This has driven the search for effective diagnostics. The identification of a universal tumor-specific epitope or marker has remained elusive. While many types of serological and serum markers have included enzymes, proteins, hormones, mucin, and blood group substances, at this time there are no effective diagnostic tests for cancer that are highly specific, sensitive, economical and rapid. This deficiency means that many cases of malignancy go undetected long past the time of effective treatment. The goal of this research is to develop clinical diagnostic tools where miRNA profiles can be examined from patient samples immediately in a hospital or clinical setting. The current size of the in vitro diagnostic market is estimated to be over $40 billion. Unique diagnostic kits developed from this technology will likely fulfill an unmet market opportunity with the potential to exceed $100 million in the first 3 - 5 years.Bioo Scientific Corporation
SBIR Phase I: Improved in Vivo Delivery of SiRNA
7050 Burleson Road
Austin, TX 78744-1057
NSF Award
0738167 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2008 – 12/31/2008
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PARS Summary
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I research project aims to develop an improved method for the delivery of small inhibitory ribonucleic acids (siRNA) into cells. The proposed methodology will utilize chemically induced immuno-conjugates or direct linking of siRNAs to antibodies as the mechanism for improving siRNA delivery into the cells.
Use of siRNA to silence genes of interest has become a very important mechanism to regulate gene expression both in experimental settings as well as in diseases. One of the current limitations to using siRNA therapy in vivo is the low uptake by the cells. Methods that improve siRNA uptake by target cells would therefore be of great benefit to the scientific and medical communities. The use of the cellular uptake mechanisms for the delivery of these potent regulatory molecules into cells further opens the possibility of using specific gene silencing molecules as therapeutic modalities in vivo.Bioxytech Retina, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Non-Invasive Retinal Oximetry for Detecting Diabetic Retinopathy prior to Structural Damage
408 Anita Ave
Belmont, CA 94002-2011
NSF Award
1647279 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
12/15/2016 – 06/30/2018
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This SBIR Phase I project develops a non-invasive imaging technology to help save the vision of patients with diabetic retinopathy (DR), a leading cause of vision loss in the US and worldwide. The American Diabetes Association estimates that DR causes $98 billion in lost productivity and medical expenses annually. DR is a complication of both type I and II diabetes and results in structural damage to the sensitive vasculature of the retina. Once structural damage is inflicted, it is difficult, if not impossible, to ameliorate it. Recent studies have demonstrated that small changes in the retinal vasculature's oxygen saturation are a reliable indicator of pre-stage and early-stage DR -- before structural damage occurs. Since there is no clinical non-invasive technology capable of achieving such a high resolution, a major need exists for the development of advanced retinal oximetry technologies with demonstrated clinical utility. This project aims to meet this major need based on a novel approach to functional imaging, thereby improving the lives of U.S. citizens and reducing the devastating economic impact of DR. By mitigating its occurrence, the technology developed as a result of this project will help reduce the cost of DR treatment and its overall economic burden.
This SBIR Phase I project develops a non-invasive imaging technology to provide high-resolution retinal oxygen saturation maps of diabetic patients in one snapshot. There are no existing commercial technologies with these capabilities; the proposed technology is a first-of-its-kind effort. Compared with existing methods, the successful outcome of this project can become a commercial technology-of-choice for ophthalmologists around the world, enabling cost-effective detection of early stage diabetic retinopathy or pre-retinopathy. This non-invasive, instantaneous and easy-to-use biophotonics technology will aid in both the diagnosis and monitoring of diabetic retinopathy. This project's scope includes three parts. First, bench-scale studies will validate the innovative, physics-based concept and algorithm proposed as the basis of the technology. Second, a prototype will be developed and tested. Finally, the technology prototype will be validated in a clinical setting to establish the utility and effectiveness of the technology in an actual operating environment.Blue River Technology Inc
SBIR Phase I: Use of Machine Learning Techniques for Robust Crop and Weed Detection in Agricultural Fields
575 N Pastoria Ave
Sunnyvale, CA 94085-2916
NSF Award
1143463 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2012 – 06/30/2012
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project seeks to understand the fundamental visual cues and characteristics of plants found in agricultural facilities for the purpose of rapid automated identification of plant species. The human eye, coupled with the brain?s processing power , can readily distinguish between different plant species. This capability was one of the basic needs for humans to become an agrarian society (farming requires weeding), which helped start enormous social advancement. Similarly, to bring automated systems to the next generation of capability, computer vision must interact with the natural world with greater fidelity. Today?s computer vision has ability to detect a ?splotch? of vegetation versus no vegetation. This project will advance computer vision by developing the equipment and software algorithms necessary to automatically distinguish plant types. The project team will build a computer vision algorithm based on a field customized support vector machine (SVM) that can automatically and reliably identify a known crop versus a foreign plant (i.e. weed) for use in a larger system for automated weeding. By creating the ability for computers to distinguish between plant types, we will enable food to be grown with reduced amounts of chemical herbicides.
The broader impact/ commercial potential of this project is to increase the competitiveness of vegetable farms, particularly organic ones, while improving human health and the environment. Today, organic farms represent 5% of the U.S. agricultural economy and are growing at a pace to double organic acreage every 4 years. A key feature of organic farming is the lack of herbicides. Consequently, organic farms are normally weeded by hand. Weed control represents approximately 50% of operating costs for organic farms, compared to less than 10% for conventional ones. With an estimated $700M spent annually on weeding organic farms, there is a substantial commercial opportunity to create a system that can weed farms automatically. This project will develop a system that uses a computer system towed behind a tractor to automatically detect and eliminate weeds at early plant stages. The system can be developed and deployed at less than 1/5 the life-cycle costs of hand weeding. The technology is also applicable to conventional crop thinning where it can significantly reduce the amount of herbicides used. Additionally this technology has a profound health and sustainability benefits by eliminating human exposure to chemical herbicides through food and avoids herbicides leaching into the soil.Bluefin Lab, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Semi-Automated Sports Video Search
21 Cutter Ave
Somerville, MA 02144-0000
NSF Award
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2008 – 06/30/2009
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This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will develop new technology that will enable precise search of sports videos. Users will be able to search for specific players, teams, and plays from large archives of recorded video sports broadcasts. The proposed research will build on early results of a sports video search engine developed by the team at MIT. The approach combines semantic information mined from speech transcriptions with visual information extracted using video analysis algorithms. The proposed research will extend the existing software algorithms that have been developed for baseball video to other professional and college sports. Additional software tools will be developed to increase the accuracy of the search system, and new user interfaces based on natural language processing algorithms will be designed to enable simplified user access to video. The anticipated result of this research is a method for accurate video search and indexing that enables queries by natural language and requires significantly less human labor to initially tag video than existing techniques.
The broader impact of this research comes from the commercialization of this technology as a service layer which provides search and indexing solutions to multiple market segments that together represent a multibillion dollar industry in the United States. The research meets the needs of at least three market segments: (1) Sports professionals, who will gain powerful video access tools enabling better player evaluation, recruiting, coaching, and game analysis; (2) Sports news providers, who will be able to link news stories to related video clips thereby adding value to their media offerings; (3) Sports fans, who will be able to search and browse sports video archives with ease, providing new opportunities for advertising. Initial market research suggests that the access enabled by this technology would have broad impact on how sports video is used. Furthermore, the approach may later be extended to apply beyond sports to other video domains.Boston Materials, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Carbon Fiber Composites for Next-Gen Wind Turbines
23 Crosby Drive
Bedford, MA 01730-1423
NSF Award
1820051 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
06/01/2018 – 04/30/2019
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This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will explore a novel materials processing technology that progresses the state-of-the-art of carbon fiber composites while leveraging mature and cost-efficient manufacturing methods. The processing technology of interest produces a material that approaches the isotropic properties of high-performance metal alloys while retaining the light-weight and stiffness of carbon fiber composites. Components that are fabricated from this new composite will have higher impact strength and reduced susceptibility to delamination, compared to commercially-available carbon fiber composites. The broader impact of this project includes providing engineers with a new tool to implement previously unfeasible designs that drastically improve performance while reducing energy consumption and material waste. The rapid adoption of carbon fiber composites in the wind energy, aerospace, and defense industries provides an opportunity for the novel material developed in this project to disrupt the $25-billion global carbon fiber composite market. Effective scale-up to industrial production of the novel carbon fiber composite can revitalize the Massachusetts textiles manufacturing ecosystem and increase the competitiveness of the U.S. advanced materials manufacturing base.
The intellectual merit of this project is the continuous production of a three-dimensionally (3-D) reinforced carbon fiber prepreg that features a carbon fiber fabric reinforced with vertically aligned short carbon fibers. This novel material provides a laminated composite part with dense through-thickness and interlaminar reinforcement. Conventional carbon fiber laminates lack through-thickness reinforcement and rely on an unfilled polymer matrix to bind the layers of the laminate together, resulting in poor impact performance and frequent delamination. This project involves the roll-to-roll fabrication of 3-D reinforced carbon fiber prepregs and characterization of the produced composite material. The anticipated result of the project is the repeatable fabrication of a 3-D reinforced carbon fiber prepreg with enhanced performance compared to commercially-available prepregs. Successful completion of this project will enable further scale-up of the associated manufacturing technology and the commercial-launch of novel 3-D reinforced carbon fiber prepregs to produce stronger, lighter, and more durable composite structures.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.Branch Technology LLC
SBIR Phase I: Additive Manufacturing in Construction
100 Cherokee Blvd
Chattanooga, TN 37405-3878
NSF Award
1520482 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2015 – 12/31/2015
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is in the availability of an additive manufacturing (3D printing) process suitable for full-scale building construction. The construction industry represents a critical nexus in the American economy. Building construction impacts nearly every economic sector, particularly manufacturing, transportation, energy, consumer products and appliances, and real estate. Simply, a building is perhaps the most essential economic stimulus there is. Yet, the practice of building has seen little of the technological revolution that has transformed virtually every other industry. As a result, the construction industry produces significant material and financial waste, and its productivity has steadily declined over the past several decades. Additive manufacturing is the most efficient and cost-effective approach to creating custom products, of which buildings are by far the most valuable and most widely purchased. Customization is increasingly driving demand by today?s consumers. Additive manufacturing in construction could reduce costs and material waste while providing unparalleled design freedom and driving innovation through the consolidation of many isolated industrial activities into one highly flexible and efficient manufacturing process, which directly serves industry professionals and clients at an individual level.
The intellectual merit of this project stems from the vast potential of Additive Manufacturing to transform design and making. In a broad sense, the proposed method of construction aims to make the complexity, efficiency, and freedom of digital architectural design accessible to the average consumer. Phase I research will serve to scale and develop a new large-scale additive manufacturing process, and to evaluate the performance of the physical products in their functions as building components. The proposed method may potentially impact other types of large-scale manufacturing as well, including aerospace and automotive. Our technology is rooted in observations of the processes in which forms are created in the natural world. Structures in nature have long fascinated scientists and engineers, due to their remarkable efficiency and complex forms. 3D printing now allows us to manufacture products of similar efficiency and complexity which reflect our observations of nature. We believe that if the genius of natural organisms can be applied to the way we create shelter, provide transportation, design infrastructure, or construct cities, the resulting innovations could profoundly, and very literally, shape the way our societies develop, and transform our relationship with the natural world.CACTUS MEDICAL,LLC
SBIR Phase I: Handheld Device for Detection of Otitis Media
Irvine, CA 92612-1147
NSF Award
1841005 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
02/01/2019 – 12/31/2019
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This SBIR Phase I project advances a novel medical optical spectroscopy device to facilitate accurate diagnosis of middle ear infections. The device uses a custom multi-LED microchip and photodetectors to illuminate the middle ear and collect reflected light in a familiar otoscope form-factor. Reflected light signatures are analyzed to determine the presence or absence of middle ear fluid - a hallmark of middle ear infection. The focus is to optimize product design and algorithm to enable gold standard accuracy across thousands of mass manufactured devices and millions of patients. The device will be a cost effective means to achieving improved ear infection diagnosis in primary care where it is most needed. Roughly 90% of children experience at least one ear infection before age 5 and misdiagnosis of suspected ear infection is the leading cause of unnecessary pediatric antibiotic use in the US. Collectively, ear infection results in at least $5B direct healthcare costs annually in the US and billions more in lost parent productivity. Improving ear infection diagnosis has the potential to eliminate millions of unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions - a crucial step in mitigating development of resistant microorganisms. Addressing this challenge requires a product that is cost-effective and consistently accurate.
This project will enable the first commercially available optical spectroscopy product for middle ear effusion and the only known method capable of accurately assessing ear health in very waxy ears. Although optical spectroscopy as a scientific method is widely practiced, comparatively few commercial medical products exist. High-cost, bulky spectrometer units are a primary limitation restricting development of products tailored to primary care and other low margin medical specialties where there is great need. The proposed work enables cost-effective manufacture and deployment of the proposed device for ear infection and will be a platform for other next-generation, LED-based optical spectroscopy medical devices. The investigators will develop an algorithmic scheme to correct variability in mass manufactured LED and photodiode components and design and construct test systems to automatically apply corrections to each completed medical device assembly. The resultant methods and systems will enable deployment of medical optical spectroscopy systems at up to 100X lower unit cost as compared to spectrometer based systems. The resultant device for ear infection will enable clinicians to more easily adhere to American Academy of Pediatrics and American Academy of Family Physicians guidelines for treating ear infections in primary care where there is greatest need.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.CARBICE CORPORATION
SBIR Phase I: A Novel Heat Dissipation Product for Chip Testing and Internet of Things
311 Ferst Drive NW
Atlanta, GA 30332-0001
NSF Award
1548298 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2016 – 12/31/2016
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is intimately tied to the significant increase in transistor density that semiconductors have experienced over the past few decades. This has enabled many technological advances ranging from high performance servers to Internet of Things devices. Still with every advance in chip technology the pain points related to chip cooling continue to increase. Conventional thermal interface material (TIM) solutions, particularly in high temperature applications, fall short. Three major TIM market segments exist: polymer composites, metallic materials and phase-change materials. Commercial carbon nanotubes (CNT) will create a fourth market segment that will supplant existing TIMs, initially in the chip testing market and eventually extending into servers, high performance computing and Internet of Things devices. CNT researchers and small businesses have made little progress towards a commercial TIM product. Among other factors, this failure is driven by poor positioning in the crowded low-cost TIM space, which is currently dominated by thermal greases and pads. Progress towards a viable solution lies in the strategic alignment of product features with industry pain points. This Phase 1 SBIR aims to develop a CNT based thermal interface material capable of capturing this chip testing product opportunity.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project aims to develop an innovative carbon nanotube (CNT) based thermal interface material (TIM) that demonstrates chemical stability and low thermal resistance in high temperature applications. The primary focus of this Phase I SBIR is a durable, fungible, and low resistance thermal interface material that will be transformative to the chip testing market. To this end, a TIM will be developed for the chip testing market that can maintain its thermal performance over 2,000 thermo-mechanical cycles - an extension of several multiples of the expected service life of a burn in TIM. Furthermore the CNT-polymer composite TIM will be capable of seamlessly accommodating changes in die size during its expected lifetime. Finally, the technology will deliver industry leading thermal resistances in preparation for an eventual transition to competition in the server, high performance computing and Internet of Things market.CIRCLEIN, INC.
SBIR Phase I: The Smart Study Recommendations Engine
Silver Spring, MD 20904-7818
NSF Award
1843409 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2019 – 12/31/2019
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This SBIR Phase I project is focused on continued development of a software platform that is used by students for peer to peer homework and studying help. After school help has historically been delivered by tutors and homework hotlines but those avenues have been proven to be inadequate in closing learning gaps for students after they exit the classroom. The proposed technology is expected to further democratize homework and studying help. Being peer to peer, the proposed technology can radically shrink the cost of personalized homework and studying help for students at their own time and pace - especially the ones from economically or socially more challenged backgrounds. The project will also explore use of an innovative business model to optimize commercial viability with impacting a broad range of students irrespective of their backgrounds. It is expected that when fully developed, the technology would emerge as a scalable low-cost option to help improve student learning outcomes both nationally and globally.
The key intellectual merit of this project is in the development of a Smart Study Recommendations Engine. This involves harvesting the data from the class notes uploaded by students, analyze it to surface predictive insights and automatically deliver the notes or wide-ranging peer-reviewed study materials directly to the student users based on their learning styles, learning abilities, and learning gaps, without requiring them to perform a search. It will also provide them with an ability to connect them with peers who can provide additional support. Thus, this project seeks to provide personalized study playlists based on a student profile and pair them with a peer mentor who can provide deeper clarifications as required. The key outcome to be demonstrated is that 1 in 5 students engages favorably with the auto delivered math notes, helped by a peer who can provide clarity and tutoring as needed.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.CORESHELL TECHNOLOGIES INC
SBIR Phase I: Improved Lithium-Ion Batteries via Solution-Deposited Nanolayers on the Surface of Formed Electrodes
1095 67th Street
Oakland, CA 94608-1211
NSF Award
1843063 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
02/01/2019 – 01/31/2020
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is to dramatically improve Lithium-Ion Battery (LIB) technology in order to advance renewable energy penetration and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. LIBs are not only a major component of the current consumer electronics industry - they are also becoming a key linchpin in the development of clean energy applications such as electric vehicles and grid storage. Their limited cost-competitiveness relative to fossil fuels, finite energy density, and limited lifetime are all still road blocks against mainstream adoption of these emerging applications. These issues all point toward a need for significant technical advancements that cannot be satisfied by simple economies of scale alone. Coreshell?s innovation is to introduce a cheap and scalable electrode coating technology that protects batteries against cycling degradation. The technology has the potential to yield a marked improvement in battery cost and performance, as well as a reduction in manufacturing rates by replacing a slow electrochemical step that can take days with a fast coating step that can be completed within minutes. If fully actualized, Coreshell?s coatings have the potential to revolutionize the LIB industry and enable widespread commercialization of clean energy technologies.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is to demonstrate the effectiveness of Coreshell?s unique electrode coating technology. The state-of-the-art electrode surface protection in LIBs is formed electrochemically and is termed ?SEI? (Solid-Electrolyte-Interphase). SEI is slow and expensive to make, inherently unstable, and consumes lithium thereby reducing capacity. This proposal is based on a novel proprietary coating in place of SEI, using a roll-to-roll process that can be seamlessly integrated into existing LIB manufacturing lines. By depositing well-formed coatings on the surface of battery electrodes, Coreshell?s technology can protect against many of the degrading reactions that occur during LIB cycling. The proposed technology has the promise to deliver greater initial capacity, greater depth-of-charge over equivalent cycle-life, reduced manufacturing costs and, ultimately, the potential to reduce LIB cost per kWh by up to 25%. In Phase I, Coreshell will demonstrate part of this value through two main objectives. The first is to increase initial battery capacity by >5% and retain the total capacity to >90% of original after 200 cycles. The second is to show that batteries incorporating Coreshell?s coated electrodes can eschew SEI formation, which would demonstrate the feasibility of ~7% reduction in manufacturing costs.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.CYPRIS MATERIALS, INC.
SBIR Phase I: Paintable Solar Reflective Coatings for Cool Roof Retrofits
Berkeley, CA 94710-2262
NSF Award
1940383 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2020 – 06/30/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will bring a new family of "structural color" coatings to the commercial marketplace as an alternative to toxic pigments and dyes, as well as a new paradigm for controlling the flow of light. This project aims to improve the energy efficiency of buildings through a coating that can be applied to residential roofing materials during installation or at the original equipment manufacturer level. The technology is a bottoms-up approach to the formation of reflective materials offering significant advantages over state-of-practice cool-roofing alternatives by retrofitting without changing the facade's appearance. The resulting product will rapidly increase adoption of cool-roof technologies due to improved performance without aesthetic loss, a key homeowner concern, leading to substantial energy savings.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project addresses key risks and technical challenges associated with commercializing brush block copolymer based photonic crystals. This forms an ideal advanced materials platform for large-area dielectric mirrors due to the low costs of the raw materials and the simplicity of "bottoms-up" fabrication by macromolecular self-assembly. To realize commercial applications, the chemistries for these reflective organic materials need to be optimized for exterior coating applications to resist degradation from natural weathering conditions such as ultraviolet radiation, rain, thermal cycling; furthermore, the formulation must be optimized for standard application. This proposed activity will develop new synthetic routes, stabilization strategies, and the first manufacturing processes to demonstrate these unique advanced materials.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.Chirp Microsystems
SBIR Phase I: Ultrasonic 3D Rangefinding for Mobile Gesture Recognition
1452 Portland Ave.
Albany, CA 94706-1453
NSF Award
1346158 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2014 – 06/30/2014
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This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project proposes the development of an ultrasonic three-dimensional (3D) rangefinder system for mobile gesture recognition. Optical gesture recognition has been introduced for gaming and will soon be launched for personal computer (PC) interaction, but optical gesture sensors are too large and power-hungry to be incorporated into tablets, smartphones, and smaller devices. The proposed 3D rangefinder uses an array of tiny piezoelectric ultrasound transducers which are built on a silicon wafer using microfabrication techniques. Custom electronics are used to control the transducers. In operation, the system emits sound into the air and receives echoes from objects in front of the transducer array. The system infers the location of the objects by measuring the time delay between transmission of the sound wave and reception of the echo. The system will be designed for incorporation into smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is to bring contextual awareness to everyday devices, which currently have very little idea about what is going on in the space around them. The proposed ultrasonic 3D rangefinder has the potential to be small and low-power enough to be left on continuously, giving the device a way to sense the physical objects surrounding it in the environment. While today's optical 3D ranging systems work across a small room and are capable of sufficient resolution, they are too large and power hungry to be integrated into battery-powered devices. Mobile contextual awareness will enable 3D interaction with smartphones and tablets, facilitating rich user interfaces for applications such as gaming and hands-free control in automobiles. Looking beyond the smartphone and tablet market, the proposed rangefinder would be well-suited for wearable devices that are too small or simply don't allow for a full-function touchscreen, such as head mounted displays and smart watches. These products currently have limited input options since the area available for buttons and touch-sensor inputs is only slightly larger than a finger. Ultrasonic contextual awareness has the potential to revolutionize the user interface for tiny consumer electronics.ClearFlame Engines, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Development of a Stoichiometric, Direct-Injected, Soot-Free Engine for Heavy-Duty Applications
6520 Double Eagle Drive #527
Woodridge, IL 60517-1582
NSF Award
1721358 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2017 – 12/31/2018
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This SBIR Phase I project will focus on the development of a new alternative to Diesel engines for use in heavy-duty applications such as on-road transportation, off-road farm equipment, and stationary power generation. Currently, Diesel engines are used in all of these applications because they are robust and powerful. Unfortunately, they also produce significant smog, soot, and greenhouse gases that are damaging to individuals and the environment. In contrast, the engines developed under this project will have cleaner exhaust while producing more power at increased efficiency, all while utilizing inexpensive alternative fuels. Since Diesel-fueled engines move 70% of the world's goods, and produce 30% of distributed power around the globe, these engines are inextricably linked to quality of life, and transformational improvements in their operation can have a large, broad, positive impact on society. This project's new engines will continue to provide essential services, but in a way that reduces operating costs (creating savings that can be passed on to consumers) and emissions (further saving consumers money, and improving air quality in heavily-trafficked regions). These engines will fulfill a critical market need for clean, powerful engine solutions, and can be integrated into existing American-made engine product lines, increasing manufacturing revenue, stimulating job creation, and ensuring that the United States will remain a global leader heavy-duty engine production.
This project will focus on enabling these clean, powerful engines by developing a novel, high-temperature combustion system that allows traditional engines to be adapted to burn alternative fuels in an efficient and soot-free manner. This requires integration of a unique combination of technologies, joined in a way that provides benefits far greater than those that can be achieved with the individual components in isolation. Removing any piece from this specific combination drastically reduces performance. Because each component plays a critical role, this project has high risk (as each subsystem must function properly), but its sophistication also presents a high barrier to similar efforts (since incorrect use of any component yields significantly worse results). This project will build on previous proof-of-concept data that verified the feasibility of this concept, and will focus on the development of key engine subsystems, seeking to mitigate risk enough that investment from the private sector is possible. At the end of the project, the subsystems will be integrated into a stationary power generator as a retrofit to an existing Diesel engine, adapting it for alternative fuel use. This would serve as a prototype platform for the technology?illustrating its increased efficiency and power, along with reduced emissions?and demonstrating the value of the technology to market incumbents, hopefully spurring a licensing arrangement for engine production.Clerio Vision, Inc.
STTR Phase I: Refractive correction using non-invasive laser-induced refractive index change
312 Susquehanna Rd
Rochester, NY 14618-2940
NSF Award
1549700 – STTR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2016 – 06/30/2017
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This Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I project enables the development of laser-induced refractive index change (LIRIC) for non-invasive vision correction in cornea and hydrogel materials. In the United States, 150 million adults use some form of vision correction, and this number is projected to increase steadily with the aging population. LIRIC has the potential to transform how laser refractive surgery is performed and how hydrogel-based solutions (e.g., contact lenses, intraocular lenses) are produced. For use in the cornea, LIRIC is a process that can alter the optical quality of the cornea without cutting, ablating or removing tissue. Also, only a thin layer of the cornea is treated, which allows a patient to continuously adjust their optics as their prescription changes over their lifetime. This is vastly different from current laser refractive surgery techniques, which are highly invasive and do not allow for future adjustment. In hydrogel materials, traditional manufacturing techniques use diamond-turned molds to achieve desired lens shape. LIRIC can change the production paradigm by enabling just-in-time manufacturing, reducing inventory costs. Additionally, because arbitrary refractive corrections are achievable with LIRIC, patients will be able to receive prescriptions with customized corrections. This capability is unavailable using today's typical manufacturing methods.
The intellectual merit of this project resides in operating an ultrafast femtosecond laser below the damage threshold to modify the refractive index of corneal or hydrogel material. By dynamically changing laser parameters (power and/or scan velocity), it is possible to create arbitrary refractive-index profiles in cornea or hydrogel, enabling the optical correction of myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, presbyopia and higher order aberrations. Research objectives for this proposal are centered around the optimization of the LIRIC process. By investigating the impact of laser parameters and optical design of the laser delivery system, it will be possible to enhance the efficacy and safety of in-vivo LIRIC. In addition, visual performance will also be assessed in eyes wearing LIRIC contact lenses. By correcting the eye's wavefront aberrations, LIRIC optical devices are expected to significantly improve visual quality in patients beyond the capacity of currently available techniques.ConsortiEX, Inc
SBIR Phase I: Development of a Track-and-Trace Medication Barcoded Label
1000 N Water St
Milwaukee, WI 53202-6669
NSF Award
1548577 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2016 – 06/30/2016
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project, if successful, will be improving healthcare patient outcomes, potentially saving lives, and decreasing healthcare costs. The Drug Quality and Security Act of 2013 set stricter manufacturing standards on sterile injectable compounded medications that have closed the operations of many third party suppliers, thus creating drug shortages and higher prices. In response, the American Society of Hospital Pharmacists expects 40% of the US market, 2000 hospitals, by 2018 to receive insourced compounds. Hospitals that insource hope to decrease their costs and improve patient safety with higher quality product. Today, insourcing hospitals often have multiple information systems and use paper records cobbling together how a compound is made and to whom it has been administered. When an ingredient recall occurs, hospitals spend hundreds of man-hours identifying the problem source and affected patients. To prevent further patient risks speed is demanded. This SBIR Phase I project will provide hospitals the capability of an end-to-end quality management that will track every production process step and tracing medications to patients. Hospitals will be able to prevent patients from receiving recalled medications and identify quality production compromises thus improving patient outcomes and potentially saving lives.
The proposed project is a novel medication barcoded label encryption technology compatible with existing hospital scanners. Key objectives include a new use of barcode standards, a proprietary encryption algorithm, and a method to send and extract secure serial code to and from Electronic Health Record (EHR) providers. Today, healthcare providers utilize multiple barcoded label technologies with minimal embedded medication data across disparate systems. Medication labels could be the link across these systems for ingredient traceability. However, existing solutions are inadequate to meet 2013 legislative traceability mandates. The project invention will encrypt serialization fields within the barcoded label connecting a specific medication to its production data, and eventually to the patient. Compounding process data, such as ingredients, environmental conditions, and production instructions, will be connected to individual medication labels and stored in the patient?s electronic record. When an ingredient is recalled or questionable process identified, an extraction algorithm will pull the encrypted data from the EHR and will be connected to production data. The encryption and extraction method must not require special handling or software by the EHR. Success of this project will be label readability by existing hospital scanners and retrieval of the serialized data from the EHR.CycloPure, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Porous Cyclodextrin Polymers: A Sustainable and Highly Effective Platform for Water Treatment
171 Saxony Road, #208
Encinitas, CA 92024-0000
NSF Award
1721809 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2017 – 12/31/2017
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project is to remove organic pollutants using newly developed adsorbent materials derived from cyclodextrins. The chemical contamination of water resources due to agricultural, industrial, and human activities is known to have adverse effects on the environment, especially aquatic ecosystems, and human health. Currently utilized adsorbents, particularly activated carbons, typically have limitations in removing micropollutants effectively at environmentally relevant concentrations, ranging from parts per trillion (ppt) to parts per billion (ppb). This project will focus on the fundamental development and manufacture of polymer adsorbents from building blocks derived from corn starch that rapidly sequester many pollutants more effectively than activated carbons. These polymers exhibit tiny pores and high surface areas, and are structurally programmable to target specific contaminants and separation challenges. Current water filtration systems found in homes, hospitals, industrial settings, and municipal wastewater treatment sites will benefit from these activities.
This SBIR Phase I project will develop a sustainable materials solution to address the problem of emerging organic contaminants in water. Promising materials are derived from a cyclodextrin monomer and a crosslinker, which react to provide a rigid porous network. Materials derived from this approach remove contaminants from water more effectively than leading adsorbents, such as activated carbons. Previously, initial polymers were prepared at laboratory scales in relatively low yields. The objective of this proposal is to develop polymerization conditions that provide high yields and are amenable to large-scale manufacturing processes, while maintaining the pollutant removal performance of the polymer. This objective will require a systematic study of reaction conditions to minimize side reactions and maximize polymerization efficiency. Structural characterization using various spectroscopies and porosimetry will be used to evaluate the polymerization process as a function of the reaction conditions. The polymer's ability to bind pollutants will also ensure that improved yields still maintain performance. Determining the optimal polymerization conditions and processing protocols will be critical for validating the technical feasibility of the proposed porous cyclodextrin polymer and will also be criteria for the success of this SBIR Phase I project.DeepScale, Inc
SBIR Phase I: Energy-Efficient Perception for Autonomous Road Vehicles
1232 Royal Crest Dr
San Jose, CA 95131-2912
NSF Award
1648576 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
12/15/2016 – 05/31/2017
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will be to allow consumers to buy vehicles enhanced by Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) that are more robust and more accurate. Advanced Driver Assistance Systems in general, and fully autonomous vehicles in particular, promise a number of advantages, such as: (1) reducing the number of traffic fatalities in the US and abroad, (2) enabling humans to spend less time driving and more time on other activities, and (3) reducing fossil-fuel emissions. Practical implementations of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems require a few key elements: sensors, perception systems, motion planning systems, and control/actuation systems. Based on extensive discussions with key individuals at automakers and automotive suppliers, developing robust and accurate perception systems is the biggest obstacle toward developing mass-producible autonomous road vehicles.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will create perception systems that utilize the rapidly evolving technologies of deep learning for computer vision. Specifically, the company will utilize deep learning to provide perceptual systems that are: 1) more robust in the presence of diverse and rapidly evolving sensor configurations; 2) more accurate due to the early fusion of sensor data; and 3) more accurate due to the application of state-of-the-art deep learning algorithms for computer vision. The company is already engaged in developing partnerships with automotive OEMs and semiconductor suppliers that will enable it to deliver proofs-of-concept of its unique approach.Diligent Droids, LLC
SBIR Phase I: Developing healthcare service robots to improve hospital workflow
2418 Spring Ln PO Box 5017
Austin, TX 78703-4480
NSF Award
1621651 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2016 – 12/31/2016
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project on health care service robots is in improving the quality of care in hospital systems that are increasingly burdened by an aging population and labor shortages. This project has potential for positive societal impact by reducing the workload of medical staff whose primary responsibilities require special training and human-centered skills, such as nurses. With U.S. life expectancy on the rise, skilled nurses are becoming more in demand. Automation could ameliorate the labor shortage by allowing humans to focus on providing skilled care. In addition, the proposed project aims for our technology to be general-purpose enough to eventually transfer to other markets, such as longterm care facilities and eventually individual consumers. Robots that perform assistive tasks in homes could increase the feasibility of independent living for many older adults.
The proposed project is aimed at establishing the technical and commercial feasibility of our approach. The team is working closely with a strategic partner hospital to first establish a process map and understand where service robots could have the most impact in their workflow, defining the highest impact robot tasks. The core technology proposed in this project will be around the learning algorithms for quickly and efficiently training the needed behaviors for robots to accomplish these high-impact tasks in a hospital setting. Additionally the team is in building social robots that work seamlessly in dynamic human environments. The ultimate goal is to develop a service robot that hospital staff view as a competent member of the care team. Finally it is proposed to pilot test the developed robot technology in a month-long trial, quantifying the impact that reduced workload can have on the nursing staff along a number of dimensions.Dimensional Energy Inc.
STTR Phase I: HI-LIGHT - Solar Thermal Chemical Reactor Technology for Converting CO2 to Hydrocarbons
107 Penny Ln
Ithaca, NY 14850-6273
NSF Award
1720824 – STTR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
06/15/2017 – 06/30/2018
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) project relates to the fact that the extraction and consumption of fossil carbon accounts for over 6 billion metric tons of CO2 emissions each year. While some mitigation approaches are fairly mature, like capturing CO2 for equestration or for enhanced oil recovery, they are very expensive in terms of both variable and capital costs and have little chance of ever providing a return on investment. By not viewing fossil fuels and feedstocks through a circular economy lens, we estimate these companies miss an opportunity for approximately $50 billion per year in potential profit from hydrocarbons, including methanol, that could be made with waste CO2. If successful, our HI-Light reactor will enable a new economy based on the conversion of fugitive CO2 into useful hydrocarbons and solve the return on investment problem.
