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Commercial opportunities

  1. Phase II External Funding (Phase IIB)
    • Extends the R&D efforts beyond the current grant to further accelerate commercialization of the Phase II project
    • Max funding: $500,000 per award, 50% of investment funds not to exceed $500,000 from NSF
    • Requirements: Commitment of at least $100K.
    • Deadline: Must begin process at least 30 days prior to Phase II award expiration.
    • More information
  2. Commercial / Strategic Partnerships (TECP)
    • Funding for additional research that goes beyond the Phase II project’s objectives to meet the technical specifications or additional proof-of-concept requirements. Additional research is anticipated to enhance the commercial potential and lead to partnerships with industrial partners and venture and angel investors.
    • Max funding: 20% of the Phase II award
    • Deadline: Within 18 months of the effective start date of Phase II award
    • More information
    • Proposal / Budget submission instructions Colleague Letter (DCL) NSF 22-063, the maximum request is $40,000.
    • Deadline: Phase II awardees are strongly encouraged to submit their TABA supplemental funding requests as early in the award as possible and at least three months prior to the expiration date of the Phase II award. NSF recommends that companies applying for Phase II budget for TABA in their Phase II proposal. (A program director may, at his or her discretion, accept TABA supplemental requests at any time during the award duration).
    • More information
    • Proposal / Budget submission instructions