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Apply for Phase II

Interested in applying for Phase II funding? Review this information before starting your application.

A new SBIR/STTR Phase II solicitation is expected soon.

Read the SBIR/STTR Phase II Solicitation

Eligibility and the basics

  • Only recent NSF SBIR and STTR Phase I awardees may apply for Phase II funding. See your Phase I award letter for details about when you are eligible to submit a Phase II proposal.
  • The purpose of Phase II is to provide funding to continue the research and development you began in Phase I.
  • You are permitted to submit only one Phase II proposal per Phase I award.
  • If your Phase II application is declined, you won’t be able to resubmit it.

Award amount

  • As of 2024, Phase II awards are funded up to $1,250,000 for up to 24 months.

Technical narrative

You must submit a Phase I technical narrative as a component of your Phase II proposal. This is a report describing progress during your Phase I project.

  • If you choose to submit your Phase II proposal after the Phase I project ends, the Phase I final report will fulfill this requirement.

  • If you submit your Phase II proposal before the Phase I project ends, an interim Phase I progress report, based on the format discussed above and covering all relevant progress made to date, should be included in your Phase II proposal.

  • To make the Phase II application process as smooth as possible, the Phase I final or interim report should be prepared offline and uploaded as a stand-alone PDF file.

Submission info

  • A company may generally submit a Phase II proposal anytime between six (6) months and two years (24 months) after the start date of the relevant Phase I award. Details can be found in the Phase II solicitation.
  • You must submit your Phase II SBIR or STTR proposal through
  • If you’re an STTR Phase I awardee, you can now submit a SBIR Phase II proposal (or vice-versa). More information on switching from STTR to SBIR.

Administrative and financial capability reviews

Proposal contents

  • Revisit the Merit Review Criteria.
  • Discuss the commercialization potential to include (1) a required Commercialization Plan and (2) the Phase I Technical Narrative as outlined in the solicitation.
  • Complete and submit four documents: Biographical Sketch(es), Current and Pending (Other) Support forms, Collaborators and Other Affiliations (COA), and Synergistic Activities for the PI, Co-PI (if STTR), and each Senior/Key Personnel specified in the proposal.
  • Submit three Letters of Support from potential product/service users or customers.
  • View the Proposal Preparation and Submission Instructions in the Phase II Solicitation.
  • Reference the Phase II Solicitation guidance on determining salaries for Phase II personnel.
  • You will need to upload a filled version of the “Project Schedule” as part of your Phase II proposal. The template to use is found here: Phase II SBIR-STTR Project Schedule.

Terms and conditions and reporting requirements

The Phase II award is now a fixed amount IP Rights Agremeement with different award terms and conditions, and reporting requirements. More details regarding both award terms and reporting requirements can be found in the solicitation.