This STTR Phase I project proposes to develop HI-Light, a solar-thermocatalytic "reverse combustion" technology that enables the conversion of CO2 and water to methanol and other hydrocarbons at rate significantly greater than the state of the art. Previous approaches are limited by two roadblocks: (1) the semiconductor catalysts can only use photons with energies greater than their bandgap, which is a small fraction of those present in sunlight and (2) a large fraction of the catalyst material in these reactors is under-utilized due to sub-optimal light and reactant delivery. Our unique reactor uses a patented, multiscale approach to enhance light and reagent transport directly to the reaction site and makes use of traditionally unused photons to provide heat and enhance reaction efficiency. The unique features of our reactor are (1) optimized light delivery to ensure that all of the catalyst material has enough light to activate the reaction and (2) an advanced nano-engineered photocatalyst which is functionalized with ligands to enhance CO2 capture and conversion. The goal of this Phase I effort is to construct an integrated prototype reactor and evaluate its productivity in terms of the grams of hydrocarbon produced per gram of catalyst per hour and demonstrate a 10x improvement over the state of the art.ENERGYXCHAIN, LLC
SBIR Phase I: Transforming Complex Utility Transaction Management
Huntersville, NC 28078-6569
NSF Award
1842614 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
02/01/2019 – 01/31/2020
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project is empowering the 68 million U.S. natural gas consumers to know their transaction status in real time, have more and continual control of their transactions, settle transactions in increments less than the industry?s current monthly accounting cycle and enjoy an extremely high level of security. Their transaction cost will be reduced and speed increased, freeing industry capacity and resources to be employed elsewhere at greater value. This innovation will allow others in the natural gas industry to better consider transaction processes and themselves innovate - employing many minds on industry efficiency. This innovation will also have application to other industries characterized by multiple complex, multi-party transactions; particularly the electric utility industry and possibly providing the catalyst for more extensive deregulation and consumer control.
This SBIR Phase I project proposes to discover how to transform complex natural gas utility transaction management processes using Blockchain innovations and related technologies across production, transmission, distribution and consumption functions. The United States utility industry has operated in its present physical form for more than a century. Over the past four decades the industry has evolved through various policy and regulatory actions to open transaction participation to thousands of parties. During the past two decades, digital technologies enabled transaction functions to talk to each other and perform some functions automatically. Despite this progress, utility transaction management processes are essentially those created decades ago. They still require significant human intervention, remain highly segmented and employ little digital intelligence and security technology available today. The various technologies now supporting the industry?s seven step transaction processes will be mapped, assessed for Blockchain technology application and then consolidated into a single platform. The key challenge is to create transformative technology integrating the numerous other existing technology applications and data exchange formats and protocols without succumbing to customization which then mutes the transformative nature of the innovation and renders it ineffective as a platform to subsequent industry innovation by multiple parties.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.Ecovative Design LLC
SBIR Phase I: Using Mycelium As A Matrix For Binding Natural Fibers And Core Filler Materials In Sustainable Composites
70 Cohoes Avenue
Troy, NY 12183-1518
NSF Award
1045849 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2011 – 06/30/2011
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This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project seeks to address the steadily growing but unsustainable polymer matrix composite (PMC) market. PMCs are leveraged for their high strength-to-weight and stiffness-to-weight ratios as compared to conventional engineering materials, but are notoriously unsustainable, energy-intensive to manufacture, and non-recyclable. Researchers have investigated encapsulating natural fibers with both petroleum-based polymers and biopolymers (e.g. cellulosic plastic) to produce more biocompatible composites with varying degrees of experimental and commercial success, but all attempts have still fallen short of an ideal "bio-composite". In this project, we will create and characterize an entirely new bio-composite material. The basic idea is to use mycelium as a matrix for binding natural fibers and core filler materials together in sustainable composite parts. First, the core bulk material is bound together over time by mycelium growing into and around common bulk agricultural waste such as cotton hulls. Then, reinforcing layers made from natural fibers (e.g., hemp) inoculated with fungal cells are applied to the core faces, allowed to infiltrate the laminate and bind to the core material, and then heated to inactivate the growth process to make a resilient composite sandwich structure.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project encompasses the development of mycelium composite materials that are customizable for a broad range of markets including, but not limited to, automotive, transportation, architectural, biomedical, sports, and recreation. These materials are truly sustainable since both the laminates and cores consist of renewable materials. These composites will also require significantly less energy to make than other biocompatible composites because the material is grown instead of synthesized, and the material is completely compostable at the end of life. The outcome of the proposed research and development will be a basic understanding of how to manufacture the composites, the range of material properties obtainable, and how to adjust material properties for particular markets. Through this project, we will partner with researchers and students at two local universities with known expertise in composites manufacturing and testing. If successful with mycelium composites, these materials will find applications in a very high-margin market (i.e. composites) that is sorely needing more sustainable innovations.Ecovative Design LLC
SBIR Phase I: Method of Disinfecting Precursor Materials using Plant Essential Oils for a new Material Technology
70 Cohoes Avenue
Troy, NY 12183-1518
NSF Award
0944529 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2010 – 12/31/2010
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This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project seeks to further reduce the economic and environmental costs associated with sterilization of precursor materials for the Mycobond platform. Mycobond is a revolutionary material that is grown from agricultural byproducts and a vegetative growth of a filamentous fungus (basidiomycete mycelium). To ensure adequate growth all raw materials are either sterilized or pasteurized, which represents up to 24 hours of process time and 50% of the material cost. This research intends to use an emulsion comprised of phenolic compounds from plant essential oils (PEOs) to inactivate competitive organisms on all feedstocks while reducing manufacturing costs. Preliminary trails have yielded favorable results, indicating a potential reduction of the disinfection costs by 88%. Furthermore, this procedure can significantly reduce both the capital expense associated with production and the environmental footprint by removing high entropy processes. Achieving successful disinfection with PEOs, and later inoculation with the desired mycelium, will allow the Mycobond? technology to retail at prices below those of expanded polystyrene (EPS), granting a competitive advantage that would aid in gaining rapid market adoption. The technology benchmarks well against EPS, and has interested early adopters in the protective packaging and rigid board insulation industries.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is the development of sustainable, high-performance composite materials for the packaging and insulation industries. 10% of the petroleum imported into the United States is allocated to the production of inherently unsustainable materials. The Mycobond platform is a direct replacement for many these materials, applicable for products from protective packaging to structural cores. The use of a PEO emulsion seeks to further reduce the energy consumption of material production by closely emulating nature. The biological composites and related processes can reduce energy consumption fivefold and greenhouse gas emissions by tenfold when compared to an identical volume of EPS. Furthermore, since the raw materials used are byproducts from American industries, a new revenue stream will result, bolstering local economies. The plants and related compounds utilized in the procedure are rapidly renewable and the proposed disinfection platform is an open system which reduces dependence on a solitary feedstock. The use of PEO emulsions to disinfect materials has value beyond composites production, and will find applications in agriculture industry and commercial cultivation of mushrooms. The effective replacement of high-embodied energy processes will support local manufacturing by increasing the feasibility of low-cost, regional production.Ecovative Design LLC
SBIR Phase I: Gel-Assisted Casting of a Self-Assembling Biocomposite Material
70 Cohoes Avenue
Troy, NY 12183-1518
NSF Award
1113674 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2011 – 12/31/2011
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This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will develop an innovative, environmentally benign process for forming net shape products of superior quality and performance from dissimilar biomaterial components. Plastics and foams are dependent upon inherently unsustainable raw materials, require a high embodied energy to produce, and do not readily biodegrade at the end of their useful lives. This project will focus on the further development of an alternative material system: a self-assembling biocomposite which is literally grown in the dark using fungal tissue to bind heterogeneous particles of agricultural waste. The biodegradable material exhibits mechanical properties that rival synthetic foams and offers the potential to transform the multi-billion dollar protective packaging and structural cores industries. However, the thin-walled plastic forms used to shape resulting products during growth have a limited service life and must be replaced frequently. Removing or reducing dependence on these forms, through development of a gelatinizing growth substrate and process, will increase sustainability and yield, and reduce costs to further incentivize widespread adoption. The proposed research will answer questions that will determine whether this gel-assisted casting process is technically and commercially feasible, and therefore laying the groundwork for a Phase II project.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is difficult to overstate. Conventional methods of producing low-cost, high strength-to-weight ratio materials for protective packaging and building construction use up to 10% of the world's petroleum as feedstock and consume considerable energy in the production process. Mycological material technology eliminates the need for fossil fuel feedstock and currently requires only one-eighth of the energy to produce an equivalent volume as compared to synthetic foam. In addition, the products are non-toxic, fire-retardant, and readily biodegradable. The commercial potential is high, as products made of this material, as currently manufactured, already successfully compete in the marketplace with products made of expanded polystyrene and expanded polypropylene. The benefits to society at large include safer materials, the transition to regional manufacturing which will bolster local economies, the use of domestic byproducts as the primary raw material, lower energy consumption, and a production method which creates less waste and pollution. The successful completion of this project will help United States manufacturers to emerge as world leaders in the production and supply of sustainable materials, with the potential to serve numerous global markets.Ekso Bionics, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Cooperative Overground Gait Rehabilitation
1414 Harbour Way South
Richmond, CA 94804-3628
NSF Award
1248509 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/15/2013 – 12/31/2013
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project seeks to address the significant technical barriers associated with an untethered overground cooperative gait rehabilitation exoskeleton. Current gait rehabilitation techniques available to patients with gait abnormalities include conventional therapist based rehabilitation and more recently Body Weight Support Treadmill (BWST) robotic rehabilitation. The leading BWST devices employ a cooperative gait rehabilitation approach that varies the assistance to the user based on their ability. The conventional therapy approach is extremely labor intensive, but while the BWST therapy is the leading alternative it has shown mixed results. Researchers hypothesize that this is due to differences in the trained gait between BWST walking and overground walking. Mobile exoskeletons have emerged to better imitate overground walking, but to date no mobile device has implemented a cooperative control strategy, mainly due to the technical issues associated with its use. This SBIR intends to develop novel advances in cooperative rehabilitation control strategies along with innovative actuator designs to make possible the first mobile overground gait rehabilitation exoskeleton that implements a cooperative strategy. Specifically, it will address the major technical barriers to achieving this goal to increase the chances of successfully developing this technology in Phase II.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project could directly impact the lives of patients with impaired gaits from a variety of symptoms including post-stroke, incomplete spinal cord injury, and multiple sclerosis. It is estimated that nearly 2 million patients in the U.S. could currently benefit from improved gait rehabilitation therapy. This technology can be sold directly to rehabilitation hospitals through existing distribution channels. This technology will have a significant impact on the lives of patients undergoing gait rehabilitation. It will enable a new level of effectiveness by providing a novel cooperative rehabilitation approach on an overground device. Existing conventional therapy often causes patients to transition to therapist-assisted overground walking prematurely, resulting in a gap in the progression of care. This device addresses that gap by supporting a patient from acute therapy until they are strong enough for therapist-assisted overground walking. Finally, this device will expand our technical understanding of the limits and effectiveness of robotic gait rehabilitation. The device will serve as a platform to develop the next generation of even more effective robotic rehabilitation control strategies, both for the investigators and the greater research community.Ekso Bionics, Inc.
STTR Phase I: In-Home Rehabilitation System for Post Stroke Patients
1414 Harbour Way South
Richmond, CA 94804-3628
NSF Award
0712462 – STTR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2007 – 12/31/2008
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This Small Business Technolongy Transfer (STTR) Phase I research develops an in-home training device that allows a post-stroke patient to undergo rehabilitation with little or no assistance. Approximately 500,000 Americans survive a stroke each year. Miraculously, most stroke survivors can relearn skills such as walking that are lost when part of the brain is damaged. They can relearn walking most effectively if they are aided in making the correct motions by a machine or a physical therapist while part of their body weight is supported. This training is expensive and requires the patient to go for regular visits to a stroke center. Utilizing recent breakthroughs in the design of ""human exoskeletons"", this research will create a lightweight robotic exoskeleton which cradles a patient''s lower extremities and torso, and maneuvers their paralyzed limbs for them. Using this completely portable device, the patient will not have to go to a rehabilitation facility for daily therapy sessions. The patient can relearn ambulation in the privacy of his/her home with some help from his/her spouse, children, or friends. This device would allow the patient to walk, maneuver and have a more enjoyable, longer duration rehabilitation experience. Ultimately, creating such a device will also give clinicians an alternative to the wheel chair for patients who have more permanent problems, but would benefit enormously from functioning upright and with significant load on their bone structure.
The broader impact of this project will be to adddress the needs of millions of people affected by stroke, muscular dystrophy, trauma, neurological disorders or even chronic arthritis, the medical and sociological implications to improve their quality of life and health.Ekso Bionics, Inc.
STTR Phase I: Lower Extremity Exoskeleton Assist Device for Reducing the Risk of Back Injuries among Workers
1414 Harbour Way South
Richmond, CA 94804-3628
NSF Award
0739552 – STTR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2008 – 12/31/2008
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This Small Business Technology Transfer Phase I project seeks to create exoskeleton assist devices for workers in distribution centers and automobile assembly plants. By using these assistive devices, workers can dramatically reduce the load in the vertebrae of the lower back when maneuvering parts and boxes. Such collaboration between humans and machines has the benefit of the intellectual advantage of humans coupled with the strength advantage of machines. The proposed project involves the University of California at Berkeley as research partner, General Motors Corporation, and the U.S. Postal Service. The end goal is a reduction in back injuries in the workplace which are considered by OSHA the nation?s number one workplace safety problem.
The broader impacts of this research are reduced worker?s compensation insurance costs, reduced disability payments, increased worker productivity, and the ability for workers to keep working into their older years; in short, improve worker quality of life. Furthermore, these new devices will open an entirely new market which will serve an important role in establishing the United States as the number one player in the emerging field of bionics. The potential impacts to worker safety and American quality of life are large and diverse.Ekso Bionics, Inc.
STTR Phase I: Integrated Powered Knee-Ankle Prosthetic System
1414 Harbour Way South
Richmond, CA 94804-3628
NSF Award
0810782 – STTR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2008 – 06/30/2009
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This Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I research project proposes the development of the design features, sensory system and the control algorithm of an integrated powered knee-ankle power regenerative prosthesis. Despite significant advances in lower limb prosthetics over the past decade, all presently commercially available lower limb prostheses incorporate passive ankle joints. That is, the joints of the prostheses can either store or dissipate energy, but cannot provide any net power over a gait cycle. The inability to deliver joint power significantly impairs the ability of these prostheses to restore many locomotive functions, including level walking, walking up stairs, walking up slopes, running, and jumping, all of which require significant net positive power at the knee joint, ankle joint, or both. The objective of this proposal is to investigate the use of integrated powered knee and ankle joints in transfemoral prostheses that use sensory information from the ground and the wearer. The hypothesis is that a prosthesis with actively powered knee and ankle joints will significantly enhance the mobility of transfemoral amputees while walking on level grounds, as well as stairs and slopes.
The proposed work will result in new theoretical frameworks for both the control, sensory system, and design of such systems. Major intellectual contributions will include the design of power systems; development of the sensory system to obtain information from the ground and from the user; the development of a control framework for the interactive control of prostheses; and the development of adaptive and robust controllers for impedance modulation during locomotion. This project intends to create principles that provide significantly greater functional capabilities for above-knee amputees. Specifically, the proposed work will enable more natural, stable, and adaptable prostheses. These research elements in this proposal will also form a foundation for powered orthotic systems. Additional significant benefits of this work include fostering a broader awareness and increased sensitivity of young engineers and educational institutions to disability issues. Limb loss also affects a growing number of military personnel serving in recent conflicts, as well as a far larger number of veterans from previous wars.Elektrofi Inc
SBIR Phase I: Novel Formulation for the Delivery of High Concentration Protein Therapeutics
75 Kneeland St
Boston, MA 02111-1901
NSF Award
1722066 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2017 – 12/31/2017
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This SBIR Phase I project aims to significantly improve the patient experience by providing easy, convenient, and fast delivery of protein therapeutics through the administration of high-concentration, low-viscosity solutions via subcutaneous injection. Currently, high-concentration antibody solutions have viscosities far above the recommended limit for subcutaneous injections. This project aims to drastically lower the viscosities of high-concentration protein formulations. The success of this project would greatly benefit patients by providing a much shorter administration time for drugs that now require hours of intravenous infusion. In addition, this solution can also improve therapies that are already administered subcutaneously by reducing the frequency of injections by increasing dosage. Development of this technology can also enable the development of protein therapeutics with promising efficacy, but intractable solution properties or commercially unattractive patent lives.
The goal of this Phase I project is to establish the proof-of-concept data supporting the viability of a new formulation platform for proteins. This platform will generate a formulation containing high concentrations of protein therapeutics which may be delivered at substantially lowered viscosities due to a reduction in the intermolecular interactions among proteins. The formulation thus provides a subcutaneous syringe-compatible route to delivering biologics at high-concentration, and low-viscosity, ultimately driving a shift from timely intravenous delivery protocols to simplified subcutaneous injections. Constraints on subcutaneous delivery volume (<2 mL) necessitate antibody concentrations much greater than 100 mg/mL. Unfortunately, viscosities far beyond the accepted injection limit (50 cP) are typical of this situation due to extensive interaction among the protein molecules. Current viscosity reduction methods attempt to regulate these interactions but have yet to substantially address the issue. The proposed work utilizes a novel process to gently formulate proteins using only FDA-approved materials. This approach eliminates the effect of the protein-protein interactions on the solution viscosity. The proposed project will involve development of the platform through (i) identification of optimal formulation parameters, (ii) demonstration of rheological improvements to high-concentration protein solutions, and (iii) demonstration of preservation of biological structure and activity.Emergy LLC
SBIR Phase I: Sustainable Biofabrication of Next Generation Materials for High Performance Water Filtration
973 5th st
Boulder, CO 80302-7120
NSF Award
1820290 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/15/2018 – 03/31/2019
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project is the introduction of an environmentally-beneficial filtration material and corresponding high performance, and long-lasting point-of-use water filter. The competitive advantages of the product are increased treatment efficiency, longer service life, and sustainable production at a similar price point to commercial products. The biofabricated advanced media filter results in sophisticated material properties and higher consumer value at a lower overall cost. The success of this Phase I project has potential for far reaching commercial impacts beyond consumer water filtration. By demonstrating the consistency of the metal impregnated filter material, commercial applications could be extended to the fields of emissions control, energy storage, and chemical production. In each of these fields, including water filtration, the new filter material would be replacing unsustainable materials derived from coal and coconut. These existing materials have significant environmental impacts associated with their production and transportation.
This SBIR Phase I project proposed to use the efficiencies of biological organisms to produce high performance, economical, and sustainable materials for premium filtration applications. To achieve this goal, a biofabrication process has been developed that involves the controlled cultivation of fungi serving as a template for the production of advanced activated carbon. This bioprocess allows for precision control over the chemical and physical properties which can be easily customized for targeted applications. Using the process of bioaccumulation and biosorption, the fungi can be functionalized simultaneously with nitrogen heteroatoms and biogenic metals/metal oxide nanoparticles. These in-situ functionalities greatly improve material performance, extension of water filtration service life (2X over state-of-the-art), whilst reducing overall energy consumption during manufacturing. While this process has been demonstrated on the gram production basis, the technical hurdles in this Phase I include scaling production to the kilogram level, providing critical material validation testing, and prototyping of a final consumer product. To execute these goals, growth conditions will be optimized in scaled bioreactors, industrial testing methodology will be employed, and a simple, yet high value water filtration device will be produced.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.FAS HOLDINGS GROUP
SBIR Phase I: Scalable fabrication of stable perovskite solar panels using slot-die coating technique
Dallas, TX 75238-1650
NSF Award
1721884 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2017 – 02/28/2019
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project is to revolutionize the US solar cell market with low-cost and high-efficiency solar cells. The development of cost-effective and efficient solar power technologies is of national interest because solar power has broad potential to support US priorities such as economic growth and job creation, as well as mitigation of climate change. However, the cost of solar energy is still high, and technological innovations are needed to further lower costs and increase efficiency. The efficiency of perovskite solar cells has surged to over 22% in five years of research and now rivals that of CdTe and Si-based solar panels. Perovskite inks are made from Earth-abundant, inexpensive precursors and can be printed on plastic foils, which can significantly reduce their manufacturing and installation costs. However, before commercialization of this technology can be considered, device stability and the feasibility of reliable, scalable manufacturing of large-area panels have to be established. This project will bridge this critical knowledge gap and develop manufacturing technology that can compete in terms of cost and performance not only with other solar panels but also with conventional fossil fuel-based energy sources.
This SBIR Phase I project proposes to develop scalable, reliable, reproducible, and cost-effective technology to manufacture perovskite photovoltaic devices using an industry-proven slot die coating technique. Most research lab perovskite solar cell devices are fabricated via spin casting, and have a device area of less 1 sq. cm. Despite the impressive progress of this technology, its commercially viable scalability and reliability have not yet been demonstrated. In this project, slot-die coating will be used, which is a proven technology to be scalable for large area processing and robust for high-yield manufacturing in a wide range of applications. We will use the slot die coating method and air stable p-i-n devices architecture to manufacture perovskite solar panel with a target power conversion efficiency of 20%, operational lifetime of more than 10,000 hours, power-to-weight ratio of 1 kW/kg, and target manufacturing cost of less than $0.3/W, which is more than a 40% reduction in costs when compared to industry leading photovoltaic technologies.FOLIA WATER, INC.
SBIR Phase I: Affordable point-of-use water disinfection through mass-produced nano-silver embedded paper filters
Pittsburgh, PA 15219-5152
NSF Award
1843411 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2019 – 08/31/2019
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The proposed broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project is the reduction of waterborne disease from drinking water in low-income populations. 2.1 billion people drink fecally-contaminated water, 50% of hospitalization in developing countries are due to waterborne diseases, and contaminated drinking water causes >500,000 diarrheal deaths each year. Low-income populations not only pay for water, but pay anywhere from 30% to 10 times more in absolute terms than the wealthy. This proposed technical innovation will provide: a consumer packaged goods water filter, i.e. a product priced as a consumable and sold through food/beverage retail grocery stores. This is a different business model than water filters which are sold as durable good appliances through specialty stores. If successful a new consumer water filter category reaching a fraction of 2.1 B people has potential to represent a $1B+ category. This proposed project would bring the innovation closer to commercialization by creating a more robust performing antimicrobial filter paper through challenge water stress testing.
This SBIR Phase I project proposes to develop a nano-silver antimicrobial filter paper through mass-production methods, e.g. paper machines, that is formulated to be biocidal in a wide variety of water sources. Technical hurdles include the reliability of technology scaling, developing frameworks for quality and stress testing, broader antimicrobial efficacy, and longer use life. The project goals include engineering a paper formulation with increased silver uptake, more uniform nanoparticle synthesis, synergistic antimicrobial chemicals, and reliable filter paper pore size and flow rate. The project plan to address these technical challenges include rigorous stress testing with specific challenge chemicals and high microbial loads, development of new formulations based on adding synergistic antimicrobial chemicals, absorbent chemicals to increase silver uptake, and process variations in the operation of the paper machine (speed, temperature, pressing, etc). These experiments will require new formulations to be evaluated following the same quality and stress tests with each iteration at the bench scale and pilot scale.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.FORCAST ORTHOPEDICS INC
SBIR Phase I: Antibiotic Dispensing Spacer for improved treatment of PJI in TKA
Longmont, CO 80503-9095
NSF Award
1842958 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
02/01/2019 – 10/31/2019
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This SBIR Phase I project will help to address a critical need for patients who have suffered an infection in a total knee replacement joint. Unfortunately, doctors have few good options for effectively treating this type of infection to avoid the potential for limb amputation or even death should the infection persist and spread. Today, treatment requires surgical replacement of part or all of the existing implant while using oral or intravenous antibiotics. Due to the capsule around the joint (isolated from blood vessels) these methods deliver marginal amounts of antibiotic within the knee where the bacteria reside. Patients suffer elongated treatment, many times without the use of their knee, waiting for the bacterial infection to slowly resolve. ForCast Orthopedics' Antibiotic Dispensing Knee Spacer provides a refillable reservoir within the artificial knee that can distribute antibiotic directly into the knee capsule for effective infection treatment. Physicians can prescribe the antibiotic most appropriate for the bacteria diagnosed. The patient returns to the doctor's office once per week for a checkup and antibiotic refill injection until the infection is cured. No follow up surgery is required. Duplicating the antibiotic delivery of previous successful clinical studies (using representative but intolerable daily injections) should result in similar highly successful patient outcomes, reduced patient suffering and reduced healthcare costs.
This SBIR Phase I project addresses an underserved clinical need for improved treatment of Periprosthetic Joint Infection (PJI). Today, doctors have few good options for treatment to avoid the potential for limb amputation or even death should PJI persist and spread. All methods require surgical debridement and replacement of part or all of the existing implant (to reduce bacterial load) while using oral or intravenous antibiotics that cannot reach the remaining bacteria within the knee capsule (blood/synovial fluid barrier). Temporary eluting antibiotic spacers and beads are too short lived. Patients suffer elongated treatment, many times without a load-bearing knee. ForCast Orthopedics is developing an Antibiotic Dispensing Spacer (AD Spacer) to replace the standard spacer in a total knee implant. The AD Spacer provides a refillable reservoir to hold the antibiotic of choice for the bacteria identified and a delivery system to maintain a therapeutic concentration within the knee for the entire therapy duration, typically a minimum of 6 weeks. As a permanent spacer, no further surgery is required after treatment. Emulating the delivery characteristics of previously successful clinical studies (using intolerable daily injections) should result in similar highly successful patient outcomes, reduced morbidity and reduced total cost of care.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.Feasible, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Electrochemical Acoustic Tools for the Analysis of Batteries
1890 Arch St.
Berkeley, CA 94709-1307
NSF Award
1621926 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2016 – 01/31/2018
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this project lies in the ability of this technology to impact how every battery is made, tested, managed, and re-used in the near future. Batteries are ubiquitous, and their use is likely to increase in the future. As such, there is a growing need for low-cost, accurate methods for monitoring the state of charge (SOC) and the state of health (SOH) in real time to optimize performance and maximize lifetime. The technology that will be developed in this project will use ultrasound to noninvasively probe batteries and provide physical insights into SOC and SOH, and will work on any closed battery regardless of chemistry and form factor. Initial finding of this hypothesis have already been demonstrated and published. This is an unexplored area and presents a large commercial opportunity in each sector of the battery industry, including diagnostics, quality assurance, active cycling control, and the emerging second-life markets. Several advantages include sensitivity to subtle physical changes within cells, the ability to probe lab and commercial scale cells, and sub-millisecond readings. From battery R&D, to manufacturing, to management systems, ultrasound for batteries will help enable the efficient generation, storage, and use of energy worldwide.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will support the development of this technology leading to the first commercial ultrasonic battery analysis unit. The feasibility of 1) miniaturized pulser-receivers with pulsing and switching speeds that are orders of magnitude faster than commercial units, and 2) miniaturized transducers that can transmit and receive high quality signals will be demonstrated. This would enable the detection of high-rate phenomena and the use of multiplexed systems. 3) The use of fast data analysis algorithms for real-time SOC prediction using acoustics as the main input will also be addressed. These objectives are necessary for demonstrating the applicability of ultrasonic analysis to the battery R&D, manufacturing, and second life markets. The success of Phase I of this project will lead to the development of micron-scale sensors for incorporation in battery management systems. In Phase II, algorithms for SOH prediction and cycling control based on acoustic data will be developed, as well as investigation of the design and fabrication of microelectronic transducers will be performed.GREENSIGHT AGRONOMICS, INC.
SBIR Phase I: WeatherHive: High Resolution Environmental Sensing Using Nanodrones
Boston, MA 02210-2333
NSF Award
2036232 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
02/01/2021 – 09/30/2021
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The broader impact of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is to advance an improved system to sense and map atmospheric conditions using nano-drones that are the size of small birds; these systems have benefited from recent innovations in miniature power electronics and flight control sensors. The proposed project leverages the safety, cost and portability advantages of these small form factor aircraft in a system of coordinated drones flying in formation to measure wind, temperature, humidity and gas concentrations. Each flight of the swarm can cover hundreds of square miles, creating a high resolution 3D map of atmospheric properties. This enables the study of wind currents and gas movement for applications including detection of urban gas leaks, smog movement, and forest fire detection. Satellite measurements can be validated and improved through aerial measurements. This research will benefit public health.
This SBIR Phase I project will advance new software to analyze and optimize nano-drones. This project will expand the understanding of miniaturized (under 100 g) drone performance and enable the development of advanced nano-drones to carry out valuable sensing missions. This project will: (1) validate an optimization framework with laboratory test data; (2) develop a novel, portable drone docking station allowing for easy launching, landing and charging of hundreds or thousands of drones by a single operator, eventually enabling fully automated use for continuous monitoring applications; and (3) develop visualization and analysis tools to facilitate data analysis.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.GREENSIGHT AGRONOMICS, INC.
SBIR Phase I: WeatherHive: High Resolution Environmental Sensing Using Nanodrones
Boston, MA 02210-2333
NSF Award
2036232 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
02/01/2021 – 09/30/2021
NSF Program Director
Rajesh Mehta
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The broader impact of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is to advance an improved system to sense and map atmospheric conditions using nano-drones that are the size of small birds; these systems have benefited from recent innovations in miniature power electronics and flight control sensors. The proposed project leverages the safety, cost and portability advantages of these small form factor aircraft in a system of coordinated drones flying in formation to measure wind, temperature, humidity and gas concentrations. Each flight of the swarm can cover hundreds of square miles, creating a high resolution 3D map of atmospheric properties. This enables the study of wind currents and gas movement for applications including detection of urban gas leaks, smog movement, and forest fire detection. Satellite measurements can be validated and improved through aerial measurements. This research will benefit public health.
This SBIR Phase I project will advance new software to analyze and optimize nano-drones. This project will expand the understanding of miniaturized (under 100 g) drone performance and enable the development of advanced nano-drones to carry out valuable sensing missions. This project will: (1) validate an optimization framework with laboratory test data; (2) develop a novel, portable drone docking station allowing for easy launching, landing and charging of hundreds or thousands of drones by a single operator, eventually enabling fully automated use for continuous monitoring applications; and (3) develop visualization and analysis tools to facilitate data analysis.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.GRID7 LLC
SBIR Phase I: Taekion Defense-hardened Blockchain File System using aBFT Consensus
Boulder, CO 80301-3831
NSF Award
1940349 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2020 – 12/31/2020
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project include the ability to enhance the security and trust of critical infrastructure networks for applications including defense, electric grids, health care, and emerging autonomous systems (i.e., self-driving vehicles and robotics). As billions of internet connected things are added to our existing infrastructure, providing a trusted data layer will rise in importance to maintain reliability and security of our critical infrastructure, as many of these systems are mission and life-critical. Our proposed innovation will allow highly distributed and autonomous systems the ability to make decisions based on highly trusted data sources. Our innovation will enhance the practical applications of distributed computing fault tolerance and consensus (agreement) mechanisms by applying them to real-world, critically needed defense networks initially and to other critical infrastructure areas later. The commercial opportunity is to provide a missing piece of the puzzle to support a trusted data layer in the next generation, or Internet evolution.
This SBIR Phase I project proposes to prototype a novel, next-generation Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) consensus algorithm to be plugged into open source DLTs to enhance the data and transaction integrity aspects under asynchronous (disconnected, flaky, or malicious) networking scenarios. The challenge is to provide the ability to maintain agreement and decision finality (or integrity) among consensus nodes operating in asynchronous (network partition, crash fault, byzantine fault) networking environments. In simpler terms, this means the ability to keep and store a file or update within a DLT node, even though the fault keeps the DLT update from taking place over an extended period of time. This capability is highly important when running DLTs in critical infrastructure networks. The research objectives are to combine local, hash-chained write-ahead journaling methods with state-of-the-art asynchronous byzantine fault tolerant (aBFT) consensus to prototype high data integrity (ability to retain all transactions, provide liveness guarantees, maintain local node state integrity, and maintain data ordering and timestamps) under asynchronous network conditions.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.GRO BIOSCIENCES INC
SBIR Phase I: Synthetic biology platform for production of stabilized high-value proteins
Brookline, MA 02446-5711
NSF Award
1842697 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
02/01/2019 – 01/31/2020
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is to develop technology using engineered bacteria to improve protein stability in two large markets: therapeutic proteins and industrial enzymes. Proteins used as therapeutics frequently have insufficient half-lives in human blood plasma, so that patients with chronic disease need to receive frequent dosings, often by painful injections. These burdensome dosing schedules result in high rates of patient noncompliance, with attendant poor responses and negative health outcomes. Therapeutic proteins with improved half-lives in blood plasma would permit relaxed dosing schedules, lowering costs of administration and improving outcomes by reducing noncompliance. This proposed technology focuses on improving the plasma half-life of a therapeutic for a chronic disease primarily affecting children that currently comprises a $4B global market. Similarly, industrial enzymes are frequently deployed in harsh environments that impair enzyme stability and activity. Endowing enzymes with improved resistance to destabilizing chemicals would enable their deployment in high-value environments that are currently prohibitive. The proposed technology will be used to stabilize an enzyme for application in a $730M segment of the personalized medicine market. If successful, this work would provide a platform for developing next-generation enzymes deployable in currently prohibitive environments.
