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NSF Funded Companies: In Partnership with CEP

These articles were written in partnership with the Chemical Engineering Progress about the work of some of our NSF funded companies.

Biopreservation Material Could End the Wait for Organ Transplants

The global shortage of transplantable organs has long been recognized as a significant challenge in the organ transplant supply chain. Only 10% of the worldwide need for organ transplantation is being met. On average, only 35% of all organs authorized for transplant are actually transplanted. Among the large solid organs, the lungs, intestine, and heart have the lowest utilization, partially due to their very short preservation times.

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Unlocking a Catalytic Pathway to Biobased Maleic Anhydride

A major hurdle in large-scale biofuels deployment is the necessary extensive chemical upgrading of intermediates derived from biomass feedstocks. Such biomass refining technologies are nascent or in conceptual stages. In contrast, crude oil is peerless as a feedstock for liquid fuels, and petroleum refining is mature and optimized.

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