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Chemical Technologies (CT)

Development of OrganoBait synthetic bait, the NSF-Supported projected from Kepley BioSystems to provide an ocean-restorative alternative bait product

Technology topic

Chemical Technologies (CT)

The Chemical Technologies topic covers a wide range of technology areas of current and emerging commercial significance to many areas, including the broad chemical industry; food processing and technology; agrochemicals; chemical alternatives and organics; green chemicals; water treatment and separations; advanced catalysts and materials; and biochemicals. Sensing, data and advanced analytics technologies relevant to these fields are also appropriate for this topic area. Beyond improvement on technical specifications, it is important to also clearly identify the competitive landscape of what is currently possible and why the proposed innovation will have an impact commercially and/or from a societal benefit standpoint.


CT1. Biochemicals
CT2. Catalysts, Advanced Chemicals and Materials
CT3. Chemical and Environmental Sensing and Data
CT4. Food Processing, Chemicals and Agriculture
CT5. Green Chemicals and Chemical Alternatives
CT6. Separations and Water Treatment
CT7. Other Chemical Technologies

Program directors

Anna Brady-Estevez headshot

Anna Brady-Estevez

Samir Iqbal headshot

Samir Iqbal