The intellectual merit of this SBIR Phase I project is to utilize a synthetic biology platform to create proteins with new amino acid building blocks that dramatically improve half-life and stability. Many proteins used as therapeutics or used as industrial enzymes are stabilized by disulfide bonds. These bonds break in the presence of chemicals called reducing agents that are found both in human blood plasma (destabilizing to therapeutics) and in solvents and buffers (destabilizing to industrial enzymes). Using a strain of engineered E. coli that can incorporate amino acids beyond the 20 standard amino acids into proteins, the goal is to replace disulfide-forming cysteine amino acids with selenocysteine amino acids that form bonds called diselenides. Diselenide-stabilized proteins maintain stability and activity in environments with reducing agents incompatible with disulfide-stabilized proteins. This project will produce a diselenide-stabilized protein therapeutic for a major disease class. Improvements to disulfide-stabilized therapeutics will be demonstrated by ELISA assays showing improved binding activity, and by cell-based assays showing improved therapeutic activity, after prolonged exposure to blood plasma. This project also will produce a diselenide-stabilized industrial enzyme to catalyze a critical reaction for personalized medicine. Performance improvements over disulfide-stabilized enzymes will be demonstrated by in vitro stability and activity assays in reducing conditions.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.Ginkgo BioWorks
SBIR Phase I: Novel Proteolysis-based Tools for Metabolic Engineering of Amino Acid Producing Strains
27 Drydock Ave Floor 8
Boston, MA 02210-2413
NSF Award
1113506 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2011 – 06/30/2012
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project aims to engineer microbes for the cost-effective production of the amino acid, L-Threonine. Currently, engineered microbes bear mutations that increase the production of Threonine of interest by inhibiting the cell?s ability to produce other amino acids. These mutations are critical as they effectively channel the cell?s metabolic flux toward Threonine, thereby boosting production efficiency and easing downstream purification. Unfortunately, these mutations also decrease cellular fitness and, thus, the growth media must be supplemented with costly nutrients. Technical research herein will assess the feasibility of applying novel regulated proteolysis technology to direct metabolic flux toward Threonine production in the absence of costly media supplementation. The project has 3 key objectives: 1) generate E. coli strains containing off-pathway metabolic enzymes tagged for degradation by a growth-phase dependent proteolysis system, 2) test the ability of these strains to grow on supplement-free media, and 3) assay for production of Threonine by these engineered strains. We anticipate that our engineered strains will grow robustly on minimal, un-supplemented media. Upon induction of our proteolysis system, we expect our strains to specifically eliminate off-target metabolic pathways, leading to a substantial increase in production of our target product, Threonine.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is the generation of more cost-efficient L-Threonine producing microbial strains. Purified amino acids are estimated to constitute a U.S. market of $1.30 billion by 2013. These chemicals are used as animal feedstock supplements, precursors in production of the artificial sweetener aspartame, and have potential as biofuel precursors. Currently, key amino acids are produced commercially using highly engineered microbes that convert low-cost sugar sources (e.g. glucose) to the final amino acid product. To improve the conversion efficiency and ease downstream purification, the microbe?s ability to synthesize other, off-pathway amino acids is often eliminated. However, because these other amino acids are critical for bacterial growth, they must be added as a supplement to the growth medium, substantially increasing production costs. The technology proposed here would allow for efficient, robust production of easily purified amino acids without the need for media supplementation, dramatically reducing production costs. Moreover, the regulated degradation technology developed herein will provide next-generation regulatory tools for other industrial metabolic engineering applications.Ginkgo BioWorks
SBIR Phase I: Bioproduction of Feedstock Amino Acids
27 Drydock Ave Floor 8
Boston, MA 02210-2413
NSF Award
1248790 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2013 – 12/31/2013
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project aims to produce microbes capable of cost-effective production of amino acids used as animal feed supplements. Technical research herein will test the feasibility of applying cutting edge synthetic biology and metabolic engineering techniques to develop engineered strains capable of sustainable and cost-effective production of purified animal feed supplements.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is to provide a reliable, sustainable and safe source of animal feed supplements using biotechnology. Many plant-based animals feeds, such as those based on maize, are deficient in key nutrients needed for growth. To improve feed efficiency and animal growth rates, these deficiencies have been historically overcome with supplementation with animal waste or protein-rich plant products including soy. Recent BSE (Mad Cow Disease) outbreaks combined with dioxine toxicity (from supplementation with fish products) however, have discouraged the use of animal products. Further, supplementation with soy supplies excess, unnecessary amino acids that the animals excrete as nitrogen-rich waste, a significant environmental pollutant. Feed supplementation using purified amino acids produced via biotechnology offers a superior approach from a safety and environmental sustainability perspective.Ginkgo BioWorks
SBIR Phase I: Creating Plant Inspired Fragrences Via Fermentation
27 Drydock Ave Floor 8
Boston, MA 02210-2413
NSF Award
1448068 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2015 – 12/31/2015
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is to produce low-cost and customizable aromas that are inspired by plant extracts. The fragrance industry uses fragrant extracts from flowers and other plant materials as basic building blocks for haute-couture finished fragrances. These extracts are expensive due to the limited availability of suitable plant materials, and due to the fact that the extracts are too complicated to replicate by mixing pure chemicals. This project will generate novel fragrance blends via fermentation ("cultured aromas"). These cultured aromas will be customized for the exacting requirements of professional perfumers, offering a degree of creativity that does not exist with plant extracts. This technology will present a disruptive entry into the multi-billion dollar market for finished fragrances. Beyond fragrances, this technology will allow the development of new customizable extracts with the beneficial properties of plant extracts, including flavors, dyes, and antioxidant activity.
This SBIR Phase I project proposes to apply advanced synthetic biology tools to produce sustainable alternatives to complex plant extracts. Conventional metabolic engineering projects focus on the optimized production of a single target compound; this project instead will engineer microbial strains that produce a range of components found in high-value plant extracts used in the fragrance industry. The goal is to rapidly screen and characterize novel plant enzymes for use in conjunction with existing strains that produce key fragrance molecules. These novel enzymes are expected to produce multiple fragrance molecules and the profile of the resulting blends will be compared to those derived from plants via high throughput metabolomics. The cultured aroma blends can then be customized to a perfumers' specification by tuning the biosynthetic pathways.Ginkgo BioWorks
SBIR Phase I: Volatile gene expression reporters for use during fermentation
27 Drydock Ave Floor 8
Boston, MA 02210-2413
NSF Award
0912541 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2009 – 06/30/2010
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This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project proposes to develop a set of novel, versatile measurement tools for use during fermentation and scale-up in metabolic engineering. The tools will be based on the production of odorants and enable real-time time monitoring of gene expression levels during fermentation. Metabolic engineering holds great promise for enabling a range of important applications including cellulosic biofuels, therapeutics production, and bio-based, environmentally-friendly chemical manufacturing. But any such project requires that an engineered organism expressing the relevant biosynthetic pathway be scaled up from lab-sized cultures to large-scale commercial fermentation. This is not a straightforward task, and is different for every project, because the fermentation conditions required for each engineered strain are different. The new measurement tools will enable more detailed quantification of cell state during fermentation so that strain and pathway optimization is more informed.
The broader impacts of this research are to enable more informed strain optimization for large-scale fermentation thereby reducing R&D costs for the bio-based manufacturing industry. With the growing interest in clean technology and alternatives to petroleum-based manufacturing, many new companies and existing companies are moving into the bioengineering and biomanufacturing industries. However, all of these companies face a common hurdle of scaling up production of their fuel, specialty chemical or biomaterial to commercial scale. The companies spend significant R&D money and time optimizing pathway yield during fermentation. For example, Dupont took 7 years and $400M to scale-up microbial production of 1,3-propanediol. Jay Keasling, a founder of Amyris Biotechnologies, a leading synthetic biology company, reported that Amyris spends 95% of their time trying to find and eliminate unintended interactions between components in their engineered metabolic pathways. Reducing the R&D costs in the biofuels and industrial biotechnology industries would open up new application areas to environmentally-friendly, bio-based production solutions.
This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5).Ginkgo BioWorks
SBIR Phase IB: Volatile gene expression reporters for use during fermentation
27 Drydock Ave Floor 8
Boston, MA 02210-2413
NSF Award
1003426 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2010 – 06/30/2010
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project proposes to develop a set of novel, versatile measurement tools for use during fermentation and scale-up in metabolic engineering. The tools will be based on the production of odorants and enable real-time time monitoring of gene expression levels during fermentation. Metabolic engineering holds great promise for enabling a range of important applications including cellulosic biofuels, therapeutics production, and bio-based, environmentally-friendly chemical manufacturing. But any such project requires that an engineered organism expressing the relevant biosynthetic pathway be scaled up from lab-sized cultures to large-scale commercial fermentation. This is not a straightforward task, and is different for every project, because the fermentation conditions required for each engineered strain are different. The new measurement tools will enable more detailed quantification of cell state during fermentation so that strain and pathway optimization is more informed.
The broader impacts of this research are to enable more informed strain optimization for large-scale fermentation thereby reducing R&D costs for the bio-based manufacturing industry. With the growing interest in clean technology and alternatives to petroleum-based manufacturing, many new companies and existing companies are moving into the bioengineering and biomanufacturing industries. However, all of these companies face a common hurdle of scaling up production of their fuel, specialty chemical or biomaterial to commercial scale. The companies spend significant R&D money and time optimizing pathway yield during fermentation. For example, Dupont took 7 years and $400M to scale-up microbial production of 1,3-propanediol. Jay Keasling, a founder of Amyris Biotechnologies, a leading synthetic biology company, reported that Amyris spends 95% of their time trying to find and eliminate unintended interactions between components in their engineered metabolic pathways. Reducing the R&D costs in the biofuels and industrial biotechnology industries would open up new application areas to environmentally-friendly, bio-based production solutions.
This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5).Glauconix Inc.
STTR Phase I: Development High-throughput Screening System for Glaucoma Therapeutics Using a Bioengineered Human Eye Tissue
251 Fuller Road
Albany, NY 12203-3640
NSF Award
1448900 – STTR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2015 – 12/31/2015
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) project will be the development of a testing system that will facilitate glaucoma drug development in a more cost-effective manner. This will enable better treatment of glaucoma and ultimately prevention of vision loss. This work will overcome a major limiting factor for glaucoma drug discovery, and provide scientists and doctors with a unique tool to understand the physiology of the human eye as related to glaucoma. Commercially, this project will allow for high-throughput testing of new glaucoma therapies, making this technology highly desirable to the pharmaceutical industry. Longer term, this technology has the potential to provide a healthy transplantable tissue that can cure glaucoma.
This STTR Phase I project proposes to address the lack of effective in vitro model for testing targeted glaucoma therapies. This work will be the first-of-its-kind, exploring the feasibility to bioengineer a physiologically-relevant 3D human trabecular outflow tract utilizing co-culture and cell differentiation methods along with microfabrication techniques. It is based on the development of a custom-built system that will incorporate the bioengineered tissue into a platform that mimics the flow of aqueous humor and pressure changes in the human eye. At the conclusion of this project, it is anticipated that the bioengineered tissue will behave similarly to its in vivo counterpart, and be usable as higher throughput testing platform for drugs affecting the outflow physiology of the human trabecular outflow tract. In addition, this project will lead to a platform that could be used by other scientists to study and understand the biology of the human trabecular outflow tract.Glyscend INC
STTR Phase I: Feasibility and proof of concept of a non-invasive treatment for type 2 diabetes inspired from bariatric surgery
1812 Ashland Avenue
Baltimore, MD 02120-5150
NSF Award
1521347 – STTR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2015 – 06/30/2016
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I project is to develop the first non-invasive, device-based treatment for type 2 diabetes which mimics the therapeutic benefits of bariatric surgery. The proposed non-invasive intestinal lining temporarily alters signaling pathways in the small intestine to mimic the metabolic effects of bariatric surgery. The 27 million Americans and 300 million patients globally with type 2 diabetes are desperate for a treatment that reinstates glycemic control as opposed to current management strategies, such as metformin and insulin, which only slow the progression of the disease. The potential commercial impact of the treatment is significant as the total estimated cost of diagnosed diabetes in the US is upwards of $245 billion, and on the rise. Overall, an astounding 1 in 5 US health care dollars are used for the care of people with diabetes. Major insurers have expressed interest in the reimbursement of alternative approaches such as the one proposed, thereby lessening the national cost burden.
The proposed project entails proof-of-concept experiments on the bench top and in-vivo animal model to address the most pertinent technological risks with the approach. The first specific aim is to develop and test several formulations of the intestinal lining and evaluate pertinent performance features. The second aim is to develop an ingestible delivery method of the selected lining for localized deployment. Consultation with leading endocrinologists, gastroenterologists, and material scientists regarding bariatric surgery has guided the selection of very specific delivery targets within the gastrointestinal tract. These targets form the success criteria for specific aim 2. The third and final specific aim is to determine if the lining can be delivered and remain functional in the small intestine for a period of 2 hours to modify nutrient absorption in a porcine model. This aim will provide proof-of-concept for the overall approach and motivate the NSF STTR phase 2 application, wherein more rigorous and long term safety and efficacy studies will be performed.Grow Plastics LLC
STTR Phase I: High performance biodegradable sandwich core structures
7734 15th Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98115-4336
NSF Award
1622909 – STTR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2016 – 06/30/2017
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will be a reduction in human exposure to harmful chemicals, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and reduced volumes of solid waste for biodegradable foam plastic products. This project describes a project to develop biodegradable plastic cups and other products using a sandwich process that includes a foam core. The strength provided by the sandwich structure is designed to allow weight reduction which reduces the environmental impact. Grow Plastics? technology replaces petroleum-based polymers with reduced amounts of plant-based polymers. The plant-based polymers used in Grow Plastic's process contain no harmful chemicals to leach into humans and the environment and generate as little as 1/3 the CO2 emissions per pound used. Grow Plastic's technology enables the replacement of petroleum based plastics with as little as 1/3 the plant-based plastic, reducing solid waste by up to 67% by weight, and CO2 emissions from raw materials by as much as 90%.
The technical objectives in this Phase I research project are to increase the service temperature of foam plastic products to at least 95 Celsius, while maintaining polymer densities below 0.1 grams/cubic centimeter. In polymer products, the weight of plastic used is a key driver in product cost. This Phase I research project, a partnership between Grow Plastics and Western Washington University, will use polymer blending, solid state foaming and polymer crystallization in order to generate samples for evaluation. Samples will be evaluated in terms of thermal performance through dynamic mechanical analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, scanning electron microscopy, and evaluation of product rigidity for final products. The research project will seek to develop extremely lightweight products with service temperatures of at least 95 Celsius.HABITAWARE, INC.
SBIR Phase I: New Wearable for Body Focused Repetitive Behavior Detection
6465 Wayzata Boulevard
Saint Louis Park, MN 55426-1733
NSF Award
1914175 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2019 – 11/30/2020
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will result from providing an accurate real-time awareness solution for those who suffer from body-focused repetitive behaviors. Over 4% of Americans suffer from skin picking, hair pulling, and nail biting, the majority of whom resort to covering up the problem with makeup, gloves, wigs, and even tattoos due to treatment cost barriers and lack of effective tools to facilitate behavior change. While behavior therapy, and in particular habit reversal training, has shown efficacy, this method is traditionally burdened by unreliable journaling, a lack of access to treatment, and difficulty for patients to perform in real-time because of a lack of awareness. While real-time awareness devices do exist, there is room for improvement in detection accuracy. This project will examine feasibility of a novel sensor system within a wearable device that can significantly improve detection accuracy of BFRB-related behaviors.
This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will develop and validate a novel wearable sensing system used to detect subtle movements associated with BFRBs that is suitable for large-scale manufacturing. We believe the proposed wearable system can improve the efficacy of leading behavior therapy methods. To accomplish these goals, early studies will focus on three main objectives. First, the team will investigate the best electrical and spatial configuration of the proposed sensors in a tightly controlled test setup. Second, the team will integrate the optimal configuration into a device suitable for testing and validate the integrity of the sensor output on individuals. Finally, the team will develop a proof-of-concept BFRB recognition algorithm under ideal, low-noise conditions.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.Heila Technologies Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Advanced microgrid control system based on decentralized optimization techniques
444 Somerville Ave
Somerville, MA 02143-3260
NSF Award
1913752 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2019 – 05/31/2020
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is to create a viable control system that will optimize microgrids in a decentralized manner and create additional flexibility for electric grid operators. Current microgrids' combinations of power generation, storage, and consumption that may or may not be integrated with the broader electric grid?mostly depend on a centralized dispatch approach, with one single operator making decisions regarding which assets to utilize and when. Centralized systems require large efforts to set up and do not efficiently adapt to changes in generation or consumption. The proposed technology will employ a different logic for controlling assets, automatically and continuously optimizing the dispatch decisions by using a decentralized blockchain ledger. The benefits of this control system include dramatically increased flexibility when assets are added or removed from the system, and much greater resiliency as there is no single point of failure of the system. Electric utilities will be able to leverage the system to more effectively manage the grid and deploy "virtual power plants" rather than depend on inefficient and costly "peaker" plants. Overall the technology will accelerate adoption of microgrids, improving the nation's energy infrastructure.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project seeks to design the decentralized control logic for microgrids, test it via computer simulations, and conduct a limited physical test at an active site with solar panels, batteries, and other types of energy assets. Current control systems generally utilize a rigid, centralized dispatch logic that does not automatically adapt to changing conditions. A substantial body of research has been conducted demonstrating the benefits of decentralized ledgers in controlling electric grids. The proposed research will put the theoretical foundation into practice by developing the related algorithms to be able to commercialize a microgrid control system. While the benefits of decentralized systems are clear, the complexity is also drastically increased when compared with existing centralized systems. The software must be robust enough to handle the transactions with stability and redundancy, while also simple enough to not strain telecommunications and computing resources within the system. The proposed research is expected to establish proof-of-concept dispatch logic based on a blockchain ledger, producing an effective and scalable solution that will optimize microgrid operation, nearly reaching the theoretically ideal conditions.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.ILANS, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: SeeingBus: Improving Public Transportation Services for the Blind
2416 Stone Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48105-2541
NSF Award
1819920 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2018 – 12/31/2019
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I is the improvement of public transportation services for people with disabilities, specifically people with visual impairments. Individuals with visual impairments are heavily dependent on public transit as an essential service for engaging in daily life and social activities. However, they often face challenges with (1) determining which bus to board, especially at busy bus stops when multiple buses approach, and (2) boarding the correct bus in a timely fashion before they leave the stop. By developing an advanced notification service for alerting bus drivers, SeeingBus will address the societal and market needs to mitigate these challenges and thereby promote independent use of public transportation among people with visual impairments. Improving accessibility of public transportation to people with disabilities along with enhancing perception of their service will boost ridership resulting in increased revenue for agencies. The project will contribute to the scientific community as well as society in general by advancing understanding of Smart City services needed for independent travel of people with disabilities.
The proposed project will develop and commercialize a Smart City service to improve public transportation for people with visual impairments. The service, SeeingBus, provides an advanced notification to bus drivers about users waiting at their next stop. People with visual impairments often miss buses due to challenges they face with boarding the correct bus. SeeingBus aims to improve accessibility of public transportation by engaging bus drivers even before the bus arrives at the stop where riders with visual impairments are waiting. As part of the smart city vision, SeeingBus will enhance connectivity of public transportation systems through greater communication between riders, bus stops, and bus drivers by means of smart sensors. Using big data, SeeingBus alerts bus drivers about users with disabilities, so the drivers can assist individuals in boarding the bus safely. The research objective of this project is to develop and test the feasibility of the SeeingBus system. Advancing public transportation, essential to promoting the travel and independence of individuals, aligns with the NSF mission to advance prosperity and welfare through scientific advancements.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.IOTAS, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Automated Pairing and Provisioning
2547 NE 16th Ave
Portland, OR 97212-4231
NSF Award
1550231 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2016 – 12/31/2016
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will be on the Real Estate Industry, specifically targeted at the Multi-Family-Home (MFH) industry, to help them increase revenue potential by digitizing their apartments through Smart Home Automation. It is estimated that the Smart Home Automation industry will reach $71B by 2018. The MFH industry will participate through additional charges to the residents for smart home automation support. However, the bigger increase in revenue will most likely come from better data and insights on their buildings which leads to opportunities to monetize that data and sell software targeted at MFH buildings. In addition to increased revenue, there is potential to save costs through more efficient use of labor and materials and through better management of energy. The MFH industry can also get insights on their entire building portfolio versus a single building and more efficiently manage their entire portfolio. The MFH industry implementing Smart Home Automation technology has huge societal benefits by integrating with smart grids and utility demand response programs.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project seeks to enable the deployment of a scalable and maintainable infrastructure through the use of mechanisms including automatic pairing, tiered authentication, and network isolation in low cost, resource-constrained Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The problem with existing IoT pairing methods is that they are targeted at Single-Family-Home deployments and the number of nodes that needs to be paired are relatively minimal. However, this is not a scalable model when trying to address the needs of the Multi-Family-Home (MFH) industry. In the multi-family dwelling, the sheer density of nodes creates new problems. The issue is that all the devices could easily be paired but to differentiate the nodes so that they authenticate and provision to the right apartment is the challenge. Developing a cost effective, scalable solution for this high-density scenario is a key component to fulfilling the value proposition of mass deployment in the Multi-Family-Home industry. The anticipated result of this project is that a proof of concept will be developed that gives directional guidance on the best way to solve the issue of pairing large quantities of end nodes and authenticating them appropriately to the correct apartment.Imagen Energy, LLC
SBIR Phase I: Extremely Compact, High Efficiency, Integrated Converter and Energy Storage System
15230 W. Woodland Dr.
New Berlin, WI 53151-1915
NSF Award
1648083 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
12/15/2016 – 09/30/2017
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is to enable vast deployment of energy storage to increase installation of renewable energy for reduced pollution and greenhouse gases, to improve energy security, and to improve energy efficiency and safety. The project will realize a dramatic reduction in cost and size of Energy Storage Systems (ESS) that will allow penetration of ESS into markets served by fossil fuels. One key market is grid ancillary services which includes Frequency Regulation (FR) that regulates grid frequency and stability. With the potential of this project, the FR market for battery based ESS is expected to grow from $100M/yr to over $4B/yr. This project has the societal benefits of replacing fossil fuel based ?peaker? plants that are commonly used to perform FR, with clean Li-ion battery based ESS. Furthermore, by providing lower cost FR capability for the grid, the project will enable grid penetration of more renewable energy, which requires additional FR capability.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase 1 project will develop a highly compact integrated modular inverter/energy storage system to revolutionize deployment of energy storage system for grid, micro-grid, energy efficiency, and energy reliability support. The development effort proposed here includes an advanced energy storage system consisting of an extremely compact 150kW high frequency 3-Level inverter, an integrated 48kWhr compact Li-ion battery system, proprietary battery management systems and internet communications capability. This will provide a highly integrated and scalable 150kW Energy Storage System with an integrated battery string inverter with 60% reduced system cost and 10X reduced size that open new markets for energy storage and renewable energy. The project will develop key technology innovations which work together with advanced Li-ion batteries to form a revolutionary new product. These innovations include: high frequency 3-level inverter with innovative high frequency control and output filter to achieve >10X reduction in volume; a novel topology that integrates inverters into each cell string and eliminates many components resulting in 60% system cost reduction; a modular and scalable design that is fault-tolerant and allows easy optimization for multiple system uses.Inpria Corporation
SBIR Phase I: Aqueous Inks for High Performance Oxide Electronics
2001 NW Monroe Ave
Corvallis, OR 97330-5510
NSF Award
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2010 – 12/31/2010
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project aims to develop semiconductor and dielectric inks for thin-film transistor devices to drive Active Matrix organic light-emitting diode (AMOLED) displays. The approach is to employ novel aqueous-based inorganic precursors with low energy barriers to condensation, which will enable the solution deposition of high-quality electronic films that can be cost-effectively scaled to large substrates with uniformity. This project will combine inorganic ink design with flashlamp process for printed electronics to fabricate transistors. It is expected to meet the challenging performance requirements for AMOLED displays on glass with a direct path to low temperature flexible substrates. By tuning the precursor formulation for optimum absorbance and adjusting the flashlamp pulse conditions, the energy required to complete dehydration will be deposited precisely in the film with minimal thermal impact on the substrate.
The broader/commercial impact of this project will be the potential to provide semiconductor and dielectric inks to enable more energy efficient AMOLED displays. AMOLED is the fastest growing segment in display industry. The potential served market for related advanced transistor materials will be about $100 million. The materials and low temperature processes developed in this project will also lay the foundation for much broader applications in inorganic printed electronics and large-area dielectric/optical coatings.Inpria Corporation
SBIR Phase I: Inorganic Electron Beam Resist for High Throughput Nanolithography
2001 NW Monroe Ave
Corvallis, OR 97330-5510
NSF Award
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2009 – 12/31/2009
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This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will assess the technical feasibility of developing a robust, high-speed inorganic electron-beam resist platform that will enable the manufacture of electronic devices with feature sizes < 30 nm. The requirements of high speed, low line-width roughness, sufficient etch resistance are extreme for patterning devices at these feature sizes.
Success in the project will have a considerable impact on continued progress along the ITRS semiconductor roadmap, which supports several multibillion dollar industries. New levels of device performance will be enabled, providing broad societal impacts through the introduction of advanced electronics, while enhancing prospects for domestic employment in semiconductor manufacturing. The broader scientific and engineering research communities will benefit from new techniques to build novel devices at the extreme end of the nanoscale.
This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5).JEEVA WIRELESS INC
SBIR Phase I: Passive Radio for the Internet of Things
4000 Mason Road Ste 300
Seattle, WA 98195-0001
NSF Award
1622232 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2016 – 06/30/2017
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is to enable Wi-Fi and other radio transmissions at up to 10000 times lower power than has been possible. The technique for the first time can generate Wi-Fi and other radio transmissions using backscatter communication, for orders of magnitude lower power than conventional techniques. These backscatter transmissions can be decoded on conventional Wi-Fi Access Points, phones, and other devices. Given the increasing interest in the Internet-of-Things where small computing devices are embedded in everyday objects and environments, improving the energy efficiency of communication by up to 10,000 times will substantially extend battery life. As a result, this project would make the Internet of things more viable economically and environmentally, since batteries will travel to landfills at a slower rate. Economically, reducing or eliminating batteries from pervasive sensors will lead to growth in the semiconductor industry, and also in other businesses, which will be able to allow their customers to search the physical world, thanks to the new sources of data about the physical world.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project introduces the key insight that the power-hungry, high-frequency analog and RF components found in battery-powered radios can be grouped together into a wall-powered device called the helper node. The energy constrained, battery-powered mobile/embedded endpoint device contains only low frequency and mostly digital components, making its power consumption negligible. The mobile devices transmit data by reflecting RF signals generated by the helper. This novel partitioning of the radio system allows the Endpoint to communicate far more efficiently than was possible with active radio techniques. This project aims to create a complete network stack that enables passive devices to coexist with conventional active devices in the ISM band. The system consists of ultra-low energy endpoint sensors, wall-powered helper devices, and commercial off the shelf active radio routers. The project involves building working networking hardware, designing and implementing a network stack matched to the project?s unique needs, and testing the resulting system with real customers. If successful, the project will have delivered the critical enabling technology for the vision of pervasively connected devices with billions of devices connected to the Internet without the need to replace batteries.Kintsugi Mindful Wellness, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Activating Voice Journaling for Mental Health with Voice Biomarkers
2737 Garber Street
Berkeley, CA 94705-1346
NSF Award
1938831 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
10/15/2019 – 09/30/2020
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is to transform voice intonations into voice biomarkers to predict the existence of disease, monitor progression or deterioration of disease or chronic condition, predict hospitalization and mortality, focus on patients in need, and as a result, optimize care and cost. Stress, anxiety, and depression cost American employers an estimated $500 B annually in lost productivity. Furthermore, eight risks and behaviors associated with mental health drive 15 chronic conditions, accounting for 80% the total costs for all chronic illnesses worldwide and representing a projected $47 T problem by 2030. Voice signals indicate a variety of health conditions, emotions, and diseases. While wearables are becoming a ubiquitous tool to assess physical variables, their ability to measure psychological variables remains limited.The company has developed a neural-network model specifically to analyze raw text and audio from natural conversation, discovering speech patterns indicative of depression. The company is advancing research on human emotion classifiers, the first of its study across international geographies; this project will combine sensor inputs for state-of-the-art machine learning language-based models, design a hyper-individualized behavioral recommendation system for stress triggers, and develop a quantitative measurement on mental health that is both scalable and personalized to address the marketplace gap between simple apps and advanced neuropsychiatric treatment.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is dedicated to building a smart voice journaling platform utilizing voice biomarkers to measure and predict well-being. The major research objectives in this proposal include (1) intuitive human-computer voice interactions through various smart devices including phones, earbuds, watches, home, and in-car audio, (2) developing, training, refining, and scaling custom neural networks, (3) creating deep reinforcement learning models to serve relevant recommendations and actions to users, and (4) building visual representations of progress from individual journal entries. The anticipated outcome of this innovation is a personalized deep learning-based system that can be scaled to smart devices on-demand and robust enough to cover diverse, multicultural backgrounds worldwide. This company is using sensors to deliver objective measurements, algorithms to support the physician and psychologist in their assessments and care delivery, and non-pharmacological health-supportive tools as an emerging category of digital therapeutics.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.Kintsugi Mindful Wellness, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Scaling Mental Healthcare in COVID-19 with Voice Biomarkers
2737 Garber Street
Berkeley, CA 94705-1346
NSF Award
2031310 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/01/2020 – 08/31/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is to use voice as a real-time measurement of mental health. Transforming voice intonations into biomarkers could enable disease diagnosis and progression, supporting the $13 B virtual health care sector that was growing 27% annually prior to COVID-19. Furthermore, peer support for mental health increases engagement in self-care decreases substance use and depression, particularly for vulnerable populations. The project will advance the use of machine learning for voice mental health biomarkers in a group setting.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will define voice biomarker features for a deep reinforcement learning based system. This project will advance a voice biomarker technology that can serve as fast behavioral health diagnostic, potentially superseding the current paper-based PHQ-9 and GAD-7 tests. The priority is to scale the optimal mix of individuals and activities for group therapy based on reward functions that maximize improvements in depression and anxiety scores. The major technical challenges include: (1) capturing nonverbal cues in a video; (2) interpreting multi-speaker audio processing; (3) creating deep reinforcement learning models to serve relevant group matches and follow-up exercises; and (4) building engaging visual feedback of progress from group meetings. The anticipated technical result of this innovation will be to define voice biomarker features and reward functions for a deep reinforcement learning based system in clinically relevant settings to improve depression and anxiety treatment outcomes.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.Kytopen Corp
SBIR Phase I: A scalable high-throughput cell engineering platform
501 Massachusetts Avenue 3rd FL
Cambridge, MA 02139-4018
NSF Award
1747096 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2018 – 12/31/2018
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project is the development a scalable, automated, genetic transformation platform that is 10,000X faster than the current state-of-the-art. The fields of synthetic biology and genetic engineering are currently limited by the ability to re-program microorganisms with foreign DNA. There have been significant advances in the synthesis of DNA, screening of genetically engineered microorganisms, and bioinformatics. However, the technology used to deliver DNA and perform genetic transformation has not advanced in a similar way. Phase I of this SBIR will result in a prototype high-throughput genetic transformation platform to demonstrate the utility of the system. This system will allow genetic engineers to more rapidly develop microorganisms for the production of bioengineered chemicals and materials.
This SBIR Phase I project proposes to develop a high-throughput, automated platform for genetic transformation of bacteria using a proprietary flow-through electroporation technology that is fast, reliable, and scalable. A key step in genetic engineering of cells is to introduce the foreign DNA that re-programs the cell. Electroporation, cell permeabilization using pulsed electric fields, is the most efficient and widespread method to deliver DNA into microorganisms for this application. State-of-the-art electroporation involves cuvettes that expose the cells and DNA to uniform electric fields. However, this process is currently slow, labor-intensive, and expensive. The proposed technology can be automated by augmenting existing liquid handling robots, and, when operated in parallel, may improve the genetic transformation rate by up to 10,000X compared to current methods. This will represent a paradigm shift in areas dependent upon genetic transformation where DNA delivery using electroporation is currently a major bottleneck. Ultimately, the goal is to address the need for a high-throughput genetic transformation platform to accelerate innovation in synthetic biology.LONG ROAD ENTERPRISES
SBIR Phase I: On-Orbit Servicing Systems
225 E 76TH ST #3A
New York, NY 10021-0000
NSF Award
2001453 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2020 – 03/31/2021
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The broader impact of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project would be to develop a novel electromechanical system for on-orbit servicing of spacecraft so that a spacecraft can be captured, dock. and refuel. This system will extend the useful life of spacecraft and enable the rescue of failed missions, representing savings to commercial and public entities alike. Mission life extensions of commercial projects are expected to translate into reduced costs of delivering information and services; similarly, extensions of government-sponsored missions will enable lowered costs associated with satellite launches.
The proposed project will create a capture and refueling system for spacecraft to be used in ride-share systems. Capturing system requirements include: compatibility with proximity and guidance sensors; low-power operation; and autonomous alignment. Docking and refueling requirements include: formation of a rigid, leak-proof, structural connection to deliver fuel; and a mechanism to open the fuel port on the client spacecraft without secondary actuation systems. Finally, for ride-share compatibility, the robot arm must be optimized for size, weight, and power; and it must have end-effectors and a tool exchange mechanism. All subsystems must be fully compatible with the extreme environmental conditions of space. The proposed effort will address the systems engineering process of developing requirements and specifications; conceptual design development; detailed design, analysis and modeling; and breadboard testing.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.LUNEWAVE INC.
STTR Phase I: Novel Radar Using 3D Printed Luneburg Lens for Autonomous Transportation
4991 N. Fort Verde Trl.
Tucson, AZ 85750-5903
NSF Award
1648969 – STTR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2017 – 12/31/2017
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is significant. The research results will address the resolution and detection speed requirements of autonomous driving in complex environments such as urban scenarios. The next major revolution of transportation is undoubtedly autonomous driving which will bring great potential benefits in terms of safety, mobility and related productivity. With the proposed advanced sensing system and intelligent algorithms, it is expected that future autonomous driving vehicle could eliminate mistakes due to human error which is the main cause of traffic accidents. Moreover, it may lead to reduced traffic jam, higher energy efficiency and much enhanced mobility for the aging and disabled population. The proposed effort will also have great commercial impact. In 2015, the global market size of automotive millimeter wave (30 ? 300 GHz) radars hit about $1.936 billion; it is expected to reach $2.46 billion in 2016 and $5.12 billion in 2020, having the most remarkable growth potentials in the field of electronic products. In addition, the expected research outcome may lead to advancement in a number of important market sectors including wireless communication, sensing, mobile internet, assistive technology, and additive manufacturing.
This Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I project attempts to realize a high performance automotive radar using 3D printed Luneburg Lens for autonomous driving. The existing automotive radar products do not have enough angular coverage and resolution for classifying and locating dense targets, which is critical for achieving autonomous driving. As a result, the current autonomous driving tests utilize LiDAR systems which are expensive and less reliable than radar especially under certain conditions such as heavy rain, snow, fog, smoke and sandstorms. Compared to conventional manufacturing techniques, this project utilizes 3D printing technique, which is much more convenient, fast, inexpensive and capable of implementing millimeter wave Luneburg lenses. Based on the Luneburg lens?s ability to form multiple beams with high gain and broadband behavior, novel automotive radar will be designed by mounting radar detectors around the lens. Moreover, with wide bandwidth and natural beam forming capabilities of Luneburg lens, an adaptive sensing approach is proposed to improve the scanning efficiency and avoid interference from nearby or intruder radar systems. With these proposed approaches, the objective is to achieve a high performance and low cost millimeter-wave sensing system which will be suitable for autonomous transportation applications.Lapovations, LLC
SBIR Phase I: AbGrab Laparoscopic Lifting Device
2746 N Hidden Springs Drive
Fayetteville, AR 72703-9203
NSF Award
1843314 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
02/01/2019 – 12/31/2019
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This SBIR Phase I project supports development of an innovative device for use in laparoscopy (minimally invasive surgery of the abdomen). Laparoscopic injuries most often occur during primary port entry, before visualization into the abdominal cavity is possible. Injuries are primarily to the bowel or vasculature and are very serious, with mortality rates up to 5% for bowel injuries and up to 15% for vascular injuries. To minimize this risk, surgeons lift the abdominal wall away from the vital organs that could be inadvertently punctured during primary port entry. Two lifting techniques are commonly utilized, but one is unreliable and the other invasive. The product in development utilizes suction instead of mechanical force to grasp the abdominal wall and is more reliable and less invasive than the current techniques. Projected benefits include better surgical outcomes, increased surgeon and patient satisfaction, and decreased patient post-op pain. Successful development of this product is forecasted to create 40 new jobs by 2023 with an annual payroll exceeding $2.5M. As a direct result of this Phase I grant, this innovative product can reach the U.S. market in 2019 and become the gold standard for abdominal wall lifting devices in the next five years.
The technical innovation in this proposed project is a novel abdominal lifting device for use in laparoscopic surgery that is more reliable and less invasive than current lifting techniques. The novelty of the innovation is affirmed with one issued patent and an additional pending patent application. The device takes advantage of existing suction available in every operating room. This suction allows for the non-invasive attachment of the lifting device to the abdominal wall. Current lifting techniques include manually grasping the abdominal wall and using perforating towel clips. Manual grasp does not always provide a secure grip and perforating towel clips invasively perforate abdominal wall tissue to provide a handle by which to lift and elevate. The technical goals of this project focus on creating a minimum viable product produced with biocompatible materials using standard good manufacturing practices for FDA Class I medical devices. Production quality samples will be produced with five different materials to determine which performs best in terms of strength, reliability, and flexibility. These samples will also be used to determine if any further design changes are needed prior to commercialization.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.Leading Edge Crystal Technologies, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Refinement of the Floating Silicon Method to Produce Drop-In Silicon Wafers for High Efficiency Solar Cells
98 Prospect Street
Somerville, MA 02143-4109
NSF Award
1820028 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
06/15/2018 – 09/30/2019
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is a 25% cost reduction in solar panel manufacturing and the elimination of up to 2.1 Gigatons of annual CO2 generation. As silicon wafers are the most expensive component in the $50BN solar panel industry, our low-cost wafer manufacturing technology presents the strongest opportunity to reduce global solar panel production costs. This cost reduction drives the compelling economics needed for increasing solar market penetration. As context, the solar market has historically doubled for every 20% cost reduction created by the industry. Our single crystal wafers are further significantly higher quality, and therefore can enable up to 10% higher effective efficiency using existing commercial solar panel manufacturing lines. Further, as the incumbent silicon wafer production process is extremely energy- and material-intensive and thus constitutes 80% of the solar industry?s carbon footprint, our direct and high efficiency technology has the potential to reduce the solar industry's 2026 carbon footprint by over 50%.
The proposed project develops the systems needed for our process to produce silicon wafers with commercial dimensions and demonstrates to solar manufacturers (our customers) that our wafers can be processed by commercial solar cell lines. As our process produces a continuous ribbon of silicon, this work will develop a cutting system that laser cuts discrete wafers with the edges and dimensions needed for commercial solar cell processing. This involves developing the laser cutting recipes, the wafer handling systems, and verifying with a third party that the edge quality does not interfere with cell processing. Our project then investigates and optimizes our wafers' performance during each critical step of commercial solar cell processing, including chemical etching and screen printing. A successful demonstration that our low-cost wafer can 'drop-in' to an existing cell line to deliver equivalent (or better) performance compared to the incumbent technology would gate our working with industry partners to commercialize this process.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.Liberate Medical LLC
STTR Phase I: A Novel Abdominal Stimulator to Assist with Ventilator Weaning in Patients
6400 Westwind Way
Crestwood, KY 40014-6773
NSF Award
1417104 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2014 – 12/31/2015
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I project, in which a new device and approach to weaning patients from mechanical ventilation is proposed, is a reduction in public health care expenditure and a reduction in morbidity for the half a million patients who have difficulty weaning from mechanical ventilation each year in the US. This project promises to improve our scientific understanding of the role of the expiratory muscles in weaning failure patients and improve our technical understanding of non-invasive respiratory sensors for online triggering of external systems. These patients suffer from an array of clinical complications and cost the US health care system $16 billion annually. The majority of these costs are borne by Medicare and Medicaid whose reimbursement policies provide an incentive to reduce weaning time in this patient group. Given the severe health consequences of prolonged mechanical ventilation, the large and expanding number of treatable patients, and the favorable reimbursement landscape, we reason that the device that will be developed in this proposal will positively benefit society and will be commercially valuable.
The proposed project will develop a non-invasive electrical stimulator that automatically applies stimulation to the respiratory muscles in synchrony with a patient?s voluntary breathing pattern. Based on previous research it is expected that this device will reduce the load placed on the respiratory muscles while at the same time training them. Since the imbalance between the strength of the respiratory muscles and the mechanical load they face is a major factor contributing to weaning difficulty, it is hypothesized that the proposed device will reduce the time, and improve the probability, to wean from mechanical ventilation. In this phase one proposal the device stimulation trigger will be developed and tested and combined with a commercially available stimulator, the clinical effect of the developed device on breathing when used acutely will be established, and the feasibility of using the developed device in mechanically ventilated patients will be determined. The successful completion of this phase one proposal will be followed by phase two in which both the development of a stimulator with integrated trigger and a fully powered clinical trial will be completed, ultimately allowing the device to be submitted for FDA clearance.Litterati, LLC
SBIR Phase I: Building a Global Community to Crowdsource-Clean the Planet
131 Turvey Ct.
Chapel Hill, NC 27514-5260
NSF Award
1746758 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2018 – 06/30/2018
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this SBIR Phase I project stems from developing a crowdsourced solution to litter - one of the world's most pervasive and toxic problems. To many, it's dirty, disgusting, and someone else's problem to solve. Unfortunately, we all suffer the consequences, as litter impacts our economy, degrades the environment, demoralizes community pride, kills wildlife, and poisons the food system. This project aims to develop a mobile technology that empowers anyone to identify, map, and collect the world?s litter, while simultaneously connecting to a broader community of associated brands, cities, schools. By crowdsourcing the data and cleanup, there is great potential in collecting massive amounts of information which can be used for everything from infrastructure improvement, to resource allocation, brand packaging redesign, and even individual responsibility and behavioral change.
The intellectual merit of this project is derived from building a global database of litter. And one critical need to achieving such a monumental task is the ability to quickly (and accurately) identify any piece of litter, anytime, anywhere even if the litter is in a deep state of decay and decomposition. This project further aims to integrate that information with other data sets including location, time, proximity to schools, and the watershed. By leveraging technologies such as image recognition and machine learning, the project will further empower the people who are crowdsourcing the data and cleanup to collect a vast amount of identifiable information.Living Ink Technologies, LLC
SBIR Phase I: Engineering novel pigmented cyanobacteria for the use in the ink, printing and colorant industries
12635 E. Montview Blvd suite 216
Aurora, CO 80045-0000
NSF Award
1648499 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
12/15/2016 – 11/30/2017
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is developing and producing a sustainable ink for the printing industry. Ink is commonly used in a variety of applications, and billions of pounds of ink are produced annually. The majority of chemicals within ink are petroleum based and are mined from the earth. These chemicals also are toxic to humans and the environment. Nature has produced a multitude of molecules capable of replacing components currently utilized in ink. While many organisms that produce these replacement molecules are slow growing and require energy sources like sugar, photosynthetic microbes, specifically cyanobacteria, are capable of being engineered to generate some of these replacement molecules in an efficient manner to produce pigments in ink formulations that are safe, renewable and 100% biodegradable. This ink will be used by businesses for printing packaging, marketing material, and other printed products. Developing and integrating these ink products will decrease the overall detrimental impact of traditional inks on the environment and human health.
This SBIR Phase I project proposes to develop sustainable ink formulations using engineered cyanobacteria cells capable of generating cellular pigments that will make the cultures optically black in appearance. These optically black cells will act as pigments that replace mined pigments found in traditional ink formulations. This project uses entire cyanobacteria cells in ink formulations so that extraction of pigments/dyes is not necessary, thus saving energy and reducing cost. While currently utilized pigments used for ink are minerals mined from the ground such as carbon black, which is a finite material, cyanobacteria are a renewable source of biomass for bio-products, as these organisms leverage sunlight, carbon dioxide, wastewater and land otherwise unsuitable for conventional agriculture to rapidly generate biomass. In addition to the development of renewable cyanobacteria strains considered to be optically black, this project will develop optimal growth conditions as well as techno-economic models leveraging these strains within several subsets of the ink industry. Using cyanobacteria to produce ink products is a novel application, which will be a major breakthrough for the algal bio-products industry.Loci Controls, Inc
SBIR Phase I: Predictive Modeling and Automatic Control of Landfill Gas Collection
99 South Main Street, Suite 310
Fall River, MA 02721-5349
NSF Award
1520346 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2015 – 06/30/2016
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This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project proposes to improve the collection of landfill gas by applying a real-time control system and developing advanced models of gas generation and extraction. It has the potential to improve the economics of the Landfill Gas to Energy (LFG-E) market and reduce the environmental impact of landfills. With industry-wide implementation, annual revenues from existing LFG-E projects could be increased by over $450 million. The additional energy produced would power over 350,000 homes. Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that in 2011, emissions from landfills accounted for nearly 17.5% of all human-generated methane in the US. The associated reduction in Green House Gas emissions from improved landfill gas collection would be equivalent to cutting the consumption of over 3.6 billion gallons of gasoline or 76 million barrels of oil. Furthermore, because of the improved economics, this Phase I project could encourage the development of new LFG-E projects, further expanding the size and value of the landfill gas to energy market. According to EPA estimates, currently undeveloped sites could account for an additional 850 MW of power generation, enough to power over 508,000 homes.
Landfill gas collection systems are currently operated manually and lack the embedded feedback capabilities to properly match the rate of gas extraction to the rate of generation in response to changing environmental conditions. The proposed control hardware is a wireless, fully automatic sensor and actuator device able to measure key characteristics of landfill gas and adjust gas extraction rates on individual wells in real time. The research objective is to utilize these capabilities to collect data and develop a deeper understanding of landfill gas generation and the complex interactions within the extraction system. A series of experiments will quantify the strength of interactions between different wells in a landfill. The data will be used to develop a model describing how gas characteristics change in response to modulations in gas extraction pressure. A successful outcome of this research would be the development of a basic control model that can be used to analyze recent trends in extraction data and incorporate real time information about environmental conditions (temperature, barometric pressure, precipitation, etc.), in order to maximize energy extraction.LuxVue Technology
SBIR Phase I: MEMS Manufacturing Platform for Novel Emissive Displays
2210 Martin Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95050-2704
NSF Award
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2013 – 06/30/2013
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will develop an innovative process for fabricating, assembling and soldering millions of micron-sized silicon chips (microChips) into a display backplane with high-throughput and yield. Solder technologies for micron-sized devices are fundamentally different than those for bulk chip die-casting, due to increased surface tension and decreased device-thermal-load, providing an opportunity for innovation and value creation. This project leverages a manufacturing platform for fabricating and assembling micron-sized LEDs (microLEDs), each with a single integrated "solder bump" that automatically bonds the microLED into the backplane upon transfer. To extend this approach to multi-terminal devices such as silicon integrated circuits, we will demonstrate feasibility of forming multiple solder connections within a single microChip. We will screen alloy compositions and process parameters against detailed microChip thermal models, and develop a MEMS process for patterning the selected alloys. We will study the wetting characteristics of the solder under our assembly conditions to control spreading. We will use these results to demonstrate a simple microChip circuit in Phase 1, and use the technologies and design-rules developed here to build a pixel-level driver in Phase 2 (the fundamental element needed to replace the TFT backplane in flat-panel displays).
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project stems from development of an innovative microLED display product that consumes less energy than state-of-the-art LCDs, extending battery life in portable applications, and potentially saving 0.86 Quads of U.S. energy per year in stationary applications. The TFT backplane in these products is the primary cost-driver (particularly for larger displays). Success in Phase 1 will prove the feasibility of an approach to eliminate the TFT backplane, with significant long-term benefits in the form of reduced manufacturing costs and reduced minimum manufacturing scale and capital equipment costs. Lower manufacturing cost will drive rapid market penetration, increasing the economic and environmental impacts of this technology. Lower capital costs and manufacturing scale will enable economic domestic manufacturing. The growth of a U.S. display manufacturing industry would lead to increased manufacturing jobs and gross national product, as well as enhanced national security through a domestic supply of display products to the Defense Department. The ability to integrate multi-terminal devices into this manufacturing platform will also allow this innovative manufacturing equipment to expand into new industries in the future.Lygos Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Production of high-value chemicals using industrial yeast hosts
1249 8th St.
Berkeley, CA 94710-1413
NSF Award
1345920 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2014 – 06/30/2014
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project proposes to develop a metabolic engineering and synthetic biology toolkit for a scalable, industrial yeast host. Currently, the vast majority of synthetic biology tools are directed toward engineering E. coli or S. cerevisiae, model laboratory organisms that are often poorly suited for industrial fermentations. Furthermore, there is an absence of available synthetic biology tools for those hosts that are well suited for industrial fermentations. This research addresses this problem through the development of a foundational set of synthetic biology tools in an industrially tractable, but under researched yeast strain. The research objectives include construction and characterization of a series of expression vectors that facilitate transfer of genetic material into host cells, construction of a genetic library designed to perturb host metabolism and redirect carbon flux toward production of target small-molecules, and demonstration of an approach to reduce expression of competing metabolic pathways. Proof-of-principle application of the tools will be used to demonstrate improvements in malonic acid biosynthesis in engineered yeast.
The broader/commercial impacts of the proposed project, if successful, will be technology that enables genetic modification and engineering of a robust, industrial yeast host, removing significant technical barriers that have traditionally inhibited both commercial and academic research. In addition, the industrial yeast host genetic toolkit may accelerate research and development on, and improve the commercial economics of, a range bio-chemicals with over $30B in aggregate market value. The vast majority of these products are currently produced petrochemically, but there are potential cost and environmental advantages if they can be produced biologically. The technology will first be applied to commercialize malonic acid, a high-value specialty chemical currently derived petrochemically.MOSAIC MICROSYSTEMS LLC
SBIR Phase I: Manufacturable Implementation of Thin Glass for Next Generation Electronics Packaging
500 LEE RD STE 200
Rochester, NY 14606-4261
NSF Award
1843230 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
02/01/2019 – 01/31/2020
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is that enabling processing thin glass substrates for next generation communications and packaging needs will mean faster communications with improved power efficiency. Society has an ever-expanding need for data, due to technologies such as mobile communications, cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), and the shift of communication to higher frequencies (1s-10s of GHz). As the frequency increases, traditional material choices, such as silicon, can experience very high losses and therefore there is increasing interest in using insulating materials, such as glass, to improve power efficiency. Similarly, as device size is also important, ability to process thin materials is also critical. Successful completion of this work will enable cost-effective processing of thin glass substrates and enable next generation communication initiatives impacting commercial, military and industrial markets.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is proposed to enable processing thin glass substrates in high volume environments. There has been substantial interest in using glass for next generation RF and packaging solutions for many years due to its advantageous material properties, and scalability. Of particular interest is the dielectric properties, which provide low electrical loss solutions relative to incumbent materials such as silicon. Furthermore, the smoothness, hermetic properties and scalability of glass provides additional advantages over materials such as ceramics and organic laminates. There has been a lot of progress in establishing processes to form thin glass and make precision through glass vias (TGV), as well as demonstrating advantaged functional performance in a lab environment. There has been a challenge to establish the ability to scale to high volume for thin glass solutions due to gaps in the supply chain. This SBIR project will establish a process that enables a carrier solution using a silicon carrier that will allow processing of glass in existing infrastructure making thin glass solutions available to the current well established and capable supply chain.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.Mallinda, LLC
SBIR Phase I: Development of Advanced Composite Materials for Athletic Equipment
1954 Cedaridge Cir.
Superior, CO 80027-4489
NSF Award
1520520 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2015 – 12/31/2015
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This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project is for the development of end user-moldable advanced polyimine composite inputs for the athletic protective gear market (which is valued at $16.6 billion). Currently, plastic products must be produced using industrial manufacturing techniques that have high tooling costs. As a result, manufacturers produce a small range of predetermined sizes and shapes, which do not provide a custom fit for end users. In the case of athletic gear, there is a growing market for hard-shell protective equipment which can be custom molded for a better fit. Polyimine polymers and advanced composites offer a compelling blend of strength and malleability in order to create more user-friendly lightweight and durable advanced composites that may be shaped by the end-user. In addition to creating greater user customization, both the virgin polyimine polymer and advanced composites that incorporate polyimines are easily and economically recyclable. The total U.S. composite materials market is a $30 billion market, representing 36% of the global composites sector. Polyimine polymers and advanced composite derivatives will reduce environmental waste and increase manufacturing efficiencies across a broad range of vertical markets in the composites sector including personal protective equipment, aerospace, automotive, and infrastructural materials.
The intellectual merit of this project derives from the development of the unique chemistry of polyimine polymers. Polymers can be broadly grouped into two categories, thermosets and thermoplastics. Thermosets are strong due to the chemical characteristics of the plastic. However, once cured, thermosets cannot be reshaped. As a result, thermosets are neither repairable, nor are they efficiently recyclable. In contrast, thermoplastics, which are weaker than thermosets, may be molded and remolded. However, remolding requires very high industrial temperatures of between 400 and 600 deg. F. Polyimine polymers are moldable and remoldable thermoset materials. Importantly, these polymers combine high rigidity and tough mechanical properties with mild molding temperatures. This Phase I research project will include developing end user moldable composite materials that are a maximum of ¼ inch in thickness and meet industry standards for limb joint protective equipment. Material testing and mechanical characterization will relate to testing requirements arising from composite prototype development including but not limited to: delamination, fiber-dependent moldability, fiber-dependent flex, fiber-dependent tensile, fiber/resin-dependent pass-through impact force, and failure analysis.Manus Biosynthesis, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Engineering Microbial Biosynthesis of a Non-caloric Natural Sweetener
1030 Massachusetts Ave
Cambridge, MA 02138-5390
NSF Award
1214339 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2012 – 06/30/2013
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will address the potential of synthetic biology and metabolic engineering technologies to generate microbial strains over-producing a non-caloric natural sweetener. Current production and utilization of natural sweeteners is limited due to the high cost of the cultivation and production from native plant sources. So, although natural sweeteners have been used for thousands of years, and are known for their healthy and non-caloric properties, their high production cost prevents them from directly competing with synthetic sweeteners extensively used in beverages and carbonated soft drinks. Our objective is to develop a fermentation process for biosynthetic production allowing increased adoption of low-calorie, natural sweeteners in consumer markets. Metabolic engineering approaches will be used to transfer the natural biosynthetic pathway from the plant to a bacterial host and optimize the metabolic flux for the overproduction at a commercially viable level. We anticipate that a high-productivity strain will be obtained, suitable for continued commercialization efforts. Overall, this project, if successful, will provide a new sustainable production route to the non-caloric natural sweeteners.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is the development of a microbial process for the economical and sustainable production of non-caloric natural sweetener, with a potential $3 billion global market. The use of this sweetener will improve taste profiles and expand adoption of low-calorie beverages, confectionaries, baked goods, dairy products, and so on, thus benefitting public health by reducing incidence of diabetes and other obesity-related diseases. Such benefits will translate to reduced healthcare cost both in the U.S. and globally. Additionally, this research will develop generalizable synthetic biology techniques for the high-volume production of natural products with many applications for human health and wellness.Manus Biosynthesis, Inc.
STTR Phase I: Overcoming Metabolic Pathway Limitations through De Novo Pathway Design for Terpenoid Biosynthesis
1030 Massachusetts Ave
Cambridge, MA 02138-5390
NSF Award
1321442 – STTR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2013 – 06/30/2014
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This Small Business Innovation Research (STTR) Phase I project aims to develop a novel, high flux terpenoid precursor pathway by circumventing limitations of the bacterial methyl erythritol-phosphate (MEP) pathway for the renewable production of monoterpenoids. Monoterpenoids are natural chemical precursors for several consumer products, and many are produced via highly polluting chemical processes. In the proposed project the plan is to sidestep some of the MEP pathway limitations by designing de novo metabolic pathways. The designed/predicted enzymes will be characterized individually and assembled into a pathway. Further, multivariate-modular metabolic engineering (MMME) approaches will be used to assemble the upstream and downstream pathways to optimize the metabolic flux for the overproduction at commercially viable levels.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project, if successful, will be to develop a microbial monoterpenoid production platform from renewable sugars that will retain and develop sustainable manufacturing of monoterpenoid-derived products in the US. By this strategy, terpenoids can be made at much higher productivities than the native bacterial MEP pathway. While the immediate focus is on the $1B+ monoterpene/derivative market, this approach will benefit US manufacturing of all terpenoids, in total a $5B+ market. Overall, this project will provide a new sustainable production route for these natural chemicals.Manus Biosynthesis, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Engineering Bacteria for Low Cost Renewable Biochemical Production
1030 Massachusetts Ave
Cambridge, MA 02138-5390
NSF Award
1248229 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2013 – 12/31/2013
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This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will develop a custom-designed microbial biocatalyst for the renewable production of high value terpenoid biochemicals. Terpenoid biochemicals derived from essential oils are used in numerous consumer products and as food additives. Many of them accumulate in nature in various stereo-isomeric forms, each of which possesses unique properties and applications. These molecules are believed to function principally in ecological roles, serving as herbivore-feeding deterrents, antifungal defenses, and pollinator attractants. The research objective is to develop a fermentation process for biosynthetic production allowing increased adoption of such natural alternatives to synthetic chemicals. Multivariate-Modular Metabolic engineering (MMME) approaches will be used to transfer the natural biosynthetic pathway from the plant to a bacterial host and to optimize the metabolic flux for the overproduction at a commercially viable level. A high-productivity strain is anticipated, suitable for continued commercialization efforts. Overall, this project, if successful, will provide a new sustainable production route for these natural chemicals.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is the development of a microbial process for the economic and sustainable production of high value terpenoid biochemicals. These terpenoid biochemicals have applications in a variety of industries ranging from agro-chemicals, petro-chemicals and flavor and fragrance (F&F) chemicals; specifically they are commonly used as flavor agents, bio- herbicides, sprout inhibitors and as bio-pest repellents. In all, the total potential addressable markets exceed $3 Billion. Microbial production will benefit society by improving the renewability of the production process and by relocating production from overseas to the US. In summary, the development of microbes capable of producing the target will enable sustainable production of the target as well as create jobs in the US. This research will develop generalizable microbial strain engineering techniques for the high-volume production of natural products through a sustainable manufacturing process.Manus Biosynthesis, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Development of a low-cost production platform through engineered bacteria for a novel natural acaricide.
1030 Massachusetts Ave
Cambridge, MA 02138-5390
NSF Award
1621420 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2016 – 12/31/2016
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project will be to reduce the incidence of Lyme Disease through the biomanufacturing of a novel natural acaricide. New cases of Lyme Disease have grown by nearly 50% over the past decade while the existing synthetic acaricides are dwindling in use due to regulatory and consumer safety concerns. The CDC and USDA have begun to champion a highly effective natural acaricide extracted from grapefruit. This target molecule is a GRAS-approved natural product, which has been used extensively as a food ingredient for decades. It is thought that this compelling safety benefit combined with potent efficacy will spur increased spraying in public areas and private residences. However, the cost of producing this natural acaricide has been prohibitive, and there is an opportunity to develop alternative sustainable production technologies.
This SBIR Phase I project proposes to develop a microbial process for the economical and sustainable production of a highly potent natural acaricide. Increasing wariness of synthetic insecticides combined with the need to prevent tick-borne illnesses creates a tremendous opportunity for natural acaricides. The project's terpene target has long been known as a highly effective acaricide; however, its commercialization has been hampered by a high cost of production. The aim is to develop an alternative fermentation process for biosynthetic production enabling the cost reductions required to effectively penetrate the acaricide market. The main objective for this project is to increase titers by an order of magnitude. This will be accomplished by employing established and novel metabolic and protein engineering approaches. Overall, this project will provide a new sustainable, cost-effective production route, thereby enabling acaricide commercialization.Massachusetts Materials Technologies LLC
SBIR Phase I: Hardness Strength and Ductility Tester for Field Assessment of Structures
810 Memorial Drive
Cambridge, MA 02139-4662
NSF Award
1548845 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2016 – 06/30/2016
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This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will support commercialization of a portable instrument capable of probing the hardness, strength and ductility of existing infrastructure without service interruption. Catastrophic failures of pipelines, buildings and bridges result in loss of life and billions of dollars in repair, remediation, and liability. The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) estimated the total cost incurred to remediate pipeline failures at $7 billion over the past 20 years. The new portable instrument will enhance the ability of those responsible for integrity management and condition assessment to prevent accidents and failures by determining the pressure capacity of pipelines for which original quality records are unavailable. It will be a safer, less invasive, and more economical alternative to removing a sample of material for laboratory testing. It will supersede existing in-field surface mechanical assessment based on indentation hardness testing. The initial market size for characterization services to oil and gas pipelines is $25 million per year. Additional applications for condition assessment of transportation, energy and naval infrastructures are expected. The instrument may also serve in quality control testing for imported steel products and for advanced manufacturing industries including aerospace.
The intellectual merit of this project includes the transfer from laboratory to field service of a contact mechanical test of frictional sliding to measure mechanical properties of materials. Measurements from the new instrument serve as an input into non-empirical predicting equations for the material stress strain curve. The equations are adapted from previous academic research where parametric finite element and dimensional analysis provide a unique material stress strain curve from measured characteristics of the residual surface profile. Unlike indentation hardness, frictional sliding allows for continuous characterization of gradients in properties through welded joints, a frequent location of field failures. This project improves upon existing concepts of stylus self-alignment and field surface profiling techniques with the objective to validate accuracy of the instrument for the pipeline integrity market. The main effort includes integrating instrumentation to measure the material response with the action of sliding the stylus on the surface. Also, a dual-stylus unit will be implemented to improve the instrument accuracy through acquiring the material response to two different geometries of contact. Through this research, a prototype field testing unit will be implemented for further validation testing of the method for use on pipeline infrastructures.Microgrid Labs Inc.
STTR Phase I: Solar Irradiance Microforecasting
903 Grogans Mill Drive
Cary, NC 27519-7175
NSF Award
1648751 – STTR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
12/15/2016 – 04/30/2018
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this project to develop short term Solar irradiance forecasting, will be to support very large deployment of Solar photovoltaic (SPV) generation capacity, by reducing the cost of mitigating cloud caused fluctuation of SPV electricity generation. This increased SPV system deployment will reduce the amount of base load and peaking generation from greenhouse gas causing, and water consuming fossil fuel generators. Such forecasting will enable development of pre-‐ mitigation strategies instead of post mitigation using electrical storage systems. Prior studies indicate that this will result in the reduction by up to a factor of five, of the input/output requirements of the electrical storage system used in the pre-‐mitigation scenario, compared to the post mitigation scenario. These benefits will be seen with grid-‐tied, micro-‐grid and off-‐grid SPV systems. This opens commercial opportunities for introducing intelligent sensors and control systems to reduce bulk electrical storage. The technology areas used in this project include sensors, 3D printing, neural network based learning systems, embedded computers and cloud computing. The market sectors that will see a positive impact include all demographics as consumers, and manufacturers of SPV modules and SPV balance of system suppliers.
This Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I project addresses the problem of mitigating cloud movement induced fluctuation in the output of SPV systems. The research objectives of Phase I are (a) prototype a whole sky imager that provides sufficient circumsolar image discrimination, to drive a neural network based learning system ? this will require development of a 3D-‐printed mounting system for a whole sky sensor, and interface to a cloud connected, local single board computer, (b) develop and optimize Image Acquisition, Compositing, Analysis, and Forecasting Algorithms to provide 15-‐500 second forecasts of Solar irradiance, and (c) deploy imager + software prototypes to evaluate real live sky imagery in multiple locations with different weather patterns, by gathering data to ?train? the neural network. It is anticipated that this evaluation and analysis of prototype performance will continue in subsequent phases, to obtain high confidence results. The anticipated results of the research in Phase I are (i) refinement of the image capture system to produce ?good? imagery, (ii) development of procedures to tune neural network learning system towards obtaining high confidence forecasts, and (iii) understanding of performance requirements of local single board computer.Microgrid Labs Inc.
STTR Phase I: Intelligent Planning and Control Software for EV Charging Infrastructure
903 Grogans Mill Drive
Cary, NC 27519-7175
NSF Award
1746858 – STTR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2018 – 04/30/2019
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is to develop smart software to plan and control Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in commercial facilities, such as workplaces, hotels, car rental centers, parking garages, etc. The EV planning software finds the optimal design balancing design tradeoffs such as EV customer satisfaction, grid stability limits and financial constraints. This software will help facility operators to optimize their EV charging infrastructure by minimizing their operating costs and maximizing their revenue by utilizing intelligent scheduling and pricing strategies. The software leverages the latest developments in stochastic optimization for designing an optimal configuration of EV infrastructure that is robust to variations in mobility behavior of the users. This will enable public utilities to save billions of dollars by deferring expensive upgrades to their existing infrastructure. It will also empower small consulting businesses, facility managers and electrical contractors to design and build EV infrastructure without any specialized knowledge of optimization or modeling.
This Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I project addresses the problem of planning and controlling EV charging infrastructure to meet the rapidly growing energy demands of EV owners. EVs are expected to comprise 30% of all cars globally by 2030. This forecasted increase over the next 10 years is of major concern for utilities, and commercial real estate owners. Given the long commute distances, driving habits, time taken to charge using home-based chargers and range anxiety, there is a need for charging locations at workplaces, hotels, and car rental centers. Chargers at these locations will generally be medium power Level 2 chargers, which are 5 to 10 times the size of typical home chargers. Simultaneous uncontrolled charging of several EVs at these locations will easily overload the local electrical infrastructure. The software mitigates this problem by designing an optimal EV infrastructure together with optimally sized onsite generation and storage. The controlling solution ensures that the grid impacts are minimized by scheduling the installed EV chargers together with onsite generation and storage with optimal set points in real time.Mirada Technologies Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Micro-Fluidic LiDAR for Autonomous Vehicles
1485 Bayshore Blvd.
San Francisco, CA 94124-4008
NSF Award
1747116 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2018 – 06/30/2018
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is to hasten the deployment of autonomous transportation systems, which stand to reduce driving accidents and fatalities, enable new paradigms in urban design, reduce vehicle traffic, increase automobile efficiency, and improve air quality, benefiting the immediate health of drivers and non-drivers alike. Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are simpler implantations of semi-autonomous controls systems, but are already saving lives by providing intelligent cruise control, lane departure warnings, steering assistance, and preemptive emergency braking. As ADAS improves through advanced sensor hardware developed in this work and becomes more widely deployed, more accident will be avoided and lives saved. Autonomous vehicles are expected to accelerate current trends from private ownership of multiple vehicles to transportation services, such as Uber and Lyft, and autonomous vehicle services, a trend evident in New York city and San Francisco, where parking lot capacity is dropping. As carpool lanes have promoted wiser commuting and reduced congestion, future autonomous lanes can enable platooning, where vehicles travel at reduced distances between each other at high speed, reducing drag, increasing fuel economy, and better utilizing public infrastructure.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will result in a vision system that delivers three dimensional data of objects in view, allowing for the widespread adoption of delivery robots, drones, advanced driver safety systems in vehicles, and autonomous vehicles. To deliver performance and reliability at a cost that enabled wide adoption, the company will address the challenges facing incumbent technologies with two key technological innovations: A high speed, wide angle laser beam steering technology based on magneto-hydro-dynamics, and the use of neutrally buoyant optomechanics. These two innovations allow for light beams to be swept across a wide field of view, delivering 3D point cloud data at high frame rate with operational immunity to vibrations from road hazards such as pot holes and speed bumps. The end objective of the research is to demonstrate a fully functionally imaging system operating with components developed in this work. It is anticipated that the developed components will implement precise spatial control of laser sources by a low cost electromagnetic drive motor, demonstrating performance metrics consistent with deployment on production vehicles.Misapplied Sciences, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Computational Pipeline and Architecture for Personalized Displays
16128 NE 87th St
Redmond, WA 98052-3505
NSF Award
1548976 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2016 – 06/30/2016
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is in improving the performance of the back-end of a display system that delivers personalized information in public spaces. Currently, the primary method for an individual to receive customized information in public spaces is through personal devices. The heavy use of personal devices in public often leads to heads-down, isolating, and even hazardous situations. The delivery of personalized information through infrastructure can significantly improve these issues. However, the bandwidth requirements in doing so have been prohibitively high using standard computational architectures. This project aims to improve the performance of such a system, allowing practical applications that will broadly enhance safety, accessibility, transportation, and other areas.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project focuses on creating a scalable computational pipeline and architecture that will allow a display system to direct personalized visual information in real-time to large numbers of people. Technically, this involves computing, transmitting, and displaying image data for large crowds in parallel. The architecture takes advantage of the inherent redundancies in this application to provide a cost-effective solution. The goal of the project is to create a computational back-end capable of driving, in real-time, a system equivalent to thousands of displays.Molecular Vista, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Nanometer Scale Raman Force Microscopy for Topographic, Strain, and Chemical Analysis
100 Great Oaks Blvd. #140
San Jose, CA 95119-1456
NSF Award
1247448 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2013 – 12/31/2013
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This Small Innovation Research Phase I project aims to demonstrate the feasibility of the Raman Force Microscope (RFM) to provide a new metrology tool for in situ topographic, strain, and chemical analysis with nanometer spatial resolution. Feature size reduction in the semiconductor industry requires that metrology methods must routinely measure properties down to the atomic scale. Novel materials and geometries add to the complexity of measurements. RFM technology is a combination of Raman microscopy and atomic force microscopy (AFM), where an AFM tip provides a nanometer scale light source to generate stimulated Raman scattering, and at the same time measures the force gradient arising from the Raman scattering. The use of the AFM tip as the Raman scattering detector significantly simplifies Raman signal acquisition and system configuration. By combining a high-speed AFM scheme, this technology allows for in-line characterization of physical and chemical properties of nanoscale materials and structures in the manufacturing environment, i.e. stress in the channel layer and chemical characterization defects. The objectives of the proposed Phase I study are (1) to demonstrate reflection mode RFM for Raman signal measurement of Si wafers and (2) to demonstrate measurement of stress-induced Raman shifts in nanometer-sized features.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project will be felt not only in the semiconductor industry but across many disciplines and industries, both in academia and industry. RFM can be used to measure and characterize a wide variety of nanoscale materials and structures, e.g. high- and low-k dielectric films and other emerging materials (such as graphene) used in advanced semiconductor processes. It can be also widely used across disciplines, e.g. for the measurement of nanoparticle homogeneity or optimization of self-assembled monolayers in surface chemistry. The RFM technique also has the capability to image individual biomolecules in situ, such as for the real-time monitoring of membrane protein dynamics on cells, which will provide unprecedented utility in biomedical and clinical research. A reliable label-free imaging tool with the capability to identify chemical bond information at the molecular level will potentially bring about revolutionary advances in many fields of basic and applied biological science, including drug discovery, proteomics, structural biology, and personalized medicine. The RFM technique will be simpler to implement as compared to other hybrid instruments involving high resolution microscopy, resulting in an affordable instrument for academic and research institutions.Muzology, LLC
SBIR Phase I: Mnemonic Optimization of Music and Songs
1109 17th Ave S
Nashville, TN 37212-2203
NSF Award
1820329 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
06/15/2018 – 11/30/2018
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This SBIR Phase 1 project aims to produce songs that are optimized for learning and memory. While music has long been recognized for its mnemonic properties (e.g., the ABC song, the 50 states song, etc.) and is widely used as a memory aid in the context of early childhood learning, music-based educational products for the broader K-12 market are rare. Music is unique in its ability to engage learners, make learning enjoyable, and transfer information into memory more readily. Yet, music is predominantly experienced as an entertainment medium. The goal of this research is to position music as a credible pedagogical tool by scientifically crafting songs that support the learning of critical academic skills and concepts - offering today's learners a relevant, effective and efficient medium for boosting learning outcomes.
The technical innovation proposed is a scientific framework for mnemonically optimized music and songs. This research features two distinctive innovations: 1) isolation and identification of the mnemonic drivers of songs, and 2) operationalization of these drivers as parameters for the creation of songs optimized for learning. Methods employed include computational and statistical modeling, expert input, and behavioral measurement. The potential impact of this research addresses a pressing academic need -- how to teach students using pedagogy that is relevant, engaging and scientifically sound. If proven feasible, this research will fuel creation of a unique musical form designed specifically to enhance memory and learning, with application to K-12 learning and beyond.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.NEUROTRAINER, INC
SBIR Phase I: An innovative virtual reality platform that accurately and rapidly assesses meaningful brain function outside the lab
San Francisco, CA 94129-1768
NSF Award
1844085 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
02/01/2019 – 07/31/2019
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project lies not only with athletes, but with the 3 million Americans who suffer a traumatic brain injury each year, and the 40+ million more who are concerned about dementia and seek a way to measure their brain health. Current solutions (typically available only at facilities with trained professionals) assess only significant health changes to cognition. In contrast, our solution provides an affordable, reliable way to measure brain health and to monitor changes after treatment, training, and rehabilitation. Thus, it will be an excellent tool other companies can use to assess various interventions aimed at affecting brain function. The "quantified self" market sells technologies (wearables, DNA tests, software) that collect data to inform and guide health and self-improvement. The total addressable global market is estimated at ~$19B for 2019. The initial target market of customers are those seeking a competitive athletic edge by measuring, tracking, and training cognitive abilities such as reaction time, decision-making, and multitasking. These customers are coaches in high schools, colleges, and high-performance gyms across the US.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will address the need to combine and harness the power of eye-, hand-, and head-tracking instruments, virtual reality, and cognitive neuroscience to accurately measure and monitor brain function. This Phase I SBIR project will complete four technical objectives: (1) to develop a highly controlled testing environment that can accurately measure the time users (athletes) spend on detecting, processing, and acting on different cognitive tasks; (2) to develop software that can collect reliable data from naturalistic inputs; (3) to develop a set of tasks that users can complete within 30 minutes and that will generate sufficient data for analysis; and (4) quickly process, summarize, and contextualize the collected data and report meaningful results to the athletes and their trainers. Successful completion of these objectives will realize a first-of-its-kind product that provides meaningful insight into the brain with laboratory-quality cognitive assessment in a real-world context.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.NGD Systems, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: SSD In-Situ Processing
7545 Irvine Center Drive
Irvine, CA 92618-2932
NSF Award
1548968 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2016 – 06/30/2016
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will fundamentally change what a storage device can do, and give storage a third capability that was not addressed by existing storage technology - the ability to actually process the data under the explicit control of the user. For the computation to take place, only the computational request and the resulting data need to transfer over the storage interface, reducing the interface traffic and the required power. The advent of Big Data and the increasing use of Hyperscale Server technology have resulted in the creation of an additional storage tier that is different from traditional enterprise storage. This new tier requires significantly larger capacity with lower cost and lower operating power, and yet must still exhibit enterprise reliability. This combination of characteristics cannot be serviced by existing technologies, and execution with large data sets typical of Big Data results in inefficient solutions. The information being stored represents the large, unstructured data mined by today's companies for key information and trends that help dictate corporate direction, advertising, and monetization. Future applications include real-time distributed video and image processing, genome sequencing and mining of any unstructured Big Data.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project explores the Big Data paradigm shift where processing capability is pushed as close to the data as possible. The in-situ processing technology pushes this concept to the absolute limit, by putting the computational capability directly into the storage itself and eliminating the need to move the data to main memory before processing. The technology innovation begins with a solid foundation of an enterprise SSD tailored for the needs of modern Data Centers. Key technology that will be added to support these capabilities include hardware-assisted quality of service control, low-cost TLC/3D-TLC NAND Flash enablement through the use of advanced ECC, and a proprietary elastic Flash Translation Layer to support extremely large capacity drives. The final element added to this foundation will be the ability to perform computations directly on the data with the addition of specialized in-situ processing aided by hardware accelerators. To make this disruptive solution as non-invasive as possible, a level of system software is needed to make adoption as seamless as possible.Nanofiber Solutions
STTR Phase I: High throughput aligned nanofiber multiwell plates for glioblastoma research
1275 Kinnear Road
Columbus, OH 43212-1155
NSF Award
1010406 – STTR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2010 – 12/31/2011
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project seeks to address the unmet need for high-throughput, cost-effective research tools to model the metastasis of cancer cells. The proposed research objectives are to (1) discover cost-effective, commercially scalable methods allowing the production of aligned nanofibers in a 96-well plate format and (2) verify that the fiber alignment is sufficient by monitoring the migration of adherent glioma cell lines. By creating a better understanding and control over the electrostatically driven process known as electrospinning, the company can transition current prototypes into full-scale manufacturing. A supply of high throughput cell culture migration assays will allow researchers to understand the process of metastasis. It is anticipated that a result of this work will be faster and more effective drug development to treat brain cancer. Extension of this technology to other types of cancer and areas of tissue engineering is anticipated once production conditions allowing safe and fully reproducible manufacturing are established.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is that the proposed studies will provide a cost-effective, high-throughput and innovative tool allowing researchers to study brain tumors in ways never before possible. More accurate models of glioma migration having better predictive power and higher translational potential will help develop more effective treatments. Current surgical procedures for malignant brain tumors cannot remove all of the cells associated with the primary tumor and these cancer cells migrate into the surrounding tissue where they evade both detection and current therapies, leading to secondary tumor formation and nearly 100% patient mortality. The proposed multi-well plate tool will enable pharmaceutical research identifying key factors regulating glioma cell migration, potentially helping devise a broad range of effective therapies and drugs against these devastating tumors. If the biological validation and manufacturing scale-up proposed in this work are successful, there will be a strong commercial potential for this novel tool as it will provide previously unrealized approaches for researchers to investigate a broad range of cancers and diseases. Additional strong commercial potential exists as the cell/tissue culture supplies market (which includes the proposed research tool) is expected to reach $4.97 billion globally by 2012 (Global Industry Analysts).Nanofiber Solutions
SBIR Phase I: Development of a Tissue Engineered Trachea
1275 Kinnear Road
Columbus, OH 43212-1155
NSF Award
1315524 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2013 – 06/30/2014
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project proposes to develop an artificial trachea made from synthetic nanofibers that is seeded with the patient?s own stem cells in the operating room using a disposable, closed system seeding chamber. There currently are no commercially available solutions to large tracheal lesions that may occur from large tumors or traumatic injuries. The research objectives of this project are to develop a reproducible stem cell seeding protocol, determine the efficacy of seeded tracheal grafts versus non-seeded tracheal grafts and characterize the mechanical properties of the neotrachea after implantation for specified time points. It is anticipated that the stem cell seeded tracheal graft will become fully accepted by the patient?s body and facilitate the body to regenerate a new trachea on the implanted nanofiber scaffold.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is that the results of this project will not only save the lives of patients with tracheal lesions that currently have no other viable options, but it will advance the field of regenerative medicine and have significant benefits on the commercial development of other tissue engineered organs. By creating scaffolds with synthetic polymers, we are able to create the framework of nearly any type of organ in the body ranging from blood vessels to tracheas to skin. If we can develop a robust, fast, efficient method to seed these scaffolds with stem cells from the intended patient in the operating room, then we have the potential to recreate organs for any patient without the risk of rejection, without the need for an organ donor, and without the need to be a waiting list. The ability to repair or regenerate tissue/organs addresses a market size estimated to be several hundred billion dollars annually. This platform technology will create a new paradigm of regenerative medicine and advance patient care to new levels.Neural Analytics
SBIR Phase I: A Novel Non-Invasive Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Method
2440 S. Sepulveda Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90064-1744
NSF Award
1448525 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2015 – 06/30/2015
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will be to improve the treatment and decrease the high costs associated with treating patients who suffer severe traumatic brain injuries. This project aims to develop an accurate, affordable (<$100 per use) and non-invasive device to monitor a patient?s intracranial pressure following traumatic brain injury. Increased intracranial pressure can result in serious condition or death, if left untreated. However, the only available method to monitor intracranial pressure is expensive (~$10,000 per patient) and requires neurosurgery. The lack of a method to accurately screen patients to determine who needs surgery results in misdiagnoses and incorrect treatment in about 46% of patients among an estimated 50,000 patients in the US alone, and hundreds of thousands more globally. Successful commercialization of product is expected to result in savings in the range $250 million ever year to the US healthcare system.
The proposed project will test the feasibility of developing a non-invasive intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring method for use outside of the neuro ICU. To develop an accurate, affordable, and non-invasive ICP monitoring device, the team will first write and validate a software framework that analyzes Cerebral Blood Flow Velocity (CBFV) waveforms. CBFV waveforms are acquired non-invasively by using transcranial Doppler (TCD) ultrasonography. In order to use CBFVs to predict ICP, two novel signal-processing methods will be developed. First, the high noise levels typical to TCD-acquired waveforms will be reduced within a machine-learning framework. Second, we will use a method to track morphological features that predict ICP from the CBFV waveform. Both these approaches to signal processing to analyze CBFV waveforms are entirely novel. This approach is expected to allow for accurate (>92% of area under the diagnostic ROC) non-invasive real time monitoring at an affordable price point that is within current reimbursement limits for TCD procedures.Novan, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Scale-up Manufacturing of Nitric Oxide Nanotechnology for Healthcare Infections
4222 Emperor Blvd
Durham, NC 27703-8030
NSF Award
1013531 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2010 – 12/31/2010
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project aims to develop a scale-up manufacturing process of nitric oxide-releasing silica nanoparticles. The main challenge is controlling the nanoparticle crystal size while maintaining high levels of nitric oxide storage. In this project, critical process parameters including reactant addition rate, reaction temperature and mixing rate will be studied. The Balanced-Nucleation and Growth (BNG) Model will be utilized to transform process data into predictors of controlled particle size.
The broader/commercial impact of this project will be the potential to provide large-volume nitric oxide-releasing silica nanoparticles for placement in products aimed at the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. Availability of large-quantity nitric oxide-releasing silica nanoparticles is important to combat the rising number of nosocomial infections. However, the necessary scale-up technology to manufacture nitric oxide-releasing silica nanoparticles is not available. This project is expected to provide the processes to manufacture large quantities of nitric oxide-releasing silica nanoparticles for anti-infective product development.Novome Biotechnologies, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Establishing a Synthetic Niche to Reliably Colonize the Human Gut with Engineered Bacterial Therapeutics
15 Westmont Drive
Daly City, CA 94015-3046
NSF Award
1648230 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
12/15/2016 – 11/30/2017
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project is to harness the power of engineered gut microbes for treating disease through the development of tools for controlling their abundance in patients. The underlying technology platform utilizes engineered gut bacteria that respond to gastrointestinal conditions to deliver new therapeutic activities to specific sites in the gut at the appropriate dose and time. This SBIR project will improve the reliability of these cell-based therapies by allowing for precise control over the abundance of engineered bacteria in the gut. Such control is key to ensuring a consistent therapeutic effect across different patient diets and microbiomes. Engineered bacteria have been used to deliver anti-inflammatory proteins to the gut to treat mice with a model of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). IBD is a chronic disease with no cure and low response rates to current treatments, affecting 1.4 million Americans at an annual cost of $6.3 billion in the US alone. In addition to solving a critical remaining challenge in bringing this IBD therapy to the clinic, this SBIR project will enable broader application of engineered gut bacteria to treat additional diseases such as heart-disease, obesity and colorectal cancer.
This SBIR Phase I project proposes to develop the first means of achieving reliable colonization of the gut by an engineered therapeutic microbe. Reliable colonization will be accomplished by engineering into a therapeutic strain the ability to grow on a control molecule that is safe for humans to consume, is rarely consumed by other gut bacteria, and will not be absorbed by the intestinal tissue. First, all genes that are suspected to be involved in growth on the control molecule will be systematically removed from a natural isolate to determine those that are required. Next, these genes will be transferred to a non-consuming strain to introduce the ability to grow on the control molecule. Finally, this newly engineered strain that was modified to grow on the control molecule will be introduced into mice that harbor a human microbiota, and the ability to get reliable colonization of these mice by feeding the mice the control molecule will be tested. This project will employ recent insights into the mechanisms governing microbiota structure to develop a key missing tool from current cell-based therapeutic approaches to achieve more predictable therapeutic outcomes.OceanComm Incorporated
SBIR Phase I: Megabit-Per-Second Underwater Wireless Communications
Chicago, IL 60642-6308
NSF Award
1448641 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2015 – 12/31/2015
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this project lies in addressing a long-standing roadblock to the further development of undersea technology. Today, there is no wireless broadband communication available underwater. Each remotely operated vehicle requires a tether for communication and a support ship for tether management. The proposed modem technology is video-capable and would obviate the need for tethering and expensive support ships. In 2013, the subsea industry demanded more than 123,000 ROV days and these are expected to increase to at least 140,000 days in 2017. An ROV support ship costs about $120k/day totaling over $7B spent on ROV support ships in 2013. The proposed video-capable modems would be sold to ROV manufacturers and operators that want to eliminate the need for ROV support ships and much of the $7B in associated cost. The proposed modem technology connects remotely operated vehicles and machinery to wired infrastructure, enabling safe operation of heavy subsea machinery without the possibility of cables or tethers getting tangled, causing damage or worse. This project will create 10 new jobs in the next three years, with many more to be added as the production is scaled-up.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project proposes to develop a faster, cheaper, more reliable wireless communication system for the sub-sea industry. Current state of the art communication links for the deep ocean are either tethered, requiring long, bulky, expensive cables to connect machinery and systems, or have extremely low data rates, enabling only the most rudimentary of tasks. The proposed underwater wireless communication system will provides data rates in the Mbps (megabits/sec) range - 1000 times faster than existing underwater wireless communication technologies - and enable video streaming and real-time control of subsea infrastructure, machinery, and mobile underwater vehicles. Since radio signals do not propagate far underwater, the proposed technology uses sound waves, as whales and dolphins do, for communication. The speed of sound is 200,000 times slower than the speed of radio propagation, and mobile acoustic transmitters and receivers hence suffer from severe Doppler distortion. The proposed technology dynamically measures, tracks, and compensates for this distortion, to enable wireless communication at data rates never before possible underwater.Omnivis LLC
SBIR Phase I: A Rapid Portable Biosensor for Field Detection of Vibrio Cholerae in Environmental Water Sources
280 Utah Avenue
South San Francisco, CA 94080-6883
NSF Award
1819970 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2018 – 06/30/2019
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project is an inexpensive handheld smartphone device for rapid detection of the toxigenic cholera pathogen in environmental water sources. Contaminated water sources place populations at risk for contracting cholera. Once contracting the disease, patients with cholera exhibit symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration and, if left untreated, ultimately death. Wide-scale cholera outbreaks devastated Haiti in 2010 and Yemen in 2017, affecting over one million total individuals. Currently, methods used to detect the cholera pathogen in water involves a 3 to 5-day water collection and cell culture procedure. This project proposes a portable smartphone platform used to detect the cholera pathogen, Vibrio cholerae, in under 30 minutes at the water source. Smartphone connectivity, will also enable geomapped and time-stamped detection results. This novel and proactive approach for detection can enable organizations to remediate water sources prior to communities contracting and spreading cholera. Downstream, this technology will save the time and costs currently associated with cholera outbreaks and can be expanded to other infectious diseases.
This SBIR Phase I project proposes to develop a rapid, cost-effective, and robust smartphone platform to detect Vibrio cholerae and automate the detection result at an environmental water source. The device performs isothermal DNA amplification assay combined with the novel sensing approach, particle diffusometry. This project proposes to characterize the specificity, sensitivity, and lower limit of detection of Vibrio cholerae detection on the smartphone platform. The detection results will be compared against current gold-standard quantitative DNA amplification methods. Further, a reagent storage method involving freeze drying will be used to eliminate the need for cold-chain storage. We will assess the long-term stability of our assay reagents through accelerated aging studies. Lastly, a low powered integrated heating unit will be designed to perform the isothermal DNA amplification assays in the handheld device. At the completion of this Phase I project, an integrated smartphone platform will be ready for field testing.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.Omnivis LLC
SBIR Phase I: COVID-19 Detection on a Handheld Smartphone-Enabled Platform
280 Utah Avenue
South San Francisco, CA 94080-6883
NSF Award
2028308 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2020 – 06/30/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project is a handheld smartphone-enabled hardware platform for the rapid detection of COVID-19 in nasal swab samples. The proposed project will translate a portable smartphone enabled platform to detect COVID-19 in patient samples in 30-90 minutes in a standard clinical setting or in an even lower-resource facility. After diagnosis, data are immediately recorded and encrypted with geo-mapped and time-stamped for public health use. This novel and proactive approach for detection can enable communities to rapidly detect COVID-19 and monitor outbreak data to suppress disease spread.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project addresses the need to develop a rapid and portable COVID-19 point-of-care diagnostic. The scope of the Phase I project is to develop a robust nucleic acid assay to specifically and sensitively detect for COVID-19 in a handheld smartphone-enabled device. This project proposes an optimized nucleic acid amplification assay that is highly selective and rapid, while maintaining sensitivity, specificity, and a low false positive rate. Additionally, the project will test the optimized assay in the presence of nasopharyngeal (nasal) swabs and viral transport media, preparing a robust platform for clinical analysis of both fresh and stored samples. The project will integrate the assay into a sample-to-answer device for fast COVID-19 nucleic acid diagnosis.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.One Million Metrics Corp
SBIR Phase I: Feasibility of estimating musculoskeletal injury risk of material handling workers with novel wearable devices
450 West 33rd Street
New York, NY 10001-0000
NSF Award
1548648 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2016 – 12/31/2016
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project consists of three major pieces. First is the reduction of musculoskeletal injuries for manual laborers, which already affects 600,000 workers each year. This will improve the quality of life of laborers, since an injury at work affects both their work life and their personal life. Second is to reduce the high costs associated to these injuries that need to be paid by employers, and which are estimated to be $15.2bn a year. These costs challenge the competitiveness of these companies. Thirdly, the worker injuries affect employee morale, absenteeism, productivity loss and employee turnover, all of which are challenges to the efficient running of a company.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will study the feasibility of automatically evaluating the risk of musculoskeletal injury in the workplace using smart wearable devices. These injuries affect hundreds of thousands of workers per year in the US, and cost US companies more than $15bn in direct costs. This research goal depends on the achievement of two technical objectives (i) to prove that the sensors and developed algorithms can differentiate lifting events from other worker activities, and (ii) to demonstrate that the data collected by the sensors can be used to accurately predict the output of the NIOSH lifting equation, an ergonomics risk model widely accepted in industry. Estimations of the outputs of the equation performed by our device will be compared by those computed manually by a certified ergonomist. These wearable devices can quantify the risk of musculoskeletal injuries continuously over time, providing a deeper understanding of the factors that affect risk and the ability to take measures to reduce that risk before an injury occurs.One Million Metrics Corp
SBIR Phase I: A Workplace Wearable Device For Social Distancing and Contact Tracing in Essential Businesses During COVID-19
450 West 33rd Street
New York, NY 10001-0000
NSF Award
2030327 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
09/01/2020 – 02/28/2021
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The broader impact /commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is to protect the public during the COVID-19 pandemic through contact tracing. This project will develop wearable technology to provide proximity alerts when workers are in close contact, creating awareness around social distancing. It will also record every contact between workers to provide contact tracing should a worker test positive for COVID-19. These tools protect front-line workers from the spread of the virus, along with their families and communities. The technology will extend existing wearable technology to reduce overexertion injuries in the workplace.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will estimate distance between workers through a machine learning algorithm combining signal strength from Bluetooth technology with motion sensor data from accelerometers and gyroscopes to measure worker activity prior and at the end of each contact event. The project will develop distance detection algorithms and a set of performance requirements to optimize design of a rapid, accurate solution.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.Onu Technology, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Blockchain-Enabled Machine Learning on Confidential Data
7291 Coronado Dr.
San Jose, CA 95129-4582
NSF Award
1914373 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2019 – 12/31/2019
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project includes advances in scientific understanding and substantial societal and commercial impacts. In an era with seemingly endless data breaches, the project offers a way of applying the power of machine learning while never disclosing sensitive raw data. Decentralized computation can increase the scale of models that may be trained, which will allow the use of deep learning on more complicated problems across a range of fields. Additionally, allowing confidential data to be used will allow more rapid research advances in fields with sensitive data, such as biomedicine. Furthermore, decentralized computation offers the promise of lower cost than existing computational infrastructures such as cloud providers. This greater, and more democratic, power will push the boundaries of the state-of-the-art and also enable more people to leverage large-scale machine learning.
This SBIR Phase I project proposes to advance knowledge in the area of coordinating decentralized secure machine learning with a blockchain in a manner that maintains data confidentiality and ensures verifiability. The R&D will also advance understanding and practicality of zero knowledge computational verification and homomorphic neural networks. While deep neural networks have yielded astounding results in recent years, there has been limited progress towards achieving a practical solution to training models in a decentralized context while both maintaining data confidentiality and ensuring verifiability. This is the key challenge and it is anticipated that this project will yield a solution. The proposed approach involves defining a protocol for training amongst untrusted parties that is mediated by a decentralized ledger and involves the use of homomorphic encryption and a computational verification technique.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.Onu Technology, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Accelerating Understanding of COVID-19 Biology and Treatment Via Scaled Medical Record and Biosimulation Analytics
7291 Coronado Dr., Suite 5
San Jose, CA 95129-4582
NSF Award
2028008 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
06/01/2020 – 11/30/2020
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project is to address information needs of the COVID-19 crisis by rapidly integrating research findings describing the chemistry of the virus and its treatment. The proposed project will deploy advanced computational methods at participating medical institutions to make patient records immediately available for study while maintaining institutional and patient privacy. While the initial focus is on ameliorating COVID-19, the proposed solution can be applied more generally to accelerate epidemiological studies, improving scientific knowledge and public health with faster timelines and lowered costs for personnel, computing capabilities, and data storage.
This SBIR Phase I project proposes to rapidly expand and accelerate the accessibility of clinical and computational data to improve understanding of COVID-19. The proposed innovation will use cryptographic techniques, notably multiparty computation, to facilitate privacy-preserving cross-institutional querying of COVID-19 medical records. Improved access to petabytes of computational (simulation and model) data will speed research by allowing researchers around the world to probe the data. The effort will adapt and deploy decentralized computation techniques to enable distributed storage of many petabytes of virus molecular dynamics simulation data across computers around the world, in a verifiable manner that enables data analysis at the data location. The proposed dashboard will allow for secure queries of a combined dataset of participating institutions to quickly yield insight about the effect of various pre-existing conditions and medications on COVID-19. The effort will include verification and validation.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.Openspace
SBIR Phase I: Fast Creation of Photorealistic 3D Models using Consumer Hardware
3802 23rd St
San Francisco, CA 94114-3321
NSF Award
1721381 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2017 – 06/30/2018
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will be large: a successful project would transform the construction industry, making it far more efficient by reducing legal conflicts, schedule slips and poor decision making; the project has the potential to make real estate sales and marketing more efficient by allowing buyers and sellers to accurately represent properties online, reducing the need for on-site visits. The proposed work will enable the fast and easy creation of 100% complete visual documentation of a physical space; this documentation can be generated many times throughout the course of construction. In so doing, the proposed project will allow professionals in the construction industry to track progress and communicate with their teams far more efficiently than ever before. A second exciting effect of the proposal will be the creation of vast, detailed, never before seen datasets of construction projects and real estate, allowing technical innovations in artificial intelligence and computer vision to impact one of the largest industries in the nation and the world. For example, systems could be trained to automatically spot safety concerns, augmenting the efforts of safety managers and keeping workers safer than ever before.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will develop a fast, easy to use and cheap method to create photorealistic 3D models using off the shelf consumer hardware. Technical hurdles include validating the quality and efficacy of models generated with consumer hardware, near instantaneous creation of 3D models on device, and automatic creation of routes through the 3D space without human annotation. With these hurdles cleared, advanced work might include automated analytics between and among 3D models of the same site captured over time. Because of the system's ease of use, it will enable the collection of large, totally novel datasets. The goal of the research is to produce a prototype that a layperson can use to create a 3D model of a physical site in order to document it. The plan to reach these goals includes iterative software development against the hurdles listed above, as well as continuous user feedback to guide and refine development.Opus 12 Incorporated
SBIR Phase I: Onsite production of CO from carbon dioxide using modified PEM Electolyzers
2342 Shattuck Ave #820
Berkeley, CA 94704-1517
NSF Award
1622160 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2016 – 04/30/2017
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This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project is aimed at developing a new CO2 utilization technology to recycle carbon dioxide back into fuels and chemicals. By utilizing CO2 as a feedstock instead of fossil fuels, this technology could reduce U.S. industry?s dependence on imported energy and reduce the nation?s greenhouse gas emissions. By commercializing the electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide, revenue could be generated from industrial emissions, which are currently discarded as waste. This project could lead to the generation of new U.S. advanced manufacturing jobs in order to build electrolysis equipment. The initial application of the technology is the production of carbon monoxide from CO2. Carbon monoxide is a valuable synthesis gas for producing specialty chemicals, and at the large scale, it can be used to synthesize transportation fuels. By scaling up electrochemical CO2 reduction technology, the commercialization of the project innovation would broadly promote CO2 utilization and decrease the nation?s total CO2 emissions from industry.
The key barrier to the widespread deployment of electrochemical carbon dioxide utilization technology has been the lack of an electrolyzer design capable CO2 reduction with high production rates and high energy efficiency. This project will use a novel reactor design to carry out the conversion of CO2 to CO. The specific reactor design in this project has high energy efficiency and high reaction rates necessary to make the process of CO2 utilization cost competitive. There are other advantages to the proposed electrolyzer design: years of optimization have lowered capital costs, and it is modular and scalable. By utilizing an existing reactor design, it will be possible to scale CO2 conversion quickly to reach larger markets and decrease emissions through the use of CO2. The goal of this project is to prove the feasibility of cost-competitive CO2 reduction in the proposed reactor design. Rapid iteration and testing will be used to determine whether key performance indicators can be achieved.PATH EX
STTR Phase I: Rapid Blood Cleansing Device to Combat Infection
2450 Holcombe Blvd
Houston, TX 77021-2041
NSF Award
1721476 – STTR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2017 – 06/30/2018
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I project is to develop a dialysis-like platform for selective bacterial separation and removal from blood. This technology could potentially serve as a novel blood cleansing therapy for the treatment of disease, including sepsis. Sepsis, a life threatening organ dysfunction caused by infection, is a condition where the risk of death is extremely high (25%-72%), yet no effective treatments exist. In the US, over 1M people suffer from sepsis annually. Sepsis is the most expensive condition treated in U.S. hospitals, costing more than $20 billion per year. There are currently no approved therapies in the US to treat sepsis. This developing technology will serve as an effective, next-generation sepsis treatment through the direct removal of pathogens and associated toxins from blood. The technology in this project holds many advantages over competitors, including increased effectiveness, hemocompatibility, elimination of pore size limitations, and elimination of clogging issues. Commercialization of this innovation may reduce sepsis-associated length of stay, decrease mortality rates, and potentially reduce the current $23.7B annual US expenditure for sepsis. Fundamental understanding generated by this work has alternative applications, including the development of diagnostic devices for rapid infection detection.
The proposed project seeks to leverage the unique properties of a novel, fluidic platform to provide a more effective and rapid method of bacterial and endotoxin removal from circulation for the treatment of sepsis. Sepsis is one of the leading causes of death worldwide and no effective therapy exists for the syndrome. The anticipated research involves 1) scale up of the device for operation at flow rates suitable for humans, 2) developing features for bacteria and endotoxin capture, and 3) evaluation of the rate of bacterial and endotoxin capture from fluid circulating through the scaled-up fluidic platform. It is anticipated that this work will result in a fluidic platform capable of removing pathogens and associated toxins from blood at a clinically translatable flow rate. The goal of this work is to provide an easy to use, cost-effective fluidic platform for separation and capture of bacteria and associated toxins from circulating fluid and to facilitate the use offluidic platforms as research tools. Successful completion of these studies will establish the commercial viability of the fluidic platform and enable the subsequent development of a prototype device for field testing.PQSecure Technologies, LLC
SBIR Phase I: Post-Quantum Cryptography in Resource-Constrained Devices
901 NW 35th Street
Boca Raton, FL 33431-6410
NSF Award
1745882 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2018 – 04/30/2019
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is to deliver state of the art cryptography and cybersecurity solutions to Internet of Things (IoTs) and embedded device designers, enterprise hardware and software vendors, and government contractors against the attack of classical and quantum computers. It has been widely accepted that quantum computer attacks on today's security are expected to become a reality within the next decade. Some progress towards constructing quantum computers has been made, although no quantum computers with serious computing power have yet been built. Nevertheless, we believe it is prudent to plan ahead for future needs as it normally takes many years to change cryptosystem deployments due to network effects. This project plans to implement quantum-safe solutions which will require the integration of quantum-safe software and/or hardware cryptographic solutions on resource-constrained devices used in embedded systems.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will design, develop, and implement cryptographic algorithms that are suitable for small and resource-constrained devices employing hard and complex mathematical assumptions known to be classical- and quantum-safe. All post-quantum cryptography candidates need to be evaluated in terms of performance while the target applications are resource-constrained devices. Long-term and lightweight security are two main parameters that need to be considered while deploying quantum-safe cryptographic algorithms in these devices. We plan to employ a special class of quantum-safe algorithms based on maps on elliptic curves to achieve the required performance and security. Cryptosystems based on these maps on the elliptic curves are known to provide the smallest possible key sizes and their security level is determined by a simple choice of a single parameter in comparison to the other quantum-safe candidates. The hardware designs are taken through VLSI design flow to realize the integrated circuits that are evaluated for energy/power, area/performance, and security. The project will generate new insights and results about how to be safe and secure in the quantum era. This project will also contribute to the ongoing standardization effort by the US government and other international organizations.PRISMS OF REALITY INC.
SBIR Phase I: Virtual Reality Platform to advance K-16 Math & Physics proficiency
Brooklyn, NY 11222-7268
NSF Award
2014681 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
06/01/2020 – 02/28/2021
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The broader impact of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will result from targeting pain points in the K-16 math and physical science curriculum to improve participation and sustained achievement in these subjects. Despite investments in education technology, curriculum overhaul, and teacher development, STEM education in the US continues to struggle to improve student proficiency, democratize access, and meet global changes in workforce demand. Current methodologies continue to promote 2D tools to teach concepts that are inherently 3D in nature, which have led to gaps in spatial reasoning and the ability to conceptualize abstractions - critical skills for success in STEM. The company seeks to develop an immersive virtual reality (VR) platform that closes these gaps in STEM proficiency, particularly for non-selective and historically underserved student populations. The aim is to shape the next generation of STEM practitioners by providing students the opportunity to creatively solve high impact real world problems in state-of-the-art interactive virtual learning environments. Ultimately, it is hoped the proposed platform will become the standard in advanced STEM learning solutions, utilizing multiple platforms (VR, AR, Mobile) and data analytics to ensure students of all backgrounds are equipped to succeed in STEM fields.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will address a key question for VR in education today - how can VR be used for the purpose of cognitive advancement in competencies and skills that serve as gate-keepers to success in postsecondary STEM? There is evidence that learning via VR increases activity, brain arousal, and engagement, but more lasting impacts on conceptual understanding and transfer have yet to be realized. The primary objective of this project is to define how core VR functionalities and multimodal interactions can be designed and implemented within a rich, problem-driven pedagogical framework to enable 3D sense making of abstract topics. The company will conduct rigorous research and iterative user testing to identify the most effective VR modalities and kinesthetic interactions that support enduring content mastery and cognitive flexibility. In addition, data analytics will be developed to enhance interactivity, provide crucial real-time formative assessment of student progress, and predictive learning insights to teachers and parents. The technology will also enable networked interactions on the platform to promote collaborative learning. In doing so, the project will not only transform the STEM learning experience, but also provide a model of how progressive pedagogical practices can be actualized through VR to drive student learning outcomes.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.Pekosoft LLC
928 Sturgis Ln
Ambler, PA 19002-2021
NSF Award
1938101 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
02/01/2020 – 05/31/2021
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The broader impact of this SBIR Phase I project is to reduce the loss of human life and property by providing improved current and future information to water management stakeholders. Rising sea levels and heavier downpours could increase flooding costs in coastal communities by $23 billion per year by mid-century. Traditional water monitoring sensors have major drawbacks, such as: constant maintenance, costly installation, and application-specific dedicated hardware. Continuous monitoring of flood prone areas and optimized water management for freshwater conservation requires new technologies, including low-cost and robust water control systems to limit the loss of human lives, crops, property, and livestock. The proposed system in this project will offer a robust solution to monitor water and make weather predictions using deep learning algorithms.
This SBIR project proposes to develop a cost-effective smart camera-based solution to perform a highly accurate risk assessment of flooding in public waterways.A key innovation is running sophisticated computer vision algorithms on a resource-limited platform. The proposed system will use low-cost LIDARs, generally used for measuring solid object velocities, for water velocity measurements. Furthermore, the project will develop a polarized-light system to achieve the system accuracy requirements, including real-time corrections of errors induced by visual impairments of the camera due to field conditions.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.Persimmon Technologies Corporation
SBIR Phase I: Spray-Formed Soft Magnetic Material for Efficient Hybrid-Field Electric Machines
200 Harvard Mill Square
Wakefield, MA 01880-3239
NSF Award
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2011 – 12/31/2011
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project aims to develop a novel soft magnetic material for electric motor cores, a fabrication process to make components from the material, and an electric motor configuration leveraging the benefits of the material and fabrication process. The approach is to utilize a new single-step net-shape fabrication technique based on uniform-droplet spray deposition in a reactive atmosphere to produce an isotropic metal microstructure characterized by small domains of high permeability and low coercivity with a controlled formation of insulation boundaries that limit electrical conductivity between neighboring domains. This design is expected to provide a superior magnetic path while minimizing losses due to eddy currents, and eliminating design constraints associated with anisotropic laminated cores of conventional motors.
The broader/commercial impact of this project will be the potential to provide spray-formed winding cores for hybrid-field motors to increase output, improve efficiency and reduce material scrap during fabrication, thus lowering the cost of electric motors. Considering the extensive use of electric motors in numerous applications, including industrial machinery and automation, robotics, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, appliances, power tools, medical devices, automotive applications, electric vehicles, military equipment etc., there is an increasing need for electric motors with improved performance, higher efficiency, and lower cost. This project is expected to have a significant commercial and environmental impact by providing low-cost and high-efficiency electric motor cores.Pison Technology Inc
SBIR Phase I: A Patient-Centered Wearable System to Enable Data-Driven Decisions in Neuromuscular Disorders
179 South St
Boston, MA 02111-0000
NSF Award
1746503 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2018 – 06/30/2018
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The broad impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will benefit the members of the ALS community as this wearable technology and data collection enables greater independence for individual ALS patients allowing them to remotely communicate with caregivers and clinicians, and control environmental elements within their living spaces as well as being able to monitor their progression for self-care. Expanding the communication connection between and among the ALS patient, caregivers and clinical care team members creates a dynamic, multidisciplinary care environment, which can thoroughly address the changing needs of an ALS patient. The proposed technology could bring immediate and ongoing assistance to ALS patients and will remain functional as physical changes occur due to the progression of ALS, even when a patient has lost all movement ability. The immediate target market for this type of technology is individuals with severely impaired ability to move and speak. Neuromuscular conditions including multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries and severe stroke affect 1.5M people in the US and 30M people globally. This population has very limited options for effective communication and control and are largely underserved by existing technologies.
The proposed project aims to create a technological platform to address communication and accessibility issues within care environments for patients affected by Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). Patients with ALS develop a progressively reduced ability to communicate and interact with interface technology such as mice and keyboards. Each patient has dynamic needs due to the differing progression rates of the disease. This creates an opportunity to provide a personalized human-computer interface with data collection capabilities. The objectives of the proposal involve testing the effects of skin-electrode impedance and electromagnetic interference (EMI) from medical equipment such as ventilators and powered wheelchairs on the quality of biopotential signals. Furthermore, it involves personalizing signal classification models based on an individual's physical impairment. Advanced signal processing techniques, including Morlet wavelet and Hilbert transform, will be used to filter the data collected from multimodal sensor inputs. This will ensure a robust system design for multiple care environments, regardless of life support and technological equipment within that space. In addition, a human research study will be conducted with ALS participants in order to acquire a relevant data set.Precision Polyolefins, LLC
SBIR Phase I: Reactive Polyolefins (x-PAOs) as Advanced Organic Phase Change Materials
Suite 4506, Bldg 091
College Park, MD 20742-3371
NSF Award
1746976 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2018 – 12/31/2018
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This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project seeks to reduce the cost and complexity of incorporating energy-saving phase change materials (PCMs) into end-use products by developing a new class of form-stable PCM-modified resins that contain a unique reactive-polyolefin component. Importantly, the development of new PCMs for the passive thermal regulation of electric vehicle (EV) batteries has the potential to increase EV safety, range, and affordability, representing an addressable market currently valued at $87m and that is growing at 20% per year. Validation of these advantages should significantly benefit society by increasing electric vehicle performance and reducing the frequency of expensive battery replacement, thus increasing the adoption of energy efficient vehicles and reducing green-house gas emissions. This project can also result in an increase in the penetration of energy efficient PCM technology in additional markets worth a combined $370m, including building materials, textiles, electronics, and packaging, which can have a large positive economic impact on society. Finally, successful realization of the goals of this SBIR Phase I program will further enable scientific / technological understanding of PCMs that are based on organic materials.
The intellectual merit of this project is the validation of a new paradigm for a bottoms-up approach to the design, production, and optimization of structurally-well-characterized reactive polyolefins of tunable molecular weight and narrow polydispersity that possess superior performance and stability characteristics as organic phase change materials (PCMs) for waste heat management as compared to conventional paraffin-based PCMs that have remained virtually unchanged for the past half century. To achieve this goal, reactive polyolefins that are the best candidates for commercialization will be identified through optimization of molecular structure, stereochemical tacticity, and the temperature and kinetics of main-chain and side-chain phase transitions. Reaction variables will also be optimized to provide the highest yields of reactive polyolefins under industrially-relevant and scalable process conditions. The development of PCM-modified thermoset resins based on reactive polyolefins will provide access to commercial waste heat management applications that employ physical constructs obtained from casting or injection molding and should benefit from lower production costs, a wider range of applications, and greater long-term stability.Precision Polyolefins, LLC
SBIR Phase I: Pilot-Scale Production of Stereoblock Polypropylene (sbPP) Thermoplastic Elastomers
Suite 4506, Bldg 091
College Park, MD 20742-3371
NSF Award
1345834 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2014 – 12/31/2014
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This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project seeks to demonstrate successful pilot‐scale production of stereoblock polypropene (sbPP) thermoplastic elastomers that can be produced, in programmed fashion, over an unlimited range of different fundamental forms by virtue of the ability to exert external control over the relative rates of reversible processes that are competitive with the rate of propagation. The research effort will involve investigation into the rate of these processes in order to develop a commercially viable procedure for the production of sbPP materials. The anticipated result is that commercially relevant volumes (> 1 kiloton)of sbPP thermoplastic elastomers can be produced with tailored physical properties as technologically viable replacements for existing commercial materials.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is that the large-‐scale (>1 kiloton) production of sbPP thermoplastic elastomers as technological replacements for existing commercial materials will serve to capitalize on the increased availability of inexpensive propylene monomer that is the product of a recent shift by the petrochemical industry from crude oil to abundant North American natural gas. This shift has contributed significantly to increased cost volatility and global shortages of crude oil derived higher carbon-numbered monomers that have been historically utilized for the commercial production of thermoplastic elastomers. Successful realization of the stated goals of this project will serve to deliver, with high chemical efficiency, a variety of different grades of high purity sbPP materials with tailored properties that can be transformational for the adhesives, film-packaging and medical markets. The procedures developed during this project will also facilitate future commercial production of a wider range of propylene based polymers utilizing the same catalyst technology. Society will further benefit from the introduction of a more environmentally benign andsustainable chemical technology that provides an alternative to current commercial thermoplastic elastomers.Protein Dynamic Solutions, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Novel, Accurate and Reproducible Platform for the Developability Assessment of Protein Therapeutics
11 Audubon Road
Wakefield, MA 01880-1256
NSF Award
1447918 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2015 – 12/31/2015
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Broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is to (1) improve the decision making towards protein therapeutics development (also known as developability), (2) reduce Research and Development costs for the Biotechnology industry in general, (3) improve timelines of new protein therapeutic candidates, thus proceeding to clinical phase trials sooner, (4) resulting in fewer candidate withdrawals from clinical trials, (5) reduce risk associated with protein aggregation and immunogenicity, a potentially fatal outcome; leading to (6) overall quicker times for approval-to-market, and finally (7) a reduction of product recall risk. The market opportunity for protein characterization and identification market by instruments also known as life sciences tools is estimated to be $ 80-85 billion dollars. Our product is an innovative patented technology platform and related services which will support the developability evaluation of new protein therapeutic candidates in the biologics and biosimilars product portfolio. As an additional funding source, we have adopted the production of a high quality aggregate free potential diagnostic candidate biomarker for prostrate and pancreatic cancer to allow for further research and development in other research institutions. Completion of Phase I in the evaluation of formulation conditions of protein therapeutics including monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) will ensure progress towards the development of a high throughput platform for Phase II evaluation.
The proposed project will address the current bottleneck of new protein therapeutics within the biologics and biosimilars industry due to protein aggregation. This is the single most prevalent reason that has hampered the release of biotherapeutics into the market. Protein aggregation leads to loss of efficacy and potentially to immunogenicity risks. Formulation is critical to downstream processing, dosing, storage, and delivery of protein therapeutics. Our goal is to test different formulation conditions through the use of Design of Experiment strategies to identify the formulation conditions under which the monoclonal antibody candidate is stable and aggregation free, even under stress. We have designed an innovative patented platform using two dimensional infrared (2D IR) correlation spectroscopy and perturbation correlation (PC) analysis which is accurate, reproducible and does not use probes to determine the mechanism and extent of aggregation, and stability of a mAb. A potential outcome will be the developability assessment of novel candidates ensuring a pipeline of protein therapeutics early in the research and development. If successful, Phase II will involve a high-throughput platform to address the evaluation of protein aggregation in plasma and final IV delivery conditions, for the design of a predictive model for immunogenicity risk assessment.Proton Energy Systems, Inc.
STTR Phase I: Hydrogen Bromine Electrolysis for Highly Efficient Hydrogen-Based Energy Storage and High Value Chemical Applications
10 Technology Drive
Wallingford, CT 06492-1955
NSF Award
1416874 – STTR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2014 – 09/30/2015
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this project includes applications ranging from peak load shifting, grid buffering for renewable energy input, frequency regulation, and chemical conversions. As the percentage of energy from renewables on the grid increases, energy storage will be essential to stabilize the supply and demand. Currently, 20-40% of wind energy is often stranded due to the inability to capture the energy in the peak generation periods. Germany, Europe, Japan, Korea, and other countries are funding significant efforts in energy storage projects. Energy storage is also a critical need for all of the United States armed services, including microgrids for forward operating bases and other off grid installations. While batteries can demonstrate very good round trip efficiencies, they suffer from self-discharge, capacity fade, and high cost. Flow batteries separate the reactant and product storage from the electrode active area, enabling higher capacities through merely adding more storage. Many systems have not been practical in the past due to low energy density values, but fuel cell and electrolysis developments have provided pathways to higher energy density. Advances in these areas would find immediate commercial interest, and address key strategic areas related to energy security and grid stabilization.
This Small Business Technology Transfer Phase I project addresses the present technology gaps in flow battery cell stack design to enable a reliable, efficient, high rate hydrogen-bromine flow battery for energy storage applications. The goal of this project is a proof of concept hydrogen bromide stack that operates at a practical hydrogen storage pressure in electrolysis mode, while providing acceptable energy density in fuel cell mode. The majority of hydrogen bromine flow battery research to date has focused on the discharge reaction, leading to material choices that may not be practical for the charging mode. This project will demonstrate feasibility of sealing and supporting thin membranes to practical storage pressures. Objectives include demonstration of differential pressure electrolysis with materials that can support high power fuel cell mode, determining the bromine/bromide crossover rates as a function of hydrogen back pressure, and exploring compatible materials for the full flow battery system. Going beyond the Phase I funded effort, research being planned will include cell stack design optimization, down-selection of appropriate materials, and prototype system development for charge battery cycling. The anticipated result will be a highly efficient flow battery system with durability in charge mode and high power density in discharge mode for a cost effective energy storage system.Proton Energy Systems, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: High Efficiency Electrochemical Compressor Cell to Enable Cost Effective Small-Scale Hydrogen Fuel Production and Recycling
10 Technology Drive
Wallingford, CT 06492-1955
NSF Award
1113495 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2011 – 12/31/2011
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Review Analysis
This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project addresses current limitations in hydrogen compression and enables reduction in hydrogen requirements for several applications through recycling of exhaust hydrogen containing water and other benign impurities. This project will demonstrate the feasibility of operating a proton exchange membrane (PEM)-based device as a high efficiency electrochemical compressor/purifier. Advantages over previous research in PEM-based hydrogen pumps include use of a microporous plate for improved water distribution, which will enable more uniform fluid distribution and high current densities. The objectives of this phase include demonstration of a prototype cell, determining the separation efficiency of a prototype device as a function of output pressure, and developing design boundaries for optimization in Phase 2 and integration into a system. Cell stack design experience along with the improved plate technology will be utilized in order to address current limitations due to local membrane dryout. The anticipated result will be an improved hydrogen recycler which will enable substantial reduction in hydrogen production cost and new market opportunities.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project includes applications ranging from power plants to heat treating to backup power and fueling. For example, over 16,000 power plants worldwide use hydrogen as a cooling fluid in the turbine windings. Currently, increases in dew point cause significant decreases in cooling efficiency and increase windage losses by several percent, requiring purging of the hydrogen chamber and increased production to backfill. Thus, significant energy waste is generated. Current solutions for hydrogen compression are also noisy, bulky, and inefficient. In applications where hydrogen is being evaluated as an alternative fuel, high pressure storage is needed. Having a mechanical compressor that represents half of the size and material cost of a home fueling or backup power device is not commercially feasible. The device proposed has the opportunity to decrease the energy required to produce pure hydrogen by 75% over generating additional hydrogen from water, and to compress the hydrogen with as little as 100 mV of overpotential even at high current density. Advances in these areas would find immediate commercial interest, and address key strategic areas on the government agenda related to energy savings and green technology.Proton Energy Systems, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Design of a Novel Unitized Regenerative Fuel Cell System Using Advanced Materials for Efficiency Optimization
10 Technology Drive
Wallingford, CT 06492-1955
NSF Award
1142976 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2012 – 06/30/2012
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project addresses global energy concerns by enabling reduced dependence on energy derived from fossil fuels. A major limitation of many renewable energy sources is the intermittent nature of the source, such as solar or wind. As the percentage of energy applied to the grid from these sources grows, energy storage systems must be developed to store energy during peak generation periods, and provide power during lower generation periods. Hydrogen-based regenerative fuel cells are an ideal candidate for these applications due to their high energy density, fast response times, and carbon-free footprint when the hydrogen is generated by electrolysis using the renewable power source. However, materials for the electrolysis and fuel cell stacks are still too expensive to make this solution cost effective. The goal of this project is to develop bifunctional electrodes for operation in both fuel cell and electrolysis mode, enabling a single stack to serve the function of both the electrolyzer and fuel cell and eliminating significant cost.
The broader/commercial impacts of this research are applicable to consumer, industrial, and military customers. All of the United States armed services branches have identified energy storage as a critical need for assuring troop safety and operational energy security. Higher energy density for longer unmanned missions, reduction in fuel needs for forward operating bases, and reduced power signatures are key concerns to be addressed. The proposed energy storage system can provide power for military surveillance vehicles, forward operating bases, and consumer homes. Japan is already leading the effort in distributed energy generation and has deployed thousands of residential energy storage systems. However, most of the current systems are based on natural gas, which still relies on fossil fuel sources and contributes to the problem of increasing global carbon dioxide levels. Hydrogen-based systems enable a fully reversible chemical cycle of hydrogen and oxygen to water and back. Advances in these areas will find immediate commercial interest, and will address a specific capability that enables clean, sustainable energy solutions.Proton Energy Systems, Inc.
STTR Phase I: Development of High Temperature Membranes for Increased PEM Electrolysis Efficiency
10 Technology Drive
Wallingford, CT 06492-1955
NSF Award
0930447 – STTR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2009 – 06/30/2010
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This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5).
This Small Business Technology Transfer Phase I Project addresses the efficiency limitations of proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolysis in order to provide a potentially renewable, cost-competitive hydrogen source for fueling and backup power applications. Proton Energy Systems manufactures PEM electrolyzers which operate at differential pressures ranging from 200 to 2400 psi hydrogen generation. The thickness requirements and temperature limitations of currently used PFSA-membranes result in large ionic resistance losses at the typical operating current densities of 1500 mA/cm2 or greater. Electricity cost is therefore the major contributor to the life cycle cost. In this work, cross-linked poly(sulfone) and poly(phenylene) thermoplastic polymers developed by Penn State University will be utilized to increase mechanical strength and enable higher temperature operation. The research objectives are to 1) synthesize and characterize alternative membrane compositions at thicknesses suitable for high pressure electrolysis applications, 2) incorporate these membranes into MEAs and 3) perform creep studies and electrolysis testing at the single cell stack level at temperatures up to 80 C. By using thinner membranes and higher operating temperatures, the system efficiency can be greatly increased, while the capital cost of the electrolysis unit is decreased.
Three families of products will be enhanced or enabled by this research program: (1) PEM electrolysis systems for industrial gas applications, (2) PEM electrolysis systems for transportation fueling applications and (3) PEM electrolysis systems for regenerative fuel cell backup power applications. While all of the product families will benefit from significant cost reduction, the operating cost targets for backup power are the most aggressive. Several fuel cell companies have already been offering backup power packages for this market. However, the typical fueling solution has involved delivered hydrogen. Based on the market analysis Proton has conducted, this is not a practical solution for many wireless sites. The total US backup battery market size has been estimated at ~$250M/year, with the addressable section being ~$130M/year. Proton completed a detailed trade study for DOE which demonstrated that electricity is the largest contributor to the cost of hydrogen via PEM electrolysis, and therefore efficiency gains through higher temperature operation are essential to viability of this application. However, these membrane advances would also benefit the customers of Proton's commercial products in the lab and power plant markets. This study also provides critical information on the viability of non-PFSA membranes for long term electrolysis operation.Provivi Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Enzymatic Synthesis of Insect Pheromones
1701 Colorado Ave
Santa Monica, CA 90404-3436
NSF Award
1448692 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2015 – 06/30/2015
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project is an insect pest control breakthrough for the agricultural industry. Provivi, Inc. (Provivi) intends to develop novel biosynthesis technology for producing insect pheromones, i.e. chemicals that insects use for communication. Pheromone based insect control can fulfill the following unmet needs: (1) safety, biodegradability, and leaving no residues on products (2) not interfering with beneficial insects (e.g. bees and ladybugs), (3) not resulting in insecticide resistance, (4) and serve as a complement to existing pest management strategies. While pheromones have been long recognized for their potential in crop protection, their high synthesis costs have prevented broad adoption. Provivi?s technology aims to enable a dramatically lower cost synthesis of pheromones. This has the potential to change how farmers control damaging insects by adopting pheromone solutions in favor of traditional insecticides. From a commercial perspective, by lowering the cost of synthesis, Provivi pheromone products can immediately enter existing pheromone markets, and ultimately penetrate markets for which currently only traditional insecticides are affordable to farmers.
The objectives of this Phase I research program are (1) the demonstration of a biosynthetic approach to the synthesis of a class of insect pheromones, (2) the identification of enzymes with sufficient activity to warrant further development and, (3) quantifications of the biocatalysis performance for generating a process model of the proposed synthesis route. At the heart of the proposed pheromone synthesis route is a biocatalytic transformation that has not been described in the existing enzyme literature. This project aims to identify enzymes capable of supporting this novel reaction by screening members of enzyme families that are known to catalyze similar reactions. Using the best identified enzyme variant, this project will demonstrate the feasibility of the company's synthesis route by performing a gram-scale synthesis of an in-market insect pheromone. By performing the gram-scale synthesis, it will help to determine the biocatalyst reaction parameters including yield, productivity, product titer and byproduct titers. These parameters will allow the development of a detailed process model of the synthesis route and assess the synthesis cost reduction enabled by the proposed technology.Provivi Inc.
STTR Phase I: Enzymatic Synthesis of Chiral Cyclopropanes for Pharmaceutical Drug Synthesis and Agricultural Crop Protection Applications
1701 Colorado Ave
Santa Monica, CA 90404-3436
NSF Award
1549855 – STTR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2016 – 12/31/2016
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project is to develop novel, breakthrough enzyme-catalyzed reactions that can be applied to the production of pharmaceuticals and crop protection agents. By establishing a broadly applicable biocatalytic alternative to produce an important class of compounds called chiral cyclopropanes, Provivi will create safer, cleaner, and lower cost synthetic routes. In most cases the application of this new biocatalytic reaction will reduce the number of steps and lower the required capital investment for the synthesis of these key building blocks. The new enzyme technology being developed in this research will improve the synthesis of both existing drugs and compounds in current drug development pipelines. Further applications are envisioned in the production of new crop protection agents. The enzymes being developed have the advantage of being optimizable for each specific target product using modern molecular biology methods. Furthermore, performing the reactions in aqueous conditions will reduce the need for organic solvents, improving the sustainablility of the processes. Replacing existing chemical routes with the more efficient and sustainable enzyme-catalyzed steps will reduce the cost and improve the purity of many advanced pharmaceutical intermediates used in drug synthesis.
The technical objectives of this Phase I research project are to demonstrate the application of the novel enzymatic cyclopropanation reaction to the production of a variety of commercial drug substances. Chiral cyclopropanes are key substructures found in a number of pharmaceutical and crop protection compounds. The cyclopropane-containing building blocks used in the synthesis of these compounds contain at least one, and often more than one, chiral center. Since biological activity typically requires having a single stereoisomer, chemical methods that achieve high stereoselectivity are continually sought. For cyclopropanation reactions, the existing methods typically rely on transition-metal catalysts such as rhodium bearing chiral ligands. The biocatalytic method offers clear advantages over the contemporary chemistry in that it will circumvent the use of rare, expensive metals and costly auxiliary ligands for these types of reactions. High temperatures and harsh conditions will also be avoided. In this research, high-throughput screening will be used to identify improved variants that catalyze desired cyclopropanation reactions at greater rates and with increased stereoselectivity. By developing an expanded set of cyclopropanation biocatalysts with capabilities to act on a wider range of starting materials, the scope and utility of this novel enzymatic reaction will be increased.QC Ware Corp.
STTR Phase I: A Cloud-Based Development Framework and Tool Suite for an Adiabatic Quantum Computer
550 Hamilton Ave
Palo Alto, CA 94301-2010
NSF Award
1648832 – STTR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2017 – 12/31/2017
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I project will be to enable affordable access to quantum annealing quantum computers and to take the complexity out of the programming and application hosting tasks, which currently poses a major barrier of entry for potential users. The company expects quantum computing technology in the next few years to disrupt significant portions of the high-performance-computing environment for optimization problems, which has previously been characterized by slow and incremental performance improvements. This project would yield a platform that both increases the efficiency and lowers the cost of analyzing complex optimization problems, which could spur fast-paced innovation in wide areas of the economy that tackle such issues. These sectors include energy distribution, pharmaceutical design, cancer research, data analytics, cybersecurity, autonomous systems, planning and scheduling activities, financial services such as risk management and portfolio optimization, and basic and applied research in physics and chemistry. In each of these disciplines, there are optimization-based computational problems that are currently intractable. The results of this research should enable a much larger community of experts to use the power of quantum computing to solve these important but currently intractable problems.
This Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I project addresses the need for a cloud-based platform for using quantum annealing computing technology. Quantum annealing computers have come to market in the last few years, and research laboratories and universities have used these machines to explore algorithms that could eventually be solved efficiently on them. Despite advances in performance of quantum annealing computers, little effort has been directed toward developing programming environments and tools that provide simple and inexpensive access to quantum computing capabilities. This project researches a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) with a suite of front-end and back-end tools that efficiently transform high-level computing problems into binary optimization formulations suitable for quantum annealing, simplifying and automating the low-level details and domain knowledge currently necessary to perform useful calculations. This project will further develop the PaaS to include a classical-quantum computing environment and framework for analysis of large data sets using standard distributed computing tools. The research explores the best software tools and platform methods to integrate emerging quantum computing capabilities into workflows by streamlining and making affordable the processing of data and by decomposing real-world problems into sub-problems amenable to quantum computers of today and in the future.RE3D Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Increasing Maker Manufacturing through 3D Printing with Reclaimed Plastic & Direct Drive Pellet Extrusion
120 avenida juan ponce de leon
San Juan, PR 00907-0000
NSF Award
1746480 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2018 – 06/30/2018
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This SBIR Phase I Project will evaluate the ability to directly use local materials, such as plastic recyclables as the consumable input for affordable, industrial 3D printing. This technology will be developed with intent to scale to multiple 3D printer platforms. Hardware will be sold commercially after project completion as a novel 3D printer platform as well as a modular attachment for other 3D printers and 3D motion systems. To broaden the impact of the research, all prototyping will be documented in a series of monthly videos intended for educators, STEM organizations and US makers to witness real-world application of the hardware design process. Additionally, workshops will be held once a quarter where progress to date will be showcased and students will be invited to share feedback. This technology has significant opportunity to expand US in-house manufacturing capability, foster new job creation through enhancing industry and educational ties, stimulate US driven innovation and reduced trade dependence on imports of manufactured products.
While the Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) method of additive manufacturing offers tremendous potential for on-site fabrication, the technology is limited by access to extruded feedstock materials. Specifically, the ability to locally source raw material and introduce it directly into a 3D printer via direct drive pellet extrusion is necessary as the focus of industrial additive manufacturing shifts from producing prototypes to manufacturing end-use products. This need is amplified when 3D printing large-scale (defined as > 6 inches cubed) functional objects. Producing larger outputs represents a larger investment of time and material costs with existing FFF systems, which currently constrains the additive manufacturing market. Secondly, a dependence on extruded thermoform plastics limits the available library of materials. This project includes development of novel extrusion feed mechanisms for processing pelletized and non-uniform reclaimed plastic feedstock. Phase I goals include optimization for virgin and recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET/RPET), Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), and Polylactic Acid (PLA). This system will be developed for affordability and user experience to allow for easy switching between materials and print speeds 20X faster than FFF methods. Hardware will be sold commercially after project completion as a complete 3D printing system as well as an attachment for 3D printers and 3D motion platforms.RECONSTRUCT INC
SBIR Phase I: Analysis of Progress Photos for Indoor Construction Progress Monitoring
60 Hazelwood Dr
Champaign, IL 61820-7460
NSF Award
1819248 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
06/15/2018 – 11/30/2018
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is that it will save billions of dollars by anticipating construction delays and streamlining coordination to prevent them. Lower costs will help upgrade our nation's infrastructure, which is a critical national priority. Many construction companies strongly want a solution to indoor progress monitoring. Laser scanning is too expensive and slow, and photography services can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars for large projects and introduce logistical challenges. The proposed research would simplify the workflow for progress monitoring of interiors by automatically registering 360 degree photos and video and aligning them to building information models (BIM), providing a cheap, quick, and effective solution for daily progress monitoring.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project aims to localize images, reconstruct 3D models, align them to floorplans or 3D BIM, and use the aligned models to provide actionable data to construction managers. A main challenge is to robustly solve for camera pose using structure-from-motion in indoor scenes that are unfinished and contain textureless and reflective surfaces. A second challenge is to automatically or semi-automatically register the models to 2D or 3D plans, made more difficult by the fact that the site is incomplete and constantly changing. A third challenge is to create interfaces that project personnel can use to perform visual inspection, progress monitoring, requests for information, and other supervision and coordination tasks. The project will investigate the use of tags (i.e., markers) to improve robustness of 3D reconstruction and to perform registration without requiring the 3D positions of tags to be known in advance. Thus, the project addresses major unsolved problems in computer vision, robotics, and their application to construction management.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.REEFGEN INC.
SBIR Phase I: ReefGen
San Francisco, CA 94110-1320
NSF Award
2014581 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
06/01/2020 – 05/31/2021
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The broader impact of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is to regenerate coral reefs on the brink of extinction. Approximately one-quarter of the world’s coral reefs have disappeared and almost two-thirds are at risk today. The innovation introduces a scalable method to plant heat-resistant corals to rejuvenate dying reefs. The technology is a multi-arm dexterous robot crawler. Planting one nursery coral every 10 seconds, with a cluster of three robots, the technology is capable of planting 100x faster than any method currently in use. This intervention will have a direct and beneficial impact on environmental restoration, marine ecosystems, and the tourism industry.
This SBIR Phase I project will design a coral planting robot that traverses the ocean floor and performs complex tasks. Challenges include creating an autonomous wet chain and producing a wet chain sled, as well as addressing recharging difficulties. Planting must take place where the coral is bound sufficiently so that it is not dislodged by waves or currents. Other technical challenges include identifying exposed hard surfaces as well as healthy coral to leave it undisturbed. This project will enable reintroduction of key species with different environmental tolerance.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.Ras Labs, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Adjustable Prosthetic Liner Using Contractile Electroactive Polymers
12 Channel St Ste 202
Boston, MA 02210-2399
NSF Award
1721466 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2017 – 06/30/2018
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will use shape-morphing electroactive polymers (EAPs), also known as synthetic muscle, to provide for a streamlined and very life-like way of configuring motion, which doesn't require motors, pulleys, gears, or cables like traditional mechanical based motion. The power to operate these EAPs is easily provided by electric input, including using off the shelf commercially available batteries. In addition to the focus of this proposal on adjustable liners, these EAPs could mend the gap between form and function for life-like prostheses. As impact attenuating and sensing materials, these EAPs could be developed to offer solutions for protective equipment and provide life-like motion and control for robotics. This proposal is focused on transforming the standard of care for people who have lost limbs or were born without fully developed limbs.
The proposed project promises to transform the standard of care for people who have lost limbs or were born without fully developed limbs. Amputees using mechanically driven prostheses often experience increasing pain, as well as risk of skin breakdown and severe infections, even over the course of daily use, due to normal anatomical changes in the limb that are not accommodated by the static, rigid socket of their prosthetic device. Typically, most amputees' residual limbs shrink over the course of any given day, much like peoples' foot size changes from morning to evening. This proposed work aims to resolve the inadequacies of current prosthetic socket fit by using flexible pads of EAP based synthetic muscle, built into prosthetic liners, to automatically respond to changes in patient anatomy and ensure a continuously proper socket fit throughout the day. With the additional ability to sense pressure, these EAPs can also serve as a diagnostic tool to prevent skin breakdown. The prosthetic device and human should move as one, effortlessly and naturally. This proposal will develop self-adjusting prosthetic liners that responds to residual limb changes, maintaining a comfortable dynamic perfect fit throughout the day, to allow the patient to easily and comfortably engage in an active lifestyle.Refactored Materials, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: High Performance Ballistics Fibers from Spider's Silk
San Francisco, CA 94110-6141
NSF Award
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2010 – 06/30/2011
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will demonstrate the commercial feasibility of producing high-toughness spider silk fibers for use in personal ballistic armor. Spider silk is one of nature's most remarkable materials, possessing high tensile strength and high extensibility, giving it an unrivaled toughness as compared with common synthetic fibers. In addition, it is lightweight, breathable, and flexible making it an ideal material for use in protective clothing such as body armor. Previous approaches to produce synthetic spider silk proteins have been based on incomplete silk sequences and previous efforts to create a silk spinneret have not sufficiently replicated the conditions inside the silk gland. In this project, the latest advances in genetic engineering and synthetic biology will be used to redesign a natural silk gene to enable expression of silk protein in a recombinant host. This methodology is similar to recent work which enabled the production of chemicals and fuels from renewable sources. Advanced microfluidics manufacturing will be used to create a spinneret that replicates a natural spider's silk gland. Combined, these technologies will result in a reproducible, scalable, and "green" method of manufacturing the next generation of high performance fibers for personal protective armor.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is the creation of high-performance and lightweight body armor utilizing a better material at a lower price than current ballistic fibers. The market for body armor in the US is in the hundreds of millions of dollars annually; the proposed product will be able to achieve a significant profit margin due to its low initial costs and straightforward scale-up. Tougher, more comfortable, and cheaper bulletproof vests will benefit police, soldiers, guards, and anyone else who faces harm from projectiles. Lightweight and tough fibers have applications in numerous other markets, ranging from textiles to sporting goods. In addition, the ability to precisely control silk fiber properties will enable better understanding the assembly mechanisms of protein-based fibers and enable the creation of novel materials with mechanical properties tailored to application requirements. Finally, the research proposed herein will enable the inexpensive production of protein materials (specifically, silk materials) for use in a wide variety of non-fibrous systems including tissue engineering scaffolds, medical devices, and optical sensors.Rejoule Incorporated
SBIR Phase I: Impedance-Based Battery Health Management for Large Format Lithium-Ion Battery Packs
7690 Lampson Ave
Garden Grove, CA 92841-4105
NSF Award
1842957 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
02/01/2019 – 05/31/2020
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is the advancement of battery technologies. The race for the perfect battery is intensifying due to growing global demand for both the electric vehicle (EV) and stationary storage industries. The search is on for new ways to improve energy and power density, reduce charging time, and extend battery life. The project will create a diagnostic tool that provides an unprecedented glimpse inside the battery and has the potential to accelerate scientific understanding of how batteries age. A more accurate assessment of battery degradation in real time can inform on-board algorithms, can improve overall battery pack efficiency, and has major cost saving impacts for automakers and stationary storage users. This predictability enables more cost-effective warranty management, improved charging and safety algorithms, and ever more efficient battery pack designs. Having a sense of remaining useful life also enables the battery to be re-used in a secondary application - creating new business opportunities while a new revenue stream making batteries more sustainable. Ultimately, this reduces costs for both consumers and manufacturers, and contributes to greener use of resources for society.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project unlocks key insights for large-format lithium batteries. Today?s battery management systems (BMS) do not track a battery?s actual degradation metrics so it cannot forecast remaining useful life. This makes it hard to predict the ?cliff?, a sudden and steep drop in capacity near a battery?s end of life. This forces battery makers to overdesign battery systems to reduce chances of premature failure before the warranty expiration. The proposed research employs electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) onboard a BMS. EIS is a diagnostic tool that measures battery impedance - something only possible in a lab setting today. Tracking impedance unlocks a lifetime of degradation data and helps battery engineers better understand the long-term degradation behavior of high voltage battery packs. The project will focus on 1) minimizing the required hardware to measure impedance of each cell in a series-connected battery pack, and 2) reducing the down-time associated with the impedance measurement. The proposed innovation blends a unique hardware architecture with wide-bandgap semiconductors and adaptive charge-control algorithms to minimize hardware size. These help to reduce overall system cost and unlocks orders of magnitude improvement in hardware scalability over existing EIS methods.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.RightHand Robotics, LLC
STTR Phase I: Versatile Robot Hands for Warehouse Automation
21 Wendell St Apt 20
Cambridge, MA 02138-1850
NSF Award
1448975 – STTR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2015 – 12/31/2015
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is clear from the size of the market in warehousing and logistics. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the annual cost of moving inventory by hand in warehouses is 5 billion dollars. Industry is eager to adopt new robotic technology, and it has already made a significant impact in many aspects of this problem, speeding shipments and lowering costs. However, handling individual items has not yet proven viable when the range of objects is large. The grasping robot developed in this project will meet this need, and reduce the cost of logistics for manufacturers, distributors, and customers. Additionally, the creation of robot grasping systems that can automatically grasp a wide range of objects will open up the benefits of robotic technology to workers in other industries. This is critical to making robots accessible to small manufacturing shops, and will significantly improve the performance of telepresence systems used for military, rescue, and consumer applications such as home assistance for the elderly.
This Small Business Technology Transfer Research (STTR) Phase I project is based on a decade of university research on the design and construction of robots for grasping using passive mechanisms. Through the carefully tuned structural compliance of the fingers, robot hands can be designed to compensate for variation in the size, shape and location of grasped objects to obtain reliable grasps. During the course of this project, a commercial product will be developed capable of picking and placing a wide range of items at extremely low error rates, something that has hitherto been considered a hard problem in sensing and planning. The new compliant grippers, combined with breakthroughs in low-cost tactile sensing and simplified grasp planning, will enable a level of performance that meets the needs of real-world customers. The new picking robot will be validated against a set of realistic items picked from bins in a simulated warehouse environment.Runtime Verification, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Runtime Verification for Automobiles
102 E. Main Street
Urbana, IL 61801-2744
NSF Award
1519846 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2015 – 06/30/2016
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is that it will offer the automotive industry higher reliability from the software systems powering automobiles, by enabling runtime monitoring while providing the maximum possible correctness guarantees for the generated monitors. Cars will be safer and more rigorously assured. This project will address a slew of recent problems with software failures, security compromises, and other unintentional software behaviors that occur inevitably as systems become more complex, potentially saving lives and making millions of vehicles safer, easier to upgrade, and better tested. The commercial value follows the need of manufacturers to retain the basic vehicle safety guarantees while pursuing the commercial necessities of competing on complex software-driven features, ultimately minimizing software development costs and expensive car recalls. The enhanced scientific and technological understanding from this technology will come as it is deployed in the field, giving manufacturers an impetus to formalize and standardize existing requirements, bolstering their understanding of the software systems in the car. The technology will also foster the formalization of both open and proprietary specifications, further increasing the understanding of complex automotive systems by facilitating complete analysis.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will for the first time explore the application of provably correct runtime verification software to real-time systems. An efficient and certifying framework allowing for the expression of a diverse range of specifications will enable applications of runtime verification in automobiles, aeronautics, and beyond. One research objective is to develop a system that can monitor any safety property, generating high-performance C code capable of running on virtually any hardware. This will combine efficient monitoring with maximal formal guarantees in terms of correctness. Formal verification was previously realized only for mathematical models of monitors, or in systems with very low expressiveness. A second research objective is to study the applicability of runtime verification by collecting properties from automotive industry standards, evaluating the complexity of specifying the properties, the possibility of recovering from detected violations, and the performance requirements of the resulting monitors. It is anticipated that hundreds or even thousands of such properties will be monitored simultaneously.SQZ Biotechnologies Company
SBIR Phase I: An Automated Microfluidic Platform for Delivery of Biomolecules Into Cells
333 Highland Ave. Apt 1A
Somerville, MA 02144-3142
NSF Award
1448581 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2015 – 06/30/2015
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project is to address a major barrier in fundamental biological research and next-generation clinical treatments: Delivering materials into cells. Cells are the basic functional unit of the body yet understanding their role in disease and harnessing their inherent potential to combat ailments has been limited by our inability to deliver material to their cytoplasm. By facilitating access to a cell's interior one could enable rapid progress in the ability to probe intracellular processes and engineer cell function for therapeutic purposes. This project aims to further develop a promising new concept of intracellular delivery capable of overcoming many conventional barriers associated with the current state-of-the-art. The platform will potentially facilitate the development of novel therapeutics based on a deeper understanding of cell function and a more robust ability to engineer cell fate. Indeed, addressing such a fundamental challenge in the biomedical field would provide substantial benefits to society and could impact numerous commercial opportunities. Potential applications include basic research, high-throughput drug discovery screening, and cell-based therapies to treat cancer immunotherapies.
This SBIR Phase I project proposes to develop a vector-free microfluidic platform for intracellular delivery of biomolecules in order to increase efficacy, and improve ease-of-use. The platform uses a novel method based on rapid, transient deformation of cells ("cell squeezing") as they pass through a microfluidic constriction. The squeezing process causes temporary disruption of the cell membrane and facilitates passive transport of target delivery materials into the cytoplasm. The proposed work aims to introduce automated, closed-loop control of key parameters (pressure, temperature, and flow rate) that govern the delivery process. These additions will allow users to precisely tune the amount of material delivered to cells and the resultant viability. By developing this hardware, the technology will be well-positioned for increased adoption and commercialization by the end of Phase I. The proposed hardware controllers will be verified and validated through relevant studies using primary immune cells, a disease-relevant subset of cells that are recalcitrant to existing delivery methods. Finally, the proposed work would facilitate the launch of a robust prototype system for early-stage testing in high-impact applications.SURGEPOWER MATERIALS, INC.
SBIR Phase I: Eco-friendly Production of Carbon Nanosheets for Ultra High Energy Storage Electrode Application
San Marcos, TX 78666-8324
NSF Award
1940375 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
02/01/2020 – 10/31/2020
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project is applying a plant-based graphene product as a battery material to increase energy storage density, decrease charging times and extend battery life. The benefit to society is that the plant-based material may facilitate adoption of electric vehicles and reduce the grid storage cost of renewable energy, potentially providing greater energy security. The proposed material's cost-efficient nature will facilitate broader adoption of graphene in other advanced technology areas such as composites, conductive inks, printable electronics, catalysis, sensors, and biomedical devices, thereby pushing nanotechnology frontiers.
This SBIR Phase I project proposes to develop a green sustainable process using an abundant plant material as input and producing extremely high purity graphene with superior physical attributes. This feasibility research will demonstrate that high-quality SP2Hybrid graphene can be manufactured from a plant-based raw material at lower costs than current methods of graphene production and is environmentally sustainable. Current production of graphene, such as liquid/chemical exfoliation, uses starting materials derived from non-renewable resources. The proposed process utilizes an abundant cassava crop as feedstock sold as commodity in the US and overseas. Preliminary samples of SP2Hybrid graphene properties have been validated by third parties to have 4X the surface area (2956 m2/g) and up to 5X (5.0 cm3/g) the pore volume of current solutions, offering better performance as an electrode material in batteries and supercapacitors.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.SYNVITROBIO INC
STTR Phase I: An On-Demand Protein Engineering Platform
953 Indiana St.
San Francisco, CA 94107-3007
NSF Award
1549773 – STTR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2016 – 06/30/2017
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) project will be the development of a platform technology for high-throughput protein expression. The current standard for expressing panels of proteins involves extensive bioinformatics, cloning, in vivo expression, and assays. This method takes significant expertise in disparate fields, and weeks to months of time to perform successfully. Furthermore, it can be difficult to express complex proteins due to toxicity or purification difficulty, requiring labor-intensive diagnosis of expression and purification conditions. The proposed platform allows characterization of hundreds of protein sequences at significant cost and time savings by providing a combined ex vivo computational, expression, and assay system. This allows rapid access to biological data, and on-demand protein sequence prototyping. The methods developed as part of this platform also will allow greater access to biological engineering for K-12 and undergraduate students, requiring little capital or prior biological experience. By reducing costs and time for protein engineering, and by working in a simple system that requires no knowledge of bioinformatics, cloning, cell culturing, and biochemical characterization, biologists and non-biologists alike will be able to conduct relevant biological engineering research and rapidly test protein design hypotheses.
This STTR Phase I project proposes to develop a high-throughput and computationally assisted platform to rapidly collect biochemical data on a diverse set of proteins. Using this platform, researchers will be able to conduct expression of hundreds of relevant protein variants from a single reference protein. The yields are micromolar-values, providing up to 50ug/50uL per run. Therefore, enough protein can be generated for detailed biochemical characterization and activity assays. The proposed platform is an all-encompassing ex-vivo computational, expression, and assay system. In this project, engineering and prototyping of cytochrome P450 enzymes, important industrial and pharmaceutical catalysts, will be demonstrated with an end-Phase II goal to prototype 1,000 diverse cytochrome P450 enzymes from design to characterization in less than a week.Shark Wheel, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: The Reinvention of the Wheel. For Agricultural Uses and Beyond.
22600 lambert st
Lake Forest, CA 92630-1619
NSF Award
1747188 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2018 – 12/31/2018
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This SBIR Phase I project will explore the potential benefits of a sine wave shaped wheel compared to a traditional circular wheel for the central pivot irrigation industry. The central pivot irrigation industry is an essential segment of the agriculture industry and this project aims to deliver a superior wheel that solves the persistent issue of trench-digging that leads to equipment breakdown, down time, lost profits, and crop-loss. The broader significance of eliminating trench-digging would be significant savings for farmers, distributors and consumers. Agriculture is the largest industry in the world, and developing a wheel that eliminates an issue that plagues the industry is the central goal of this project. The development of a sine wave wheel also potentially impact other fields as the technology can be used in over one-hundred different industries.
The technical innovation of this project is creating a wheel that is non-circular. The wheel will exhibit the blending of multiple shapes in one design including a sine wave, cube, circle and hexagon. It will be approximately 4.5 feet tall, and weighing approximately 400lbs for use in the farming industry. The concept is to create two wheels in tandem where the sine waves are out-of-phase from one another. The front wheel would create a left-right-left path into the soil, much like the path a snake would leave behind traversing soil. The rear wheel would move in an opposite right-left-right configuration leaving a double helix footprint in its wake. The opposing wheels would push the soil back toward center, eliminating the largest issue plaguing the industry: trench digging. The sine wave wheel technology has already been scientifically proven on a smaller scale in the skateboarding industry to reduce friction, increase longevity, increase off-road ability, and increase speed. Multiple wheel iterations will be manufactured and subsequently tested in this project using off-the-shelf hubs within the industry and rubber tires. The wheel will not be pneumatic and will never go flat.SimInsights Inc
SBIR Phase I: Virtual and Augmented Reality Enabled Personalized Manufacturing Training
25 Pacifica
Irvine, CA 92618-3356
NSF Award
1722382 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
06/15/2017 – 05/31/2018
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This SBIR Phase I project will research the feasibility of applying virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies in manufacturing and material testing training programs to increase academic achievement, accelerate progress toward degree and foster more effective use of expensive lab-equipment. According to 2014 statistics, in the United States, less than 40% of students entering college in STEM fields finish with a STEM degree. And even for those who finish, a majority (over 60% ) take several years longer than the nominal time of 4 years. Providing students with VR and AR enabled personalized manufacturing labs is a promising way to increase students' engagement and better prepare them for future careers as well as broaden students' outlook on innovation. As described in the recent US council report on competitiveness, advanced manufacturing has the largest multiplier effect on jobs. In order for the US to gain competitiveness in this sector, there is a pressing need for a trained workforce that is able to develop new materials testing protocols and manufacturing processes. This SBIR project aims to develop technologies that enable the education sector to leverage VR and AR to accelerate training. Proposed software will be evaluated through pilot testing. Technology and insights resulting from this project may find applications in other domains such as life sciences.
Key technical innovations in this proposed research include the development of a novel high-fidelity modular virtual object model, customized task models based on evidence centered design, and methods to flexibly combine object models with task models to rapidly develop activities suitable for virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) devices. These innovations may significantly reduce the content creation cost and potentially dissolve the boundary between classroom education and hands-on training, providing an effective and seamless educational experience. In the long term, these innovations may also be applied broadly to training in other domains. The overarching goal of this SBIR project is to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed system for content creation and learning analytics and apply them to create innovative content for use in manufacturing courses. The proposed system and content will be evaluated via pilot testing with engineering students to collect rich datasets comprising videos, sensor time series data and simulation-event logs. Data analysis will seek evidence for changes in both students outcomes (changes in content knowledge, engagement, attitude towards engineering, self-efficacy towards learning engineering, usability of the product) and instructor outcomes (attitudes about the usefulness of the product).SimInsights Inc
SBIR Phase I: Authoring tools for rapid high quality complex assessments for Next Generation Science Standards
25 Pacifica
Irvine, CA 92618-3356
NSF Award
1520607 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2015 – 12/31/2015
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This SBIR Phase 1 project will research the feasibility of novel tools for authoring; distributing and scoring high quality game based complex performance assessments for Next Generation Science Standards, ultimately targeting the entire K-12 science segment of nearly 54 million students in the US. US science education is facing critical challenges in terms of global competitiveness. Designed to meet these challenges, Next Generation Science Standards call for major changes in assessments. Historically, the development life cycle of assessments, particularly for measuring complex learning, has required significant amount of time and resources. In addition, the design, development, and validation of complex measures of content and cognition can be expensive and take many months. Similarly, creation of simulations and games is also very expensive. Software systems that enable the authoring of large numbers of high quality game based assessments will accelerate assessment development and innovation, reduce costs, enhance teacher proficiency and buy-in, and also positively impact instruction and curriculum by providing valuable feedback on student learning progression. Highly engaging assessments will potentially help students realize where they need to focus their efforts without the pressure of typical tests, thereby increasing learning and self-efficacy outcomes and significantly increasing the number of students who decide to pursue science and engineering degrees and careers.
This SBIR proposal seeks to simultaneously satisfy several important assessment requirements including quality, development cost, student engagement, easy authoring and teacher buy-in by creating a novel game based assessment authoring system. The proposed approach will investigate a middle path between two alternatives. The traditional approach involves assessment item development by professionals. While the resulting items are of high quality, they are also expensive and lack teacher buy-in and student engagement. In contrast, another approach calls for teachers to develop and test new items without much expert guidance. These items, while authentic and low-cost, can have quality problems. The proposed research will investigate authoring tools that offer teachers the freedom to exercise their creativity in authoring authentic assessments, while also providing expert guidance to significantly increase the probability that the assessments are of high quality and generate trustworthy formative feedback. The proposed system will also automatically measure and score students' performances using techniques from psychometrics and educational data mining to rapidly produce actionable insights to guide the next best instructional steps. The proposed authoring tools and resulting assessments will be validated with usability, classroom and crowdsourcing studies.Simplyvital Health, Inc.
STTR Phase I: Increased Scalability for Blockchains applied to Healthcare
7 Sherman Dr
Belmont, MA 02478-3130
NSF Award
1913753 – STTR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2019 – 03/31/2020
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The broader impact of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project is to drive down healthcare costs by enabling access to data through blockchain technology. The healthcare system is plagued by inefficiencies, many of which boil down to the inability to access the right data at the right time because of technological and business barriers. Leveraging blockchain for data access can drive an identified $100 billion in savings. However, while an estimated 40% of senior finance executives expect their firm to invest in blockchain over the next 2 years because of its transformational qualities, the transaction speed of blockchain needs to be improved. This project addresses this need, bringing a critical scaling innovation to Health Nexus - the open source, HIPAA-compatible blockchain.
This STTR Phase I project proposes to address several technical hurdles that will lead to successful commercialization. The project will deploy novel Graphene protocol for efficient propagation of completed transactions across the Health Nexus network. Graphene is a recent breakthrough in block propagation technology that requires a small fraction of network costs compared to existing technology, promising to improve performance of Health Nexus while lowering its costs. The project's research and development will seek to deploy Graphene on Health Nexus and quantify its performance in practice. Additional goals include designing and deploying fast methods for encoding blocks and selecting protocol parameters, methods for managing variation in the level of transaction synchronization among peers, and robust methods of recovery from failure. Early consensus identifies opportunity in supply chain management, drug distribution, and claims processing and billing, but there are innumerable amount of potential applications of blockchain in healthcare that cannot be predicted now - just as it would have been impossible to predict smartphones in early Internet days. The economic impact of bringing down healthcare cost has the potential to benefit millions of lives in ways we cannot imagine. This infrastructure is crucial as the foundation of blockchain innovation.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.Sinter Print Inc
SBIR Phase I: Reactive Additive Manufacturing
405 Young Ct
Erie, CO 80516-2400
NSF Award
1647373 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
12/01/2016 – 05/31/2017
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This SBIR Phase I project addresses the lack of materials available for advanced 3D printing. 3D printing is and will likely be used to produce products that encompass every aspect of day-to-day life. Current technology is primarily focused on the aerospace and medical fields. New metallic materials and more efficient processing methods are needed to transition to other more ubiquitous markets. This project is aimed at broadening the materials selection through a new production technique that complements existing technologies. The growth of the 3D printing industry will bring very competitive manufacturing jobs back to The United States.
This project will investigate the feasibility of an innovative reactive additive manufacturing (RAM) process to create a range of materials including nickel metal matrix composites, tungsten carbide composites, and nickel titanium intermetallic compounds. Each material system will be designed, fabricated, and characterized for a range of properties including microstructure, product phases, density, porosity, and hardness. For each of the three materials systems, the iterative development process will include modification of composition and process parameters to determine their effect on the material microstructure and properties and determine the feasibility of the RAM process to produce each material type commercially. The expected outcome of this activity is that the RAM process will be proven feasible for one or more of the investigated materials systems. The results of this work will be developed further and will subsequently lead to commercialization and sales of the novel materials mixtures and RAM process parameters for use in commercial powder bed fusion additive manufacturing systems already in use.Solchroma Technologies Inc
SBIR Phase I: Vivid pixel array for reflective, full-color digital signage
32 Appleton St
Somerville, MA 02144-2131
NSF Award
1548905 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2016 – 06/30/2016
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project has three outcomes. Commercially, the introduction of the developed technology will capture a significant fraction of the $12.6B billboard and sign manufacturing market, contributing to its expansion and that of related markets such as indoor signage and architectural aesthetics. Environmentally, significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions will be realized as the technology will consume up to 100x less energy relative to existing LED array-based digital signage. Additional reductions in physical waste will be considerable for locations switching from conventional printed materials to digital. Scientifically, advancing dielectric elastomer processing and fabrication with a commercial focus will contribute to overcoming technological hurdles preventing their commercial adoption in other fields.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project evaluates the feasibility of constructing prototype dielectric elastomer-based display modules on a commercially relevant scale. Processing and fabrication constraints currently inhibit rapid commercial growth of dielectric elastomer technology in the marketplace at a time when it is beginning to prove itself in niche markets such as audio-related haptics and laser speckle reduction. Through studying the feasibility of constructing a redesigned pixel, its ability to scale to array sizes acceptable for large-area digital signage, and its performance, a clearer determination of customer acceptance will be obtained. Successful completion of these objectives will result in a scalable, full-color, reflective display module, and de-risk the fabrication processes involved in manipulating hydrostatically-coupled dielectric elastomers on scales relevant for large-area applications.Sonavex, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Automated Blood Flow Analysis Using Adaptive Three-Dimensional Ultrasound
2835 O'Donnell St
Baltimore, MD 21224-0000
NSF Award
1520315 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2015 – 06/30/2016
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project includes the reduction in severe patient morbidity and elimination of hundreds of millions of dollars of expenditures by the U.S. healthcare system each year on revision surgeries and unnecessary procedures associated with late detection of post-surgical blood clots. Surgeons have the ability to prevent these catastrophic events, but only the onset of the clot can be detected in a timely manner. Currently, of the patients who form clots after the targeted surgeries, half will suffer from a surgical failure due to the shortcomings of current modalities. This technology gives clinicians the ability to non-invasively track changes in blood flow within critical vessels to enable intervention prior to any compromise in health and prevent a majority of these catastrophic incidents. Beyond significant decreases in patient suffering and morbidity, such interventions will have an enormous positive economic impact on the health care system. This technology can also substantially improve clinical understanding of the clotting process and possibly enable non-invasive therapeutic treatments for these patients who otherwise would receive surgery.
The proposed project offers significant intellectual and scientific merit associated with new methods of ultrasound flow analysis. The objective of this work is to develop a system that is able to collect a 3D volume of ultrasound data and automatically extract the blood flow data in the region of interest by detecting an implantable component. This novel approach to measuring vascular flow will be the first to enable detection of localized post-operative clot formation rather than detecting clot-related issues via delayed and indirect methods that leave patients at risk for surgical failures. This technique can allow for intervention earlier than all other available methods, thus improving patient outcomes and reducing hospital costs. Furthermore, this method enables automatic detection of critical changes in blood flow, eliminating the risk of human error. Lastly, dissemination of the technology developed in this proposal represents an important milestone towards the creation of simpler, more automated ultrasound systems that can place this non-invasive, non-ionizing modality in the hands of non-expert clinicians for use in a broader spectrum of medical applications.Spheryx, Inc
SBIR Phase I: Total Holographic Characterization of Colloids Through Holographic Video Microscopy
330 E 38th St, Apt 48J
New York, NY 10016-2784
NSF Award
1519057 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2015 – 06/30/2016
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This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will support the development of a novel approach, based on holographic video microscopy, to analyze the physical properties of colloidal dispersions. This technology will have immediate applications in industries as diverse as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, personal care products, petrochemicals and food, all of which rely on the properties of colloidal dispersions and the microscopic particles from which they are composed. The worldwide market for particle characterization exceeded $5 billion per year in 2012. The present effort's holographic characterization technology extends the state-of-the-art in particle characterization by providing simultaneous information about both the size and the composition of individual particles in dispersion, and by building up a clear picture of the distribution of properties within a sample without relying on models or assumptions. Access to these new dimensions of information will be useful for product development, process control and quality assurance in all of the industrial sectors that rely on the properties of colloidal materials, thereby increasing opportunities for innovation, enhancing product performance, and decreasing manufacturing costs. In addition to capturing a share of the established market for particle characterization, this new product may also broaden the market by creating new application areas.
The intellectual merit of this project resides in transforming holographic video microscopy from an academic research tool to a powerful commercial instrument. Several innovations are required to make this revolutionary technology commercially viable. In its present incarnation, holographic characterization has been demonstrated with nearly ideal spheres, for which it yields the size to within a nanometer, the complex refractive index to within a part per thousand, and the time-resolved trajectory to within a nanometer in three dimensions. No other particle characterization technique offers such a wealth of particle-resolved information. This Phase I effort will demonstrate the feasibility of holographic particle characterization for a range of non-ideal industrial materials by applying state-of-the-art methods of machine learning to extend the technique's domain of applicability while simultaneously reducing the time per analysis from seconds to tens of milliseconds. This 100-fold acceleration, and the associated reduction in computational cost, will enable the technology to be deployed in large-volume and high-throughput applications. The resulting real-time insights into colloidal dispersions' compositions will improve manufacturing efficiency by identifying and helping to correct process deviations and failures. In so doing it will reduce product costs in all of the industrial sectors that develop and sell colloidal materials.Swarm Technologies, LLC
SBIR Phase I: An Innovative and Open Satellite-Based Internet of Things (IoT) Network
3236 Ashbourne Cir
San Ramon, CA 94583-9116
NSF Award
1647553 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
12/01/2016 – 11/30/2017
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The broader/commercial impact of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is the creation of a low-cost satellite network for Internet of Things (IoT) connected devices. The proposed global communications network is orders of magnitude lower cost relative to existing options, and provides coverage at any location on the Earth. Scientific, shipping, tracking, automotive, agriculture, energy, medical, educational, and other commercial entities will have the ability to return their data from anywhere on the planet to support tracking, safe operations, and optimal and timely decision making. This innovative network is also expected to enable new market segments due to its unprecedented capability and cost. Further impact with the introduction of very small satellite design for swarm networking includes making space more accessible and promotes the use of smaller spacecraft resources for more complex missions. This enables the development of new products and services for data collection and return for scientific, societal, or commercial benefit. Educational and research and development projects will also benefit with reduced barriers of entry to test new concepts and business models, making additional professional development opportunities available.
The proposed project addresses the problem that there are no existing low-cost options for sensing, transmitting, and connecting devices from remote locations with no cell or Wifi coverage. Existing solutions like Iridium are expensive and not utilized by the majority of markets requiring connectivity. Swarm Technologies has developed smart, low-mass, low-power, low-cost (<1/10,000 the mass and power, and 1/400th the cost) integrated sensor and data relay platforms. This creates the unique opportunity to develop low-cost space and ground based communication networks for global sensing, connectivity, and data return. The long-term goal of this R&D project is to become a unique and true IoT enabler by creating an open access global space telecommunications network capable of relaying data from any space or ground IoT sensor anywhere on the planet. The research objectives of this proposal are to design and test the operational performance of the ground BEEs (the ground-relay nodes), including developing and characterizing the networking, communication, software, energy management systems. We will utilize design, simulation techniques, and lab and environmental testing in representative environments (e.g. vacuum chamber and high altitude balloons).SweetSense Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Predictive Algorithms for Water Point Failure
5548 NE 18th Ave
Portland, OR 97211-5543
NSF Award
1621444 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2016 – 07/31/2017
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is in creating a market for financially sustained and accountable water services in developing countries. The impact of improved water, sanitation, and hygiene on public health is significant, and has the potential to prevent at least 9.1% of the global disease burden and 6.3% of all deaths. Present-day approaches for delivering water services in developing countries typically focus on deploying, maintaining, and monitoring aid-projects for only a few years. Impact is nominally evaluated by implementers (non-profit, private and government alike) directly. However, even when a positive impact is measured, the majority of these environmental service and monitoring interventions are short-term, and measurements may be misleading. For example, a multi-decade project apparently increased access to clean water supplies in rural areas from 58% in 1990 to 91% in 2015. Improved services may be realized through preventative and "just in time" maintenance activities, enabled through instrumentation and predictive failure data analysis algorithms. This may, critically, enable zero-interruption in water supply. Intermediate access to water, caused by water point failure, to clean water is known to increase health risks.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project intends to develop predicative machine learning algorithms for water point failures derived from cellular reporting electronic sensors installed on rural water infrastructure in developing countries. The innovation proposed for research in this proposal consists of employing an ensemble of robust machine learning classification techniques, using cross-validation methods to tune model parameters and evaluate performance, in order to develop a data-adaptive system capable of predicting failure well enough in advance to allow preventive maintenance, repair or replacement. Specifically, we will first examine condition based maintenance. Condition based maintenance has several advantages over time based maintenance, especially the ability to allocate limited maintenance resources where they are needed, instead of spreading maintenance resources evenly, including where they may not be needed. Our proposed Phase 1 SBIR focuses on developing predictive algorithms for water point failures using our existing sensor hardware and applied to existing customers. Our success criteria for a Phase 1 SBIR is a predictive algorithm that can accurately identify water points in near-failure.Sylvatex Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Development of Renewable Nanoparticle Platform for Green Energy Production and Storage Applications
927 Thompson Place
Sunnyvale, CA 94085-4518
NSF Award
1819697 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
06/15/2018 – 09/30/2019
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project is to use self-assembling nanoparticle systems made from renewable, bio-based materials to replace manufacturing processes that conventionally rely on high-energy reaction conditions and petroleum-based chemicals. This innovation will enhance technical understanding of the property-performance relationship between chemistry formulations, nanoparticle morphology, and product performance. This project will enable US manufacturers to reduce their production and disposal of toxic waste and utilize locally produced feedstocks and inputs in manufacturing process that are lower in carbon intensity, and will also create new markets for US produced feedstocks and materials.
This SBIR Phase I project proposes to optimize a green nanoparticle-forming solvent system that self-assamble to function as "microreactor" vessels that can produce cathode materials which are used in rechargeable battery systems for the growing energy storage market. Solution-based synthesis methods have been used to prepare different cathode materials, but control over product structure and quality requires detailed understanding of the solution chemistry, which can be obscured by downstream variables that are introduced during electrode formation. This screening process will be streamlined by characterizing and quantifying the properties of intermediates produced in order to determine optimal chemistry formulation, particle size, and calcination conditions for battery performance. The approach will use rapid characterization methods that require only microscale quantities of material in order to develop a sensitivity matrix that relates the impact of renewable composition inputs and reaction variables on cathode material size and morphology, allowing prediction of overall battery performance.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.Syzygy Plasmonics Inc
SBIR Phase I: Light-Driven Conversion of CO2 and Methane to Syngas
9000 Kirby Dr
Houston, TX 77054-2504
NSF Award
1912970 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2019 – 12/31/2019
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research project is that the proposed chemical reactor utilizes methane from natural gas, a native resource, and waste carbon dioxide from industrial processes to create syngas, a widely used industrial gas. Syngas is a crucial resource for production of hydrogen, ammonia, methanol, and synthetic fuels. Hydrogen can be used as a clean alternative fuel to gasoline, ammonia is used in the production of fertilizer for food, and methanol can be used to produce olefins that are used to produce plastics. This chemical reactor uses LED light as an energy source instead of heat from burning fuel to consume two potent greenhouse gases and create a commercially relevant product at a competitive price. Using LED light allows for the use of renewable electricity, whenever available, to power the chemical reaction, in effect electrifying the chemical manufacturing process and reducing its carbon emissions. Some commercial benefits of this reactor are: (a) it is low-cost: built out of cost-effective materials such as glass, (b) it can startup and shut down on demand, (c) it can be made into large plants or efficiently scaled-down to build small-scale distributed reactor to produce syngas at the point-of-application.
This SBIR Phase I project proposes to build and demonstrate a bench-scale photoreactor for dry methane reforming (DMR) reaction that uses LED light as its primary energy source. To date, DMR has not achieved commercialization due to very high temperature requirements and lack of commercially relevant stable catalyst. The presented photocatalyst overcomes the previous challenges with DMR. At lab-scale, it has has shown unprecedented high reaction rate, selectivity, and stability after long duration testing. This 6-month project will focus on three foundational aspects critical to this technology development: (a) develop a multi-physics thermal model of the bench-scale reactor in COMSOL to understand the energetic effects of the incident light and the endothermicity of the reaction on the catalyst bed, (b) build a bench-scale reactor and perform photocatalysis experiments to measure and optimize reaction rates and energy efficiency, (c) build a techno-economic model that can be used to determine the feasibility of this reactor for commercialization. Upon successful completion of the project, the reactor will be ready for a larger scale pilot implementation at a testing facility.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.TERRAFUSE, INC.
SBIR Phase I: Machine learning emulators of weather and hydroclimate models for operational and financial risk assessment
163 Arlington Avenue
Kensington, CA 94707-0000
NSF Award
1843103 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2019 – 02/29/2020
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is that it will provide a concrete implementation with practical commercial applications in renewable energy and climate-related risk of a hybrid, ultrafast physics-informed machine learning technology that emulates complex numerical physics-based climate/weather models. Physics-based (hydro)climate/weather simulation models are used across trillion-dollar industries of utmost societal interest, from agriculture to insurance to energy to logistics. Faster (by 3-5 orders of magnitude), hyperlocal, large-scale estimates of physical climate/environmental parameters that are difficult/expensive or even impossible to measure empirically (such as snow-water equivalent), integrating best-available real-time observational remote-sensing data, can both streamline existing applications (faster hydropower scenario forecasting), as well as enable new capabilities and products (e.g., real-time storm risk response or automated parametric insurance contracts). The proposed R&D effort will illustrate how scientific modeling, including of climate, can leverage both the body of knowledge embedded in numerical simulation models, which the scientific community has spent more than seven decades building, as well as the high speed and natural capability of novel AI and machine learning models to process novel sources of observational data (particularly remote-sensing) on the natural environment.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project addresses the need in the renewable energy and insurance industries for fast, high-resolution (in space and time) estimates of the hazard profiles of environmental and climate/weather parameters informed by real-time observational data. The project aims to provide a first proof-of-concept that a commercial-grade hybrid physics-informed AI technology can be developed for estimating relevant climate and weather parameters, starting with hydroclimate modeling. The R&D effort proposed will focus on 1) developing and validating a generative deep learning model trained on numerical hydroclimate simulation data as well as observational meteorological data; 2) identifying and benchmarking best-practices for ensuring stable training and updating of the model, observational/simulation data requirements, and computational resources needed; and 3) designing and developing streamlined model access patterns and web-based API functionality for use cases relevant to renewable energy and insurance/risk modeling use-cases. The envisioned proof-of-concept is a modular computational system running natively on GPU hardware that will allow creating gridded datasets of physical parameters such as snow water equivalent, precipitation, or water level, as well as their associated probability curves for geographical locations and time horizons of interest.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.TRASH INC.
SBIR Phase I: Filmmaking for Everyone: Computational Video Editing
2430 Kent St
Los Angeles, CA 90026-0000
NSF Award
1842850 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2019 – 10/31/2019
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will result from addressing video editing as a software problem. All the hurdles that surround this space - the clunkiness of having to poke at a timeline of clips with your fingers on a rectangle of glass, the time and technical skill required to even know how to put those clips together in a pleasing sequence, and the cost to have someone else do it for you - are all problems that can be solved with computational video editing. The cameras in mobile phones are the most important contemporary tool for artistic expression and cultural communication. The company's mobile video editing platform gives young and economically disadvantaged creators (who may only have a mobile device camera) access to the narrative format of video. With the growing adoption of mobile video by creators and viewers in every corner of the globe, high-quality video editing tools are increasingly needed for mobile platforms.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will investigate the use of video understanding techniques that support the creation of artistic and cultural output. This project will develop algorithms, representations, and datasets that allow consumer-grade devices such as smartphones, tablets, and commodity PCs to understand video and generate narrative video sequences. The goal of this Phase I project is at the intersection of human-computer interaction, computer vision, and computational videography. This project will explore rich semantic embedding spaces, end-to-end trained multi-task neural networks, and large-scale data and their application to video manipulation, enhancement, and the ultimate goal of automated film editing.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.Telineage, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: A Robust Caller-ID Alternative for Securing Telephony Based Transactions
Atlanta, GA 30308-3741
NSF Award
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2011 – 06/30/2012
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I research project will explore technologies that will enable an improvement in trust in the converged telephony infrastructure without negatively impacting user experience. Telephony has long been viewed as a trusted communications medium and a variety of transactions conducted over the telephone depend on such trust. For example, to combat credit card and other financial fraud, banks rely on their ability to securely communicate with their customers via the phone. Unfortunately, while the convergence of traditional telephony with cellular and IP networks offers many benefits, it has opened it to additional security threats. Call metadata such as caller identifier can now be easily manipulated and attacks including voice phishing have already resulted in financial losses for banks. The intellectual merit of this research project lies in demonstrating that the source and intermediary networks in a phone call introduce artifacts in the audio that can be used to uniquely identify its source. The project will investigate features that capture key call artifacts and apply machine learning techniques to fingerprint call sources. A key goal will be the validation of the preliminary results at the scale that will arise in real-world deployments.
The broader impact of the project will come from the development of a secure Caller-ID alternative with applicability both in the enterprise setting as well as at the consumer end. Because the proposed approach only relies on analysis of audio at the receiving end, it requires no changes to be made to the telephony infrastructure. This is especially advantageous not only because of the complex and diverse nature of this infrastructure, but also because unlike a cryptographic solution both ends of a call do not need to participate in the process. The ubiquitous nature of the telephone and possible erosion of trust in this medium will have serious consequences for both businesses and citizens. The success of this project will help maintain this trust and thus it will have broad commercial and societal impact.Temblor, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Temblor--an innovative, mobile source of seismic risk understanding and solutions for the public and providers
119 Scenic Dr
Redwood City, CA 94062-3232
NSF Award
1648595 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
12/15/2016 – 08/31/2017
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is to attempt to close what has been called the "largest financial protection gap in the world," the impact of a large U.S. earthquake on a major population center. The public is woefully unprepared for the consequences of such an event, banking on government assistance rather than personal resilience. In California alone, there are 3-4 million uninsured seismically vulnerable homes and 1 million uninsured vulnerable businesses. Of 1-3 million homes in need of strengthening, only about 20,000 are seismically retrofitted each year. Part of the problem is that insurance companies calculate the likelihood of a payout for a policy, but homeowners cannot, so homeowners lack the means to act in their own best financial interests. The free and ad-free mobile app under development for this project uses public data and methods to explain a home's seismic risk and to show the benefits of buying a seismically safer home, retrofitting an older home, or purchasing earthquake insurance. Most important, it does so without scaring, soothing, or snowing the user. Homebuyers can use the app at open houses and also at the residences of family members.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project has three principle objectives: (1) The seismic hazard estimates will account not only for earthquake shaking, but also for whether a home lies on a steep slope or in a liquefaction, landslide, or fault zone, which increase the damage potential. With this enhancement, insurance will be more economical than retrofit in some locations because it is expensive to retrofit in a landslide or liquefaction zone. (2) The technology will combine several real-time data streams to predict the earthquakes that app users have just felt, notifying them within tens of seconds. With this feature, the company aims to provide the fastest, most personalized, most useful, and most accurate earthquake notifications ever achieved. (3) The app will include a global earthquake forecast, so that anyone on Earth with a mobile phone can learn their earthquake exposure. This forecast is based on the first and only independently tested, published, and globally uniform earthquake occurrence model. App users can learn about the largest earthquake they are likely to experience in their lifetime, and how to take action to protect themselves and their families.The Echo Nest Corporation
SBIR Phase I: The Echo Nest Music Personalization
48 Grove Street
Somerville, MA 02144-2500
NSF Award
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2007 – 12/31/2007
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project aims at solving the computational problem of personalizing music search and recommendation. The recent explosion of digital music has created an urgent need for powerful knowledge management techniques and tools. Because of the highly subjective nature of musical content and perception, the best possible search strategy would rank media in a personalized fashion, based on each individual's tastes and preferences, from combined cultural and acoustic descriptions. The Echo Nest's predictive personalization technology computes and collects, collaboratively and automatically, cultural opinions online and acoustic content using unsupervised data mining and machine listening techniques. Combining cultural and acoustic notions of music together with the analysis of an individual's listening patterns, ratings and feedback, leads to a vertical search/recommendation engine that knows about content, communities' reaction, and users' preferences.
Intelligent music personalization goes beyond search and recommendation. Because the approach is fully autonomous and scalable it can efficiently address the long tail of independent music as well as the Billboard 100; discover artists and niches or predict trends and hits; market indies directly to individuals and optimize aggregators, distributors, and record labels' selection. The Echo Nest engine is the perceptual-media complement to purely text-based search engines and has a significant market potential.UPSHOT VENTURES, LLC
SBIR Phase I: OPTIMUS - An Innovative Modular Turbomachinery System for Small Satellite Launch Propulsion Systems
Denver, CO 80212-2437
NSF Award
2025856 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
08/01/2020 – 05/31/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I Project is to improve new pumps for the satellite launch industry. Small satellites support many applications such as global Internet and communication coverage, as well as earth and environmental imaging. The proposed technology will support propulsion systems with higher efficiency. This project will explore high-performing design and manufacturing techniques required to create a 3D printed, high-efficiency propulsion sub-system. The system is designed to be modular, scalable, and adaptable by leveraging many advanced design and manufacturing techniques such as additive manufacturing.
This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will support the research and development of the launch industry’s first commercially available turbine-driven pump system for the satellite launch industry. The innovation reduces typical turbopump cost and part count by a factor of 10, and can be rapidly configured to meet requirements for thrust, engine cycle, and propellant combinations. The proposed project will explore the cost-performance trade space for a novel rocket engine turbopump system.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.Uniqarta, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Hybrid Paper Electronics: Feasibility Study
42 Trowbridge St
Cambridge, MA 02138-4115
NSF Award
1519514 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2015 – 12/31/2015
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is to introduce and establish the foundations of a new class of electronic products - ultra-thin electronic devices embedded in thin, flexible, inexpensive, and environmentally friendly substrates such as common paper. The ultra-thin embedded electronics offer superior cost, flexibility, reliability, and security characteristics relative to conventional flexible electronics. The most significant applicable market for such products in the near term is that for Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID)-based devices. In 2014, shipments of passive RFID tags will approach 7 billion having a value of about $3.5 billion and an annual growth rate of about 25%. However, the application of the ultra-thin embedded electronics technology extends well beyond RFID. It encompasses both defense and commercial applications within the general category of flexible hybrid electronics. Examples of defense applications include wearable health monitors, disposable sensors, embedded sensors with communication capability for monitoring equipment and structural health, etc. Examples of commercial applications are counterfeit-proof 'smart' security, legal, and financial documents, wearable and disposable electronics, interactive media, and intelligent product packaging.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project aims to study the feasibility of embedding ultra-thin electronic devices in thin flexible materials such as paper. Paper has been considered extensively as a substrate material for printed electronics. However, embedding ultra-thin, silicon-based flexible electronic devices inside paper during the paper making process has not been researched. Similarly, an extensive body of knowledge exists on the topic of device reliability. However, current research is almost entirely focused on the interconnection system between the chip and circuit board and on the situations where the entire device is subjected to cyclic thermal and/or mechanical stresses. Embedding hybrid electronic devices in thin flexible materials requires the semiconductor chips to be extremely thin, less than 50 microns and preferably about 20-25 microns thick. This is significantly thinner than the conventional chips. Still, no research has exclusively considered the survivability of such chips and the entire embedded electronic device under the stress and strain conditions typical for the paper making process. The results from this study will pave the path to developing ultra-thin electronic devices embedded in other thin flexible materials such as polymers, composites, and synthetic paper.Uniqarta, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Laser-Enabled Massively Parallel Die Transfer for ?LED Displays
42 Trowbridge St
Cambridge, MA 02138-4115
NSF Award
1745903 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2018 – 12/31/2019
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is to reduce the power consumption of display and lighting products by 90%. It will do so by enabling the pervasive use of light emitting diodes (LEDs) in such products. LEDs consume substantially less power than other display/lighting technologies and also offer benefits such as superior picture or lighting quality and longer lifespan. The foremost barrier to the emergence of such products is the difficulty of economically placing large quantities of LEDs onto a product grid. For example, if current-day methods are used to create a full high definition display, its assembly would take about a month and drive its cost far beyond what the market could accept. This project's innovation addresses this problem with a laser-based, ultra-high speed LED placement solution. Beyond this immediate application, it will further the industry's technical capabilities relative to electronics component assembly in general. The commercial potential for chip-based LED display and lighting products is expected to reach about $10 billion within five years. The market for LED placement solutions in support of these products will be about $1 billion in this same time frame.
The proposed project addresses the above problem by demonstrating an ultra-high speed LED placement method that can reduce the one month assembly time in the example above to just one minute. This solution, unlike others in development, increases the placement rate of LEDs by a factor of 10,000 and includes the ability to pre-screen and replace non-functional LEDs. This project will demonstrate the core aspect of this solution involving the placement of multiple, very small LEDs ("microLEDs") using a single laser pulse diffracted into multiple scanned beams. It will use this solution to demonstrate the extremely fast assembly of a quantum dot-based microLED display. The project will build upon a related, previously demonstrated capability applied to larger, silicon dies. Each aspect of the technology (wafer preparation, single laser beam placement, multi-beam placement) will be individually optimized for the new conditions imposed by the smaller sized, sapphire-based microLEDs. This new, LED-tailored capability will then be used to demonstrate the assembly of a four thousand pixel microLED display in under one second thereby achieving the project's goal of demonstrating a >50M units/hour LED placement rate.Via Separations, LLC
SBIR Phase I: Robust Nanofiltration to Enable Challenging Chemical and Pharmaceutical Separations
381A Huron Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138-6832
NSF Award
1722157 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2017 – 06/30/2018
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The broad impact of the proposed SBIR project is in the development of Graphene oxide based filtration membranes in industrial applications, such as pharmaceutical and chemical production. Current polymer membranes are not meeting specific industrial needs and are unlikely to do so with incremental innovation. On the other hand, converting from distillation and evaporation to membrane-based separation has the potential to reduce energy consumption in the US by 10%. The proposed graphene oxide based material is a robust nanomaterial that is capable of separating streams at the molecular level while withstanding the challenging environments of chemical separations. Successful implementation will increase process intensification and energy efficiency for pharmaceutical and chemical producers, while simultaneously enabling previously inaccessible separations.
Graphene Oxide (GO) membranes enable a new materials platform for fine liquid filtration in harsh environments. These temperature stable, solvent resistant, and oxidizer tolerant membranes will accomplish nanofiltration (NF) separation of a range of feed streams. With immediate benefits in reducing cleaning time and downtime for dairy and food production and high impact for energy savings in pharmaceutical and chemical separations, materials innovation for membranes represents a large opportunity for energy and cost savings. GO is synthesized at near ambient temperatures with low-cost synthetic chemistry methods and thus is many orders of magnitude less expensive than graphene. This proposal focuses on further developing the graphene oxide material for the high value pharmaceutical and chemical streams in order to transition from heat-based or low-throughput distillation, evaporation, and chromatography methods towards the significantly lower cost and energy-efficient membrane alternative.Visikol, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Improved Skeletal Visualization Technology for Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology (DART) Studies
120 Albany St Ste 850
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-2126
NSF Award
1622083 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2016 – 12/31/2016
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project will be to develop technology to improve skeletal visualization for developmental and reproductive toxicology (DART) studies. Every year over $4 billion is spent in the US on toxicology studies for new pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, pesticides, and industrial chemicals. Any reduction in testing times or costs could create significant benefits to these industries by bringing safer chemical products to market more quickly and at lower costs. Using this technology would reduce both researcher time and the number of laboratory animals needed to complete common studies, leading to faster and more efficient safety screening for new chemicals. The aim is to enable contract research organizations (CRO's) to conduct 30% more studies per year while reducing costs. These studies are required to ensure that chemicals that make it into the market place are safe. CRO's that conduct these studies currently have a very challenging time meeting customer demand. The demand for DART studies has risen quickly due to the recent REACH legislation in the European Union, and the back-log has resulted in chemicals and life-saving therapeutics being available to consumers more slowly.
This SBIR Phase I project proposes to develop a clearing agent for the visualization of bone structures in rodents. The goal is to demonstrate the proposed technology can rapidly clear tissue without causing damage to the specimens. The major problem with the currently used method, diaphonization, is its tendency to destroy specimens beyond usability, and the time required to complete the process. Currently, the longest step is processing the animals to evaluate their skeletons, which is conducted using a process requiring 14-21 days where the soft tissue is digested with a strong base and the bones are stained so they can be more easily visualized. The proposed technology is able to render the soft tissue transparent so that the bones can be easily visualized in 2-6 days. Through this project the technology will be optimized for replacing the current approach to skeletal visualization in DART studies, and then compared in a side-by-side study to determine if the same end point is reached without damage to the specimens while reducing overall study time by over 30% and reducing costs. This project will lead directly to a technology that can be sold to CRO's to replace their current skeletal visualization technology with an approach that enables them to drastically increase study throughput and quality.Visikol, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Digitization of Skeletal Evaluations for Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology (DART) Studies.
120 Albany St Ste 850
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-2126
NSF Award
1745650 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2018 – 06/30/2018
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project is the development of a digital skeletal evaluation workflow for reproductive toxicology studies that will better ensure that potential therapeutics with teratogenic effects will not make it to the marketplace, and at reduced time and cost. The current approach for characterizing the impact of new therapeutics and chemicals on skeletal development relies upon human-based qualitative characterization, while the goal for this digital and quantitative approach will be to more accurately characterize the effect of therapeutics. An improved skeletal characterization workflow in this $2.5 billion toxicology market also will allow for the reduced usage of animals. The imaging and characterization platform developed through this project will be commercialized as a service where contract research organizations or pharmaceutical companies may send fetal skeletons for analysis. Alternatively, customers may purchase the platform. This biphasic business model will allow small contract research organizations to outsource labor intensive characterization and large contract research organizations to switch to this new digital approach.
This SBIR Phase I project proposes to optimize a prototype optical coherence tomography (CT) scanner for the 3D digitization of rodent skeletons at high resolution. Using this system, rodent skeletons will be transformed into three-dimensional data matrices that can be evaluated digitally by a fetal pathologist or characterized quantitively by a computer for defects. The illumination and imaging parameters of the optical scanner will be systematically optimized to reduce noise and to enable the clear differentiation between different skeletal features. Once rodent skeletons can be imaged in a reproducible manner to create three-dimensional data sets, these data sets will be compared quantitatively side-by-side to data sets acquired from the same animals using more expensive X-ray CT imaging. Following imaging optimization and validation, a digital analysis program will be developed that will determine if bones in a rodent model deviate from control samples. This program will begin to allow for the complete digital evaluation of rodent skeletons for developmental and reproductive toxicology studies.XPEED Turbine Technology LLC
33 Linberger Dr
Bridgewater, NJ 08807-2380
NSF Award
1549223 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2016 – 08/31/2016
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is in the development of a more efficient wind energy production technology. This technology will make wind energy more economically attractive, improve the energy security of the U.S., create hundreds of jobs and help to reduce coal and natural gas emissions by providing an alternative renewable energy source. An expected reduction in the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) by 8% would help reducing the price of this energy and signing of more wind power purchase agreements. Therefore US citizens would be paying less money out of their pockets on their electric bills. Additionally, big reduction of the cost of wind energy has attracted over $100 billion in private investment since 2008. An expected 10% increase in Annual Energy Production (AEP) would power an extra 1.8 million homes, reduce carbon pollution by 12.5 million metric tons and generate $180 million a year in tax payments to communities. Finally, the innovation proposed in this application has the potential to address both the efficiency demands of wind farm owners (reducing the break-even times) and providing a disruptive design innovation to turbine manufacturers for them to have a sustainable competitive edge.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will address challenges related to aerodynamic efficiency of wind turbines. It focuses on developing aerodynamic flow deflectors to be mounted on the wind turbine blades. These can be incorporated into new wind turbine designs or retrofitted onto the thousands of currently operating turbines to increase their efficiency. By introducing the proposed flow deflector, the radial component of velocity of the incoming flow is redirected to produce an additional amount of torque and generate the extra power. From discussions with leading wind energy companies, there is a general agreement that this could be a game changer and one of the biggest improvements in wind turbines to date, but large scale field test validation is needed. Therefore, the key technical challenge to bring the technology to market that would be addressed in Phase I is to perform a field test of the flow deflectors in a large scale turbine (1-20 meter diameter) under realistic environmental conditions. The main goal for Phase I is to demonstrate the substantial power increase (AEP >2-3%) while reducing the cost of energy (LCOE >2%) when retrofitting a large scale commercial turbine with the proposed technology.Yesse Technologies, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: A Chemical Detection Platform to Decode Human Olfaction
430 E 29th Street
New York, NY 10016-8367
NSF Award
1720679 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
06/01/2017 – 05/31/2018
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project will be to digitize the human sense of smell and develop a platform to create "humanized mice" that that express any human odorant sensor in the nose of a mouse. Tools have been developed to determine the unique odor codes for each individual odor mixture that exists today ranging from the fragrances in a perfumer's palette to the Chardonnay in your wine cellar. Such an olfactory code will allow flavor and fragrance companies to predict the "smell" of certain odor mixtures, and to engineer new compounds in a rational and more streamlined manner. This technology will have a significant commercial impact on existing consumer products, including food, personal hygiene, household products, and perfumes, by offering a solution to more efficiently design pleasing scents and flavors or to formulate compounds that block repulsive odors. In addition, the proposed chemical detector platform under development to generate this olfactory code has additional applications as a biosensor. It may be used to generate disease-specific chemosignatures identified in bodily fluids like urine, sweat or blood, which may have application in clinical diagnostics and biomarker discovery.
This SBIR Phase I project proposes to use human odor sensors produced in their native environment, an olfactory sensory neuron, and develop an ex vivo biochemical assay to screen for odor sensor activation in a quantitative way. Since human odor sensors (odorant receptors) have proven to be exceptionally difficult to express in vitro, high-throughput screening of odorants using conventional pharmaceutical methods have not been possible to date. As such, only 10% of all human odorant sensors have been linked to their single odor. The preliminary data show that the in vivo expression of human odor sensors in mouse olfactory sensory neurons are functional. The objective of this project is to show that in vivo expressed odor sensors, when removed from their biological model system, maintain their functionality (i.e., ex vivo). A secondary objective is to demonstrate that several types of odor receptors, each with an accepted odor profile, will respond as predicted when analyzed ex vivo using a biochemical assay measuring direct activation of odorant receptors. Successful assay development will allow the generation of a viable platform that may be expanded with additional odor receptors to further decode human olfaction.bioMASON Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Efficacy of scaled up optimized urease producing microorganisms for manufacturing biocement binders towards a viable masonry construction material
54 Fairway Road
Asheville, NC 28804-1642
NSF Award
1345928 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2014 – 12/31/2014
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will test the efficacy of high-volume scaled microorganisms with the ability to induce cementation for masonry applications using methods proven at laboratory scale. Sporosarcina Pasteurii, a common non-pathogenic soil bacterium, has the ability to induce the creation of a biocement material, fusing loose grains of aggregate. Mineral growth fills gaps between the aggregate grains, biocementing the particles together in a structural bond, a process that takes a few days or less. The resulting material has a composition and demonstrates physical properties similar to natural sandstone. Traditional masonry manufacturing is reliant upon expensive fuel sources for hardening the final product, and these represent a large percentage of total manufacturing costs. Biocementation at ambient conditions as a method for binding material into masonry units allows a cost advantage by eliminating the need for firing the final product. The objectives of this effort include an extension of the baseline fermentation process for microorganism scale-up, testing of the efficacy of cell recovery, and efficiacy testing of the full-scale masonry product. This research will also focus on testing the process efficacy with inexpensive industrial media in conjunction with high-volume fermentation and recovery practices.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is the demonstration of the commercial viability of an optimized production process for masonry units (bricks) based on biocementation. Over 80% of global construction uses masonry. Masonry manufacturing is a $24 billion business in the US. According to the Carbon War Room, 1.23 trillion fired bricks are manufactured globally each year, emitting over 800 million tons of carbon emissions. Due to increased regulations introduced by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), several masonry companies have had to either shut down or invest significant sums in cleaner production methods due to these associated emissions. Government incentives for green construction, compounded with increasing sustainability concerns - for example, end users such as architects, are specifying the use of more sustainable materials - have created an opportunity for the adoption of "greener" cementitious materials. The societal impacts of this research will include a significant reduction of carbon emissions and the addition of manufacturing jobs in the US. Biocementation has also been investigated for use in soil stabilization and mine recovery. This project will enhance the technological understanding of this process, will help to establish commercial viability, and will generate additional practical data including durability and physical performance.iSono Health, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Compact, Low-cost, Automated 3D Ultrasound System for Regular and Accessible Breast Imaging
177 Townsend St.
San Francisco, CA 94107-5910
NSF Award
1722432 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2017 – 03/31/2019
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This SBIR Phase I project introduces a new paradigm for early monitoring and detection of breast cancer: the Quantified Self Exam. In the United States over 300,000 women are diagnosed and 40,000 women die from breast cancer every year. Breast cancer has a 99% survival rate if detected early, but limitations in cost, sensitivity, accessibility, and convenience of existing screening technologies result in one third of breasts cancers getting missed at early stages. Since treatment for early stage cancer is an order of magnitude less costly than treatment for stage 3 and 4 cancers, there is a clear economic and societal benefit for the development of better breast cancer monitoring and screening tools. To address this challenge, the technology proposed in this project leverages the proven benefits of ultrasound imaging and the newfound power of cloud-based artificial intelligence to provide a regular and accessible self-monitoring tool that can quantify and track suspicious changes in breast tissue. The device portability, low cost, 2 minute scan time, and automated analysis of breast image data will greatly increase the accessibility of breast cancer monitoring for women, which in turn stands to decrease the cost burden of this disease for the US healthcare system.
This SBIR Phase I project proposes to develop a new tool for early detection and monitoring of breast cancer: the Quantified Self Exam (QSE) that combines a low-cost, compact 3D ultrasound device and positioning accessory with artificial intelligence to empower women and their physicians with appropriate and actionable data. The QSE technology proposed in this project operates independent of user skill and captures 3D volumetric images of the whole breast in 2 minutes. The system architecture allows for simplified and low-cost ultrasound hardware that connects wirelessly to a smart phone/tablet and transfers captured data to secure cloud for advanced image processing and storage. The ultrasound scanner attaches to a positioning accessory for repeatable imaging that enables longitudinal 3D monitoring of abnormal growth using machine learning-based image analysis. The proposed Phase I R&D efforts focus on four objectives: (i) optimize electrical hardware and low-level imaging software for spatial resolution and image quality; (ii) build a QSE scanner that maximizes field of view and volumetric integrity; (iii) build a positioning accessory for positioning of the QSE scanner; (iv) demonstrate the longitudinal repeatability of QSE imaging by validating the alignment of 3D ultrasound volumes on a breast phantom.kelaHealth Inc
STTR Phase I: Development of a Machine Learning Platform to Predict Surgical Complications
301 Howard St
San Francisco, CA 94105-0000
NSF Award
1721737 – STTR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2017 – 12/31/2018
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I project is to create a personalized, precision-based practice paradigm for surgery that improves surgical outcomes and reduces the cost of healthcare. This paradigm utilizes individual patient characteristics with machine-learning algorithms to accurately predict the risk of post-surgical complications. Additionally, it offers the possibility of enacting impactful interventions among high-risk patients, while reducing unnecessary therapies among low-risk patients, thereby improving surgical outcomes, maximizing the efficiency of healthcare, and minimizing cost. In a value-based care model, this paradigm aligns the goals of health systems, surgeons, and patients.
The proposed project combines individual patient data with machine-learning algorithms to effectively predict surgical complication risk and improve surgical clinical outcomes. Currently, 13% of 50 million surgical procedures performed in the United States annually result in a surgical complication, half which are potentially avoidable. A primary cause of avoidable complications include significant variable in risk assessment and standardized preventative practice. Therefore, the principal objective of this proposal is to develop machine-learning predictive models of various surgical complications (wound, cardiac, respiratory, renal, etc.), which provides an objective risk assessment for surgeons. Additionally, this risk assessment platform will allow stratification of patients into high- vs. low-risk categories and link patients with risk-appropriate preventative interventions at the point-of-care.nView medical Inc.
SBIR Phase I: 4D reconstruction algorithm for image guided interventions
1350 S Colonial Dr
Salt Lake City, UT 84108-2204
NSF Award
1345401 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2014 – 12/31/2014
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This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will prove the feasibility of a low-dose 4D cone beam tomosynthesis reconstruction algorithm for use in medical image-guided interventions. Despite the availability of highly accurate 3D guidance systems, most image-guided interventions are still performed under 2D fluoroscopy. 3D guidance is significantly more complex and expensive, as it requires the combination of 3D imaging (like CT) with surgical navigation, both expensive and complex technologies. A system capable of reconstructing a 4D scene would provide accurate and easy to use guidance for the medical professional, at lower costs. This research will develop a 3D reconstruction algorithm with quasi real-time performance (4D) that does not increase exposure to x-rays when compared to 2D fluoroscopy. The proposed technology will combine the most recent advancements in tomosynthesis, iterative reconstruction and compressed sensing and fundamentally change image-guided interventions.
The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is that advanced medical procedures, like minimally invasive surgery, will be significantly improved in workflow and accessibility, reducing healthcare costs, improving outcomes and improving quality of life for patients. In the U.S. alone, a 10% shift to minimally invasive spine surgeries can reduce healthcare costs by $180M while reducing patient trauma and providing faster recoveries to 45,000 patients. This technology could be applied in other clinical areas like oncology and interventional radiology, improving a broad array of procedures and bringing a new level of excellence in medical interventions. 4D systems would compete in the intra-operative x-ray medical imaging market, a $1B market that is growing 6% annually, and in the Surgical Navigation market, a $400M market that is growing 9% annually. The proposed concept has the potential to disrupt both these markets by replacing pairs of intra-operative 3D imaging and surgical navigation systems with one 4D system that is more cost effective and easier to use.nView medical Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Enabled 3-Dimensional (3D) Imaging for COVID-19
1350 S Colonial Dr
Salt Lake City, UT 84108-2204
NSF Award
2036690 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
01/01/2021 – 09/30/2021
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project is to improve COVID-19 treatments by providing imaging information to assess the severity and progression of the disease. Chest computed tomography (CT) has been shown to be sensitive to COVID-19 via the observation of ground-glass opacities and is being used on patients with acute symptoms. Practical considerations such as high radiation to the patient and cross contamination risk from moving the patient for imaging must be taken into account in the decision to image with CT. A 3D imaging solution that is low cost, low radiation, and mobile could provide advantages and bring quality of care while integrating efficiently in the hospital workflow. Along with addressing the current crisis, the usage of this solution to address other respiratory diseases would secure strong commercial potential for this research.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project seeks to develop and validate an artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled 3D imaging reconstruction algorithm that can be used to assess the severity and progression of respiratory diseases such as COVID-19. Current chest imaging technologies can either provide adequate image quality or efficient imaging of the lungs, but not both. Two major advances could make the imaging more efficient while also providing the required image quality. Scatter modeling has been shown to be successful in improving image quality when reconstructing from few radiographs; Preliminary data shows how Machine Learning (ML) can be integrated to enhance efficient imaging to provide higher quality images. A 3D image creation algorithm that models X-ray scatter and uses ML to reconstruct 3D images from rapid radiographs will enable using 3D imaging for respiratory diseases including COVID-19. This algorithm will be validated on cadaveric models to assess if an AI-enabled imaging system that is mobile, that can be used bedside, and that is easily draped for sterile utilization is feasible.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.nanoView Diagnostics Inc.
SBIR Phase I: High-Throughput Nanoparticle Characterization for Life Sciences Applications
8 Saint Mary's St
Boston, MA 02215-2421
NSF Award
1721652 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
06/01/2017 – 11/30/2017
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) project is to develop a detection technology that enables scientists and researchers to better understand biological particles circulating in biofluids. This improved understanding would lead to new disease diagnostics that could improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs. The technology being developed allows high-throughput detection and characterization of exosomes, which are nanovesicles produced by cells and released in all biological fluids (e.g., blood, saliva, and urine). Exosomes are being investigated for early detection of diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular, and neurodegenerative disorders, from biofluids without the need of invasive tissue biopsies. Early detection of disease from a simple blood or urine test allows discovery of disease at an earlier point making treatments more effective and reduces the need for costly and invasive procedures that could cause further complications. Furthermore, the same technology being developed also may be used to aid in the manufacturing of next-generation therapeutics that use exosomes to combat cancer, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases.
This SBIR Phase I project proposes to develop a customer-configurable cartridge that will allow customization of biological probes to identify and measure specific populations of exosomes based on their surface markers. Exosomes, which are nanoparticles (50-200 nm) shed by cells into biological fluids, are being investigated for early detection of diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular, and neurodegenerative disorders. Exosomes, which are biologically active, may be found at high concentrations compared to other biomarkers, but their small size makes them very difficult to characterize with current techniques. This proposal is to create a high-throughput platform to address exosome characterization requirements through two development aims: 1) Develop, validate, and demonstrate a disposable microfluidic device that will allow customers to configure the assay for characterization of specific populations of exosomes, and 2) enable robust detection and identification of the smallest populations of low-index exosome nanoparticles, down to 50 nm, allowing complete exosome sizing in a high-throughput platform. The completion of these objectives will result in a product to be sold to researchers working on nanoparticle-based diagnostics and therapeutics.spotLESS Materials Inc.
SBIR Phase I: Anti-Fouling and Anti-Scaling Slippery Surface Coating for Cleaning and Sanitation Applications
State College, PA 16803-2847
NSF Award
1843624 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
02/01/2019 – 01/31/2020
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The broader impact/commercial potential of this Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will be the development of an easy-to-apply anti-fouling, liquid- and sludge-repellent coating aimed to reduce the water footprint, required cleaning frequency, and need for aggressive cleaning chemicals to maintain bathroom fixtures. Advanced ecofriendly technologies that enhance cleaning efficiency are highly sought after in janitorial services for large institutions and homeowners alike. Specifically, the household cleaners market size was valued at $5.79 billion in 2016 in United States, of which ~20% is toilet bowl cleaners that aim to remove bacteria and hard-water stains. From a societal perspective, we estimate that about 6.1 billion gallons of water is flushed down the toilet nationally each day - that is 2.2 trillion gal of water each year in the United States alone. Incorporation of this coating into bathroom fixtures, can significantly reduce the water footprint of bathroom fixtures. Viable low-flow or no-flow toilets may also help help address the open defecation problem affecting over 1 billion people globally.
This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will develop and investigate a new class of viscoelastic-repellent surface coatings with anti-bacterial and anti-scaling functions for cleaning and sanitation industries. Surface coatings that can resist bacteria and mineral fouling while maintaining both liquid and viscoelastic solid repellency are rare. The proposed project will investigate and quantify the coating design parameters required to significantly prevent the attachment of bacteria and mineral deposits, while remaining durable against mechanical abrasions under realistic operating conditions. This SBIR Phase I project will demonstrate that a sprayable surface coating not only can repel both liquids and viscoelastic solids, but can also resist fouling from bacteria and hard water stains without the use of aggressive chemical cleaners or excessive amounts of water. The best coating parameters identified in Phase I project will be considered for pilot tests in Phase II. The development of such a robust, non-fouling coating will offer significant reduction in the use of cleaning chemicals, flush water, and cleaning time, which has the potential to reduce costs associated with sanitation facilities maintenance.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.unspun, Inc.
SBIR Phase I: An additive method for manufacturing customized textile products
2990 Capital Dr
Eugene, OR 97403-1842
NSF Award
1721773 – SBIR Phase I
Award amount to date
Start / end date
07/01/2017 – 02/28/2018
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This SBIR Phase I project will demonstrate a novel method for additively manufacturing textile products. Presently, the clothing manufacturing industry still relies on manual sewing machines that were invented over one hundred and seventy years ago. This system limits the manufacturing process and textile capability; an abundance of steps leads to waste, inefficiencies, and segmented products. Further, due to the low cost of foreign labor, the US textile industry has essentially stalled, as 97.3 percent of all clothing sold in the United States in 2015 was imported. This project seeks to develop a novel method for manufacturing textile products by employing additive manufacturing methodologies to automate the production process, while simultaneously enabling complete customization and on-demand production. This technology will enable premium and competitive textile manufacturing to return from overseas, creating high value-added jobs and a designer community in the United States while also generating tax revenue. In the same way that 3D Printing technology has revolutionized the hard goods manufacturing process, this project seeks to create an entire new industry of additively manufactured textile products, enabling significant opportunities for future innovation.
This project develops a novel technology to manufacture near-net-shape three dimensional textile products. To develop this technology, this project will first prove feasibility through creating constituent textile panels of non-standard shapes with 3D topography, laying the foundation for continued development into fully three-dimensional, seamless, finished products produced in-situ. By additively producing garments from a unique 3D model, complete customization to each individual consumer is possible on a large scale- though this has never before been accomplished. Further, through the on-demand production of clothing customized to individual consumers, the need for substantial inventory buildup is eliminated. In this way, additively manufactured textile products are both more desirable to consumers and more economical to producers. As such, the societal and environmental benefits of automated and on-demand textile manufacturing within the United States are significant, including eliminating massive amounts of waste from typical cut-and-sew manufacturing techniques, revamping a struggling American manufacturing industry, and minimizing the economical, environmental, and geopolitical implications of the United States' current dependence on a convoluted global supply chain.Company Profile
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